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Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
http://rosscustomsmi.com/wp-content/...014/11/195.jpg As far as the 911 it's my long term project. It's a 83 targa that I am converting to a Midengine RSR Backdated coupe. It has 05 911 C2 front suspension 01 boxster rear unibody section and rear suspension. The hubs are almost flush with the stock rs sized fenders. So I am going to probably have to make some RWB or wider flares to tuck the wheels. Here is a link to the build. http://forums.pelicanparts.com/porsc...d-find-12.html Anyways sorry I have been slacking on the updates. I suppose it is time for a photo dump. Well I Picked up the engine from fedex the other week! https://farm1.staticflickr.com/926/4...923fd038_b.jpgIMAG1741 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I stopped by harbor freight on the way home a picked up a new engine stand rated at 1 ton. Along with a few other things. https://farm1.staticflickr.com/926/2...b84d777f_b.jpgIMAG1740 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1828/...2c9a4475_b.jpgIMAG1742 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/843/4...397b185f_b.jpgIMAG1743 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/844/4...329ab279_b.jpgIMAG1744 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/917/4...740fe10e_b.jpgIMAG1745 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also killed my engine hoist... well it blew out an O ring. https://farm1.staticflickr.com/835/2...b09d5e4a_b.jpgIMAG1748 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1789/...151e0479_b.jpgIMAG1749 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Then the next day, I had to drive a hour and a half to my closest fastenal for a set of bolts, because the cummins engine uses metric and they were the only ones that had that size of bolts in stock. Anyways I got it on the stand. https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1825/...38a274d8_b.jpgIMAG1750 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1764/...80527243_b.jpgIMAG1753 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr. I popped one of the valve covers off to see what kind of condition the engine was in and to see how well it was taken of, and to see if there was any build up for lack of oil changes, and it's super clean under the valve cover. But only time will tell when I start getting into it. https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1762/...995fcdb8_b.jpgIMAG1758 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1822/...4d365801_b.jpgIMAG1760 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr So I finished up the engine test stand and sold it, the engine and trans. https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1789/...27e735af_b.jpgIMAG1762 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1785/...04b3f600_b.jpgIMAG1761 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I quick video of it running. https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1829/...21915363_b.jpgVIDEO0016 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Back to paint prep. I got the doors down to bare metal. [IMG]https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1825/...18bbb249_b.jpgIMAG1770 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG] I was going to have the brushed marks going down the side of the truck horizontally but with the body lines it looks better going vertically. https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1769/...4aef1776_b.jpgIMAG1771 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1806/...790af837_b.jpgIMAG1773 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1824/...62e0a9ed_b.jpgIMAG1775 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/846/4...1253d5c9_b.jpgIMAG1776 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1783/...320ec119_b.jpgIMAG1777 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/838/2...8c6787eb_b.jpgIMAG1778 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Getting ready for clear coat. https://farm1.staticflickr.com/923/2...6774e878_b.jpgIMAG1779 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr And some clear! https://farm1.staticflickr.com/927/4...7630b537_b.jpgIMAG1781 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1770/...6eb47050_b.jpgIMAG1780 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/840/4...87624c9f_b.jpgIMAG1783 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/913/4...ecb0e2de_b.jpgIMAG1782 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1790/...7b26ee9e_b.jpgIMAG1784 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr My bell housing came in yesterday! https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1801/...eedec92a_b.jpgIMAG1786 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/839/2...f2335d3b_b.jpgIMAG1787 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1827/...16c04234_b.jpgIMAG1788 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Test fit! https://farm1.staticflickr.com/838/4...60920c4f_b.jpgIMAG1789 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I have a 95 GM NV4500 so the lower two bolt holes are wrong and I will have to have the input shaft retainer turned down to fit the trans. But the 95 GM uses the same gearing as the dodge so I won't have to swap the gears out. So I bolted the two bellhousings together and drilled out the lower two holes. https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1809/...7d21feb2_b.jpgIMAG1790 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/924/2...cf2306d1_b.jpgIMAG1791 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Then I taped the new holes. https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1809/...7091ca80_b.jpgIMAG1792 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/844/4...8527c94d_b.jpgIMAG1793 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/917/4...1f93ca7b_b.jpgIMAG1794 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1809/...bd696c57_b.jpgIMAG1795 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr So I may have messed up. I probably should have bought a dodge Nv4500 bellhousing instead of the adapter housing. And bought the engine adapter and starter. As I can not find a clutch fork as the adapter bellhousing I bought you are supposed to use the Getrag 360 clutch fork and it is pretty much impossible to find one and the last listing I found for one for sale was $400 for one. So if anyone knows where one is for less then a $100 let me know. So my plan for now is to cut up the chevy one and see if I can make it work. |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Cab and doors are Painted!
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/834/4...aeeeed82_b.jpgIMAG1802 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1768/...8d5c48fc_b.jpgIMAG1803 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1827/...3f7fe98e_b.jpgIMAG1805 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr [IMG]https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1788/...c200eda7_b.jpgIMAG1804 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG] [IMG]https://farm1.staticflickr.com/925/4...045f97dc_b.jpgIMAG1806 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG] https://farm1.staticflickr.com/915/4...d09988c1_b.jpgIMAG1807 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr [IMG]https://farm1.staticflickr.com/833/2...10a859d5_b.jpgIMAG1808 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG] https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1767/...af338488_b.jpgIMAG1809 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Very nice work on the cab and paint work! I love what you're doing with it! Nice choice on the intercooled VE! I don't know where you read or heard that these like to run away but I have to call BS on that. Now, if the turbo starts blowing oil out of the compressor side, it could run a way. But it is not a common thing on them. As far as the flywheel, you'd probably still use a 1st gen flywheel. I am not sure as I never used that adapter. For a clutch fork call this guy and see if he has one. Mark 402-780-5127. If he doesn't have one, he probably can find one.
The alternator and ac were operated by the computer on the first gens. You can get a 1 wire alternator for these, or use a mid 90s Ford F250 external voltage regulator. I have some info in the Diesel conversion section of this site on them. I think I remember you put a newer steering box on this truck? If so you can use the lines from a square body with a hydroboost. You will have to tweak them to fit nice in there but they work. If I was you I'd get a 2nd gen radiator and intercooler and modify your radiator support to fit them in. I used a stock 4 core BBC radiator in my 72 and I will be putting a 2nd gen dodge one in eventually. My truck will run warm when hauling 5th wheels. Hauling 20k open trailers it is fine. But that wind resistance makes it work more and my engine isn't stock so that doesn't help either. |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Sorry it been such a long time since I have made an update. Back in september I messed my back up at work. I was in the hospital for a week and had to use a wheelchair for a month. I still not 100% I can't say standing for very long or lift anything heavy. I have a damaged disk in my back. I'm weight on insurance to approve a shot. So I can't really do to much at the moment. So here are some pics of stuff that I had got done be for I got hurt. I got the front of the frame painted. https://farm1.staticflickr.com/842/4...9e167cd4_k.jpgIMAG1821 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/840/2...1fd8b949_k.jpgIMAG1822 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/853/4...9dcc0a26_k.jpgIMAG1825 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/933/4...47647cb2_k.jpgIMAG1826 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/849/2...c2512ae4_k.jpgIMAG1827 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/849/2...1ae7df3e_k.jpgIMAG1828 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/930/4...54e002f5_k.jpgIMAG1829 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/851/4...22c61dfe_k.jpgIMAG1830 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Some steel for my headache rack https://farm1.staticflickr.com/852/2...615be3b4_k.jpgIMAG1832 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Its 5'' 1/4 box https://farm1.staticflickr.com/852/4...c3055c5a_k.jpgIMAG1833 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm1.staticflickr.com/931/4...7e772206_k.jpgIMAG1831 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I removed the side box and the inner box nightmare thing. https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1852/...25d668db_k.jpgIMAG1862 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1866/...548c92a6_k.jpgIMAG1863 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1888/...24fe361b_k.jpgIMAG1866 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1891/...7b1ebe23_k.jpgIMAG1870 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I started on the headache rack https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1817/...64b27d7a_k.jpgIMAG1871 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1879/...e9b4e4f4_k.jpgIMAG1872 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1869/...c8dd4ce9_k.jpgIMAG1873 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1870/...ceaf2584_k.jpgIMAG1874 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Water pump, thermostat and seals for the cummins https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1870/...29a288db_k.jpgIMAG1876 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1848/...1c55a5a6_k.jpgIMAG1877 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I got new seals for the doors https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1896/...85989d9f_k.jpgIMAG1858 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1836/...c5cc4a76_k.jpgIMAG1861 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1816/...6c6d3bc5_k.jpgIMAG1859 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Installed the headache rack https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4868/...eba5149c_k.jpgIMAG1946 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr two receiver mounts so I can make a removable roof rack https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4902/...930c0c88_k.jpgIMAG1950 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4848/...71e36576_k.jpgIMAG1951 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4872/...cd29c99d_k.jpgIMAG1952 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4809/...6b87e89a_k.jpgIMAG1953 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr So now we are back to present time. Last week I installed the rear window in the cab. https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4868/...05ca902f_k.jpgIMAG1976 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4806/...f6cdae0f_k.jpgIMAG1977 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Today I painted the headache rack, just so we're clear I did not paint over rust I had a friend help me wire wheel and frimer all that is painted. I just can't do much right now so I only did a little bit that way I can get the cab on the frame and out of the garage. https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4855/...685d6896_k.jpgIMAG2041 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4910/...4fb1f365_z.jpgIMAG2042 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4869/...337f9fbd_z.jpgIMAG2043 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
OK... I see why the Jeep build doesn't scare you. You know a thing or two about bringing rusty junk back to life.
