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Re: 1941 project fenix
I barely want to buy anything without a title these days. It can be daunting to get a title. Whats all that time and risk worth? To me that adds value to a truck, so if the condition is poor but has a nice clear title, than it makes it much more worth getting. In PA and I'm sure with alot of other states. If you do a bill of sale, say you paid 4-500 bucks for the truck pay them some sales tax and often they are happy to just issue the title if its in the system. I took an etching of a truck tag, got a BOS and luckily the truck came up as previously registered in PA. I was able to get a title. I have a few other titles that I'll have to do the same thing for and been putting it off. Now titles and anything DMV related has skyrocketed. So once again the procrastination has taught me a lesson.
Re: 1941 project fenix
I feel, well not the opposite, because I would also buy a bucket of parts with a title, but I would also buy a really nice truck without one because of the HUNDREDS of hours I would save.
Re: 1941 project fenix
I did as much as I could without the mounts. I found some dimensions online and the mounts I am using (70 camaro) should be as tall as the s10 mounts, so I did mock up with a couple S10 bushings.
my kingdom for another inch! I decided to lower the cab another inch, my reasoning is that s10 front suspension does some weird stuff at full droop, the wheels pull back in the wheelarches and the toe goes all wonky, I like setting the truck up to lay on the running boards (well, very close to it) while the frame is still a little off the ground and that keeps the suspension from needing expensive mods like tube arms and tie rod notches. I trimmed out the frame carefully, and the piece I cut out will flip over and weld back in. this lets the part of the rocker that hit the frame go by slightly. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pssgz2r7jw.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psmwayvtzl.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psfsyhfypw.jpg this is as low as I can go without cutting the back of the cab. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psadcqxsqx.jpg you can see where the running board will be, it is about 6 1/4 tall, leaving 7 3/4 ground clearance before I install the 3" lowering springs. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps8faa8phq.jpg I bolted the s10 body mount in to make templates for mounts. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psiwhmsbql.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps2xblahsu.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psjgxzdyht.jpg front mounts made! http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pskrptqbeb.jpg more tomorrow. I realized that the tag office put the wrong VIN on the paperwork, I will run in the morning and correct it. All the front end components came in yesterday, I bought the problem solver MOOG stuff for everything. If I can get the rear mounts built and everything tacked in when the camaro mounts show up, I can pull the cab to do the frame cleanup and engine move. on locating the cab, I set the centerline of the front wheels at 31 inches to the door edge. I will tack everything in and put the front clip on to make certain the wheels are centered. This was the measurement I took off the parts 41, so I think it is right, but I will still double check. |
Re: 1941 project fenix
Feels nice to have everything in your name. My 12 year old son bought a 1975 Jeep and to put it in my name the MTO (DMV) wanted a safety. I said it won't pass that for about 3 years, so we left. :( Still not in our name.
Re: 1941 project fenix
haha yeah thats the way it is with 50 and newer here too. even though it is a VIN inspection it almost has to run and drive, the inspector wont inspect anything on a trailer, and if it doesnt have a motor they will push for a non-highway registration so that you have to bring it back again when it does run. I mean, I get it, theft is rampant but the laws are written to make it hard for a thief to buy a late model wrecked car and steal the same car and switch VINs, they werent written to give a car enthusiast a hard time, but that sure is the way it can seem.
The bushings came, I guess they were on the truck friday and the delivery guy thought whatever was in there was broken because of all the clinking and thumping. nope, just the bubble pack came open. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psdziluq5s.jpg here is the part number, for anyone interested, its 6 bushings so I will be able to mount the core support as well. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pszbmklgk1.jpg got the front mounts in, need a little trim on one side http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psis7veowy.jpg loooove my plasma cutter. love it. from design to cut in about 10 minutes. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pssyng2nns.jpg cleaned up and tacked. I like my little switch mags too, handy here. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps22cu0pjo.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psvjbqso5q.jpg I need to clean the old body mount bracket off the outside of the frame though before welding these on, thinking of jacking the cab up to cut them off since I cant finagle these brackets up on top of the frame without doing that anyway. Then I will pull the cab and start the frame cleanup. |
Re: 1941 project fenix
That is some very nice plasma cutting work. Did you free hand the cuts?
