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Thealien 09-09-2009 07:50 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project

Originally Posted by jaros44sr (Post 3510030)
(Now you tell me)ROTFLMAO,BTDT
Already got the tinning butter, thanks for the heads up... can you post up a pic of your fuseblock, I would like to see where you plugged in your tach wire...sorry, got you mixed up with Thealien

Now I'm confused. I am thealien? (aren't I) I just plugged mine into ignition unfused (should be fused though).


lks dcvn 09-09-2009 08:40 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Well - thanks for thread jacking me guys...:)

I thought these were some more - man that looks good - or nice work posts - or hey, if you need help welding that windshield frame I will be there messages - instead it's you guys having the time of your life on my thread...:lol:

Not that you guys care - but I got the bolts on the way home from work today and got them installed and dumped some more gas in - now I am a 1/4 tank.

Onto the next problem...

Thealien 09-09-2009 09:04 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
HEY, We're talking here!!

Just kidding, whats the next problem? At least we're keeping you up on top?

lks dcvn 09-10-2009 06:12 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
It might be the body mounts - to get everything lined up again - and prepare it for body work. I am dreading this - because it will likely take me forever to do it and I always run into crap half way through a project that delays me.

Also - the PO when he did the brake work - he used a drum/drum MC so I will swap that over to a correct disk/drum MC since the brakes are a bit crappy...

They work - but if I had to stop quick - it would make me nervous.

I am sure that I will find more as the days go by - the fixes on this truck are pretty easy so far - considering.

Thealien 09-10-2009 08:21 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
The body mounts are not as bad as it seems (could be if everything is rusty). I did mine in my yard with a 4X4 block of wood to span a couple of mounts and a floor jack. When I took the old ones out I POR15d the mounts and area around them which added to the install time. I have a foredom 1/4 horse flexible shaft tool (think dremel on steroids) and used it to cut the weld on my bolts (easier with the 1 1/4 cut off wheels) and no dammage to the bolts/floor.

I would do the brakes first IMHO safety first.

I want to do some rear brake work but I also need to do some rear end work (posi makes noise occaisionally). So typical for me I will want to take everything apart including brake backing plates and paint everything, maybe new brake lines? Something that should/could take a few hours will probably take me a week or two?

When I did my tilt column I ended up taking my seats apart and painted all the mounts and seat bottoms. A couple hour tilt install turned into a couple of days? I like the end result though. Like I said work on the safety first!

Good luck, keep us informed.

lks dcvn 09-10-2009 08:51 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Agree on the brakes being a priority - I will likely pick up a new MC this weekend and swap it in when I get time in the next few weeks.

All of my body mount bolts are rusted solid - imagine a clean bolt and then fill up the threads with rust and then you know what mine look like - :( This will likely equate to cutting them out - which will likely be a pain to do in cramped quarters. It probably needs to be done since my mounts look pretty crappy and the longer I wait- the worse it will get. Maybe my door won't stick anymore - lol:

Is there a better method (front to back or back to front) to do this - I don't really feel like taking out the radiator to get to the front frame ones...

Anybody want to share their method and what worked best - always looking for tips/tricks to save some time - although that never seems to happen.

My windshield frame is toast (as in leaks into cab) and the top isn't really connected to it - so does that change my order to:

replace body mounts - :(
fix windshield frame - which means the top comes off - :metal: finally
secure top to body and windshield frame
rust repair on the lower body (floors, rockers, etc.)

Anybody interested in helping (that means that you will be doing most of the work) me replace a blazer windshield frame - since if I screw this up - it will be a mess. I have access to plenty of adult beverages for after you get done - :) Not sure I have the skill to do this kind of repair (just being honest)

Thealien 09-10-2009 09:15 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Sorry about your rusted bolts, mine were good enough I could reuse them (I didn't like the bolts that came with them). When I did mine I didn't do the radiator support ones. I was going to be taking the radiator support out to do additional work so I saved those two for later.

I just did one side at a time, I started in the back but it shouldn't matter. The new mounts will affect door closings and body alignment (could be better could be worse). I still have to mess with some shims the top of my doors hits the windshield frame. I am going to wait until this winter to mess with it anymore.

