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Re: Birth of a C10
I love the floating grill! wish I could do it to mine but it really doesn't go with the 4 wheeler look. Dig the tach too. I've got the same one installed in the guage cluster in black. Looks stock enough for me. Your truck's coming along great. You've made alot of progress for sure and it's good to hear you're healin up ok. I've got to figure out a way to have two... a 4x4 and a 2wd. Then I could do alot of the custom stuff I see you guys doin to the right truck. No more custom envy!
Re: Birth of a C10
Well i picked put some blue dots and decided to try and install them on my old lens, ive drilled lens before but it is always risky chipping or cracking them,i know from experience! So i tried a new technique which worked well for me that you guys might like it....
Stock lens: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0018.jpg On these lens there is round ridges on the back side the bloue dots need a 15/16 inch hole and the(hard to see) the deepest ridges in the center are 1 inch so lining up the center was easy: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0027.jpg I tool i will be using is socket on a extension that measures 15/16": http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0036.jpg Over at the stove i heated it up: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0054.jpg And then line it up right in the center and let it melt into the lens..This part stinks a little!......i had to reheat and melt a couple times to get all the way thur: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0074.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0094.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0104.jpg next was install the blue dot's: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0114.jpg Twist the prongs with pliers to hold the glass in and everything to the lens: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0123.jpg Presto!!: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/014-5.jpg Installed: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0162.jpg Apply power: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0172.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0182.jpg I couldnt get a good angle with the camera with out it blinding the picture showing the blue dot part but they are quite blue! ill have to get a night time shot! Hoped you guys liked it!!! |
Re: Birth of a C10
cool idea! looks good
Re: Birth of a C10
Cool Tim.... mine are in as well, I guess i should change my avatar...!
Re: Birth of a C10
Love the background in this shot.
http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0114.jpg |
Re: Birth of a C10
Ya have two yardbirds, I feed them all the time so they follow me around the yard like dogs, really domesticated will jump up on your arm if you hold it out straight!
Re: Birth of a C10
Whats up Tim man I dig everything you've done with this truck keep up the awsome work those dots are hella cool :metal:
Re: Birth of a C10
WOW!! Nice work on everything you have done. We appreciate the photos. Keep up the great work.
Re: Birth of a C10
Re: Birth of a C10
Nice trick on the blue dots, I'm going to have to try that one when I instal mine. I really like the way your wheels turned out, truck is looking great! :metal:
Re: Birth of a C10
2 Attachment(s)
Yeah, I just started loading my truck tonight. It's a 64. I just painted part of the dash housing and thought of ordering the white decals for the gauges. I ordered the Tach from a place in CA, it was under $300.
Re: Birth of a C10
5 Attachment(s)
Here are some pics of my truck...
Re: Birth of a C10
Sweet truck Rico
Re: Birth of a C10
Nice truck rico!
Well since i have a car that's my custom style car , i decided that the truck was going to be influenced by the lowrider style and build it with some "bomb" flavor, So i added more accessory stuff to it: first i added a peep mirror shade: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/014-6.jpg Then window vent shades: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/012-11.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/013-7.jpg Steering wheel spinner knob: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/015-4.jpg Pipe holder ,i actually do own a pipe that I puff on at my pops house i just got to remember to bring it back next time im there. http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/016-4.jpg Then i replaced the plastic crap the auto store's sell you for windshield wipers for these trucks that dont work worth a crap: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/017-2.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/018-3.jpg I wanted to buy "cat eye" headlight covers ,but didnt know if i wanted to run the "jeweled headlight visors also so i bought one too see what it looked like im kinda digging it...thgats why only one headlight has a visor in these pictures: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/011-10.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/010-9.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/009-8.jpg I had robbed the cd player out of the 66' to put in the 73 bug i picked up for the ol' lady ,so then i was given a brand new cd player that was missing the face plate,I also needed a cd player for my 54 ford so i looked up the model number and went out and bought the same exact one, now i just swap the face plate between my two cars,so i pretty much got two brand new cd players for the price of one pretty smart i think :metal: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/019-3.jpg I also add the red vent window "breezies" http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/021-2.jpg until next time....... |
Re: Birth of a C10
where did you find the window shades and the pipe holder?
Re: Birth of a C10
and the pipe holder i got at so-cal speed shop, or you can get them on e-bay |
Re: Birth of a C10
looking good dude.your left cat eye is a bit off center.
Re: Birth of a C10
The red wheels look awesome with the rubber! Very nice score on the truck, the winshield trim & tailgate are worth that alone!
