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Elliot949 05-10-2014 05:51 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”

Originally Posted by Cash3481 (Post 6666979)
Sam's guy knows what he's doing. There's a reason Sam has all those trophies! Lol


If you can txt me his info so I can contact him about doing mine I would appreciate it... Have a Groovy Day...

Cash3481 06-08-2014 11:40 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
4 Attachment(s)
Well its been a few weeks since I posted. I wanted to have the suspension completed by now but life happens. Now that graduation is behind us since the last update I built a fence around the wife's 40X60 garden and installed sprinklers along the perimeter. Additionally I bought 5 trucks and finally detailed the suspension parts I installed Friday and Saturday this week.
You can see I drilled the trailing arm rivets out and flipped them over to gain the pinion angle back from the 6 " drop. Did I say I needed some new drill bits? LOL That process is pretty straight forward so hopefully the work is worth the effort. I read about the idea on another thread and it looked like a good idea.
I previously mocked up, detailed and installed the front suspension this weekend and I can tell you it always helps to read the directions. I initially installed all the cross shaft seals backwards and didn't notice it until I installed everything... at least I'm consistent, right? Pulled it all apart and did it right, I think! I need to get the new P/S box tomorrow and detail it for installation this coming weekend along with the rotors, brake calibers, sway bar and sway bar brackets. If you're following along I initially used a smaller bolt in the front cross member and have since used larger ones that fit plus I reamed it slightly larger for an additional size bolt so it would be as secure as possible.
It's nice to see it almost ready to roll! So, I get a little more excited for each milestone. The rear end needs the posi unit installed and I'm going to try and have it done this week if my friend has time to do it for me. If he doesn't I may buy the caliber/gauges required and do it myself. I'll get the rear end brake lines with the spring around them this week at the local parts store along with all the fittings to get it installed and detailed so wish me luck...
Enjoy the pics and if you see me doing something wrong speak up so I can fix it cause this will be no trailer queen. I'll be driving it so it needs to be correct AND safe.
Good Luck with your project!

Elliot949 06-08-2014 04:27 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Hey Mike... can you get a better pic for me of the upper A-Arms where they mount to the frame?

Cash3481 06-08-2014 10:44 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Dan, it's already together! I can get you one from another front end at SAMs or maybe I can find one on here.

96Indyram 06-09-2014 04:37 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Looking good!

Cash3481 06-17-2014 07:34 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
1 Attachment(s)
Well... posting and showing slow progress seems to work at keeping me driven. Even if its not a lot it seems to be working.
Last night I installed the d/s rotor, bearings and dust caps. Then threw on the rollers with correct size tires. Hopefully the rear end will get rebuilt this coming week, but until then I'll use a spare to get this thing rolling.
P/S box will get picked up this week and detailed for installation.
Enjoy the pics.

Elliot949 06-17-2014 07:41 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Are you having the PS Box Rebuilt here locally?... If so who are you using and did you go with a tighter ratio???

mcbassin 06-17-2014 08:30 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Chassis looks great!

Cash3481 06-17-2014 09:46 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”

Originally Posted by Elliot949 (Post 6724372)
Are you having the PS Box Rebuilt here locally?... If so who are you using and did you go with a tighter ratio???

Im getting one from Rock auto. THere is a 3-3.25 to1 ratio and a 4 to 1 listed on the site.
LARES Part # 1074 Power Gear; Reman $80.99 $50.00 $130.99
4 turns; Works w/ Lares Steering Coupling Assembly 201

LARES Part # 1075 Power Gear $86.79 $50.00 $136.79
w/ 3 - 3-1/4 turns

A-1 CARDONE Part # 277501 {#3893469} Reman. Power $85.79 $75.00 $160.79
Inline filter available


Originally Posted by mcbassin (Post 6724414)
Chassis looks great!

Thanks Mike! Im trying...

thelonerife 06-17-2014 01:11 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Kickin it bro.

Mr Chevorlet 06-17-2014 01:47 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Nice build and great work,

Cash3481 06-17-2014 02:06 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”

Originally Posted by thelonerife (Post 6724794)
Kickin it bro.

Your daily posts have got me to at least touch something and keep moving forward every day on something. I bought 5 trucks last week and just about have them all home. As of today I have 4 trucks total at the house and another 3 to still drag home.


Originally Posted by Mr Chevorlet (Post 6724840)
Nice build and great work,

Thank you sir. I want it to roll even if its not under its own power by the weekend.


sduckworth13 06-17-2014 02:28 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Chassis is looking great Mike!

