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lower50's 09-18-2015 10:50 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Oh yes amazing shots! I really like the ones with the city in the background.:metal:

84blaze 09-19-2015 01:34 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Looks unreal dude!

Did you buy those door cards or have them made?

4DSEVEN 09-19-2015 02:44 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Great pic's and great looking ride.

99 to Life 09-19-2015 09:23 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
thanks guys, 84blaze. you referring to the door panels? I made them. Just get some 1/8 board or whatever holds shape, get some vinyl and wrap around, glue or staple it. Its very simple to do.

big_moss 10-01-2015 02:59 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
man the past couple of days at work have been really slow so ive read this entire thread on this build and man I gotta say she came out awesome. very similar plan I have for my 51 5 window im going to be starting on soon. awesome job man. thanks for all the helpful info and pictures you've posted.

99 to Life 10-01-2015 09:13 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
bigmoss, thanks man glad its of some help. Its been such a long and never ending battle. For example one of the last things I have to finish was my heater. Turns out I need a new unit, which is on the way. WTF I just always have an uphill battle. truck is on egay right now, so it may go to a new home. I have a new build lined up, so I'll be posting a new thread at some point. Good luck with your 51', that's my year right there.

big_moss 10-02-2015 04:14 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
right on man ill for sure be following that build as well. im planning on bagging mine very similar to the way you did your any thing major need to look out for bagging it on an s-10 frame with out notching it??

99 to Life 10-03-2015 12:12 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
not really, body will set a tad lower. there are pros and cons doing it either way. I run bag behind axle, stock lower control arms, no dehumping. have about 8 or 9" of bed depth. I run a one piece DS. For precaution I notched out the back of my cab. So really its not that much different from my static drop build, only 1" difference on the two.

joedoh 10-03-2015 01:50 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA

Originally Posted by 99 to Life (Post 7326892)
truck is on egay right now, so it may go to a new home.

dang it man! I heard you rumbling about selling it a little while ago and was going to get with you on listing mine to end an hour after yours, kind of like a consolation prize haha. yours would be the lap dance and mine the wife at home so to speak.

good luck selling. I hope someone local buys your so you can keep track of it!

Advanced Design 10-03-2015 09:08 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Good luck 99. I am watching the auction.

99 to Life 10-03-2015 12:02 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
joedoh, hahhhaaa great analogy. I planned to build and sell a truck right after I finished my 51' years ago. It took over a year to even start this one, then almost 2 to finish it. so... its been a very long wait. By the looks of the auction someone better step way up soon or its getting relisted. If it doesn't sell Im prolly keeping it and selling all my projects.

lower50's 10-06-2015 09:52 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Good luck on the sale!! It's a sweet truck.

IWanna49 10-08-2015 09:46 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA

Originally Posted by 99 to Life (Post 7312447)
a few engine and interior shots

Man, gotta love those wide angle lenses! Great work as always. It's cool you two have worked together before.

What's the next project lined up if it sells??

99 to Life 10-08-2015 11:26 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
thanks greg, yeah the guy that shot the flicks is my business partner too. we own a print shop in the city, met through skating well over 10 years ago. I have a guy that is really wanting me to build him a truck so I'm hoping he scoops up this one that wouldn't need paint etc and all I'd do is the frame, engine, wiring interior etc. That way I can possibly work on my other project "prisonbound". Will be the OG frame, bagged, LS and hopefully a patina body. But.... all this could be on serious hold if I don't get rid of hardtimes cause I need the garage space and money. I'v let my personal life suffer because of these trucks, so I need a break somewhere down the line.

