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67c10rustbuket 01-18-2012 07:58 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"

Originally Posted by 68 c10 gold/ivory (Post 5129995)
i like the wheels I wish i could find some for my truck
great build cant wait to see more

Thank you, I like them very much, I knew when I bought the black 95 I wanted to keep those wheels for this project. and thanks for the compliment. I have read some of your builds but haven't finished yet, you have some sweet toys !

67c10rustbuket 01-18-2012 08:03 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Small update: tried to stab in the engine but the old manual bell housing xmember didn't agree with the 4L60E. probably could've forced it but I planned on removing it anyway. Just trying to get the other side of the garage clear for winter, not a permanent install.

removed the O2 sensors and exh manifolds before attempting to put it in, had to use a little PB Blaster, man that stuff can stink up a house!

67c10rustbuket 01-20-2012 12:12 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Sold the receiver hitch off of the organ donor Tahoe $60!, pulled a few more parts and more wiring from the Tahoe today. Some parts for the 67 and a few upgrades for my DD 93. Hopefully I will get the drivetrain temporarily installed in the 67 this weekend but im not looking forward to grinding rivets out of that bell housing xmember.

67c10rustbuket 01-20-2012 12:20 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"

Originally Posted by 67c10rustbuket (Post 5123900)

Ultimately I'd like to have a porterbuilt dropmember and some sloshtubz, but for now its going to be a get it on the road kind of deal !

Duh I forgot to mention the air bags, when it is complete it will have a front dropmember, big rear frame notch, sloshtubz for inner front fenders, Air suspension with .5" lines & 8 valves with an engine driven air supply compressor. id like to get the body a little lower on the frame to lay body which looks pretty easy on this body.

67c10rustbuket 01-22-2012 12:55 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Today I removed the manual trans Xmember. It wasn't as bad as I thought, I just slotted the heads of the rivets with a cut off wheel on my grinder where i could and with a dremel where it was too tight then hammered them off with an air chisel. It didn't want to slide out so I sliced it in half with a sawsall then removed it. I did the same for the old Z-bar bracket but it wont let go! I removed the rivet heads on top and bottom and it still wont let go, I guess i'll do some grinder surgery on that thing. also bought some new motor mounts and a trans mount from autozone, cost was $21.xx but i had a Autozone reward credit so I only paid $1.xx. saweet! Havent found an auto trans xmember yet but I have a few sources so I need to make a few calls tomorrow. No pics yet maybe tomorrow after I clean up the mess I made. Later

mcbassin 02-02-2012 05:44 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
I found your build. It looks good! nice job on the rust repair. I can relate to that myself.
Looking forward to progress. Keep an eye out for some of that thicker sheetmetal panel from me. Maybe we can do some horse trading.:) Subscribed

67c10rustbuket 02-04-2012 12:18 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Thanks Mike! I have made some more progress and will get some pics up this evening hopefully. I'll PM you about that sheet metal.
I need to get a blue name ,going to subscribe to support this great forum. This forum is way better than any other I've found and has by far the best information, builds, and people. Then we can trade and I have a few things to sell on here also.
I havent gotten as much as id like done due to the monkey flu that kicked my butt last week and school is back in so my truck time has reduced quite a bit.

67c10rustbuket 02-04-2012 10:38 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"

Originally Posted by MJs69CST (Post 5165836)
These are some great pics of your build! Keep up the good work!!

Hey thanks MJ ! I saw a 70? at the 7-11 last week with the same emblem as your avatar pic and tried to explain that camper special to my wife. first time I saw one in person.

67c10rustbuket 02-04-2012 10:39 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
uhhh i mean custom camper emblems, those are super cool!

67c10rustbuket 02-04-2012 10:49 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
2 Attachment(s)
OK so here's my progress pics, I was suffering some kind of wicked monkey flu that kicked my butt for a good part of last week but I did get some work done. here's a couple pics. Before and after, where I removed that dang bellhousing Xmember. I had to slot the heads of the rivets with a grinder where I could and use a dremel in the tight spots. It wasn't near as bad as I thought. The only problem I had was that stupid Z-bar bracket that is riveted to the driver side of the frame, Don't need it since I'm going with the 4L60E now. I slotted and knocked the rivet heads off on both sides with an air chisel and it just wont let go, maybe it is spot welded too I don't know. :crazy::crazy:*

I got the bell housing mount X-Member rivets out but it didnt want to slide out easy so I sliced it in half with my sawsall.