Yep, those switch magnets and very handy... |
Re: 1941 project fenix
I use a drag tip and a straightedge, just a piece of 1 1/2 square tube. you can see a jagged cut there, the drag tip got some dross on it and I tried to drag it a couple times unsuccessfully haha. I usually tap the tip to clear the dross, forgot.
Re: 1941 project fenix
Nice work!! Man I need a plasma.
Re: 1941 project fenix
looking good, I never seen an energy suspension kit with the big open hole washers like that. Its a PIA to get the cup style washers that come off stock s10s. I paid like 50 bucks or something just for the washers and only found one place that sold them. I'v since collected a few washers.
Re: 1941 project fenix
yeah I needed something with a smaller under bushing because of the mount proximity to the frame, I was surprised when these came up but work perfect. The center hole is about an inch and the bolts are 5/8, so you can do a bit of wiggling, which I like.
edit: I am down with a cold so no work today BUT I am always on the scout for project parts and saw a longbed v6 truck with lowish miles on craigslist for way too much money, he was asking 1600 and I thought maybe 8 kind of too much. he dropped the price by 200 every couple days so today at $1000obo it was time to call. Body wasted, but who cares, I offered him about half and we settled close to that. I figure the toolbox and weirdo crane setup (mobility chair lift setup maybe?) are worth half what I paid, and even if I only used the seat and the frame the rest is worth it. so that 41 cab I havent picked up yet has a home when this 41 is done. its a 5 spd too! and the motor is clean enough to eat off of if you like eating spiderwebs and acorn shells I guess. rearview mirror on the dash, musta benna EYEtalian (old joke) http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psdzcggqbf.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psl320suqk.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pshudjaznv.jpg the big scratches on the side are from me, dead limb I thought I would clear. he showed me his other toys, I didnt know they made these stock I thought they were all conversions. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psihd7v1fn.jpg this was neat, a chain driven FWD 400hp car. I think I knew more about it than he did. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pspnqqxhoi.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pshamkna4e.jpg more progress saturday, if I make it. this colds a doozy. |
Re: 1941 project fenix
Score. I here you about the cold, sounds like everyone is sick. Mine hit me hard last Thursday, off work 2 days and didn't move all weekend. Feel better.
Re: 1941 project fenix
Nice score. Hope you get to feeling better soon. |
Re: 1941 project fenix
Nice score and some mighty fine work,
Looking forward to this build thread. Just starting my 46 truck not so easy in the uk harder to find parts lol. |
Re: 1941 project fenix
Nice score also. I've been sick for a week. First time I've been sick in a long time. Rest and drink lots of water.
Re: 1941 project fenix
title came back to me friday, pretty fast! its nice doing all the work up front and then its very fast for the state. had the right VIN on it too, in fact monday I got a new reg slip with the right VIN on it so they must have noticed the error at the capitol. What a load off.
still feeling a little milquetoast saturday and most of today, but I did get out there for a couple hours. anyone remember that jack black movie where they invent the spray that just poofs dog poop? I wish someone had the technology to do that for the cab/bed combo mount on s10s because that bad boy is never any fun to take off and I always seem to have a hard time with it. but I got them off, mostly, well the part I needed off haha. I will take the rest off when I grind the frame and paint it. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psbkxmb5mk.jpg at first glance it looks right to me http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psotkhfevz.jpg there she be, sitting all on her own mounts. mostly level too. its not perfect yet, I think one of the front mounts is slightly higher than the other. I will need to get it square on the frame again, bolt it temp and put on the front clip to see how my measurements work out. looks pretty good though, the floor is level with the frame, so far. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psig1zgaf7.jpg look at that perfect alignment, off the gas tank just barely, fits in nice http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psxzfrygem.jpg looking down though the bolt holes only a little fine tuning needed. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psw8m0lj3n.jpg tomorrow I will get it square and tack the rears, then pull the cab off the frame for deep cleaning of both the cab and the frame. I am going to take the seats to the shop tomorrow and pick up a needle descaler from cardboard freight, the rear frame of this truck is pretty scaly. stay tuned! |
Re: 1941 project fenix
Great work looking good think you might have done this before.