99 to Life 11-17-2015 11:17 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
2 Attachment(s)
11-17 Haven't posted in a while. been busy with life and catching up on things that i never had time to do cause of this truck!!. hardtimes might be heading to australia, so that will open up a garage bay. I am doing a truck for a friend which you can see right behind my 51'. I'll start a build thread, its a 54' with earlier front sheetmetal (which I like). The name of the build is "Geronimo"

been working around my atrocious house. Adding over 150ft of 8ft tall fencing, reorganizing all my cars and trucks. Making a shed over existing well house, hopefully finish siding the house if hardtimes sells.

in this pic I actually have "Lost at Sea" 52' truck in the one garage. I got some other stuff out back too. Someday I'll get a pic of them all. The 54' green patina is heading back to owners soon, just never got me parts or money to start so thats why I'm taking on Geronimo, and hopefully be picking up another truck to build and sell, or just work on one of the ones I got, but they are ruff.

Advanced Design 11-17-2015 11:39 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
That is a good looking collection there 99! Sounds like you have a bunch of irons in the fire.

lower50's 11-18-2015 10:42 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
That is sweet you have so many even if they are for other ppl

joedoh 11-18-2015 11:15 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA

big_moss 11-18-2015 12:02 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
right on man cant wait for the future threads whats the plan for your buddies build ?

ptc 11-18-2015 01:12 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
You've got a 'dream side job' (if thats what it is).... it would certainly be mine to do something like that full time... with some help to do the dirty work! ;)

99 to Life 11-18-2015 01:16 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Not pictured is a 49 panel, my 55.1 and a 53 buick out back, under the car covers are a 53 plymouth 2door and 53 belair. 52' truck in garage and 54' dump truck out front. Might be working a deal on a RUUFF 58-59 apache this weekend.

"Geronimo" 54 five window. Is goin LS, auto, M2, some white walls and a little lower stance but he doesn't want it too low ): fully done interior and engine bay is a must.
Nothing crazy really but I'll start a thread once I get started on it. Should be in a month or so, just gotta get garages organized.

99 to Life 11-18-2015 01:24 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
PTC, yeah its a side gig for now thats why I started CoffeeN'customs. So eventually I hope to open a coffee shop and have my shop connected to it, or atleast just have some stuff on display. So the sale of my next build is going to hopefully help fund that. I'm not big on loans (well for a house maybe, which I'm trying to do still) this property is 25 acres and is my moms place. I'm so insanely spread thin as I travel 100 miles to pittsburgh and work at my printshop tues-thurs and then I come back and stay with my kids and work on the trucks 2-3 days a week. Its a ruff schedule and really doing trucks fulltime might be my only option to move up north full time. But I got 8 years and a biz partner invested in my printshop so hard to give that up. Plus its my main source of income which is peanuts in the real world! But every penny I have to spare goes into family and old cars/trucks.

ptc 11-18-2015 02:05 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA

Originally Posted by 99 to Life (Post 7380537)
PTC, yeah its a side gig for now thats why I started CoffeeN'customs. So eventually I hope to open a coffee shop and have my shop connected to it, or atleast just have some stuff on display. So the sale of my next build is going to hopefully help fund that. I'm not big on loans (well for a house maybe, which I'm trying to do still) this property is 25 acres and is my moms place. I'm so insanely spread thin as I travel 100 miles to pittsburgh and work at my printshop tues-thurs and then I come back and stay with my kids and work on the trucks 2-3 days a week. Its a ruff schedule and really doing trucks fulltime might be my only option to move up north full time. But I got 8 years and a biz partner invested in my printshop so hard to give that up. Plus its my main source of income which is peanuts in the real world! But every penny I have to spare goes into family and old cars/trucks.

I hear ya, my wife and I are still trying to find that perfect place to settle for retirement time.... thats when I can possibly do more with my dream too. Hey if we dont dream, then it cant come true!!!! so keep on keepin on! it'll happen if you make a plan and work the plan! Good luck to you.

SalvagedSouls 12-03-2015 06:02 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Finally decided to create a profile as I have a few projects of my own. I read through your entire build over the last couple of weeks and also followed your eBay listing. You definitely put a lot of work into this truck and as a result it turned out pretty sharp. Nice work! I'll be following your other builds too.