67c10rustbuket 02-04-2012 10:57 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
4 Attachment(s)
So, with the bell housing mount out of the way I stabbed the engine and trans in (yeah i'd rather have an LS but this was cheap and easy) here's a few shots of the engine and trans in the old 67. those old school motor mount stands were a pain! on my first attempt the starter was hitting the pass side mount stand and the oil filter was hitting the driver side mount stand. I removed the frame mount stands and put the engine and trans in place, then reinstalled the mount stands. Not much fun. I'm going to remove the oil cooler adapter and run it without for now although it is a good idea to have one on there.

67c10rustbuket 02-04-2012 11:01 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
I pulled the interior and dash harness out of the 97 Tahoe today so I can sort out what wiring I need and that was a pain in the butt!!! now I know why people pay $700 for a painless harness, there is so much BS that I dont need in the interior harness and it is a huge pain to get it all out !

67c10rustbuket 02-04-2012 11:45 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Sold a few more parts off of the tahoe, hopeing I can make my money back once we scrapit so the drivetrain will be a freebie! I kept the center console so I can use it with some buckets in my daily driver 93. I pulled the heater core for my DD also since it just fried itsd 4th heater core in 2 years (electrolYsis problem). Also in the wiring I removed the Tahoe copass mirror thinking I may be able to use it on my 67 idk how I will attach it to the stock mirror bracket, guess we'll see if I can use it or not.
Posted via Mobile Device

mcbassin 02-05-2012 02:10 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Very nice progress on your build. I like the Vortec 5.7, you really got a smokin deal on that package. Yes, you should end up getting it for free by the time you part it out and scrap whats left. I did a TBI conversion on my son's 86. The wiring is my weakest part of these conversions. You should be able to get all the information you need to do the swap on this site. There are some engine gurus on the powertrain section. Keep plugging along. I hope to see your build in person some time. If you're out my way hit me up and you can check out mine:)

fakerwade 02-05-2012 03:44 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
I like the vortec engines too. Keep the rpm's under 5500 and they do great. Here's a pic of one I built and put in my 87 Jeep Cherokee. :chevy:

67c10rustbuket 02-06-2012 12:26 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"

Originally Posted by fakerwade (Post 5167359)
I like the vortec engines too. Keep the rpm's under 5500 and they do great. Here's a pic of one I built and put in my 87 Jeep Cherokee. :chevy:

Dang that is pretty wade! I like the candy red with E-tec aluminum heads! I will keep it pretty mild untill It gets rebuilt. with the stock auto trans I will definately keep it under 55k. I think I should be able to squeeze it to 350HP pretty easily with a new cam, headers and exhaust, and some ECM programming. Id like to get over 400 out of it with a good rebuild and some more mods. For now I think I may just get it driving as is since it drove so nice in the tahoe and take it apart and rebuild with a frame off resto later.

67c10rustbuket 02-06-2012 12:33 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"

Originally Posted by mcbassin (Post 5167268)
Very nice progress on your build. I like the Vortec 5.7, you really got a smokin deal on that package. Yes, you should end up getting it for free by the time you part it out and scrap whats left. I did a TBI conversion on my son's 86. The wiring is my weakest part of these conversions. You should be able to get all the information you need to do the swap on this site. There are some engine gurus on the powertrain section. Keep plugging along. I hope to see your build in person some time. If you're out my way hit me up and you can check out mine:)

I have been parting some of it but as a friends first deal so far, just posted some parts on CL but as you know they all want to get parts for $5 around here. Im about halfway there for paying for the Tahoe so it should pay for itself. I havent read your build of landens truck yet but i will, i really like the TBI setups they are reliable and pretty easy to find, I drive one every day, my 93 Z71. I am also a little weak on the wiring but I found a complete wiring diagram and ECM pinouts on so that should help. I also plan on asking a few Q's over on the powertrain section once I get to it. I will definately hit you up to look at yours next time I visit the parents since they're only a few miles from you. also you're welcome to look at mine if your out this way before I get her on the road.

67c10rustbuket 02-06-2012 12:38 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
2 Attachment(s)
Nothing major but heres a couple pics of the wiring I hacked out of the Tahoe dash. The plan is to use as much of the Tahoe wiring as possible, all the way to the fuel pump and tail lights. I'm not to sure how to mod the headlights and taillights since the Tahoe has 2 tail lights and headlights. while the 67 has just one headlight and tail light. I already have the engine harness on the engine and the front harness with the headlights. I did have to hack the dash harness a little and I cut all the air bag wires off and air conditioning since I wont be using those.

