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Dan in Pasadena 05-14-2011 10:58 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Ok you guys, I got the 15x7 vintage Torque Thrusts mounted today. Since this will be a weekend, Home Depot driver for a while so I bought used, but excellent tires from CL. I was looking for 235/70's and ended up with 237/75's. A bit taller (1/2") than the 70's but honeslty on this truck, at stock height it looks fine. It looks like an old guy's truck...which it IS!:lol:

Daughter borrowed my camera but I'll have it back tomorow and will post. I still have to find the small machine screws to put the center caps on anyway. They're cool "SoCal Speed Shop" caps from back in the day.

STARTER PROBLEM: The PO told me I'd sometimes have to hit the starter solenoid with a screwdriver(!) when the truck is hot. It happened today but luckily I was at a friend's house so I just hung out til it cooled. When the starter works, it works fine. No grinding, nothing. So I'm wondering if it needs a new starter or if I should just buy a replacement solenoid? What are your opinions? Yes, I know & agree about "while you're in there" - but its about $65-70 at NAPA vs $16-18 for just the solenoid. Frankly, I can use the $50 difference for other things on the truck right now. Like new plugs & wires, etc.

Also, does anyone have any experience with upgrading an old points type distributor to an electronic via the Pertronix kit? Advice appreciated.

waybad 05-15-2011 09:21 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window

Dan in Pasadena 05-15-2011 09:59 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
I promised photos ... and my daughter hasn't made it over with my camera (surprising, huh?;)) SO here are some admittedly terrrible cell phone pix so at least you can kinda see what I was up to this weekend.

$40 to dismount the tires from the F150 rims they came on, mount, balance and remove replace existing slots on it. Oh, and repair one screw hole I hadn't noticed when I bought the tires. I also bought a set of chrome lug nuts with locks from Pep Boys for I think $27 so I don't feel I'm in it for too much. To you younger guys, yes the sidewalls are tall and the truck needs to be lowered. But for a driver I'm liking the tire-to-wheel well distance in the rear and in the front if I can at least cut in half the distacne from the top of tire to the wheel well I'll be happy for awhile. Anyway, I'm so happ to have matching, safe rubber on it that is balanced and hold air!:lol: The ride back on the freeway felt like a Lexus compared to the ride over!!

I was told these are original SoCal Speed Shop caps from back in the day, BEFORE the shop was resurrected as it is now. ANyway, I like them alot.

Kim57 05-16-2011 12:00 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Nice looking wheels.

hardwaa 05-16-2011 12:58 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
SUPER COOL truck. Glad to see you are Driving it and did not tear it apart. Enjoy it. This is a truck most people will look at and say Why don't I have one of these?

ChuckDriver 05-16-2011 08:23 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
I like it!

Rude Dude 05-16-2011 09:04 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
I installed a Petronix magnetic pick up on a Model A coupe with SBC (Since Sold), cost was $80 dollars was real easy there was no modification to distributor. All you do shim distance from cam lobe to mag pick up, it is pretty easy just follow instructions,they are very good.:ito:

Dan in Pasadena 05-16-2011 12:46 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window

Originally Posted by hardwaa (Post 4682607)
...This is a truck most people will look at and say Why don't I have one of these?

Kinda like YOURS!

Yours is the SUPER COOL truck. I can't wait til mine is improving appearence wise.

I've still got to R&R the rearend fluid - maybe today. And I have to throw in new plugs, wire, cap, rotor. For the time being just to get it running tip top I think I'll just put in new points & condensor. Haven't done THAT job in about 35 years!!:lol:

sgtusmc 05-16-2011 02:19 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Dan, I'm really enjoying this build. That tail gate looks sharp. Keep up the good work Buddy!

Kabwe 05-16-2011 02:26 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Nice truck congrats on your purchase. I will be looking forward to your updates.

Dan in Pasadena 05-16-2011 04:05 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Sarge and Kabwe on the same day? I'm honored.

My truck will never be as nice or as custom as your two but it will be as loved! This hardly qualifies as a "build". I suppose its a refurbishment or something.

Going this afternoon to see if anyone still actually carried "points & condensor" ha ha. The joke in my head is I finally own a vehicle I'm qualified to work on. I LITERALLY haven't changed points and set the dwell on a car in what? 35 years!

Anyway, thanks guys for sending well wishes, Dan

Kabwe 05-17-2011 05:18 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena (Post 4683632)
Sarge and Kabwe on the same day? I'm honored.