Do you have a new windshield frame yet?

lks dcvn 09-10-2009 10:41 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
yes - picked up the w/s frame off another member last year when I was looking to get this Blazer. Rust free - sitting in the basement waiting to be installed at some point down the road.

The PO said he looked forever to find one - I don't remember if I mentioned it to him that I had one or not.

When it rains - water ends up in the front floor boards - so when the PO had the carpet in there - it just held the water and rusted them out - as mentioned in one of the first posts - if he would have removed the carpet - even cutting it out - would have saved the floors from rusting so bad.

Oh well - I didn't pay anything for the Blazer and swapped it out for a C/20 to get it so I don't mind putting the time and expense into it (yet). :)

Arizonak5 09-11-2009 01:08 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Even with the rust issues thats is a clean blazer man nice work on the body too, i love seeing 69-72 blazers saved! amen brother!

lks dcvn 09-14-2009 10:09 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Got to play the game called - "try and burn down the truck" yesterday...yikes!

I needed to move the Blazer since it was in the opening to the back yard and I got the call to paint my Dad's truck - this guy had to move out of the way.

So after replacing the gas tank - I couldn't keep the thing running. I could pour gas down the carb and it would run for a bit and then die out.

I checked the lines and found a crappy rubber line at the fuel filter (which was rusted anyway) in the engine bay and a line near the tank was kinked over...duh. Time to hit the parts store.

While I was in there I replaced the fuel filter with a metal WIX filter from O'Reilly and then fixed the line kink problem - then it fired right over - :metal:

I moved it out of the way to get the truck (70 LWB) onto the driveway for sanding/paint to follow. I parked it behind my garage and went to work on my Dad's truck for a few hours...

After painting a bit I went back to do some work on the Blazer. I wanted to check the body mounts closely and then try to clean up some other stuff while I had the time and nice weather...

So I hop in and it fires right up instantly - (it used to take a few times to start up). I get out and the strong smell of fuel hits me - I run to the hood and pop it to see the fuel line going into the carb disconnected and spewing gas all over the engine - :eek:

I cut the engine off and disconnect the battery instantly and then start the cleanup process. I had some simple green sitting right there that was mixed with hot water and so I doused the engine with it and then used some paper towels to soak/wipe up the excess - now the engine bay is a little cleaner - but that scared the crap out of me.

I fixed the line, replaced the clamps and then buttoned it back up and gave it a test fire - runs like a champ...

Just needs some TLC now - brakes, exhaust, interior, rust repair, etc.

VA72C10 09-14-2009 10:24 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Glad you were there at the truck...think if you had started it up to let it warm up and walked away.....or even turned it off and walked away with all the gas sitting on the hot engine...

lks dcvn 09-16-2009 09:27 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
5 Attachment(s)
Since I mentioned it in my list of upcoming things I need to do - I guess I should show pix of how the body mounts look now (or at least how they looked on the 13th) - :)

This is going from the driver side front to the back and then around to the passenger side and then up toward the front - some are worse than others - but I think I should replace all of them before I do any body work or remove the top.

First batch here is mostly the driver side...

lks dcvn 09-16-2009 09:29 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
5 Attachment(s)
Then on to the two back mounts and then up the passenger side...

lks dcvn 09-16-2009 09:32 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
1 Attachment(s)
last one - I will order a kit here in a few weeks - after I get my Dad's truck done and get going on this thing...

I will need to order a kit with bolts since most of these things will snap when I put any torque to them (the gas tank bolts did - 1 turn=snap)

I hope to get this done before the snow starts here - so I can start some bodywork in the cold months this time in the garage - :metal:

hgs_notes 09-16-2009 09:45 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
So thats what those rear mounts look like. Mine are so far gone, it's just air and iron oxide now. If you get a chance would you measure the hieght of those rear mounts on the tub? I'm going to have to make a pair.

lks dcvn 09-17-2009 08:03 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
I can do that (get measurements) tonight/tomorrow - I am off work tomorrow (hopefully finishing the paint job on my Dad's truck). :metal:

lks dcvn 09-17-2009 07:21 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
1 Attachment(s)
Looks to be right at/under 3" - don't know if that metal at the bottom is a washer or part of the metal mount (yet).