99 to Life 12-03-2015 11:43 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
thanks, going to relist hardtimes soon. had a guy in Australia fall through. market seems slow right now, slightly cause of xmas I think. I'm trying to inch by and keep the truck for next year, take it to some big shows. Starting a build thread on Geronimo soon. Gathering parts and redoing a garage to work on it. IFS should be showing up soon, just got a rear end for it, a seat and some other parts. Trying to get a low mile LS for it. It will be a different route than I'v taken before so it should be a nice learning experience!

oldman3 12-04-2015 12:24 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
99, looking forward to the next build...Jim

99 to Life 12-04-2015 01:05 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
thanks jim, somewhat fortunate to be building another truck, wouldn't be the case if I had to fund it. But... when working on someones you don't always get what you want!

reaper71 12-04-2015 10:20 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Keep us posted on the new build..


99 to Life 12-04-2015 10:38 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Here is a little shifting action with hardtimes, nothing crazy though. Will post some pics of Geronimo soon.

Advanced Design 12-04-2015 02:40 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Sounds awesome! I am looking forward to your next build so please keep us posted.

lower50's 12-04-2015 05:22 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Well that vid was sweet. Sounds great. Geronimo

joedoh 12-04-2015 09:04 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
makes me homesick! my favorite time of year was fall in the appalachians

99 to Life 12-05-2015 01:20 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
1 Attachment(s)
thanks guys, so I started the build thread even though I haven't really started yet. I'm still gathering parts and shuffling trucks all over the place and have spent daaaaays redoing my other garage (51' was parked in it). So now I'll have a new work space to work on Geronimo.

WorkinWrenchs 12-20-2015 02:34 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Wow just finished reading this, only took me about 2 weeks, wife keeps coming in and asking me what i am doing. It is easier to tell her i am watching porn lol.

Very informative and helpful. I just started my build and will be going the bagged route, however I will be doing somethings different, but you have inspired me to get out and start doing body work. Same problem over here with splitting time with fam and truck, and money.

99 to Life 12-20-2015 11:33 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Cool man, glad it could give you some motivation. Fortunately most times for me I'm so motivated to work Im looking forward to it everytime. That is a huge deal with building these, because at times they can be extremely stressful. Nothing worse than working when you're not in the mood, fighting through the weather and life in general. That's why I call this truck Hardtimes, it really put me through the ringer. I'll follow your build.

99 to Life 02-02-2016 09:38 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
1 Attachment(s)
2-2 Haven't been updating too much for obvious reasons. Got hardtimes outta the garage for some sun. one of my comps stopped working, so not sure as to why yet.

lower50's 02-02-2016 10:54 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Didn't you have a problem with one of the compressors before? Nice pic

99 to Life 02-02-2016 11:16 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
no not with the compressor itself. just the pressure switch, which I replaced. I then noticed the ground for the pressure switch was a tad loose, after I changed it, so who knows if it was the switch or the ground. either way it has a new viair pressure switch on it. I'll be putting two newer viairs comps on it sooner than later.

99 to Life 02-13-2016 02:41 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
1 Attachment(s)
Well luckily I checked the fuse to the compressor. I popped a fuse and now realize why. When my pressure switch was sticking or so I though was sticking, I noticed the ground came loose. The pressure switch and compressor shared the same ground. I was arching the pressure switch to see if it would kick on, and that's when the fuse popped.

So easy fix and I don't think there should be anymore problems. What you see here is a product of my dirt roads (hard work gets dirty). So I have my compressors running into this dual 30 amp fuse box, then those run to the 80 amp stinger relay, then up into cab and tied into a 50 amp kill switch which then goes straight to battery. I ran 8g wire from stinger to switch to bat.

Then I have a toggle switch to kill the power to the pressure switch.

Had a potential buyer come look at truck. it was like 10deg out. I took him for a wintery ride. he was very impressed with the ride and is no stranger to bagged trucks. So its nice to get that feedback. There is never a perfect build or truck for that matter, I could pick any build apart, even mine. So its nice to get a hands on second opinion.

daverod 02-23-2016 07:34 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
very cool. looks like a real rat shop.

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