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
A few random pic before I messed up my back up the second time. I finished the lower control arms and installed the bags. https://live.staticflickr.com/7923/4...72a2e04a_b.jpgIMAG2232 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I started tearing the cummins down to replace all the seal and repaint it and do a few upgrades. https://live.staticflickr.com/7819/4...445b95e0_b.jpgIMAG2249 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/7867/4...c65a5591_b.jpgIMAG2250 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/7867/3...7524f0a9_b.jpgIMAG2257 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I did the killer dowel pin fix https://live.staticflickr.com/7927/4...bff2b476_b.jpgIMAG2270 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/7865/4...6dda408b_b.jpgIMAG2271 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/7831/4...35b56ff0_b.jpgIMAG2278 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/7829/4...a0d1e9e2_b.jpgIMAG2285 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/7854/3...9f1b6179_b.jpgIMAG2286 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/7824/4...56cfb53c_b.jpgIMAG2287 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I traded my motorcycle project for a yamaha moto 4 250 https://live.staticflickr.com/7857/3...567f9845_b.jpgIMAG2289 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/7810/4...345f4f3a_b.jpgIMAG2290 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Built a winch bumper for it, made a front basket and extended the rear rack. https://live.staticflickr.com/7843/3...324e0672_b.jpgIMAG2348 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/7878/3...4ea545f4_b.jpgIMAG2351 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/7855/4...5c48e255_b.jpgIMAG2355 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...abef98a0_b.jpgIMAG2374 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...abef98a0_b.jpgIMAG2374 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Front rack was made from the jeep soft top frame and electrical conduit. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c8c32fc1_b.jpgIMAG2390 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr [IMG]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...435dd445_b.jpgIMAG2394 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG] https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...750fee7b_b.jpgIMAG2401 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...4ba78a65_b.jpgIMAG2436 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...d06dd989_b.jpgIMAG2437 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Now we are caught up to a few weeks ago. I made another cab jig to make removing the cab easy as I cant lift or bend. So that really expensive clear coat that was supposed to be formulated to be painted directly to bare metal and not rust... well it rusted. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...8057a8b2_b.jpgIMAG2610 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...41bd90cc_b.jpgIMAG2611 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...d510e47f_b.jpgIMAG2612 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr So I spent two weeks removing the clear coat. I can only stand for two hours without feeling like i'm going to die. I probably would have only taken a day and a half. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a5905f08_b.jpgIMAG2640 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...152e3c50_b.jpgIMAG2641 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr So under the influence of the medication I was on and the lack of money, I decided to do a quick and cheap rattle can job of satin seafoam green with fake patina. I don't know if I like it or not yet, but I won't have to remove the cab agin to paint it as I had to remove it to remove all the clear coat and rust. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9693bdf8_b.jpgIMAG2642 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...7db0300b_b.jpgIMAG2625 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a9a1de59_b.jpgIMAG2648 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...923e2429_b.jpgIMAG2654 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f2bdde61_b.jpgIMAG2652 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
That bumper turned out good. Pretty beefy for a four wheeler.
Sorry to hear about the back. hopefully things heal up good. |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
I just found this thread. Love the truck!!! The Cummins is the best way to go.
I hate to hear that your having such horrible back problems as I’ve wrenched mine a few times, but nothing compared to yours. I hope to build one of these out of my 67 C30. Mine is a LONG way away from where yours is. Keep plugging along! |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
The main two plates that the receiver is mounted to is 3/16 the rest is 10 gauge scrap I had left over from another project. Quote:
The other day I started upgrading the fuse box to a 18 circuit fuse box. Here is a pic of the new fuse box. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f6fa68b8_b.jpgIMAG2651 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Here is the list of all the circuits on the new fuse box. 1 HAZARD 2 COIL 3 HORN 4 HEADLIGHT 5 DOME 6 PWR WINDOW 7 CIG LIGHTER 8 WIPERS 9 STOP 10 fUEL PUMP 11 GAUGES 12 RADIO 13 DOOR LOCKS 14 A/C HEAT 15 ELEC FAN 16 BACKUP/ CRUISE 17 RADIO 18 TURN SIGNAL Here is the list of all the circuits on the old fuse box. 1 AIR COND HEAT 2 RADIO IS A BLADE CONNECTOR 3 BU LPS 4 WIPERS 5 TRAFFIC HAZ 6 TAIL STOP PARK DOME 7 GL BOX & SPOT LP 8 PNL LTS Here is the list of all the circuits on the new fuse box. That I have hooked up. 1 HAZARD (5) TRAFFIC HAZ is jumped to the flasher relay. 2 COIL 3 HORN 4 HEADLIGHT 5 DOME 6 PWR WINDOW 7 CIG LIGHTER 8 WIPERS (4) WIPERS 9 STOP (6) TAIL STOP PARK DOME 10 fUEL PUMP 11 GAUGES (8) PNL LTS 12 RADIO 13 DOOR LOCKS 14 A/C HEAT (1) AIR COND HEAT 15 ELEC FAN 16 BACKUP/ CRUISE (3) BU LPS 17 RADIO 18 TURN SIGNAL I plan on running all unused fuses to a 12 Position Covered Dual Row Screw Terminal Block Connector Bar. So when I add the rest of my accessories I can just connect them to the Terminal Block for keyed fused power. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...cffcdddd_b.jpgIMAG2650 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...12b98e7e_b.jpgIMAG2649 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[ I made a mounting bracket to mount the fuse box, terminal blocks and relays. I made the bracket out of some .063 (1/16) thick 3003-H14 aluminum sheet I had left over from another project. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c8f9ed65_b.jpgIMAG2666 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Here is a test fit of the bracket. I plan on running a electric e brake. So I have the bracket moved farther over than needed. It would fit No problem but I wanted to give myself extra room. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...2a3d091a_b.jpgIMAG2671 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I used two rivnuts to mount the fuse box to the bracket. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...426b2e28_b.jpgIMAG2670 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Here is a pic of the terminal block that powers all the keyed accessories. I am going to use a relay to power the terminal block using the stock keyed power wire to switch the relay on. I used 12 gauge wire for both terminal blocks. That way no matter what I end up adding I will have a sufficient gauge wire to power it. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...758e611c_b.jpgIMAG2673 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Here is a pic of the terminal block connector bar. All the yellow wires are keyed power and red wires are always on. The first terminal is for the fuel sending unit. The second is the second to light up any gauges I add. The third is for the dome light. The fourth is if I want to add anything else that needs power all the time. I don't know what I will end up using it for I can't think but I thought I would add it. The fifth and sixth is for the radio one for constant power and one for switched. The rest are for when I add other accessories. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...4f2041e7_b.jpgIMAG2674 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I color coded all the fuse turnimals to there terminal block to make it easier for when I add an accessory. I also made the bracket big enough so when I add a accessory. I have room to label the turnimals as the fuse box is pre labeled but I won't be using them for what is printed on the fuse box. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...4e475ed0_b.jpgIMAG2675 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I bench tested it after I wire up the relay. I added nutserts to the fire wall, I installed them backwards as I have a 10mm sound deadening/ heat insulation mat on the firewall the nucerts sit flush with the mat. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...0a948355_b.jpgIMAG2677 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also made a block off plate for the hole for the old e brake as I plan on running a electric e brake. I drilled the mounting holes bigger than the nutserts so the plate sits flush with the firewall. Here is a pic of the fuse box mounted and the wiring harness installed. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a62b7b02_b.jpgIMAG2681 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I modified a gas pedal from a 04 wrx sti to work with the stock mounting location. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...35047643_b.jpgIMAG2672 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also made a bracket for a set of 4 inch speakers for the dash. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...34b84de1_b.jpgIMAG2661 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...72f19337_b.jpgIMAG2662 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6a85afaf_b.jpgIMAG2663 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I made a block off plate and cut the fire wall to mound the heater box as the new cab was a ac cab and I did not realize the firewalls where different. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...15d30a8a_b.jpgIMAG2657 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I got all the under dash parts installed and the heater controls, ash tray and glove box door as well as all the switches. I don't know what I did with the wiper switch knob. I think I am missing a box of parts, I don't know where I put a few things. I'm going to leave the gauge cluster out for now as I want to replace the manual oil gauge with a electric one. I'm also looking into adding a boost gauge and possibly a tachometer. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...feafa977_b.jpgIMAG2678 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
"So that really expensive clear coat that was supposed to be formulated to be painted directly to bare metal and not rust... well it rusted."