Cash3481 06-22-2014 08:10 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
1 Attachment(s)
Well... Didn't get the rear end rebuilt this week. But my new decision to touch the chassis every day is paying off. I decided to get it rolling no matter what. That meant to temporarily use a 6 lug rearend from the parts hoard and a set of 15x10s with 295s. Ill use them for a few weeks until I get the steering box and rearend posi loaded and ready.
I know it's not pretty but its progress none the less! Enjoy the pic!

Cash3481 06-22-2014 08:41 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
1 Attachment(s)
While I was cleaning for a scrap load I decided to get organized better. I moved the hoard to a new spot that is less "visible from the driveway" and my beautiful wife's eyesight! I will be selling a bunch of stuff this summer but was pretty pleased with its new home! Here is the parts and the truck pics ill load next.
Enjoy the pic....

Cash3481 06-22-2014 08:44 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
1 Attachment(s)
Here's a pic of a few trucks waiting for attention...
These will be for sale later but not on here, its a build thread. I just wanted to share so everyone doesn't think I'm just lazy!

Cash3481 06-22-2014 08:45 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
1 Attachment(s)
And another...

Cash3481 06-22-2014 08:49 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
1 Attachment(s)
Here's the last one here on my property and I have to pick up the last one I just bought from its current resting spot this week... at some point.

Cash3481 07-30-2014 12:13 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
5 Attachment(s)
Well, Back on track again! Here is some work I've been doing on the GMC.
Cant seem to stay away from more truck deals I find, more about them later.
Enjoy the pics.

Cash3481 07-30-2014 12:33 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
5 Attachment(s)
Its nice to get some progress going again.
Here are some pics of the old BB chassis I did a few years ago. It drives like a dream so Its getting a new cab and sheet metal! The original cab will be back to its original home.
I'm hoping to get the cab switched over this weekend and get the 68 cab on the BB frame. Here are a few pics of it and the chassis. I found the noise I kept hearing occasionally on hard bumps. The cab mount on the pass side was just loose enough to squeak every now and then.
Enjoy the pics.

Cash3481 07-30-2014 12:43 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
4 Attachment(s)
I have a couple wheel choices I narrowed it down to... Leaning towards the White set though. Also, here's a couple of other choices I have laying around. LOL

Elliot949 07-30-2014 07:39 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Looking good Mike... I may be taking the Chrome reverse off my truck and going with painted Steelies... Not sure yet...

mcbassin 07-30-2014 08:42 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Very nice progress. I bet it's distracting with all those side project trucks...Stay focused :)

Cash3481 07-30-2014 10:04 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”

Originally Posted by Elliot949 (Post 6781562)
Looking good Mike... I may be taking the Chrome reverse off my truck and going with painted Steelies... Not sure yet...

Those Chrome rims are cool I think I may know someone interested if you sell them.


Originally Posted by mcbassin (Post 6781621)
Very nice progress. I bet it's distracting with all those side project trucks...Stay focused :)

Thanks Mike,
I keep draggin'em home for some reason (Wifes not impressed). Ive been doing alot of small stuff on my trucks thats not worth mentioning. 4X4s are finding their way to me like a cartoon character to food (Im floating towards them)! Only have 1 at this time but 2-3 are in my sights for a good deal.
I need to do some wholesale liquidation this month so someone can have a winter project. Ill get some additional progress and pics this week.

Cash3481 08-01-2014 11:17 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
3 Attachment(s)
Well, Thanks to a friend (SAM) with a couple lifts I got the body off the BB chassis last night. Its a lot of work but i did remember to take a picture of the motor running before removal, just incase this truck build gets out of hand like the other 2.
Today, after work... Ill get the Medium Bronze Cab and front end sat down on the rebuilt chassis as well as get the other completed cab onto the BB chassis.

I think its a good time to admit I have an addiction to SWB trucks.

I cant seem to sell'em after I get 'em. Ill have a cool picture this weeekend to load if I can get another hard day of work into them collectively.

Wish me luck and if someone needs a good start on a completed truck hit me up! Im not making friends at my house with now three trucks taking up every bay at the house! LOL Did I mention I need a building?
Enjoy the pics...

Cash3481 08-01-2014 11:23 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
From here on out I am numbering these 3 trucks for reference and those following along (not that many people are). LOL

Here is the breakdown and ill post this on the first page too.

Truck 1: Medium Bronze 72 GMC
Truck 2: Green 68 Chevy
Truck 3: Huggar Orange 71

Ill be able to show what will look like 3 individual trucks tomorrow or late tonight.
If your following along, I appreciate comments or criticism.

Im retired from the military so Im used to verbal beatings, plus Im married to a retired military member.