Re: 1941 project fenix
my daughter is in california for work training and sent me this, I almost fainted
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psx8unmzo4.jpg turns out she was tired of the endless advances by other men in her training session and at the hotel and out on the streets so she "married" herself. I figure its legal for someone to marry a potato these days so she should be endlessly happy with herself. tacked the mounts on and rolled outside http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psepdnhd4n.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pstubx1yzy.jpg used my cherry picker rig to pull the cab, broke the tacks on the rear passenger side mount but since I know the correct height and location of the hole should be an easy fix. I will clean up and box in the backs of the mounts, they look a little sketchy right now but hey, development is tough. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psfcijilcl.jpg tried to get the seats out before the upholstery shop closed and failed miserably. They were installed with bolts through the floorboards and I only have access from one side, so makes it tough. but here they are as a "before". I may try and find maroon or black side pieces instead of painting them but if I dont I have used the SEM paint before with good results. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psa5mpyp3l.jpg maybe I will get some frame welding done tonight too. |
Re: 1941 project fenix
Looking good.
Looks like you might be thawed out from the weekend, or did your area get missed by the ice? |
Re: 1941 project fenix
well the weather channel is naming storms and making up stories to get visits. I stayed up till about 2:30 the night of the "storm", the weather.com site was spewing doom and gloom for our zip code, it listed the temperature as 29 and falling rapidly, but the airport site had the temp at 33 and rising. everyone cancelled everything, and we went to breakfast on perfectly clear roads sunday morning. there was some small ice on some branches but it switched to rain later that day and was all gone by this morning.
Re: 1941 project fenix
oh how I wish the number written on these seats would instead be perhaps an accurate accounting of the number of aboriginal men living in mud huts on some tiny island, but its not. its a price. they better look astounding. I picked all the upgrades.
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psbtukgaem.jpg I ordered matching carpet and some jute underlayment too. I went with the burgundy color I used on the 47 GMC wheels, I reeeeallly like that color. washed the cab. its partly blue. who knew? http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps5guvkaat.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psuffuddrd.jpg no more cow poop http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps3hbmprpc.jpg then I started boxing the frame back in. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps0uo6mv0f.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psnlzlu6kh.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psc1wkmzyy.jpg I sanded the frame a little too, I tried to pick up a needle descaler but they were on sale at cardboard frieght and sold out. I picked up a bunch of 40 grit flap discs instead, they are working well. maybe tomorrow I can get the motor loose and moved back. |
Re: 1941 project fenix
cab looks solid. nice job on the frame. so 800 for both seats? I'm assuming buckets are just more money to do then a bench because its alot more time involved. either way the interior can grab just as much attention as the truck, its always worth the investment.
Re: 1941 project fenix
yes, we talked, and to really make the seats nice I decided to spend up, reshaping the top, bulking up the bolsters, and making the pleats from separate pieces instead of stitched pleats. I think this interior will look astounding though, I will carpet the back wall and gloss paint the dash.
started finish welding the frame, I am being really timid on the drivers side, dont want to poke a wire through and hit a fuel line. I still have to trim the bottom edge on both sides.. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps1rhuawyl.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psf72ltjv3.jpg you can see I took the passenger front mount loose from its tacks, it IS 1/4 low like I thought. I tried to use a spacer and it looked like **** so I scrapped it and started to cut a new one, but its the babys bedtime. I did get the rear mount repaired and reinstalled before quitting though. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psmozen2ts.jpg |
Re: 1941 project fenix
the circle guides work much better with the drag tip than the fine cut tip with a standoff. easier to make a real circle too.