Oof, that sucks to hear since you put so much work into getting it to bare metal. I know it isn't for everyone but I think fauxtina (when not overdone) looks nice and saves a ton on a paint job and more importantly the stress that comes with having a full done paint job and driving a vehicle. I think it is a reasonable option if you have an original survivor and want a truck to just drive and not have to worry about. |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Nice work.
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
The way I see it with the way I painted the truck I can just rattle can over the patina spots or touch it up with a can of spray paint and not have to worry about it getting scratched or dented. I built a rock crawler a few years ago It was a 97 tj that was stretched into a lj. I took it all over the place I would beet it off trees and rocks bury it in the mud. It was spray painted flat black and I would just touch it up when needed. Then I put a nice paint job on it. At first I didn't even want to take it out, then I tried to be careful in the trails I just could not bring myself to scratch it up and I no longer enjoyed it like I had and ended up selling it. I don't want to do the same to this truck. I want it to look good but I don't want to stress out over it when I mess it up. If it already looks ratty then a few more dings and scratches won't matter and it will be easy and cheap to touch up if I want and for now I like the look. Pic of the jeep http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q...ps5ab1d1a7.jpg http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q...psficf41rp.jpg Before I made it pretty. http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q...psebcd10b7.jpg http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q...psbb2yeho7.jpg Quote:
A few weeks ago I made filler panels for the headache rack I made them bolt in just in case I needed to remove them they are made from the metal from the old side box. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c8dcdfc7_c.jpgIMAG2686 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6a4a1993_c.jpgIMAG2687 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9b651ab9_c.jpgIMAG2688 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I rebuilt the hydrobooster https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...57a72a83_c.jpgIMAG2697 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f936ca4a_c.jpgIMAG2699 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I cleaned and painted the power steering box. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...7f090b75_c.jpgIMAG2698 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I repaired the radiator support https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...91ff0389_c.jpgIMAG2704 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a84943f5_c.jpgIMAG2706 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b7e8ccbd_c.jpgIMAG2707 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...3d94704c_c.jpgIMAG2708 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...27e9f28f_c.jpgIMAG2710 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...84d5bea4_c.jpgIMAG2713 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...810370b2_c.jpgIMAG2714 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...76e4f23f_c.jpgIMAG2715 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I had a flag made for my headache rack. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...db349b83_c.jpgIMAG2719 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...abbe0034_c.jpgIMAG2720 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a8739c7a_c.jpgIMAG2722 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I installed the cab a front suspension. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...ae5c59ae_c.jpgIMAG2725 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...44238ab4_c.jpgIMAG2726 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fea4a593_c.jpgIMAG2727 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I moved the front cross member forward a few inches to clear the front cummins. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...56a135e7_c.jpgIMAG2730 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...dcc32009_c.jpgIMAG2733 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...bb9d6181_c.jpgIMAG2734 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I temporary ran the air lines into the cab I plan on installing a bulkhead fitting to connect the air lines. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...36cd456c_c.jpgIMAG2732 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...be461492_c.jpgIMAG2735 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...005a8d8e_c.jpgIMAG2736 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I installed the 1975 c30 motor mount brackets so I can run the first gen cumming motor mounts. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...8bce807c_c.jpgIMAG2737 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I installed all the steering components https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...2684e507_c.jpgIMAG2740 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I temporarily installed the astro van brake master so I could run the brake lines. I plan on running a 05 chevy 3500 brake master https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...5648fc4b_c.jpgIMAG2748 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I installed copper coated lines. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9577012b_c.jpgIMAG2749 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...37af93eb_c.jpgIMAG2750 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b9c5803a_c.jpgIMAG2751 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...080b6630_c.jpgIMAG2752 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I installed the brake JB8 calipers https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...0593189f_c.jpgIMAG2753 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...5dcec297_c.jpgIMAG2754 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...ef93e4f5_c.jpgIMAG2756 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I installed the flag with stainless security tamper proof bolts https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e4f654ba_c.jpgIMAG2762 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...308ffd4b_c.jpgIMAG2763 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr It was a pain to the rear brake line I installed it in one piece I ordered a 25 foot 1/4 line. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a252d8f3_c.jpgIMAG2764 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Today I installed the wheels to make it easier to get the engine hoist under the crossmember. There is 5 psi in the bags in this pic the fender is just resting on the tire it's not bolted on. On a side note I looked up the date code on the tires it was 034 = Date of production: 1993-01-25 that means they are 27 years 2 months 18 days old and they have 70 psi in them. That's kinda terrifying I had a 6,800lb tractor on the back of this thing with thouses tires and drove it almost 3 hours home when I bought it. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...237034d1_c.jpgIMAG2767 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I painted the trans https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a36d6d13_c.jpgIMAG2768 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I will be replacing the rear main seal tomorrow. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...ddbd2e59_c.jpgIMAG2769 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Well I was hoping to get the engine installed this week, But I forgot I did not have the hardware for the pressure plate. I had to talk myself out of using grade 8 bolts and ordered a set of ARP pressure plate bolts. Thankfully summit is still open and have super fast shipping, They came in today, unfortunately I did not have the nuts I needed for the motor mounts and who know how long it will take amazon to ship them.
Any ways on monday I replaced the rear main seal. Installed the flywheel. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...8e3f43b8_c.jpgIMAG2770 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b2edd83c_c.jpgIMAG2771 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...248f3a6c_c.jpgIMAG2772 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Today I installed the pressure plate with the ARP bolts. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b30d896e_c.jpgIMAG2774 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c032ef22_c.jpgIMAG2775 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...10e264e5_c.jpgIMAG2776 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also did the Fuel Shutoff Solenoid delete. I removed the pin and spring. I plan on installing a manual choke cable on the gauge bezel. I'm hoping I can find a stock replacement like what was used in the 67-68 trucks. Then I will connect it to the fuel shutoff lever on the ve pump. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6da25f26_c.jpgIMAG2777_BURST002_COVER by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Apparently I have a slow leak somewhere in my lines both bags where down when I went to measure for the transmission crossmember. So I need to find it before I install the engine. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fb000bd5_c.jpgIMAG2778 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...dd000168_c.jpgIMAG2780 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
I aired the truck all the way up. So I could mark where the transmission crossmember will be sitting. Having the bags being able to go this high will help with all kinds of stuff like changing the oil, working under the truck and loading lowered cars like my track car or auto cross car.