Ol Blue K20 08-01-2014 12:47 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Mike, I've been watching.....silently but watching

Hardesty454 08-01-2014 03:12 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
You live I'm my dreamland surrounded by all those trucks... Send me a spare short wide bed if ya got one! Lookin good on the Ol gmc btw!

Cash3481 08-03-2014 11:02 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
5 Attachment(s)
Truck 3 Weekend update!
Truck 3 got the floor inside lined and ready for interior mockup.
Suspension is all together but I found the front cross member had a small dent from being towed at some point so I removed it and am detailing the new cross member to replace it along with the sway bar since I had the parts for that too.
Also spent some time sorting and started to separate pieces for each truck.

I think I have a lot of work to get done. Seat mockup this week and Ill start wiring the dash and get the interior going towards something that may look like a running truck should! LOL

Cash3481 08-03-2014 11:13 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
4 Attachment(s)
Truck 1 update for the weekend!
Got the Cab and front clip on and sitting in the general vicinity of where it will live. LOL
Lots to still do but if you look you'll see the stainless cap I tried on for giggles.
Enjoy the pics and thanks for following along this insane trip with me!


Cash3481 08-03-2014 11:25 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
5 Attachment(s)
Truck 2 weekend update!
Now that the BB chassis has no cab this one will fit nicely on it and give me chance to make a few dollars. This truck will catch the other 2 quickly as the motor is ready and was driven into the shop Friday to pull the gold cab off of it. I also will have a Stepper bed I'm adding to this frame. I should have it by Friday for a good weekend update this weekend.
Enjoy the pics and thanks for following and sharing with my journey!

Elliot949 08-04-2014 07:15 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Mike you are making GREAT progress... I really wish I could afford to have 2 of these trucks rolling I would take #2 off your hands but my 67 is breaking the bank...

Cash3481 08-04-2014 07:28 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”

Originally Posted by Elliot949 (Post 6787708)
Mike you are making GREAT progress... I really wish I could afford to have 2 of these trucks rolling I would take #2 off your hands but my 67 is breaking the bank...

Your truck will be worth more than all three of these!
I should have you spray one of these so I can sell it. Then I can get my building rolling.
I checked your build yesterday and Chris is getting more done all the time.
I'll check my wheel tubs to see if I have a worthy set for you.


Elliot949 08-04-2014 07:41 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
I would appreciate that... Thanks Mike... I don't mind doing a little straightening but man these are so far off that I almost will have to completely Remake them... If in buying parts for these trucks and the part says Counterparts, run the other way as fast as you can... LOL

mcbassin 08-04-2014 08:41 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Wow brother! you have your hands full! I'm thinking you must be a better multitasker than me :)
Cool to see all that progress.

Bennett68C10 08-04-2014 08:45 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Wow I have a hard enough time restoring one truck and your doing three, I'm in for the completion of these. Can't wait to see how they turn out.

Cash3481 08-04-2014 10:04 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”

Originally Posted by Elliot949 (Post 6787732)
I would appreciate that... Thanks Mike... I don't mind doing a little straightening but man these are so far off that I almost will have to completely Remake them... If in buying parts for these trucks and the part says Counterparts, run the other way as fast as you can... LOL

Ill get you a pic and text it to you after work.


Originally Posted by mcbassin (Post 6787808)
Wow brother! you have your hands full! I'm thinking you must be a better multitasker than me :)
Cool to see all that progress.

I think you should take a break... Get up here and drink a few beers and I can catch up to all these really nice builds on here lately.


Originally Posted by Bennett68C10 (Post 6787816)
Wow I have a hard enough time restoring one truck and your doing three, I'm in for the completion of these. Can't wait to see how they turn out.

This truck thing grows and shrinks all the time. I still have several out there.
(I need to remember not to start'em all at the same time)
Ill work hard to get one of them ready to sell so I can make a few dollars and then progress will really start.

Thanks to all for following along!


mx289 08-04-2014 10:20 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Wow,you are making great progress Mike.

Trucks are looking good.Really like the Bronze.

Low Elco 08-04-2014 10:29 AM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”
Musical trucks! I like the Bronze one, myself.

Cash3481 08-04-2014 11:48 PM

Re: 2 Projects 72 GMC “MISS REPRESENTED” and 68 Chevy “The Board Build”

Originally Posted by mx289 (Post 6787959)
Wow,you are making great progress Mike.

Trucks are looking good.Really like the Bronze.

Thanks! I'll never sell that one! It has history with me.


Originally Posted by Low Elco (Post 6787976)
Musical trucks! I like the Bronze one, myself.

Thanks, I'm gonna try to clean the paint this weekend on it.


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