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HOTFUN 08-19-2013 09:15 AM

Re: You wont believe this!
Did anyone else notice the Proxibid company statement in this auction, that the auction company has requested to see the maximum reserve amounts placed of the Proxibid bidders? Not quite like an only online eBay auction. Here the auctioneer representing the seller, who is on commission too, now knows they have an internet bidder who is willing to pay up to that non shown reserve amount and now can run you on to the top by bidding against yourself. At the auction they could have a second person online or right at the auction to bid it up higher. Just something to take notice of with using Proxibid here to do all your bidding for you and if you're going to bid your reserve early, you may be better off to keep that amount to yourself and bid it up live online.

jdl71 08-23-2013 09:25 PM

Re: You wont believe this!
I'm curious on the reaction you would get form your local DMV when you walk in there with a MSO from 1964 and ask for a title.

HOTFUN 08-24-2013 11:02 AM

Re: You wont believe this!
I have had a Nebraska used car dealer license since 1986 and I know for a fact in writing it is against Nebraska state law for anyone to assign MSO titles unless they are a current bonded dealer licensed in Nebraska and have their current franchise agreement on file with their dealers license renewal paperwork annually. Goes for everything you sell, vehicles, atv's, trailers etc. The recourse on trademark rights, warranties and representations of the branded franchisee versus a non franchised dealer is why they don't allow this. So this was interesting to me how the State of Nebraska Motor Vehicle Licensing Board would have legally gave permission to break the law to allow a used car dealer to sell as new on a MSO and not title them to his company after he lost his franchise agreement with GM in 1996. All non franchised Nebraska dealers have to surrender the MSO and have a Nebraska title made in their company name to resell the vehicle because it is no longer represented and being sold from the manufacturer as new and likewise not capable of in service warranty starts on a non GM dealer.

jdl71 08-24-2013 11:29 AM

Re: You wont believe this!
Is the auctioneer a licensed used car dealer? Or who is going to be doing the paperwork on these sales?

HOTFUN 08-24-2013 01:27 PM

Re: You wont believe this!
From what I heard, Lambrecht's operated as a Nebraska used car dealer after they closed their Chevrolet franchise in '96. Doesn't matter if they would sign it or an auction company signs it off but it goes back to the fact Lambrechts, as a non franchised dealer, would have to aquire a new Nebraska title in Lambrecht Chevrolet as the mso was assigned from GM originally and then they could sign over the new Nebraska title to the auction or purchaser at that point. I know what the Nebraska law says for me doing business as a licensed used car dealer or an individual for that matter, can not legally reassign a mso certificate, it has to be first titled in my dealership name and then it can be signed off to next purchaser. I know this for a fact as one time I got a special visit from the DMV inspector on this subject of the Nebraska statues law on titling and mso's . Each year with your dealer renewal documents to the state you have to also provide notorized operating documents for each and all current franchises your business represents and are dealers of to retail .

jdl71 08-24-2013 04:30 PM

Re: You wont believe this!
So, are you saying that Lambrecht's is still a licensed dealer for used cars? If not, who is going to get the MSO's traded for titles? Sorry for all the questions but I'm really interested in how this is going to work. Not that I'm going out there or plan or buying anything, just have an inquiring mind. I realize that some states do not require a title for older vehicles, a bill of sale will do. However that is not the case here in MO. Not sure how they do it in NE.

HOTFUN 08-24-2013 04:50 PM

Re: You wont believe this!
From what I read, yes they still had a current used car dealer license since 96. That too would be the only way they could dealer reassign that mso for sure even though they technically can't because they are just a used car dealer now. Reality is they probably should have been required to sign over the mso and a Nebraska title issued on those left over new cars in the company name before their franchise agreement year expired. If for example, I give up my dealers license I can no longer do business as a dealer and reassign titles. I would have to take each open title in and have issued a new title into my name just like any other individual here in Nebraska.
I was just stating, that is what Nebraska statues state and I had read awhile back in the auction companies propaganda on this sale that they may have gotten permission from the state of Nebraska DMV to allow them to sign over the mso certificates this one time just like they were sold as new vehicles. I'm not balking because I certainly would hold value to that original Chevrolet MSO being signed over to me as the first owner of it. But then they won't let me sign reassign the mso again. I have to surrender that for a new state issued title. No one is going to make a deal of this unless you have a person at your local DMV who asks questions how this being a 50 year old mso being signed over now. Every DMV has 50 state titling regulations books or sites so they can look up to verify what is allowable by the state the title or mso came from. They would then call the state of Nebraska DMV for verifications of the dealer status and so forth.

Clear as mud but the auction company is responsible to deliver to the buyer a marketable title of ownership to these vehicles since they were sold in Nebraska. I see they have a $25 documentation fee on them too. Thus I wouldnt worry about getting one in the end it may just raise some eyebrows at your local dmv if they see a 50 year old mso signed over in 2013.

jdl71 08-24-2013 09:23 PM

Re: You wont believe this!

Originally Posted by HOTFUN (Post 6236637)
Clear as mud but the auction company is responsible to deliver to the buyer a marketable title of ownership to these vehicles since they were sold in Nebraska. I see they have a $25 documentation fee on them too. Thus I wouldnt worry about getting one in the end it may just raise some eyebrows at your local dmv if they see a 50 year old mso signed over in 2013.

Once again sorry for all the questions. This is what I was looking for. Thanks

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