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...7c552cc4_c.jpgIMAG2781 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c33eb7c8_c.jpgIMAG2782 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...0f1aab6e_c.jpgIMAG2783 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...63a304d3_c.jpgIMAG2784 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a6d2702e_c.jpgIMAG2785 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I finally got the engine in. I still have to make motor mounts and get it in to its final spot. At the moment I have a 2x6 on top of the crossmember to give me a decent amount of space between the oil pan and the cross member. It will sag a little when I do the final install. Hopefully I will start on the mounts tomorrow. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f11f8d87_c.jpgIMAG2786 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...08151fc9_c.jpgIMAG2787 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr This side is where I want it but the engine is not straight at the moment so the driver side mount it off. The sun was going down and my back was killing me so I had to call it quits for today. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...16da032e_c.jpgIMAG2788 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f3f6769b_c.jpgIMAG2789 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Nice build just read through the whole thread. I dig it.
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Well I moved the shifter hole the other day. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...8fbec956_c.jpgIMAG2810 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...7d9b26b4_c.jpgIMAG2811 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...ab7a9533_c.jpgIMAG2813 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I'm going to have to move the air lines to the outside of the frame as the downpipe may melt them. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6561061a_c.jpgIMAG2812 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I went to fit the turbo, I have a hx35 I had bought for another project that didn't happen. I want to use the hx35 over the h1c as it will spool faster and make just a little more power through the power band. However the hx35 would not fit at all because the heater box was in the way. The h1 fit but I would not have been able to fit the downpipe. The h1c on the right and the hx35 on the left you can see the exhaust housing is bigger on the hx35 do to the waist gate. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...ec4e3ea3_c.jpgIMAG2820 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Here you can see the h1c installed and the downpipe would not clear the heater box. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...2ea83651_c.jpgIMAG2816 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...56e1310d_c.jpgIMAG2817 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...2a5914bc_c.jpgIMAG2818 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I ended up flipping the exhaust manifold and now the turbo clears and I have plenty of room for the downpipe. However on the hx35 now the wastegate hits the heater box. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f2c9c3f4_c.jpgIMAG2821 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...eb52ae7e_c.jpgIMAG2822 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...7ee95c9b_c.jpgIMAG2823 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr So I modified the wastegate bracket to clear the heater box. I only took one pic I forgot to take more of it finished. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...96b4eb5a_c.jpgIMAG2824 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I wire wheeled the exhaust housing and the center section on the hx35 and painted it with high temp paint. I believe it has already been rebuild as it has very little shaft play compared to the h1c, and the way it was painted it has been apart. I going to wait until the high temp nickel anti seize comes in before reassembling it as I broke one of the bolts on the exhaust housing and don't want to do that again when I do need to rebuild it. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...803e1c9b_c.jpgIMAG2832 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...749f3285_c.jpgIMAG2833 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I am going to temporary install the stock fuel tank, as like most of the us I am a non esensial worker don't have the money to spend the the 40 gallon tank I am planning on running. But I would like to get it up and running as soon as possible. And it would nice to have a running project. So I modified the stock fuel tank to a gravity fed tank, as 1 I did not have a return line and 2 I wanted to run a bigger fuel line to the pump for better flow and volume. I had some stainless 3/8 NPT weld on bungs left over from another build so I ordered a set of 1/2" Hose ID to 3/8" Male NPT 90s that will run to a aluminum 1/2 ID fuel line. it will go to a 1/2 ID T fitting to a 1/2 ID valve so I can manually shut the fuel off to the tank when I upgrade down the road. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...ea62feeb_c.jpgIMAG2825 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I cut the old fuel sender that is now the return line off below the level sensor and I also cut three slits in the return to make it easier for the fuel to return to the tank when its full, or at least that was my thoughts on it. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...3bba2001_c.jpgIMAG2826 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...48d8fe54_c.jpgIMAG2827 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also painted the tank as it had some surface rust from sitting that I cleaned up and did not want it to come back. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...5e034e51_c.jpgIMAG2828 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b12bef83_c.jpgIMAG2829 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...328c48e8_c.jpgIMAG2830 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr The fuel lines will fit no problem. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...83dcf7d2_c.jpgIMAG2831 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Right no,
can't wait to see it done. |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
I bought a set of Russell 640281 -3 AN SAE Adapter Fitting for my clutch master and slave. I am using the master and slave from a 95 chevy 3500. I had to extend the master cylinder rod and cut about a half inch off the slave cylinder and drill out the holes on the slave as the mounting holes are slightly farther apart on the dodge bellhousing. But one cool thing about the Russell Adapter Fittings is, I can buy a first gen clutch slave and it uses the same adapter fittings. So when the salve goes bad I can just bolt on the dodge slave and I wont have to mod anything. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9901eb9a_c.jpgIMAG2834 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...72d64f4d_c.jpgIMAG2835 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6a31258b_c.jpgIMAG2836 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...0a947035_c.jpgIMAG2837 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...20665309_c.jpgIMAG2839 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I installed a power steering line from a 95 chevy 3500 the fitting to the hydroboost bolted on but I had to cut off the fitting and use the stock fitting with a flared end. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...94cc0e0b_c.jpgIMAG2838 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...7efc52a4_c.jpgIMAG2840 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I did the one wire conversion to the alternator and I also installed a wire for the W terminal for a diesel tachometer. So techanely I will have to run 3 wires. 1 to the battery/ starter 2 to ignition switched power, 3 to the tachometer. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f770586e_c.jpgIMAG2842 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Installed the belt. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9476562f_c.jpgIMAG2841 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I made a battery tray out of some 3/4 and 1 inch angle iron and some 3/4 flat bar I had left over from another project. My plan is to install it to the frame behind the cab until I get some underside boxes, then I will mount it in there. I wish I had made the tray 3/8 wider and deeper as its a tight fit. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b81410f8_c.jpgIMAG2843 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f2d7a177_c.jpgIMAG2844 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...132d356b_c.jpgIMAG2845 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...0c5f17dd_c.jpgIMAG2846 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...4a23695c_c.jpgIMAG2847 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Man-o-man, a lot of great work going on there. Making stuff work on an ordinary 1/2 ton pickup is a walk in the park, compared to ALL that you are doing!!!