My truck will never be as nice or as custom as your two but it will be as loved! This hardly qualifies as a "build". I suppose its a refurbishment or something.

Anyway, thanks guys for sending well wishes, Dan

Nope I'm honored that you think that much of my build. And about the well wishes that's what its all about man. I'm glad you are enjoying your ride. That's just cool.

Dan in Pasadena 05-19-2011 10:31 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Okay, I promised some better-than-crappy-cell-phone-pictures and here they are. My truck wearing "new" vintage shoes. I want to polish that outer lip but I'll get to it...eventually.

I also finished grinding out the spot welds the original owner used to hold a thick piece of sheet metal down over the wood floor. As expected the wood is shot. A lot rotted and I pulled it out by hand. Incredibly, there is ZERO cancer under that plate! Even though there was dirt packed solid and hard around the edge - which was undoubtedly wet over the years - there's no rot through. Not even that much surface rust.

I also found one of those Velcro heat shields for my starter today at O'Reilly's. Haven't installed it yet but once I do I intend to take the truck out for a long drive to see if it works.

Dan in Pasadena 05-19-2011 10:42 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
I bought one of those fiber type paint and rust remover wheels and I also have a small sandblaster. If I use either and can get all the visible surface rust, what do I use as a final "wash" of some kind before priming? Should I prime with epoxy primer, or what?

Kim57 05-20-2011 12:00 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Looking good Dan.

ChuckDriver 05-20-2011 08:52 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Looking better everyday!

FFredo 05-20-2011 10:11 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Dan, I just saw and read this thread. Very nice truck, I wish mine was in that shape when I bought it last month. Your truck is a dimond in the not so rough. Congrats, I'm realy digging the small touches like your choice of wheel and tire.
A cpl of years a go I redid a 63 econoline. Like you I didnt know how to mig weld but the 63 had so much cancer I had to learn. A cpl of cokes while watching a butt load of youtube vids and I was off and running. My advice is spend as much as you can on a welding hood. Being able to see is half the battle when welding.
Remember the pomona swap is coming up soon. Save your pennys and take a good pair of walking shoes, steal your neighbors kids little red wagon for hauling your loot back to the truck at the end of the day.

Dan in Pasadena 05-20-2011 10:14 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Thanks all you guys - Kim, Chuckdriver, & Fredo (you broke my heart!:lol: Sorry, a little "Godfather" humor. I couldn't help myself)

Today I got home a bit early and put the vlecro insulating blanket on my starter. Drove to a buddy's house, let it sit for 5 minutes then went out and it started right up - excellent, I thought. After an hour or so, I left. Stopped off at Pep Boys to return wouldn't start. Took well over an hour for it to cool enough. This is well after the headers were cool enough I could touch them...FRUSTRATING!:waah: I guess a mini high torque starter is in my future afterall...AND I'll reinstall that insulating blanket since I kind effed it up!

I also pulled the differential cover off my 10 bolt. Here's what I saw:

I don't know Jack about differentials but I don't THINK this is a posi, is it? My truck is so damn tall I didn't lift it to drain it so I couldn't rotate the wheels to count the teeth. What I could reach I counted so 18 teeth on the pinion and about 37 teeth on the ring gear. I know that's not accurate but I'm hoping one of you more experience guys can tell me what my final drive ratio is likely? PO told me he thought it was 3.37:1. Does that sound right to you?

Anyway, cleaned her out and found no mettallic bits at all. Fluid was brownish...kinda dirty but didn't smell. Buttoned her back up with new gasket, a bit of RTV and put new synthetic fluid in it - 32oz. bottle, is that enough?

Tomorrow? Replace a broken wheel stud, cut out the remaining wood in the bed, clean up/paint bed strips (& set aside, start wire wheeling/sanding the bed interior for primer. Let's see how much of all that I get done!

Dan in Pasadena 05-21-2011 02:05 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Well, it sucks to be me right now. I post about my truck on another board and someone who saw the above picture posted THIS:

"Number one, the bolt that retains the spider gear shaft is broken off, did you find the head? Not a good thing to have floating around in there. Number two, you need to rotate the carrier, that's the part that the ring gear is bolted to, so we can look inside to tell if it's a posi. Number three, if you look on the end of the pinion gear it probably is stamped with the gear tooth count. If you had rolled the truck forward or back for enough to look inside of the carrier you could have probably seen the stamping on the pinion. Number four, It should take a little more than two quarts of oil, you want to fill it until a little runs back out of the hole.