Re: Birth of a C10
Tim the red button blade holders do work well except you need to load them with the natural rubber blades thin style refills, they don`t work well with the silicone blades.
http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/018-3.jpg |
Re: Birth of a C10
Re: Birth of a C10
Amco used to sell the thin natural rubber in a large blade pack, I could get four refills out of it, the only problem with nat rubber is they only last a year, the heat cooks them.
Re: Birth of a C10
Love th ework you've done, glad your up and around and doin ok. Keep up the solid work on the bolt
Re: Birth of a C10
I say put the visors on both headlights. Looking good man !!
Posted via Mobile Device |
Re: Birth of a C10
Latest up date:
Went to pick-n-pull on thanksgiving weekend when everything was 1/2 off,and got some front bumper brace's, a 1 1/4 sway bar off a 80's c20 and then pulled a rear sway bar off a camero it all came to $35: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/032-1.jpg First thing i wanted to tackle was the rear sway bar, after taking the links of the ends of the bars(because they will be installed opposite of the way the came off camero) I mocked the bar up: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/005-15.jpg the brake bracket on the axle has to move and since i didnt want to undo the brake lines i just carefully cut it off: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/002-18.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/001-12.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/003-12.jpg then i centered the bar on the axle: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/006-10.jpg used the old wear marks to mark the axle: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/008-9.jpg then since the camero axle is 2 3/4 the saddles have to be ground out to fit 3" axle: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/007-11.jpg Then bolted it all together had to bend the tips of the ubolt back to 2 3/4 to go thur the saddle using some big pairs of channel lock pliers saw somewhere else someone welded the saddles on but i wanted mine to be bolt on: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/009-10.jpg i the let the truck down and the frame was resting on the bushing hold downs so i had to move mine over since my truck is so low with out a c-notch, once i get my c-notch ill see about moving them back over to the very end: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/024-2.jpg next i mocked up the link bracket and drilled holes and as you can see their is about a one inch gap where the bracket will be bolted on the link on the bar: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/013-8.jpg All they had at home depot was some thin walled square stock so i just bought some big nuts and used them as spacers and bolted it together and it is strong as hell if i find some solid stock of aluminum or thick walled square tubing ill redo it; http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/015-5.jpg Then i measured for my link,you want the bar to be parallel with the ground for the bar to work right: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/019-4.jpg Measured where to cut the link spacer and i am using a new bolt thats threaded the camero had a bolt with a shoulder that the threads only went so far: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/020-3.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/021-3.jpg bolted it all in and cut the excess of the link bolt and its installed: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/022-2.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/023-4.jpg everything was repeated in steps on the other side the only thing left to do is make a new bracket holder for the brake lines. I plan on doing bed wood, rear tank and c-notch so i didnt worry about painting it untill i take the bed or the bed wood out plus it match's the rest of the under carriage . next up front sway bar! |
Re: Birth of a C10
Since Im waiting on my front swaybar frame brackets to be made and shipped to me i decided to tackle some small stuff I've been putting off,first i wired in some headlight relays which made a huge difference,sending the power straight thur the relays to the headlights bypassing the headlight switch,much brighter:
http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0024.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0033.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0043.jpg then i extended the stock throttle linkage arm so the rod is level when it pulls: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0032.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0042.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0053.jpg Then i was crawling around under the back off the bed of the truck looking at how i wanted to relocate the rear shocks i saw something sitting inside the rear frame,it was a magnet key holder pulled it out,pried it open since it was rusted together and found some keys, gas cap key,ignition key,door key...the gas cap is long gone, the ignition was punched when i received the truck so i have to replace that, but the door key worked on both doors now i have a key!! SCORE! http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0023.jpg Not a whole lot done but something. |
Re: Birth of a C10
Cool find with keys, losthope!! What year of Camaro did the swaybar come from? I like that upgrade.
Re: Birth of a C10
http://www.low69cst.freeservers.com/CamaroBar.htm |
Re: Birth of a C10
Nice!!! Thanks for the link.
