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STOCKISH 10-21-2010 12:51 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
Sweet! Looking forward to more pics!

Puglia10 10-21-2010 12:57 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
Thanks bud! It's a little overwhelming trying to figure out how to put everything back together(I didn't take it apart) plus doing the 6.0 swap, but I think I'll be able to figure it out with the help of this site, it's been awesome so far! (Plus everyone keeps saying I'll never be able to do it, so I want to prove them wong!) Sweet build by the way, I've been following yours and menace's closely! Just awesome! Hopefully someday I'll be there too.

Puglia10 10-21-2010 05:24 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
So I'll need to make a decision on coils pretty soon, looking for opinions. Would you just use the originals and cut them or buy new ones? On a budget but want to do it right, so if I need them I'll get them. I just won't know how much lower I want the front to have a SLIGHT rake after a flip kit and 3in spindles, can't have my oil pan dragging but I do prefer the front about an inch lower than the front with these trucks. Maybe a 1in coil drop for a total of 4?
Posted via Mobile Device

mooseknuckles 10-24-2010 10:59 AM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
cut one coil off the springs, with the spindles that should give you what your looking for.

Puglia10 10-24-2010 06:13 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
isnt one coil two inches?

mooseknuckles 10-24-2010 10:20 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
I wanted the same look on mine, and I thought of doing just a half a coil at a time, but I wasn't taking it apart again and I wanted it low anyways so I cut a whole coil off. With the spindles it was around a 4-5" drop, and with the flip in the back it was 5-6". And now it has bags in the front and as it sits it has about 7" drop, and the back has a c-notch and I moved the spring hangers up on the frame so the rear has about 9" of drop. Soon I will be bagging the rear end as well.

Gordonr1973 10-27-2010 08:59 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
subscribed...and reading while I watch the World Series!

79gmcclassic 10-28-2010 12:22 AM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
cant wait to see this build!!

Puglia10 10-28-2010 12:30 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
thanks guys, STILL waiting on the welder! >:( but hopefully some updates soon! at least some pics of the boxes of parts arriving at my house :) including rear discs!

Puglia10 10-28-2010 01:22 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
Waiting on an email back for these 20s! Wasnt in the plans because I dont have 2k for nice wheels and tires but for this price I might make the trip and scoop em up! What do you think?

menace121978 10-28-2010 01:42 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
:metal: nice job buddy!! heck of a deal on the wheels too!;)

Gordonr1973 10-28-2010 11:25 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
Rims are what everyone says to buy last when you do a build --- but I always wind up buying them first for some reason...

These look like a decent set that you could sell and get your money back if you decide to go with something else later on.

Good thing is that they come with tires....and they would be good for deciding your drop / stance etc etc so I'd buy them now either way.

So, maybe offer him $500 and see if he bites?

Puglia10 10-29-2010 12:06 AM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
Haha yeah had no plans on buying new wheels yet, but stumbled upon these so I'll grab them if the price is right! I was also thinking of offering 500 and see what he says, but he still hasn't answered my first email/voicemail 8 hours ago, so I guess we'll see! I hope it works out
Posted via Mobile Device

Puglia10 11-09-2010 12:27 AM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
forgot to update this but the wheels were already sold :(
oh well! ive got plenty of time the big cross member (?) in the other day, was quite the project since i found out my frames tweaked for an accident when the PO had it! but thats fixed now...time for pressing bushings and installing control arms. should i be putting loctite or anti seize on everything/anything?

Puglia10 12-01-2010 01:17 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
Hasnt been much for progress with school and work, hope to make a big dent come xmas break though. I did get some goodies! :)
LMC came...
And blackbird rear disc conversion from "Stitch"!
I gotta finish getting this ready for the winter, then its back to the truck!

nbpro 12-01-2010 02:05 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
Nice project

Puglia10 12-01-2010 05:57 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
thanks :)

Puglia10 12-01-2010 05:59 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
forgot to add the 2wd 4l80e out of an 04 2500hd!

Puglia10 01-20-2011 02:27 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
opinions or ideas what to do about these crushed bumpstop pieces?

Gordonr1973 01-20-2011 05:15 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
a) Build replacements and keep the arms

b) replace the entire arm

Depends on whether you have access to a welder or replacements....

Puglia10 01-20-2011 05:42 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
I wont replace them as new ones are expensive and these have new bushings and balljoints now. I do have access to a welder but am not sure how to recreate them. Does it have to be exact? I dont have measurements or anything. I guess I need to know what each piece does and how important they are. I know the slit is for the rubbber to go in, but what about the part on the right with the hole?

Gordonr1973 02-02-2011 04:00 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
I have no idea what that part of it might be a stop for something to hit it in a turn??

I think if you can build up the bump stop side and cut off the other side of it cleanly, maybe do that but keep those cut off pieces so you could rebuild it on down the road.