Good pictures...You need to get that bolt out and install a new one. I've seen them after the pin slid out because of a broken retaining bolt, it locks up the rear end and you might as well junk it. Once you remove the retainer don't let the pin slide out and drop the gears. It can drive you nuts getting the spider gears phased where the pin will line up. The rear end in the picture is a posi, you can see the spring in the middle of the carrier. It sucks to reinstall that spring if you have to remove it."

So, EFF me! I'm in for some work. Not tomorrow, but I won't be driving the truck til I get this sorted out. Damn....but I guess its better than a lot of bad cancer in the truck. Wish me luck. Anyone with experience on getting this broken bolt out, please chime in.

Dan in Pasadena 05-21-2011 07:58 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Back to the "fun" stuff (No, haven't fixed rearend yet). I pulled the remaining wood from my bed and started sanding. I ended up only doing one side of the bed in & out as there were a LOT of scratches to be feathered out. It's not perfect but for over 50 years old its in truly amazingly undented shape.

Wood I couldn't get out by hand was still fairly strong. Sawzall took care of it..mostly!

Forgot to take a picture after sanding, sorry.

Sanded/painted rear around tailgate I forgot to do previously. At least its all one color from ONE point of view!

Dan in Pasadena 05-21-2011 08:08 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Another small job I did was start repairing my cracked original steering wheel.

Fairly bad cracks, hope it works! Here's how it looked to start:

A lot of advice online says to widen out the cracks with a file. I did that before on my '46 and made them too wide. I used my Dremel this time to minimally "clean" the crack inside, blew it out and used JB Quik Weld (I may regret not using regular JB but its what I had without going out!)

Gotta leave a heavy "scab" of JB on the surface so you don't have to fill a second time-though you frequently do anyway. Tomorrow, I will thoroughyl sand and feather it all out, prime and paint later in the week.

BlueJeep 05-22-2011 12:29 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
When you take another look at that diff, I bet it's a roll pin that holds the cross shaft into the carrier, as opposed to a bolt.

Great looking truck!

flatbed51 05-22-2011 07:57 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Love the Torque Thrust wheels!!!!!

Dan in Pasadena 05-22-2011 11:43 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window

Originally Posted by BlueJeep (Post 4693135)
When you take another look at that diff, I bet it's a roll pin that holds the cross shaft into the carrier, as opposed to a bolt.

Great looking truck!

Man, don't I wish! Are you speaking from experience by any chance? Please, plase, oh please!:lol:


Originally Posted by flatbed51 (Post 4693336)
Love the Torque Thrust wheels!!!!!

Thanks Don, me too. I know they're most likely not REAL vintage TT-D's (anyone know how to tell for certain?) but the guy I bought them from said he'd had them from the mid 70's. Iroically, he'd been savingthem for a '55 Chevy Handyman wagon but was losing his business so he was selling off pretty much everything. I wish I'd had the cash to buy that wagon. It was in the same kinda shape as this truck.

BlueJeep 05-22-2011 11:06 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena (Post 4693621)
Man, don't I wish! Are you speaking from experience by any chance? Please, plase, oh please!:lol:

Yes, I am. I've built 100+ axles (dana, ford, GM corporate, Toyota, etc.). I've seen carriers with bolts and carriers with roll pins, but I'd say better than 50% of the ones I've done have been roll pins. Get a can of brakleen, a good light, and a pick and you'll be able to figure it out.

Dan in Pasadena 05-22-2011 11:34 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
BlueJeep, You're gonna be a life saver if it turns out there's no broken bolt. I'll DEFINITELY post pic's of what I find after I've lifted, drained, Brakleened and examined. Again, thank you for your interest and advice, Dan

LakeShow24 06-07-2011 02:59 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
nice truck. any updates?

01spirit750 06-07-2011 10:00 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Nice truck.

Your starter problem sounds to me like the solenoid.

Too bad I live up in the Silicon valley area, I have a fairly new starter I would give you.

You might try replacing the solenoid. You will have to remove the starter to replace the solenoid.


floridasteve 06-07-2011 01:55 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
1 Attachment(s)
I am not an expert by any streetch of the imagination, but my first thought was that there was no broken bolt. I cracked the rear cover of a 67 Camaro 10 bolt posi rear I have in the garage (future install). Sure enough it is a pin and not a broken bolt, you should be fine with it like it is. I have put a photo in just to show you mine.