Job well done... Some thoughts from me, thoughts, if nothing else... I'm sure you know Vintage Air AC units, have the AC and heater stuff ALL under the dash, and in the cab, nothing under hood. Of course, it's only money. You not working for the moment, that's a future thought. I like the group 31 batteries with the threaded studs on them. Less worries about battery connections, and more power out of them, and not much more than a car battery....just a thought for when you get your end result battery box(s) finished... Carry On, Man!! |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Thanks! I enjoy custom fabrication this build is super tame compared to what I usually build. But this build was supposed to be a quick and easy build, But between my back injury and not working it's been way drawn out. There will be more fab work in V2 and V3 of the build. With that said Vintage Air is on my list but it won't be until V2 or V3 of the build along with compound turbos and a 4 link in the rear. but for now I just want it make it a driving project So I can get back to my other builds. I have never thought about using group 31 batteries. I ran a optima in my last rock crawler that I Built/ It had internal threads and normal post, I ended up using both. But I think a threaded stud would be very beneficial and simpler. I'll have to look into it when I have to replace this battery. I think this one should be enough for what I am running, it's a 900 cold cranking amp battery. I think first gen cummins only ran one battery, But down the road I want to install a 20 gallon air tank to run my bags and I want to have on board air to run air tools. I'm thinking of running 3 electric air compressors and may need two batteries, But I also have a old York air compressor that I may try and fit, then I would only need one electric compressor and not need a second battery, but only time will tell. Now back to the build. So I bought a 2005 chevy 3500 master cylinder, another member is running one on his build with the jb8 brakes. Unfortunately assumed all hydro boosters were the same, I was wrong. The hydroboost I am running is out of a 1995 astro van I assumed it was the same as the the one out of the 1995 chevy 3500 as I am using the power steering lines from the 3500 and the 3500 had Jb8 brakes as well. So I just assumed It would be the same as the 05 3500 just a few slight changes. It turns out the 95 astro and the 95 3500 hydroboost uses a 1.25 bore master cylinder and the 05 3500 uses a 1.456 bore master cylinder, and the 1975 C30 I got the JB8 brakes from uses a 1.312 bore master cylinder. So I thought about returning the master cylinder and just run the 95 3500 as I know it will be a direct bolt on and work with the jb8 brakes. But at 3 am I cant sleep and I don't like the idea of running a smaller bore master than what the original Jb8 system from the 75 c30 had, So I'm thinking how can I make the master cylinder fit My first thought was to bore out the hydroboost but it would make it week as it would be super thin. Then I started researching if any one made an adapter plate. I could not find one, however I came across several on adapting a chevy master cylinder to a toyota brake booster. And it was just a simple spacer with the two bolt patterns. I had thought I had some 1/2 aluminum plate but I didn't. So I got to thinking, I could just use the old astro van master cylinder flange as the the spacer. So I cut it off and milled it down and bored it out to 1.456. its a perfect fit! https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...79043860_c.jpgIMAG2849 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...97619d7d_c.jpgIMAG2850 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr So now the push rod is 1/2 to short. My plan is to use a 3/8 6.5 inch grade 8 bolt and cut it down to work as the push rod. So as a temporary solution and proof of concept I threaded the stock pushrod and a piece of aluminum round bar and cut off the head of a bolt to keep it centered. it works great so the next time I go to town I need to pick up a grade 8 bolt. I had thought of just welding an extension on the pushrod but If i do end up having to use the 95 3500 master I can still use the stock pushrod. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...3cfab796_c.jpgIMAG2848 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...87cb7b01_c.jpgIMAG2851 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I had to make a new line as the front fitting was different. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c11f841d_c.jpgIMAG2855 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Another problem is it maybe to tall but I think it will fit. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...39eae90f_c.jpgIMAG2856 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr The throttle cable linkage end finally showed up. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...09cee820_c.jpgIMAG2857 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also started on the fuel tank lines the valve is for when I upgrade to the 40 gallon tank to make it easier to remove it with fuel in the tank as I made the tank gravity feed. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...14430514_c.jpgIMAG2858 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...08450a29_c.jpgIMAG2859 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr The 95 3500 power steering line was almost perfect. I just had to bend it very slightly to clear the pump housing. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...171d09e9_c.jpgIMAG2860 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...176dc0b2_c.jpgIMAG2861 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Now I just need to order some power steering hose and a t fitting for now. I plan on running a power steering cooler and a filter. the filter will also be used as the t fitting as it will have two inlets and one out. |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
This is one of the Coolest builds on this site. i love it.
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
I wirewheeled the exhaust manifold and painted it. I'm still waiting on extended studs as I am going to have to run a 1/2 spacer for the turbo to clear the manifold. I tried chearincing the manifold with the grinder but the manifold was really thin there. It was mabe 1/8 thick so I had to reweld it with stainless wire to fill it back in hopefully it does not crack. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c6aaabbe_c.jpgIMAG2862 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f6aca146_c.jpgIMAG2869 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I got the front shocks in they are just KYB replacements. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...867c949a_c.jpgIMAG2868 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Since I am waiting on amazon I decided to paint the hood I plan on getting a new hood at some point. But for now I'm going to use the old one. I really wanted to keep the patina on the hood but I don't want a white hood on the truck. I have been thinking about doing this for awhile now I did not know how it would turn out But I think it turned out great. I took a paint brush and a old bucket of grease and used the paint brush to paint on grease where I wanted to keep the original patina. Then I painted the whole hood green then pressure washed off all the grease that was covering the original patina. I think it came out great. Befor https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...d3675f5b_c.jpgIMAG2863 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f5075a67_c.jpgIMAG2864 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...ee3ffeb8_c.jpgIMAG2865 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...d466c2bd_c.jpgIMAG2866 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr After, the pressure washer added a little more patina as some of the paint chipped off but it still has its original 50 years of patina https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6e9d8793_c.jpgIMAG2872 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f62ea078_c.jpgIMAG2873 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c09f1a37_c.jpgIMAG2874 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also added some fake patina to the fenders https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a7f3cb90_c.jpgIMAG2867 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
The turbo flange extended studs came in today so I was finally able to mount the turbo with the spacer. Also with the mods I did the to wastegate actuator it now clears the heater box. I also need to get a line extension or get a longer line for the oil feed it fits but its tight and has very little play.
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...892be7b8_c.jpgIMAG2876 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...8f0fb168_c.jpgIMAG2877 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...be05d233_c.jpgIMAG2878 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also modified the turbo oil drain line to fit the new location https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9697f8a2_c.jpgIMAG2875 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...74dc173d_c.jpgIMAG2880 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...01cc1ddf_c.jpgIMAG2881 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...abc017a2_c.jpgIMAG2883 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...94f092d5_c.jpgIMAG2884 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...ebae3dc9_c.jpgIMAG2885 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also install the power steering and hydroboost return line. At the moment I just have a t fitting in to the reservoir. I plan on running a oil cooler and maybe even a power steering filter. but for now this will be enough for the first start and to be able pull it into the garage. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...2fba8ef7_c.jpgIMAG2886 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...d7faa614_c.jpgIMAG2887 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Two weeks ago I started on the core support mounting the radiator and electric fans.
I made a set of lower mounts https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1e06b8f4_c.jpgIMAG2889 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...585ff505_c.jpgIMAG2888 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...44637d4c_c.jpgIMAG2891 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c06f5e7a_c.jpgIMAG2892 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I made a set of brackets to mount the fans. I used 1/4 20 rivnuts https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6d7ffb38_c.jpgIMAG2893 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...63e62c03_c.jpgIMAG2894 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr The fans where almost a perfect fit they needed a slight amount of trimming. I think I got them out of a late 90s or mid 2000s ford windstar. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f980d97b_c.jpgIMAG2896 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr All last week I started on a raised garden. I used 10 foot 4x4s and 12 foot 4x4s as we get a lot of deer on our property. A neighbor up the road has a raised bed garden that they built last year with a 5 foot fence. They have had deer jump there's so we built it to be 8 foot. We have always had a small garden on the other side of the barn and we have tried rope and wire and a few other things to keep deer out and it was better than nothing but with everything going on and the possibility of a food shortage we decided to finally build a fenced in garden and with all my extra time we have we should get started on it now while I can. It looks like my work won't be reopening until june 14 or july 4th. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e091884d_c.jpgIMAG2898 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fe79688d_c.jpgIMAG2899 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...dd278126_c.jpgIMAG2900 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...90973703_c.jpgIMAG2901 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...bb73cd7e_c.jpgIMAG2904 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f0012bdd_c.jpgIMAG2905 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a0153689_c.jpgIMAG2906 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...cfe62782_c.jpgIMAG2907 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I did however get a chance to mount my battery tray. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...22df99eb_c.jpgIMAG2903 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr The other day I was able to pick up a second gen cummins intercooler for cheap. Now I will finally be able to get the front end mounted. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fc2020ac_c.jpgIMAG2908 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I ended up mounting the intercooler 1/2 lower than the core support to clear the hood latch. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...47936d4a_c.jpgIMAG2909 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f370f15a_c.jpgIMAG2910 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr The intercooler only has about an 1/8 of clearance so I notched the frame. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c47dae8a_c.jpgIMAG2912 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...d95e9de5_c.jpgIMAG2913 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...41297ebd_c.jpgIMAG2915 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr After that I finally fixed the core support mount. It turns out that a 43mm knockout punch is the exact size need for the mount. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a78c92b2_c.jpgIMAG2916 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...dff7b234_c.jpgIMAG2917 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6c126c69_c.jpgIMAG2919 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I got the core support and radiator and fans mounted. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...65ff3e77_c.jpgIMAG2920 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I just have enough room to be able to change the belt. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...63871ac9_c.jpgIMAG2921 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr The main fan just clears the timing cover and oil fill. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e3cd9a8b_c.jpgIMAG2923 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I mounted the intercooler. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...dd907574_c.jpgIMAG2924 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...20792377_c.jpgIMAG2925 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also fixed the passenger side fender bracket as someone smashed it up and cut it to fix a bigger battery. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e1dfd0f5_c.jpgIMAG2926 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also added a crankcase breather filter to the vacuum pump as I wont be using it and dont want to suck dirt dust. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1b0a5645_c.jpgIMAG2911 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Lots of good things going on here. I love the entrance to the garden.