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pspeov96r3.jpg redid the passenger front mount and wasnt happy with the look of the drivers mount (eagle eyed viewers of earlier pictures will notice I put the front piece in the rear and vice versa) so I took it apart and redid it as well. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psubvbn79f.jpg just tacked on until I can set the front fenders and make sure the wheels are centered. I am deciding whether or not to rebuild the front suspension before mounting the clip, or after. I am thinking before, so moving the motor back is next and then rebuild the suspension and maybe this weekend drag the front clip to the garage for setup |
Re: 1941 project fenix
this %^&*# thing. every nut and bolt is fighting with every single thread to stay put. I have worn out two 6" grinding discs cutting heads off bolts. The fuel filter line is stuck, not sure what I will do about that yet.
I went to the interior shop to pick colors, I left a can of what I would be using on the dash (rustoleum burgundy) but they still didnt want to make a decision without my input. good thing. they picked the bottom color, I picked the top. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psx97ttqra.jpg originally they had a streaky burgundy that looked like old furniture. I realigned them with the concept of my truck, I like the outside to look old but I like when things are modern, that means late model color and fabrics. I ordered a steering wheel this weekend, same thing, three spoke design with leather wrap. the top half looks like a repair but its actually made that way from the factory. my dad had one on his cavalier in the 80s, so when I saw it I had to have it http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pszi8inipp.jpg got the motor loose, not to soapbox on what a pain this thing is but the engine mounts were 5/8" on one side and 17mm on the other, nothing else fit. I chopped the trans mount lifted it with a couple jacks and moved it back http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pszrll3bke.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psxo71rz66.jpg not quite enough. The power steering lines were my limiter so I gave them a little bend http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psdhqhklnu.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psxxvajjvg.jpg thats better. I know I said 8.5 was my sweet spot but I am going closer to 10 because this trucks not the boss of me and I do what I want http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psettkalgb.jpg I called the PO of the S10 and asked him if I owed any property tax on the amount of land he gave me with this truck http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psdmhnajel.jpg this may cause a problem, the motor mount needs to go right where this brake line is. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psnwnccv8j.jpg and found the coolant leak. when I picked it up it was empty on coolant and when I drove the truck home it lost what I put in. This I guess is common on the TBI, one more thing to do though. looking online the repair sounds fun. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psxew06kmx.jpg more tomrorow! I have an idea for setting the motor mounts correctly and will try it. |
Re: 1941 project fenix
I'v had many of days like yours. Just one of those ones that you hope forget about and make up for with a better day down the road.
Re: 1941 project fenix
oh I am not discouraged, not in the least. the truck can fight all it wants, I will make it clean and pretty and new.
I decided to pull the motor to try my mount idea, my $50 picker pulled its 7th motor! http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psnzs549gq.jpg one of the mounts was wasted and you can see the pan was rubbing the crossmember, not that it would be a problem when I moved it back but interesting to see anyway http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pskv6i8yx4.jpg started pulling the suspension, more of the same haha. cut the shock, cut the sway bar end link, fight the balljoints that spin instead of loosen. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psbv7tdnhp.jpg I didnt work a lot today, only a couple hours. my steelers lost but I still love that team and love that town. |
Re: 1941 project fenix
I could barely watch that game. Frustrates me beyond belief, no team can muster up a plan to even compete with the patcheaots. You know they are throwing 90% of the time yet we still run a zone defense that he picks apart. anyway...... more important things in life like building trucks!
Re: 1941 project fenix
Re: 1941 project fenix
yeah some time I will show you guys the tradition my family has of painting the cars with poster paint when the stillers are in the big show.
the best way to handle rusty fasteners is to just get rid of them ALL of them :D http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psodijpwqi.jpg sanded and painted and started reassembly with all new moog problem solver parts. my side room looks like a moog showroom but I love the quality. even though I wont benefit from it? huh I guess maybe I shoulda cheaped out. anyway: http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pszarohbns.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psqppyk6wz.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psgjgncwtk.jpg oh what the hell you talked me into it http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...h/IMG_0169.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...h/IMG_0167.jpg thats just the most recent one, I have done it every year since and including 1995 |
Re: 1941 project fenix
Re: 1941 project fenix
nice frame and Im with you on the new moog parts. its the little things that go that extra mile, even though most guys could care less. nice fan work on the whip.