I hope this help ease your mind.

Dan in Pasadena 06-07-2011 07:44 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Thanks guys for all the interest and advice. I haven't opened the rearend cover again becasue I haven't driven the truck - been out of town. Since my last posting I've finished the steering wheel repair and painted it. I've spent a couple hundred on small parts like tail light brackets, window anti rattle strips, locking gas cap, tranny floor cover, etc but haven't installed anything. I'll get some new pics and post them perhaps tonight. Thansk again for the interest, Dan

Wheelie 06-07-2011 09:12 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Super clean truck! I wish mine truck body was as clean as yours. Score on the bed too!

Dan in Pasadena 06-07-2011 10:21 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window

Originally Posted by Wheelie (Post 4723372)
Super clean truck! I wish mine truck body was as clean as yours. Score on the bed too!

Well, turns out it's not QUITE as rust free as I orignally thought:waah:

Ha, ha, some surprise there,huh? A 50+ year old truck with some cancer?! I was sanding the edges of the doors this morning so I could primer them before installing the new door seals and found some minimal (appearing) rust-through on the door bottoms. They are tiny holes but of course when I get in there it'll undoubtedly be more. I need to look up a thread on repairing door bottoms in case I have to peel back the door skins. But thanks for the kind words. I'm loving working on this truck bit by bit. On one hand I want to do it all at once and on the other, I enjoy doing one thing perfectly (well, close...for a frame-on) and then moving on to the next.

FFredo 06-08-2011 10:58 AM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Welcome back Dan, I've been waiting to see your next bit of progress.
Sorry I dont know what a door seal retainer is either. I know there are new seals on my truck if I remember I'll take a look tonight after work and if it's there I'll snap a pic.

Dan in Pasadena 06-08-2011 12:18 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Thanks Fredo.

I found a CL ad for (supposedly) rust free doors for as low as $60 ea. in Phoenix. Fortunately, I've got family there who visit L.A. often, so I could get them here. Just wondering from those that have done it...IF the "carcass" of these $60 doors is truly rust free isn't that a better deal than tryng to repair mine? The patch panels cost and I need to buy weld supplies-not to mention I need to practice. Plus, my doors each have two speaker holes in them I would have to repair. Possibly the Phoenix ones don't have holes (Yeah, a longshot I agree)

Your thoughts?
Posted via Mobile Device

FFredo 06-08-2011 12:32 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
If you can get decent doors for 60 bones apiece I say jump on it.
In fact I need a drivers side for a 58-59!!!

Dan in Pasadena 06-08-2011 01:15 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
I'm gonna call shortly...want me to inquire about one for you? OR, IF I end up buying I'll GIVE you my driver's door but I don't know if you'd want it. I'd be taking off everything for reuse other than the bare shell. Let me know.

P.S. I also have a relative in San Diego so he could deliver it...curbside service!

FFredo 06-08-2011 02:24 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Someone at some time thought the best way to fix the lower hinge on my drivers door was to WELD it in place. Thats right I said weld it in...
I'd reather just replace the door as oposed to rebuild it, but if I cant get one form the guy in PX I'll take your skinless door..
Thanks in advance..

Dan in Pasadena 06-08-2011 02:30 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window

Originally Posted by FFredo (Post 4724592)
Someone at some time thought the best way to fix the lower hinge on my drivers door was to WELD it in place. Thats right I said weld it in...

:devil: Must have been the same guy that owned the '57 small window I had years ago. It was welded too and in the same place, driver's side lower hinge. I reserve a particularly toasty corner of a hot place for that guy!

I contacted the Phoenix guy. I am asking him send me pictures so I can see what I'm buying. If/when I buy I'll let you know about my door...but it's not "skinless"...interested in it anyway? If not, I understand. I'll use it for MIG welding practice!

FFredo 06-08-2011 03:30 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Either way works for me. My brother lives in WHittier so if you need cash right away for a px door let me know.


Dan in Pasadena 06-08-2011 03:57 PM

Re: Danny Boy is BAACK! w/ '55 Big Window
Ok. As soon as I get photos (assuming the guy comes through and doesn't flake) I'll...well, let's see. PM me your email and I can forward the photos to you. Then you can decide what you want.

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