Thealien 09-17-2009 07:40 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Is this the area you are talking about?

I can get pics and measurement of any of my mounts, they are all new and solid?

Thealien 09-17-2009 07:44 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
or these?

Just trying to help you out?

hgs_notes 09-17-2009 09:38 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I think I can make something that will work up there with some square tubing, when I get to that point.

TonyJohnson 09-25-2009 11:16 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project

lks dcvn 10-26-2009 04:03 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Well - I have been working on other things so I haven't spent too much time on this...

But I did get some other work started on it.

I swapped the passenger/driver seat brackets so I didn't have a ripped driver seat anymore. I lubed up the channels and cleaned the seat up so I could sit down on it and not be dirty when I got out.

I cleaned up the inside a bit more and bought all the stuff I needed to do the body mount swap...if I get the time and weather on my side this week - I will be swapping the new stuff in. Wish me luck...I am ready to cut the bolts out and get started when the items arrive.

I will likely be cleaning up the mounts and putting some rust prevention ( paint on them while I am in there.

Then I can look at the rust repairs and see where I stand. I am hoping to work on this through the winter this year depending on what happens with my storage contact.

I want to store the 69 Blazer and the 95 Impala SS and make some room in the garage to work on this indoors when the snow flies this year.

lks dcvn 10-31-2009 06:46 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
5 Attachment(s)
I didn't realize what a pain this project would be to swap the body mounts and bolts...

Except for the last two (position 5 at the tailgate) bolts - I had to drill out the head on each of the bolts and then bang them through from the top. I attached a pic of what I was working with - yikes.

I started at 9am and quit for dinner and trick or treaters around 6.

So in that time I got 9 of the 10 replaced (I have the driver floor mount to do yet tomorrow).

Each mount got a layer of rust prevention paint and then put back together. I attached a fex pix during the process and a few that are done waiting to be tightened up.

Right now the psgr door won't latch so it will need to be checked for alignment/shimming...

Once I see how the both doors open/close I will shim accordingly, tighten up the mounts and then check out the rust repair needs - :(

Chevyman63 10-31-2009 09:04 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Good job...your one step closer.

lks dcvn 11-02-2009 10:35 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Got the last bolt (driver floor) out on Sunday morning - PITA!

Had to cut the floor around it to get it out since it was rusted/welded all the way around and it would not release - that shouldn't really matter since I will likely be replacing the floors anyway.

After that fiasco I checked the doors - had to add a few shims here and there, but the doors open/close as they should.

After I went to put the driver floor pan bolt back in - it wouldn't go in - it was like the body had shifted and wouldn't allow the bolt to drop through the mount/frame...WTF!

All the other bolts lining up with the mounts were OK for the most part - one of the rears was tricky - but it eventually went back in.

Now I know I will have to remove that bolt again to get the new floors back in - :( How can I get this shifted back over to drop the bolt through the floor mount when I replace the driver side floor metal - any advice?

So - now the first step of the process is out of the way for rust repairs...

1. Replace Body Mounts if crappy - done
2. Have Top Bolted to the Body & Windshield Frame - my w/s frame is rusted out so the top isn't bolted to it - any advice here on how to proceed?

hgs_notes 11-02-2009 11:01 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
If there is not a lot of misalignment on the bolt hole, you might be able to just run a drill bit through it to clean up the hole edges and drop the bolt through. I had to do this on my cab after replacing the floor pans. I have an extra windshield frame you can PM me if interested.

lks dcvn 11-06-2009 12:28 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Should I get the windshield frame replaced before taking off the doors and starting to work in the floors? I can get a picture of how it looks when I get home so you can see what I am working with.

I only ask because everybody says to keep the top bolted on to keep the things aligned when cutting out/replacing rusty metal - well that doesn't seem to be an option at this point since the frame is rusted out pretty good so there is nothing to bolt to.