67c10rustbuket 02-06-2012 12:44 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Im going to go cut the sections out of the Tahoe firewall this week where the wiring and fuse block go so I can weld those in to my firewall to make a stock looking install. Also I'll be removing the rest of the exhaust and the hasness for the rear O2 sensors to use as well.

67c10rustbuket 02-12-2012 02:53 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
5 Attachment(s)
Well removing the piece of firewall looked like a stupid idea once I got back out to the tahoe so I traced out the hole and with some measurements I made a template to just cut my firewall to accept the Tahoe fuse block/wiring. Also I pulled the catalytic converters and rear O2 sensor harness. I will use the cats initially but will have them removed from the ECM with a real exhaust system later. I will just fab up a for now exhaust system. heres a few pics.

67c10rustbuket 02-12-2012 03:06 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Also upgraded myself to a real "premium member" happy vday to me! listed some NOS parts in the classifieds, selling way too fast maybe I should have asked for more $$. Classifieds here are way better then EGAY waiting forever to sell anyway... maybe more progress tomorrow if it isn't too cold.

I used a dremel with cutoff wheels to cut the wiring hole and a .75" die grinder bit to smooth out the cuts and the corners. looks pretty good eh.

67c10rustbuket 02-12-2012 03:12 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Another bit: I was thinking I'd somehow use my plastic fuel cell but now I think I'll sell it and with a little more dough I'll buy a aluminum cell from "fuelcellguy" or "boydwelding" idk is that the same people or two different people? either way WOW they make some nice fuel cells!! since in the long run I want to be laying body on the ground.

mcbassin 02-12-2012 01:59 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Nice progress. Lots of good ideas. Keep it up.

YBNORML 02-12-2012 02:21 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Nice work, looking forward to more updates.

JohnT71 02-12-2012 06:30 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Great work! Putting the same motor and trans in my 68, about the same point you are. I got the interior wiring plugged back in and going to try to start without going through the firewall. Please post more pics, I have got to cut out the firewall in mine, been dreading, already painted the cab.

67c10rustbuket 02-12-2012 10:14 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"

Originally Posted by mcbassin (Post 5183344)
Nice progress. Lots of good ideas. Keep it up.

Thanks Mike! I read you build on Landens truck, Nice job there! That is about what im going to do with this in the first build then do a frame off later. Hey I replied back on the PM dont know if you received it I never heard back on that.

67c10rustbuket 02-12-2012 10:20 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"

Originally Posted by YBNORML (Post 5183397)
Nice work, looking forward to more updates.

Thanks man, The weather is keeping me pretty slow. Winter finally arrived in Oklahoma


Originally Posted by JohnT71 (Post 5183874)
Great work! Putting the same motor and trans in my 68, about the same point you are. I got the interior wiring plugged back in and going to try to start without going through the firewall. Please post more pics, I have got to cut out the firewall in mine, been dreading, already painted the cab.

Cool! do you have a build going on here? What pics would you like to see? my pic quality is a little crappy since I always seem to take pics at night in my poorly lit garage. Let me know how the starting up goes I'm sure I'll have some Qs if you get it started before I do. What are you doing for a fuel tank/pump? You can have my firewall template if you want it, it worked out pretty nice. That stinks having to cut after paint I hear you can put masking tape down on your cut line before cutting to minimize paint chipping but you still need to paint the edges over. post a pic of your install here if you want I'd like to see yours.

JohnT71 02-13-2012 01:00 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
1 Attachment(s)
I dont have a build thread going on here but I have got alot of pics. I would like to see pic under you dash after you get wired up. Supposed to snow in the morning not sure if we will get anything done, but hope so. As far as the fuel tank, I plan on building one out of stainless steel and putting the factory fuel pump sending unit in it, that is if I can shorten it. For right now I am just going to set the fuel tank off the 98 truck on it to start. Thanks for the offer on the templete but the hole for mine is different. I will do the tape before I cut for sure. Anyway here is a pic of mine, do not want to highjack your thread. I have the radiator and trans cooler hook up but not in the pic

67cheby 02-13-2012 07:38 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
looking good !