Re: Birth of a C10
Cool Tim , coming right along with it, I`ve picked up my relays, but have not had the time to install, also want to put m starter on a relay ( ford ).... |
Re: Birth of a C10
Thanks Rich !I think it is a simple but very effective upgrade and really something smart and safe and suggest doing
Im going to update a couple things on the relays i did...first off im going to run two fusible links to the relays one fuse to each one. so if a fuse blows you will always have high beams or low beams ,unless somehow both fuses blow at once.....right now I have one fuse powering both relays. Also i need to upgrade to sealed relays...I pulled these out of a ford probe(most full sized ford cars have them) in the junkyard they are located right by the drivers side hood hinge, unbolt one bolt and cut wires and your good to go with a set of heavy duty headlight relays with a relay bracket holder for a couple bucks ,im bend the bracket flat and mount it....next time im at the pick-n-pull im gonna grab a couple sets for spare's, heres the ones i pulled for my 54 ford im doing the headlight upgrade on next: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...jennz/0025.jpg |
Re: Birth of a C10
love the mirror visor! i'm gonna try that on mine since i have the same peeps. mine is so close to drive, still have to fix my brake issue and a minor tranny leak (think its the dipstick). wish my bomba was road ready i could be driving that but its in a shop collecting dust till the truck is done :(
Re: Birth of a C10
Yeah, I found a hidden key for my 66 mounted to the radiator support - unfortunately, it didn't work for the door. :(
Re: Birth of a C10
Re: Birth of a C10
Thanks everyone on the compliments on the truck, I havent been able to work on it for the past week due to my 93 year old grandma having a stroke, i had been staying at the hospital out if town until she passed away on Monday due to the congested heart failure she had been fighting the stroke just did her in....When i got home the swaybar mounting brackets i was waiting on showed up so thats what i been working on:
lowered swaybar brackets: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/008-11.jpg ground off the rivets and drilled some holes and mounted them: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/009-11.jpg Used some dollar store oven cleaner to clean up the sway bar and bushing brackets i got at pick-n-pull: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/010-10.jpg painted the brackets and swaybar: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/013-9.jpg Then after fighting getting everything lined up i bolted it on, as you can see i needed the the swaybar mounting brackets(lowered type) because the power steering box hangs lower then the stock steering box: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/016-6.jpg Heres a picture of the swaybar next to the idler arm fits tight on this side also: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/017-3.jpg everything works and steers just fine!!!:metal: I took a couple pictures of it out on the street so you guys can see that it does drive:lol: got to adjust the brakes next.. http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/015-6.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...ennz/014-7.jpg |
Re: Birth of a C10
Sorry for your loss Tim, my condolances to the family, your truck is coming along nicely.
Re: Birth of a C10
Sorry to hear about your grandma. I have a question about the front sway bar. Does it sit perfectly even on both sides? I just did this same upgrade with basically the same parts (lowered brackets, etc..) and mine sits a little more to the passenger side than dead even. Hope this makes sense. Were the holes already in you lower control arms? Thanks
Re: Birth of a C10
LH, sorry to hear about your grandmother.
John 10:27-29 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.” |
Re: Birth of a C10
"Derail" as far as the sway bar goes mine did have the holes from factory, i ran into a problem when i tried mounting it to one a-arm then to the frame mounts when i tried to mount it to the other a-arm it wouldnt line up like it was to long, what i had to do was mount it to both a-arms first then to to frame mounts to get everything to bolt up, just eyeing it ,it looks to be center its dark out side now so i cant measure it but if you need me to let me know and when i get a chance in the day time i can tell you if it is exactly in the center or not. |
Re: Birth of a C10
No need to measure it for me. I might just go and take mine off and then reinstall it the way you described. It's not off by much, maybe 3/4 inch. Thanks again.
Re: Birth of a C10
Another update!
Didnt get alot done since the holidays are here but did remembered to grab my smoking pipe while i was at my dads house on Christmas and he also gave me one of his many dash compass's he has: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/012-15.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/009-12.jpg And i did make it out to the local pick-n-pull and while snooping around picked up some small stuff,the previous owner took the front clip apart but never put all the bolts back in so i snagged some off a couple diffrent 60-66's trucks, then i found a washer bottle and bracket on a gmc , then pulled some jeep door checks/stops, and last thing i grabbed was a window gun rack: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/002-19.jpg while the washer bottle bracket and gun rack paint was drying i installed the Jeep Cherokee door checks, i used the front door checks because they have a shorter throw then the rear ones, or the stock ones so they help from getting the door dents(smiley face's) and will hold the truck door open on a hill but the front jeep checks have the double postion bumps and i didnt want the first position at all so i ground the first bump off: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/005-17.jpg Here you can see how the front jeep checks hold the door back from getting a dent you can see the difference with the existing dent from when the stock ones were in: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/007-13.jpg when i was done with that i bolted the washer bottle on: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/013-11.jpg last thing i did was cut down the gun rack and drill new mounting holes and mounted it: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/006-12.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/010-11.jpg Since here in California i dont think its legal to drive around with my shotgun in the window i just put my trusty baseball bat in and will use the top of the rack for my fishing pole:lol: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/a...nnz/011-13.jpg |
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