Just want to make sure I can keep this stuff lined up when I start the dismantle process over the winter for rust repair.

I would hate to do this more than once - :)

Looking forward to hearing advice/comments on this.

lks dcvn 11-06-2009 02:41 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
5 Attachment(s)
Here are some pix of my windshield frame...

lks dcvn 11-06-2009 02:43 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
5 Attachment(s)
few more pix...curious to hear what you guys think.

As you can see the top isn't bolted on at the front so if I start cutting - :eek:

vtblazer 11-08-2009 08:09 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project

Originally Posted by lks dcvn (Post 3605733)
I only ask because everybody says to keep the top bolted on to keep the things aligned when cutting out/replacing rusty metal - well that doesn't seem to be an option at this point since the frame is rusted out pretty good so there is nothing to bolt to.

Just want to make sure I can keep this stuff lined up when I start the dismantle process over the winter for rust repair.

Keeping the top bolted down is basically the 'easiest' way of making sure things stay put but it's not the 'only' way to get it done accurately.

Having the correct measurements and a couple of strategically placed supports are all you really need.

Look at the skillz your building. :metal:

hgs_notes 11-08-2009 09:44 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
If you lift the top off the windshield frame to replace the frame I don't think it will matter much for the other repairs. You can bolt it back down and all the other work is on the bottom end.

lks dcvn 11-08-2009 07:21 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
5 Attachment(s)
Had some nice weather today so I started to look at the rust on this thing...

I didn't want to remove the door yet - so I got to what I could with it still on and found quite a bit of work ahead - :(

I cleaned about 5 lbs of rust/dirt/nest out of the psgr side rocker and torsion box alone...

lks dcvn 11-08-2009 07:25 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
5 Attachment(s)
I then turned to the rear quarter which I could tell had some bondo in it - little did I know how much - :crazy:

At least I know what I am working with now.

Floor Pans, A Pillar for sure, B Pillar for sure, Inner Rocker, Outer Rocker, etc.

LOT of work ahead.

OK - what do I need to do to get a volunteer to come help and teach me how to weld - :)

1949gmc 11-12-2009 05:30 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Hey. Why don't you bring this thing to my shop and we'll get yours and mine knocked out at the same time. Looks like we're going thru the same things. You buy the beer and pizza.

lks dcvn 11-12-2009 05:54 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
That would be great - that way we can scratch our heads in unison and curse GM for not putting any rust prevention on any of their metal at the factory...

Actually, I don't know when I would have time to get it there, do the work and get it back home.

Most of my weekends get booked up with crap months in advance and I need to 'strategically' find ways to work on these things when I can.


I could use the help trust me...

scottydawg 11-12-2009 08:31 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Holy crap, it looks like the rust is holding it together! Careful with the grinder :)

1949gmc 11-13-2009 05:22 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project

Originally Posted by lks dcvn (Post 3616720)
That would be great - that way we can scratch our heads in unison and curse GM for not putting any rust prevention on any of their metal at the factory...

Actually, I don't know when I would have time to get it there, do the work and get it back home.

Most of my weekends get booked up with crap months in advance and I need to 'strategically' find ways to work on these things when I can.


I could use the help trust me...

Ahh, that's okay. I was looking for a pizza/beer sponsor. Mostly for the pizza. The hardest part about working on a project like this is finding the time.

lks dcvn 11-15-2009 04:42 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
5 Attachment(s)
Removed the torsion box end cap on the psgr side and got a few new pix of the carnage...

Once I get the cars in the garage moved to long term storage I can really tear into this side at a time.

Sacramento70 11-17-2009 01:31 AM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
Rust is a terrible disease that kills many trucks every year. Are you protected, contact your doctor for the proper medication:lol::lol:

lks dcvn 11-29-2009 08:02 PM

Re: 1972 Blazer - 'Bullet' Project
5 Attachment(s)
Got some work done over the holiday weekend...:metal:

Few steps closer to welding. Removed the door, hood, bumper and psgr fender to get to the psgr side A pillar rust.

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