67c10rustbuket 02-13-2012 10:03 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"

Originally Posted by JohnT71 (Post 5184869)
I dont have a build thread going on here but I have got alot of pics. I would like to see pic under you dash after you get wired up. Supposed to snow in the morning not sure if we will get anything done, but hope so. As far as the fuel tank, I plan on building one out of stainless steel and putting the factory fuel pump sending unit in it, that is if I can shorten it. For right now I am just going to set the fuel tank off the 98 truck on it to start. Thanks for the offer on the templete but the hole for mine is different. I will do the tape before I cut for sure. Anyway here is a pic of mine, do not want to highjack your thread. I have the radiator and trans cooler hook up but not in the pic

Thanks for the pic JohnT71 ! yours looks great, definately cleaner than mine. Your not hijackin If I ask for it. I think you really should start a build on here though thats a nice truck you got going and I'd like to see more and I'm sure we'll be sharing a lot of info with the same drivetrain. I plan pn the same for using the stock tank for startup but I change my mind constantly on tank ideas and I think ive settled on just buying the big boys aluminum cell with a walbro external fuel pump. We got a little snow made for some 4X fun on the way to work.

so heres a few Qs about what your thinking on a few things, are you using the 68 radiator or the 98? my 97 is way too wide. What are your thoughts on steering column/ignition switch. I love the dash mounted ign but was thinking a 88-94 column would be easier.

Ill snap some pics when I start to mock up the interior wiring, I didnt get to work on it sunday so hopefully this weekend. Also I want to move the ECM and fuse/relay center into the interior after I make sure everything works in the transplant. Later

67c10rustbuket 02-13-2012 10:04 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"

Originally Posted by 67cheby (Post 5186269)
looking good !

Thanks Cheby! so how many years is that introductory price good for on the slosh tubs? I should be grandfathered in to the introductory price since I watched you invent them right ? :lol::metal:

JohnT71 02-13-2012 11:10 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Yes I am using the 68 radiator, I have a good 3 core. The 98 radiator is too wide, couldnt make it fit. Did bust the plastic side of the 98 radiator and removed the trans cooler part to hook back up. Probably make a bracket for it to set in. I also have a tilt column from a 71 that I plan on using and the key in the dash ignition is what I want. I suscribed to this thread, keep up the great work.

67cheby 02-14-2012 10:45 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"

Originally Posted by 67c10rustbuket (Post 5186673)
Thanks Cheby! so how many years is that introductory price good for on the slosh tubs? I should be grandfathered in to the introductory price since I watched you invent them right ? :lol::metal:

LOL, you got it ....grandfathered in !

fakerwade 02-14-2012 10:09 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Looking good, except your going too fast. (making me look bad):lol:
I like your fuel cell idea, keep it up!:metal:

id_unavailable 02-26-2012 07:55 PM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
good god you have done some work. Rust sucks but it looks like you have a handle on it. keep it up

formikaus 02-27-2012 08:54 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
just curious, where in Georgia did you get the truck. i live in ga and it looked like the condition you see them in over here where i am at on the coast!

67c10rustbuket 03-01-2012 08:24 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"

Originally Posted by fakerwade (Post 5188865)
Looking good, except your going too fast. (making me look bad):lol:
I like your fuel cell idea, keep it up!:metal:

Nah I'm a slow poke, looks like I'm going to get a boyds welding tank, He is about to announce pricing for this years group buy. you tha man wade !


Originally Posted by id_unavailable (Post 5214330)
good god you have done some work. Rust sucks but it looks like you have a handle on it. keep it up

Thanks, it is a little worse than I would have liked but hey I always wanted a 67 Short


Originally Posted by MJs69CST (Post 5214386)
Making great progress on your build! Still drooling over that engine paint!!

Thank you. Me too! to bad that is fakerwade's candy red engine. I wish mine looked like that.


Originally Posted by formikaus (Post 5215557)
just curious, where in Georgia did you get the truck. i live in ga and it looked like the condition you see them in over here where i am at on the coast!

A suburb of Macon it had Bibb county antique plates on it when I got it, definately had some coastal rust but I have seen alot worse. the cab supports look fine like it rusted from the inside out top to bottom (water in the drip rail and cowl). In OK the cab supports go quickly due to the red clay mud, once it gets to the outer rockers the whole floor is about to collapse in extreme ones ive seen here.

I've been busy with school but I have a few updates that I will post wirth pics this weekend. Later

67c10rustbuket 03-03-2012 03:21 AM

Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
3 Attachment(s)
Here is this weeks progress, not much "work" because of school but I did get a little done and did some shopping! (I need more money $$!)

1st round of pics: I removed the stock dash/interior harness and installed the 97 Tahoe harness just to make sure it fit in the hole I cut. I will remove it this weekend so I can try to make some sense of all the 97 wires and splice/blend the two harnesses together.

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