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newbe351 02-27-2013 12:48 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?

Originally Posted by BR3W CITY (Post 5915706)
But car or not....always keep some cash your old lady doesn't know about....thats just man code.


monte0185 02-27-2013 01:07 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
My wife pays all the bills out of our account so i dont get to hide any money. She dont gripe a whole lot cause she gets 2 vacations a year out of me. One for us and one for her and the grandkids. I also do alot of horse trading for my parts and toys as well.

matt_l 02-27-2013 01:14 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
I intentionally do not keep track of what I spend on it, so when she asks, I can say I do not know.

wayno 02-27-2013 01:24 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
These are all great - I thought it would make an interesting thread and it has certainly turned out to be that. Much like the rest of you she's pretty happy with what is provided. I'm pretty sure she has no idea how much the mortgage is or these ridiculous taxes here in NJ are - was just kinda thinking if she saw that porterbuilt invoice that she would be surprised on how much I'm dumping into this passion of mine. lol. She'll enjoy it when she gets cozy up on that bench seat (just have to figure out the seat belt situation - not like old times lol)

wayno 02-27-2013 01:25 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?

Originally Posted by matt_l (Post 5916415)
I intentionally do not keep track of what I spend on it, so when she asks, I can say I do not know.

plausible deniability - I like it lol

CRGRS 66 02-27-2013 01:56 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?

Originally Posted by Clyde65 (Post 5915980)
I was married for 21 years and my wife ( ex now) would go off every time I bought something for my truck, like starter, carb, tires etc. she always had a new car to drive and at the time I had my truck kinda where i wanted it, she complained anyway. she would always call my truck the money pit ( if she only knew how little it cost me to keep it running and driving). since then I have done tons more to it, Lsx motor, 4 speed auto, new rear end, rebuild front suspension, rebuilt rear suspension, seats.......


Originally Posted by Realnoisy (Post 5916026)
Was her name Beth?

No I'm pretty sure her name is Kelly (or stupid as my ex is now referred to:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:)

My wife just wants to know how much longer before we can be driving it again.

Just to be safe, I always tell her how much research I have done, and what a great deal I got for the effort.

awbrown 02-27-2013 02:21 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
Well since I buy everything on a credit card and my wife (and best friend ) does the books ,yes shoe knows .. but she does like the truck , and likes to drive it too ,so why hide it ??? she is a great book keeper and she is real thrifty... I love her much ..

Actually this is the second truck , the first one is still in pieces ,I bought this one so I could have one to drive for last summer I am pushing my luck !!

bonehead 02-27-2013 02:25 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?

Indian113 02-27-2013 03:16 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
Never have and never will! My trick is her having her own truck,the 64 in my avatar is hers. I have my own problem,I have put a lot of money in my S10. But we both agree it's worth every penny we spent. Now her 64 is going to recieve all the attention it deserves.

64fleetside 02-27-2013 03:56 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?

Originally Posted by aerotruk63 (Post 5916252)
Single, always been, always will! Haven't gone hungry yet, neither has my truck.

Smart man.

slepysal 02-27-2013 04:26 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
1. Buy something put it in the shed/ garge and then tell her " that? I had in the shed/ garage". I learned that from her . She would buy a dress and when I ask her where she got it from her answer was " Oh it was in my closet"
2. Seprete bank accounts... :metal:

forestb 02-27-2013 05:33 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
I am single and this thread is depressing.

rideblue00 02-27-2013 06:00 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
Lol forestb! At least you dont have one telling you "that thing is just an old piece of junk!" "why do you even keep it?"

kieth 02-27-2013 06:05 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
I never told my wife I had the truck, took me 1-1/2 years to finish it. She went out of town and when she flew back in town I picked her up at the airport in the gmc........She was really quiet on the way home.....but my philosophy is to beg for forgiveness rather than ask for permission.

Over a period of years I accumulated 14 motorcyceles I tried to keep them the same color. When I rode one home she would say "Is that a new motorcycle ?" I would answer no I've had it for 6 months....she could never tell them apart but she heard me tell the story once --------then she started writing down tag numbers............................Oh well it was fun .....we have been married 42 years so she should be used to it by now. Kieth :gmc2:

rideblue00 02-27-2013 06:19 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?

flips72 02-27-2013 06:25 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
i think this is one of the best threads every started, i am defintly getting some new material,so from what keith is saying i just need to make sure i keep lots of red paint in the shop:lol:

hyatt 02-27-2013 06:31 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
Wife doesnt work has a new car and house I spend what I want

daverod 02-27-2013 06:54 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
Hide it? Most the time I hit her up for half.:smoke: Not saying she pays but it shuts her up.:lol::lol:

Realnoisy 02-27-2013 07:00 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?