Re: 1941 project fenix
Nice improvement on the frame. What paint did you use?
Re: 1941 project fenix
just rustoleum satin rust converter. I wanted the converter because there were obviously areas I couldnt reach (or chose not to based on the time/benefit ratio)
picked up my motor mount stuff today. on the last one I carefully balaced the motor on the picker while holding it at what I thought was the right angle while trying to keep it square in the frame. it was a mf'r and took me almost 2 days. I wanted to try what I thought would be an easier way. and cheaper, because the universal weld in mounts were 60 bucks and shipping. I drove all over looking for a piece of 1/2" ID 11 ga tube, but only found a new 20ft stick. seeing as I only needed about 5 inches, I passed on that. decided that black pipe would work, but it didnt come as 1/2" ID, more like 7/16" ID. I picked it up and kicked myself all the way home till I realized the through hole in the existing mounts was the same bolt size, 1/2" wouldnt have fit. score. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pspbhgy2l6.jpg I got 7/16" all thread and nuts too. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psuor2jft9.jpg now the existing mounts are at about a 4 degree down angle, so if I just moved the mounts straight back, they would be about 1/2" lower. so I cut the all thread and stacked it, giving me back that (almost) 1/2 inch. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psuyimthxb.jpg I cut my black pipe, one with a tubing cutter, one with a zip disc. if you cant tell them apart, good, because using the tubing cutter required patience. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps8orul4p6.jpg amount of move. I made sure to keep the pipes slightly over 16.5" apart (thats the distance for the mounts I am using, 67 chevelle 327 mounts) http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pscn2lbllx.jpg overall shot of my jig in position http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psdssgtolr.jpg plasma some mounts. mirror image except the passenger side is 1/2 shorter (motor is offset 1/2" from factory) http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psmzqstmkw.jpg bobs your uncle. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pslfcnamdi.jpg total time including shopping: 3.5 hours. you can see my hubris, I cant get the jig out in one piece :dohh: |
Re: 1941 project fenix
Re: 1941 project fenix
that what he said they were, I dont know myself. I used them because of two reasons
1. the mounts were all in the same plane, no weirdo out of level mounts. that will make mounting them easy. 2. I will never ever throw something useful away just to buy the exact same thing in a different color or style. they should look better with new upholstery. |
Re: 1941 project fenix
Re: 1941 project fenix
nice work on the engine mounts. like most of us, it means the world to have an extra hand when centering a cab or doing and engine. but.... thats rarely ever the luck we get. the seats will be stunning I'm sure.
Re: 1941 project fenix
I have been wearing a detroit tigers ballcap for about 20 years, I have no affiliation with detroit nor an affinity for the tigers (I actually stopped watching MLB in 1994 when the overpaid babies had a fit), it is actually that my last name starts with a D and that old english script D is great. anyway I tripped across a maroon one the other day, it looks purple in the pic but its maroon.
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psi3wim71a.jpg put the steering together, this is old hat to me now. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pss7rcow1d.jpg hammer coated the sway bar after de-crudding. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pshteyfx3g.jpg the rotors are brand new, but crusty, so I cleaned them up too. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psr1tl40p6.jpg together, for now. belltech springs, everything is new except the rotors and spindles. I have new calipers and hoses. I will pull it all apart again one more time. this is my mock up phase where I try out spring heights, etc. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps8f7zfzfy.jpg She rollin', rollin', rollin', though the streams are swollen, keep them doggies rollin', rawhide http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps5oori5i9.jpg changing the motor mounts, this was a nice surprise http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pspva9mbxc.jpg will it fit? http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...psjtjo7npw.jpg yep http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...pscamcmnl5.jpg http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps3q0lwgpf.jpg tomorrow I will get the trans mount squared away and pop the cab on to check if my ambitious motor move works. more to come! |
Re: 1941 project fenix
Nice work!
Re: 1941 project fenix
Like the hat. Never have been a sports person but a good hat is hard to find.
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