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
So last week I went to install the fenders and they were way off. The core support was too far forward and needed to come up like two inches to get the front of the fenders to bolt in place. I knew that had to be wrong. So I tried to move the cab forward but the body mounts where all the way forward in the slots. Then I remembered when I bought the cab the front floor pans and floor braces and front mounts, inner and outer rockers had already been replaced. I remember adding metal to the inner rocker panel to meet the new outer rocker panel as who ever installed the rockers had it way off as the doors did not fit right. That and they were a little beat up. So when I fit the rockers I knew the inners where off but the thought that the whole front of the floor pan was off as well never crossed my mind. So at first I cut a 1/2 spacer and installed them on top of the rear cab mounts. it was slightly better but I still needed more so I had a set of polyurethane body mounts for a willys jeep. They were about a inch thick so I installed them on top of the 1/2 spacer I had made and finally the the fenders fit in place perfectly. But now the radiator fan motor hits the oil fill on the gear cover on the cummins and the wastegate actuator on the turbo that I modded to clear the heater box now hits the heater box again. Also on a side note I did replace the complete rear floor and crossmember I just want to say I got it perfect as if it was off the gas tank would not have bolted in place. As that was my first thought. I thought I messed up, then realized the gas tank would not have bolted up if it was off. So anyways I decided to modify the coresupport so the fan motor would clear the oil fill. The radiator has a slight rake to it. So I modified it to sit vertical in the coresupport to create more room. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...45bfaae8_c.jpgIMAG2930 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...89d512ce_c.jpgIMAG2931 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I cut the lower mounts so it would sit vertical. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...025e7cd7_c.jpgIMAG2932 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...85f72b4c_c.jpgIMAG2933 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Now I need the upper mounts to sit inside of the coresupport so I made two raised humps so they would clear. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fc742f1d_c.jpgIMAG2934 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Now I need to clear the radiator cap. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a8c9c149_c.jpgIMAG2935 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...666a5c1d_c.jpgIMAG2936 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...2892489d_c.jpgIMAG2937 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...8a29dd16_c.jpgIMAG2938 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr It took me a while to find the best way to make the upper mounts work. I ended up taking some 3/4 1/8 angle iron and welded it to the upper mounts then I took the mounting bracket that I removed from the upper mounts and moved them inward to clear the the humps and they work perfectly. I have 1/4 of clearance all the way around the radiator to the coresupport and they sandwich the radiator nicely. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...8106e006_c.jpgIMAG2939 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fd0f17dd_c.jpgIMAG2940 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...14341ecb_c.jpgIMAG2941 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I have more room https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...aae76b5f_c.jpgIMAG2943 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr But I only have a 1/4 of clearance on the motor to the oil fill. So I am going to delete the oil fill and add one to the front valve cover. Then I am gong to see if I can move the cab and coresupport back a little to clear the wastegate to the heater box. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...572cea56_c.jpgIMAG2945 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b581e4f0_c.jpgIMAG2946 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr My back was killing me, so hopefully tomorrow I will get the hood installed. I does look like the cab is sitting level to the frame. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9c757abf_c.jpgIMAG2947 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fa48d019_c.jpgIMAG2948 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me. So I was having problems with clearance with the radiator fan motor being to close to the oil fill neck on the cummins. I don't know how I did not think of this sooner. I lossend the brackets I made and slid the fan over a little bit. I only had to make one new bracket and do a little trimming to clear the upper water neck. Now I have just enough room between the fan motor and oil fill neck. Then I scooted the cab back as far as I could I have about 3/16 of clearance between the wastegate and the heater box now.
I also installed the hood today. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e5dc43fd_c.jpgIMAG2950 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...2ed8f44b_c.jpgIMAG2949 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...d1936af5_c.jpgIMAG2952 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...90fbb5e8_c.jpgIMAG2951 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr under hood clearance https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f1637a4d_c.jpgIMAG2953 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1b9f2622_c.jpgIMAG2954 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I have about an inch between the hood and cap in the brake fluid reservoir. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...578b26dd_c.jpgIMAG2955 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I just realised I never took a pic of the cab dollies I made I used 4 scissor jacks and two furniture dollies and some wood bracing. I used them to remove and install the cab on the frame. I use them to adjust the cab on the frame. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...2e117f33_c.jpgIMAG2956 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...8ba336d0_c.jpgIMAG2957 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Really impressive thread. Great pics, lots of info, good work. Cool projects in the works. Really like the barn in the pics at the start of the thread.
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
I have been slacking on uploads. I ended up making a set of Diy led turn signals. I needed a way to make more room behind the turn signal housings to clear my cummins intercooler. The intercooler mounting brackets where hitting the turn signal bulb sockets. At first I tried using a set of sockets from a 1990s mazda that I had laying around. They were a little more low profile but they were still too long. I ended up ordering a set of cheap led Surface Mount Oval Amber Turn Signal lights for a truck or trailer. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0...?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e2efe8f2_c.jpgIMAG3010 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...634acbc9_c.jpgIMAG3011 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I started bending the black housing away from the clear lense with my hands, the lense if just glued on. Once it started to separate I went in with a flat head and popped the lense off. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...10839983_c.jpgIMAG3022 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I then trimmed the black bousing to fit in the turn signals. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e295b643_c.jpgIMAG3013 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I ended up putting the turn signal lense from the c30 in the mill and milled out a little bit of the lense to fit the leds as the two outer leds are just a little two wide to fit in the lense. You could do the same with a dremel or a grinder. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...7379981b_c.jpgIMAG3012 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Its sits flush in the lense now. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...8bed39ae_c.jpgIMAG3014 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e2a43c89_c.jpgIMAG3015 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Testing the lights. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...ff984af2_c.jpgIMAG3016 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...aa19b99b_c.jpgIMAG3017 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr high or flash https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c36913dd_c.jpgIMAG3019 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr low or running lights https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a082a48c_c.jpgIMAG3020 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I trimmed the second one a little bit better. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...35be7d16_c.jpgIMAG3023 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a5821240_c.jpgIMAG3025 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I'm just going to connect my stock connecter to the lights. you can see how much room I have now the stock bulb sockets stuck out like a inch and a half. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...078d9e93_c.jpgIMAG3027 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr If you wanted to make it plug and play you could get a set of 2057 or 1157 Male Head Extension Connector Plug Socket with Wire Harness and make them plug and play. https://www.amazon.com/Redcolourful-...omotive&sr=1-1 I plan on getting a set of new lenses as mine are the originals and one is cracked. After I do that I plan on apoxing them in to make them a bit more waterproof. At the moment they just have tape on the back. They still use the stock seal but mine lenses had dirt in them when I took them off. I also started on my engine bay harness. The new lay out https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...dbf262b4_c.jpgcummins c30 alt wiring by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Stock https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a2776f37_c.jpgstock v8 c30 engine bay wiring by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I wired up a Dedicated under hood relay box. It houses 10 40 amp relays and 15 blade fuses. I need to add a lot of accessories and do a few upgrades. Things I am adding to the box 1. Electric Fan 1 2. Electric Fan 2 3. Headlight high 4. Headlight Low 5. Starter 6. Fog lights 7. Flat bed work lights 8. Headache rack bed light bar 9. Roof rack work lights 10. Open for now Things I am going to add to the mounting panel I built to mount the box. 4 heavy duty 100 amp relays 2 for the grid heater and 2 for my onboard air. One 200 amp relay for the switched power items. Finished up the wiring all the main power wire are 12 gauge, except the two fan wires are 10 gauge. The trigger wires and ground wires are 18 gauge. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...d7058725_c.jpgIMAG2986 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...847ec926_c.jpgIMAG2996 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...890a6bf6_c.jpgIMAG2997 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I used nutserts on the fender https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...288f18e1_c.jpgIMAG2998 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...20beded1_c.jpgIMAG2999 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr A little intermission gardon up date A few weeks ago we got a load of fill dirt for the raised beds https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...25965553_c.jpgScreensho1 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...27eb22f9_c.jpgIMG_18601 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr it took 7 loads for each bed of the fill dirt. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...3fa570c0_c.jpgIMAG2958 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e22813df_c.jpgIMAG2961 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b2616260_c.jpgIMAG2962 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...270c2770_c.jpgIMAG2963 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e1ed56a3_c.jpgIMAG2964 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...255783c4_c.jpgIMAG2970 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1458ca09_c.jpgIMAG2969 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...4e62f884_c.jpgIMAG2973 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c5c32680_c.jpgIMAG3009 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...768d1b79_c.jpgIMAG3008 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I aired out the truck to make it easier to work in the engine bay. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...5c00df9c_c.jpgIMAG2989 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a1bc5bbc_c.jpgIMAG2990 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fa1a220a_c.jpgIMAG2991 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b0756dbe_c.jpgIMAG2992 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I installed quick disconnect battery terminals. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...28e814cf_c.jpgIMAG2965 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...7c8899ef_c.jpgIMAG2966 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also shortened the drive shaft. Hopeful it doesn't vibrate. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...55075015_c.jpgIMAG2980 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...3e7a1571_c.jpgIMAG2981 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Last week I started the truck for the first time. I had never had the engine running since I got it. I wish I had test started it before I put it into the truck. When I first started it up I thought it was going to run away. Before I got the truck someone had gone through the pump before me. As when I went to install the new fuel pin and governor spring someone had already removed the tamper proof caps off of everything and some of the seals looked new. That and someone had messed up the idle adjustment screw. and at the time I could not turn it so I just left it where it was at. Well when I started it up I thought it was going to run away. unfortunately I had to pull the top of the pump off to adjust the idle screw. I had to put it in the vice and use a pair of pliers to remove it as when I tried to use a normal flat head like your supposed to I ended up snapping the tip off the flat head. Unfortunately the threads where mangled and I had to retap the top housing and I got a long full thread m6 bolt instead of the piece of all thread with a slot in the end. That said when I got it back together I had the idle bolt backed out all the way and It idles fine I don't know what its idling at but it sounds high maybe 1000 rpm But it may just sound high with no exhaust. Anyways I ended up replacing the seals on the top and installing a new throttle shaft bushing. As when I took the throttle nut off it was damp I don't know if it was the seal or the shaft itself as its a common problem and since I had the top off I figur I should replace it while I can. I also replaced the allen bolts as they were a bit loose and as I have to use a ball end allen socket I did not want to strip them out if I ever have to remove the top again. I ended up replacing them with a grade 12.9 allen bolt. So hopeful I will never have to worry about them striping out. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9e20d6fb_c.jpgIMAG3004 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I don't know if this is the stock adjustment for the smoke screw or not the paint looks untouched and it doesn't smost at all. if its stock adjustment i'm going to leave it alone. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a53d31b9_c.jpgIMAG3005 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...7be4a5ae_c.jpgIMAG3007 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr The old throttle shaft bushing. I don't know if it had been replaced or not I though the stock one was brass as that is what it looks like in some pics. But this one was steel. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...bbbbd73a_c.jpgIMAG3028 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Here it is running I tried to rev it a few times but I think it had air still in the lines because after I let it idle for a few minutes it reved fine, but it was getting dark so I did not record it. Maybe tomorrow. I have a leak in the return line and the power steering has a few leaks but it was getting too dark. https://live.staticflickr.com/31337/...e172c67d_c.jpgVIDEO0052 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Congrats on getting her to run. That is always an exciting step.
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Ya gotta love those milestone days! It makes up for months and months of nose to the grindstone work...:metal:
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
After I got it running I installed a power steering cooler as I am running hydroboost and it needs a little more cooling. That said I went a little overboard on the cooler I bought the biggest trans cooler I could find, the trans cooler I used is rated to cool a truck with a (GVW (GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT) RATING of 26,000 LBS. It is 15 1/2" LONG 10" HIGH 3/4" THICK ) I think it should be adequate for my power steering. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6f545822_c.jpgIMAG3029 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...962a2ea8_c.jpgIMAG3030 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...59e84027_c.jpgIMAG3031 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Intermission garden update. Sometime last month I added gourd trellis to two of the beds. If I can remember I will add a updated pic, Things are getting out of hand the cucumbers on the trellis completely took it over. Unfortunately the summer squash cross pollinated with the zucchini on the other trellis and grew these monster cross breeds but they are inedible. And the tomatoes have become a forest. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...d4f83c2b_c.jpgIMAG3032 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...55f782d6_c.jpgIMAG3033 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...63ffecd9_c.jpgIMAG3034 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...207ef594_c.jpgIMAG3035 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...669557c9_c.jpgIMAG3036 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e11c7106_c.jpgIMG_24551 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...be0ed26f_c.jpgIMG_28171 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...0e444cfa_c.jpgIMG_24561 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fa3bd13d_c.jpgIMG_24571 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Back to the truck. I bought a cheap air ride setup, I mainly wanted it for the compressor and gauges. It came with a 3 gallon tank but it is too small for my monster bags, they hold a little over a gallon each. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...131e59a3_c.jpgIMAG3037 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I made a bracket for the compressor and tank I made it so it can hold up to 4 air compressors. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...8e727cdf_c.jpgIMAG3053 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...09454c2e_c.jpgIMAG3054 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also bought a set of stock cummins radiator hoses they were a little too short but it worked out as I needed to reduce the outlet sizes anyways. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e7aaac72_c.jpgIMAG3038 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e75be4ff_c.jpgIMAG3039 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Now that is runs and moves under its own power I pulled it in to the driveway and pressure washed the bed a removed all the wasp and mud dauber nests. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1efd60d5_c.jpgIMAG3044 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I had to rearrange a few things but I got it to fit in the garage with a few inches to spare. It was good timing to as at the time it was in the upper 90s for a few weeks. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...cfda98f6_c.jpgIMAG3045 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...18cf4cfc_c.jpgIMAG3046 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9d0fe934_c.jpgIMAG3047 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I cut the railing off https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...846f0a04_c.jpgIMAG3048 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I removed the ramp storage bracket and burned the license plate Thankfully I needed to get a new one anyways. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...002d96ce_c.jpgIMAG3050 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I had to reseal the vacuum pump. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c572afb8_c.jpgIMAG3049 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...0eb8a637_c.jpgIMAG3051 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9a136b4d_c.jpgIMAG3052 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I reused the railing to make some sides to attach some trailer jacks to, to make installing and removing the dove tail eiser. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...d5a3597d_c.jpgIMAG3056 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9b4674ff_c.jpgIMAG3057 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...08caa2b1_c.jpgIMAG3058 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr And it's free! https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...31c34665_c.jpgIMAG3059 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e1ca90e7_c.jpgIMAG3060 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a92d6629_c.jpgIMAG3061 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9fca1edb_c.jpgIMAG3062 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...38c3ab76_c.jpgIMAG3063 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f171496c_c.jpgIMAG3064 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Now I can walk around the truck in the garage https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...284a3d59_c.jpgIMAG3065 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I don't know what kind of monster did this or why but the welded two c channels and a piece of rectangle tube to the end of the frame. Nothing attaches back there, and then they cut the top half off because it hit the dove tail. I cleaned it up a bit and made them all sit flush. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...0dffcfdc_c.jpgIMAG3067 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...58487fbf_c.jpgIMAG3066 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also cut out all the centers as I am going to move them down as I want to run wood in the center of the bed. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...89df9742_c.jpgIMAG3068 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...06c64d82_c.jpgIMAG3071 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Today I installed a second gen 24 valve intake manifold plate to move the intake forward to clear the brake master cylinder. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...3720a4be_c.jpgIMAG3072 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fc6c01df_c.jpgIMAG3073 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
This is a great build to watch. Im curious what the wheel base is on your truck. I have a 157" wheel base and yours looks longer. Maybe an optical illusion? And if you dont mind can you tell me your bed length is without the dovetail please. I love the idea of the removable dovetail! What length ride can you get up there with the dovetail installed?