Originally Posted by daverod (Post 5917059)
Hide it? Most the time I hit her up for half.:smoke: Not saying she pays but it shuts her up.:lol::lol:

Good one! Guys, we need to keep these posts to ourselves or they are going to learn all our secrets. And, try not to laugh when your reading makes them suspicious!

gimmy 64 02-27-2013 08:52 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
usually i will sell parts. she will ask how much did you get? $100 when i got 3or 4. give her $50 and everything is good.

64tantruck 02-28-2013 12:04 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
Nope Dont hide any of it, considering it's her's were building. Ive had my toy, now it's her turn. Plus, shes out there working on it, and searching the net for parts anyway.


Vernski 02-28-2013 01:56 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
One day my wife was making noise about how many trucks I had acquired and that I could only drive one at a time. So I took her by the hand and led her to her closet and opened the door, I said now you can only wear one pair of those shoes at a time! To this day she has been quite about my hobby and of course collected more shoes, but that's the trade off for my hobby and she is a good woman...Vernski:lol:

par4tom 02-28-2013 05:05 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
My girlfriend is really great (she must be to put up with me). She loves clothes, jewelry and "chick stuff"... I love classic cars, grease, making a mess in the shop and trucks (and golf clubs). Most of all, I love the great sense of satisfaction for doing the best I could on a project. I think she get's that!

I agree with one of the earlier posters...I don't understand myself. How can I HATE spending money for shoes, clothes, etc. but then go out and drop two grand for a bunch of parts and never think twice about it? Maybe they can do a Dr. Phil show with all us old classic truck guys?

The only difference between her and I is she always shows me what she bought that comes in in a brown box and goes straight to the garage.

She wouldn't understand what it was anyway but she'll love riding in it when its done!

jimmydean 02-28-2013 05:45 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
Mine has no idea, but it will still be cheaper than the car I bought her if she ever found out.

luvbowties 02-28-2013 11:56 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
Originally Posted by Reyals Bemus View Post
No girlfriend or wife. Solves that problem!
Posted via Mobile Device


Originally Posted by Crabshack (Post 5914875)

See, betcha SHE got fed up and left!!! Altho' I'VE been trying that & it won't work for me.:lol:

...just funning with ya, RB.:lol:

akaupp 03-01-2013 01:01 AM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
No, I tell her what I spend, when I spend it. As long as the bills are paid, she doesn't care.

rustbucket66 03-01-2013 01:15 AM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
I like to keep it on a need to know basis. She has little interest in what goes on in the garage, so why tell her about it and what it cost. So I go out to my cave when time permits, and she stays in the house and does her thing. Good arrangement. If I spend money on any of my junk, I don't see the point in telling her about it.

tincan1966 03-01-2013 08:46 AM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
Since we are business partners, as well, it's a bit hard to "hide" anything. In all honesty, I normally get accused of not spending enough on my projects. of coarse, we did build her a little toy last winter.....

old cruiser 03-02-2013 04:10 AM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
My wife and have been married 25 years this month, anything either of us needs if its affordable at the time we just get it truck parts or what ever. Reckon I'll keep her at least another 25 yrs

198plus 03-02-2013 05:55 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
It's easy, my wife can't add that high :lol::lol::lol:

socallowboy 03-03-2013 11:30 AM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
My wife spends way more money than I do. So what I spend isnt a big deal.

Bishops Trucks 03-03-2013 11:35 AM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
I married an accountant. Hard to hide money from her. Cash jobs are always welcomed in my book, hard to trace that. lol

jbgroby 03-03-2013 02:45 PM

Re: Do you hide how much your spend on your truck?
Well I bought her a new house after Katrina, and a few new cars since then, so what little I spend on the truck as long as the bills get paid first, no problem. She works and she has her money, the only thing she has to buy is gas for her car and food for the house. I pay all the rest, so when money is left over.....mine, mine, mine, mine, I sound like my grandkids.

Beside it's taking so damn long, she loses track.......;) That must be the secret!

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