Or try to find a bent control arm set at the wreckers that have these pieces intact and maybe get a deal on them?

Cherub 02-08-2011 09:00 AM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
I used an air chistle and took mine off. Energy suspension makes tons of bump stops that you could use inplace of this one If you had to have one.

Puglia10 02-08-2011 10:22 AM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
So do you not run any bumpstop at all? What's your suspension setup? How does it ride, any problems or pics? Thanks!
Posted via Mobile Device

silvereagle07 02-08-2011 12:56 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
The previous owner of my truck removed the bumpstops. I have since lowered it 6/8 and I cant notice a real difference unless you ride it hard.

Puglia10 02-08-2011 01:15 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
Took off just the rubber bump stop or that whole piece? Thanks

mooseknuckles 02-08-2011 01:18 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
1 Attachment(s)
I cut my bumpstops off, I left the steering stop part on ,but I've seen others cut the whole thing off with no problems!

Puglia10 02-24-2011 10:16 AM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
UGH! Sorry not updates fellas, I was hoping to be done by this summer or fall and I haven't gotten much done at all. Full time student with an internship and a night job, I'm gone every day from like 8am-midnight, so progress will be slow but hopefully I'll get some weekends in once snowmobile season is over, and make big progress after I'm done in May! I'll keep you posted on whatever I do get done tho, and some more questions before I make final decisions. Have a good one
Posted via Mobile Device

silvereagle07 02-24-2011 02:39 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?

Originally Posted by Puglia10 (Post 4471406)
Took off just the rubber bump stop or that whole piece? Thanks

They removed the whole thing.

watahyahknow 07-11-2011 12:34 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?

Puglia10 07-14-2011 11:14 AM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
the pics wont work for some reason, but I finally got some time and fixed the bumpstops, painted the control arms and put them all on, also painted the all four discs and drop spindles, and got the springs back from the powdercoater. :metal:

Unfortunately I am so busy with other things and a little tight for money as a college student, Im afraid I wont get it done, or at least not as well as how I had once hoped. I have tossed around the idea of selling it, but cant imagine theres much of a market for a truck this far apart.:fb:

All the hard work is done, the frame and rear end is blasted and painted, have a complete LQ4, 2wd 4l80e, bolt on 4link, drop spindles, rear discs, lots of great parts that would make a sick truck. And this thing is from down south and never seen a winter, no RUST! :chevy:

Im just not sure what to do, it could be put back together pretty quick with all nice parts, Im just not sure if I have the time or knowledge to do so....:waah: This has been bugging me for a while, not sure what to do....

Pyrotechnic 07-15-2011 03:23 AM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
I'm in the same boat as you. I have so much I want to do to mine but I'm barely making it every month as far as money.

All I can say is stick with it, try to do it the best you can and just focus on getting it together and running. It's easy to set the bar so high that you put so many obstacle out in front of you that you can never get through. Just keep in mind that when time and money allow, you can go back later and redo things how you want. Do things the best you can with what you have.

So what if it's running around with faded paint and no interior? I ran mine with glass packs bolted right to the headers, no carpet, no A/C as a daily driver for awhile. Just have fun with it however you can.

motornut 07-15-2011 08:36 AM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
don't sell it
find some where you can just park it safely for a while....
put it back together,it's not a race it's the end result!
and keep it forever

watahyahknow 07-15-2011 07:55 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
i agree if you have the chance to work on it bits at the time do it read up on wat youre working on , if not try to find a place to store it fry for some time , its wat im doing a the moment untill im back financially and have a workplace for the pickup again

truckzilla 02-05-2012 01:55 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
Haven't seen any news for half a year now. I hope you didn't quit.

Puglia10 02-13-2012 07:49 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
Haven't sold it, but also haven't touched it :( I'm not sure what to do. The money and time just aren't there to finish it right now...

watahyahknow 02-14-2012 02:33 AM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
as long as it doesnt cost you too mush sitting there , put it on jackstands and preserve the truck and leave it untill you have cash to work on it again
make sure the truck is closed off whell agains vermon as they eat trough wiring and seats at an alarming rate

Puglia10 08-15-2012 08:47 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
Well, I havent made much progress, am currently unemployed with a torn ACL and broken leg from a motorcycle accident and putting everything up FOR SALE :( Hopefully someones looking for a nice project...just paid my subscription and will make a for sale thread soon. If anyone is interested, PM me. Selling with or without the 6.0/4l80e.
Located in Northeastern Mass, 20 min from Boston.

Puglia10 08-15-2012 09:05 PM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
Some more pics...
Where the frame has been hanging out...
brand new built rear end
all new bushings/ball joints
Oblonged cab mount was fixed

watahyahknow 08-16-2012 12:58 AM

Re: Project mouthful-80 c10-6.0?
darn i wish i had the cash for it , sorry to hear about youre bad luck hope you get a good price for the truck and get on top again soon

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