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Here is what I have so far of the rear extension I am reusing some of the railing on the rear it is welded to a mix of chrome moly and dom tubing from other projects its all 1.75 120 wall. the plan is to use 1.50 inch pins to hold on the dovetail at the top. the bottom will slide into the receiver on the bumper hitch I made. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...23683a82_c.jpgIMAG3091 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...42d641a8_c.jpgIMAG3092 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6978fa79_c.jpgIMAG3093 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr The outer parts of the extension of the bed is shorter than the 4 inner extensions, I am hoping it will help distribute the load of the dovetail instead of all the weight being on the bumper hitch. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...37a6fce2_c.jpgIMAG3094 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...7324cdb6_c.jpgIMAG3095 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also got a cheap rear view mirror off ebay https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6a0b7d43_c.jpgIMAG3085 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...526d920c_c.jpgIMAG3086 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also replaced the rear brake line I could not front one the same length one that was on it I ordered 2 but they were too short. I ended up making me own brake line I ended up ordering a 18 inch 3an brake line and a male and female 3an to 7/16-24 adapters and a 7/16-24 t fitting so I could get the correct length line. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...461683f7_c.jpgIMAG3088 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...75c73685_c.jpgIMAG3089 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Current state of the garden https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f0954856_c.jpgIMAG3075 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c29988b2_c.jpgIMAG3074 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...381a2ccb_c.jpgIMAG3076 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...d7b83a66_c.jpgIMAG3077 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr The forest of tomatoes is taking over https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...0864a70e_c.jpgIMAG3078 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...0d76a96a_c.jpgIMAG3079 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...3fb198d0_c.jpgIMAG3080 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...62492d82_c.jpgIMAG3081 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1e942d70_c.jpgIMAG3082 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...53507cdf_c.jpgIMAG3083 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...84d31a71_c.jpgIMG_29451 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b1aab2d8_c.jpgIMAG3084 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...835aef26_c.jpgIMAG3097 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6b9b545a_c.jpgIMAG3098 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...3429aa7c_c.jpgIMAG3099 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I got the final design done in C.A.D of the rear of the flat bed. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a8c1e1ee_c.jpgIMAG3100 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...c4382bfc_c.jpgIMAG3101 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...0d39e46e_c.jpgIMAG3102 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Welded on nuts for the license plate and reverse lights. the brake lights are screwed on. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...4774b5a0_c.jpgIMAG3103 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I was hoping to make it out of 11 gauge but I ended up getting laid off last month when my work reopened. So I ended up using a piece of 14 gauge. the piece is not very big and the bend at the bottom of the corners should give it enough strength. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...99dffa7f_c.jpgIMAG3104 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1f0baa05_c.jpgIMAG3105 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...796258de_c.jpgIMAG3106 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...47b7b9e5_c.jpgIMAG3107 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1435ccb4_c.jpgIMAG3109 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...ec98bbbe_c.jpgIMAG3110 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...9e456d4e_c.jpgIMAG3111 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Tomorrow I will finish weld it |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
The rear end turned out great now I just need to paint the rest of the bed.
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...83471261_c.jpgIMAG3113 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...5a262856_c.jpgIMAG3112 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...22a10072_c.jpgIMAG3114 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b1670535_c.jpgIMAG3115 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Finally installed the grill. I was having a problem with my turn signals I could not get them to flash. It turned out the relay was wired backwards when I wired up the fuse box. thankfully it was an easy fix unfortunately it took me a month of trying different things to figure it out.
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...87e51db6_c.jpgIMAG3116 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I painted the door panels the other day. When I painted the hood for my brothers jeep. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...f6dc1b09_c.jpgIMAG3119 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...179396bf_c.jpgIMAG3120 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I painted the rest of the bed and frame today https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...08ce0a33_c.jpgIMAG3124 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b7bcfe85_c.jpgIMAG3123 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...5e7a63f0_c.jpgIMAG3125 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
Re: 1970 C30 Car hauler Buildish thread.
Work on the truck has been slow I have been having hip problems. I ended up having hip surgery and the beginning of october. So I am just now getting back to working on the truck. But Before we get to the truck I built myself a santa maria grill for our fire pit back at the end of september.
If it makes a difference I used some of the metal from the truck to build the grill. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...04ef4273_b.jpg2020-09-17_01-57-18 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...39656326_b.jpg2020-09-17_01-58-18 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fe602fc5_b.jpg20200915_210450 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...a2d18f22_b.jpg20200915_210504 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...89aa5403_b.jpg20200916_162034 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...eb4748c0_b.jpg20200919_104830 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...14de39bb_b.jpg20200919_104837 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...421a6dd2_b.jpg20200919_104845 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...d0f5b45f_b.jpg20201022_181251 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Now back to the truck. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...4db93da6_b.jpg20200919_182419 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I installed a set of under hood lights https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e1379cf8_b.jpgIMAG3130 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...b7ba223e_b.jpgIMAG3131 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also installed a 3rd gen cummins intake horn to clear my brake master cylinder. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...7a2118c3_b.jpg20201014_151814 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1f88d4bd_b.jpg20201014_151823 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...336ab3c3_b.jpg20201014_170240 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also picked up a 12 gallon air tank as my 3 gallon tank is not enough for my front 5k each bags. I also ordered another 5.65 CFM air compressor, but its on backorder. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...6bdc8280_b.jpg20201019_202847 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also picked up a set of new shoes for the front of the truck, they are 19.5x 6 I wanted to run 20s for the tires but they are all ugly. I got a really good deal on one of them it was a return. I also got a decent deal on the second but it's slightly different its the same wheel but newer and the center bore is 1mm bigger and the lug holes are not chamfered. That said they require Flange Nut lug nuts so it doesn't matter. But I am going to have a set of center caps cut to fit them they will be cut out of 3/8 aluminum plate and I will polish them and depending on how close they get to my measurements they should be press fit. I don't like the large center caps that bolt on the out side to the lug nuts and I cant find any they fit a 4.59" Center Bore. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...70fe6703_b.jpg20201020_203314 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...892f1160_b.jpg20201020_203326 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I took a gamble on the tires I wanted a set of open shoulder all seasons steer tires for the front of the truck. I could only find 3 that fit that and the other two were more of a mud tire that a all season. But the other two where name brand and I have never heard of Otani. regardless they should be better than the tires they are replacing with a date code of 1993. That said its impressive that tires from 93 hold 80 psi. and hulled a 6500lbs tractor. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...508b027c_b.jpg20201023_162023 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...0ca8a341_b.jpg20201023_162031 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Well I also decided to delete the factory heater the turbo touches it, and just from driving it around the yard in low gear it has put a hole in the heater box that and I am afraid it will catch fire once I start driving it on the road. I ordered a vintage air 506101 Compact Heater with Defrost. it should be in wednesday. I also ordered a vintage air heater delete plate a while back when I was planning on just ordering the heater/ ac box from vintage air. but realized I would still need to order the controls and the defrost would not work with out the a/c. One day I plan on installing a/c but I dont have the money for that right now. I am selling a few things to save up for a custom set of gauges. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...e51318b5_b.jpg20201028_191359 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr Hopefully I can install the 506101 Heater using these holes. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...ce883509_b.jpg20201029_200545 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...2bc464b1_b.jpg20201029_200656 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also installed a set of bulkhead air line fittings. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...ab7a55af_b.jpg20201031_164141 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I drilled and tapped the manifold for a egt gauge while I had the turbo off. the other side already had been drilled and taped for a egt gauge but now that I have flipped the manifold I need one on this side because you need the egt gauge to read from the rear 3 cylinders as they run hotter. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...fd2721ce_b.jpg20201102_191841 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr I also made a block off plate for the blower motor hole. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...1e112444_b.jpg20201102_195332 by jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr |
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