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jugernot 06-17-2017 08:31 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
2 Attachment(s)
I had to get one of the bed wood boards replaced, so I used the damaged one to try out some different stain colors.

Tell me which one you think will match nicely with the yellow paint of the truck. Keep in mind there is no clear coat, Varnish or anything else on the board. I just sanded it with a 220 grit.

I'll tell you which one I like later..



Nh4clo4 06-17-2017 09:27 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
I like the two darker ones on the left.

Just my personal opinion, I like dark wood on a light color and light wood on dark color.

gringoloco 06-17-2017 09:57 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Agreed. Dark wood, stainless strips

aggie91 06-19-2017 09:21 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
I like the middle two, but I'm leaning toward the darker one.

drfloyd 06-20-2017 01:30 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Jugernot, I am in the process on catching up on your thread. I'm doing almost the exact same thing but I'm a bit behind you. lol. I'm on chassis and suspension work right now. But I'm just curious why you chose to keep the old ebrake handle vs installing a pedal since you were basically starting from scratch. I'm planning on removing mine so I'm curious what drove your decision or if you even considered it?

jugernot 06-20-2017 10:56 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by drfloyd (Post 7972027)
Jugernot, I am in the process on catching up on your thread. I'm doing almost the exact same thing but I'm a bit behind you. lol. I'm on chassis and suspension work right now. But I'm just curious why you chose to keep the old ebrake handle vs installing a pedal since you were basically starting from scratch. I'm planning on removing mine so I'm curious what drove your decision or if you even considered it?

I think the reason I kept the e brake handle is nostalgia. It is a unique thing specific for 67 and 68 C10 truck. Plus the e brake pedal would interfere with the size of the speaker kick panels.

jugernot 06-23-2017 04:06 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
1 Attachment(s)
I'm toying with the idea of making some heat shields to attach to the underside of the bed above the exhaust. I know that make them (like the one pictured here) however they look like they are made to screw into the underside of the wood bed.

I was thinking about making some that attach to the bolts that hold the metal strips between the boards. I think aluminum would be the best. I picked up some thin card stock to make some templates to see how and if my idea will work.

Has anyone done anything similar?

jugernot 07-16-2017 04:48 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
4 Attachment(s)
I finally finished building and wrapping the speaker enclosure. I connected all the a components, ran power, and disrupted the neighborhood with some loud music. I attempted to use a hidden antenna and it failed to pick up many if not all the radio stations. I tried putting it behind the dome light and then in the cab corner, neither worked. Then I placed it on the top of the roof to see how well it worked in the open. I was still disappointed. I read a thread were people have put a fender or cowl antenna under there vehicle, so I may try that. My radio does have blue tooth, which is what allowed me to play the music. It also has an option for satellite radio, but I don't think I will use it.

If anyone has any other options for an antenna, please chime in.

gringoloco 07-16-2017 09:11 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Look at reviews on the hidden type, buy the best one available (not always the most expensive) and put it under the wiper cowl. The fresh air vents will allow some of the radio waves to penetrate and you can use the factory firewall hole to route the cable.

Behind the seat looks great!

jugernot 07-16-2017 10:47 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by gringoloco (Post 7992461)
Look at reviews on the hidden type, buy the best one available (not always the most expensive) and put it under the wiper cowl. The fresh air vents will allow some of the radio waves to penetrate and you can use the factory firewall hole to route the cable.

Behind the seat looks great!

Interesting idea. I hadn't thought about putting one inside there, but it makes sense. Thanks

1971_c10 07-18-2017 03:19 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Man, that enclosure is looking good. Very nice work!

On the antenna, I was looking around at these guys:

They sound more like amateur radio heads and seem to know what they are talking about based on my past experience in amateur radio. But, I haven't tried it so I can't say if it works. Curious if you tried something like this or one of the hundreds of "amplified" antennas because I was thinking the same spot as you, behind the dome light between there and the B pillar corner. But your luck may be changing my mind. And of course, our cabs are just metal cages which doesn't help. Thanks for the update on the details!

jugernot 07-18-2017 10:21 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by 1971_c10 (Post 7993931)
Man, that enclosure is looking good. Very nice work!

On the antenna, I was looking around at these guys:

They sound more like amateur radio heads and seem to know what they are talking about based on my past experience in amateur radio. But, I haven't tried it so I can't say if it works. Curious if you tried something like this or one of the hundreds of "amplified" antennas because I was thinking the same spot as you, behind the dome light between there and the B pillar corner. But your luck may be changing my mind. And of course, our cabs are just metal cages which doesn't help. Thanks for the update on the details!

Thanks. I read what they claim about the antenna and I think I will give them a try and place it under the cowl.

UPDATE. "1972_c10" Chris, I read some reviews about the TuneTrapper antenna on a motorcycle forum and a few that have tried it said they were disappointed. FYI. I'm not sure if I will get one right now. I think I'll try a cowl or fender antenna under the truck or in the engine compartment, because I forgot that we sealed off my cowl. So I cant put it under there.


jugernot 08-20-2017 01:18 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
I need some input........

I have been putting the Helmsman Spar Varnish on the underside side of the bed wood. I let it cure for 6 or so hours, lightly sanded with a 400 grit, wiped the boards down with a tack cloth, before applying the next coat. After the first coat I noticed that the varnish appeared to be ( for the lack of a better word to describe it) like an orange peal. I thought each coat I applied after the first would level everything out, but it DID NOT.

Perhaps it was caused by bubbles in the varnish. I don't think it is dust, because after a good sweep and mopping of the garage floor, I hung plastic up in the middle of garage to create a hopefully a sealed off work area.

Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas about what caused it? Did I apply to much varnish for each coat?

I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong before I start on the top side of the wood!

I just finished putting on the last coat and its late. I try to post a picture tomorrow.


Joe Pass 08-20-2017 08:25 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
What worked best for me was 2 coats underneath and 3 on the top side. Each coat kept getting better but brush marks and some dust still appeared. I decided to sand the top side once more and sprayed the 4th last coat using a paint gun...That made the difference in my case. Since then I tend to brush the first 2-3 coats and spray the last one after block sanding. Brushing the first few coats worked into the grain and the spraying laid it down smooth and after couple of weeks of drying I polished the finish with some VERY fine steel wool and wood wax...Hope that helps....
You can buy the Helmsman in a spray can but the gun allowed a thicker mixture to be applied...Not seeing your pictures it's kind of a guess

jugernot 08-20-2017 12:21 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
2 Attachment(s)
Thanks Joe. Did you thin the varnish when you sprayed it on? What did you thin it with?

I forgot to mention in my previous post that brush lines can be seen and felt on the surface of the board.

There is the picture. The orange peel can be seen where the light is reflecting off the board.

The final coat I brushed on was a thin light coat, that seemed to level things out, but not much.

Joe Pass 08-20-2017 04:36 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Looks like some fisheyes around the grain which maybe something in or on the surface affecting it to lay flat....I have thinned the Helmsman with some mineral spirits, it just depends on the gun tip size...My Binks M1G gun will spray it thick easily...but you would have to experiment....You can add a additive like Smoothie to help eliminate fisheyes...

If you would like you can run up here with the wood and use my can knock it out...glad to help

Joe Pass 08-20-2017 04:46 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
2 Attachment(s)
The first picture is sanded after 3 brushed coats and the last is after I sprayed the last coat.....Like always, I got excited and called that good but the next one will get 1 more sprayed coat to take it to that next level in which I suspect you're shooting for.....
Attachment 1682717

Attachment 1682718

jugernot 08-20-2017 05:04 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by Joe Pass (Post 8021178)
Looks like some fisheyes around the grain which maybe something in or on the surface affecting it to lay flat....I have thinned the Helmsman with some mineral spirits, it just depends on the gun tip size...My Binks M1G gun will spray it thick easily...but you would have to experiment....You can add a additive like Smoothie to help eliminate fisheyes...

If you would like you can run up here with the wood and use my can knock it out...glad to help

I think I'm gonna have to take you up on your offer. I put four brushed coats on the bottom and will probably put 2 or 3 brushed coats on the top and maybe 2 sprayed coats.

As always thanks Joe. I'll text you later so we can set up a time.

jugernot 08-21-2017 10:24 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
5 Attachment(s)
Here are some additional pictures of the bed wood. I think they show the issue I've described. I put 3 coats on the top, keeping in mind that I may have to sand it all off and start over. I'm not happy with the finish, because I wanted something that looked a lot smoother.

On a positive, I really like the color, especially in the sun.

Tell me what you think?

jugernot 08-21-2017 10:29 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
5 Attachment(s)
The other thing I was able to do this weekend was finish the install of the rear cab enclosure and install the seats. I have to say that with the enclosure covered with vinyl, it eliminates a lot more of the echo. I very happy with the sound of the stereo system too. I still have to get the kick panels covered and add some leather to the center seat.

RRR18 08-21-2017 11:01 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Let that wood cure for a month and then buff it out. It worked pretty damn good for me. Your wood looks better than mine did before I buffed it out soooo I think it should come out good. Mine isn't like clear coat exactly but it ain't orange peel either.

gringoloco 08-21-2017 11:48 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
I say block sand it and recoat until you're happy with the smoothness, then finish with an automotive clear, assuming the coating has cured enough to sand and the products are compatible

jugernot 08-26-2017 06:30 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
5 Attachment(s)
Thanks for all the input. Since I'm in no hurry ( I still have 5 years before my daughter graduates from school). So I'm gonna let the finish cure for a few weeks, then give it a light sand it the hopes it will even out the finish. Then if that looks promising, I'll give it another coat. Perhaps spray it on, wet sand and then buff. If that doesn't work then I'll sand it all the way down and start over.

On a different note. I was going through the cabinets in the garage, clearing out things I don't need and came across this. I forgot all about it. I bought it years ago with the thought of using it, but of course I didn't.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what year it is from? I did a search on the interweb and could not find anything. The part number on the distributor looks like it reads 6048201. Which I think is still used by Mallory, according to Summit Racing " Mallory Aftermarket Fuel Injection Distributors 6148201"

Not sure what I will do with it, yet.

FRENCHBLUE72 02-12-2018 01:48 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Anything new?

jugernot 02-12-2018 08:18 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by FRENCHBLUE72 (Post 8186026)
Anything new?

Yes, thanks for asking. I picked up a piece of aluminum diamond plate that I will be using as a heat shield between the bed wood and mufflers. I need to cut it down a little, bend the edges to make it rigid. Then figure out how to attach it, so it can be removed without having to take the bed wood out. Once I have that done I will install the bed wood and hardware.

The bed wood itself looks a lot better after letting it sit for a few months to cure. A lot of the the "fish eyes" have disappeared.

Probably a quick thing to finish, I've just been lazy.

jugernot 03-12-2018 08:45 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
4 Attachment(s)
Last week I dropped off my kick panels to have them covered with upholstery. I found a place called "Blueline Interiors".

I picked them up today, put all the components back in and then installed them. Of Course I had to do a sound test with the radio and they still sound GOOOOOD.

I also have the heat shields that will be installed on the underside the bed sills, above the mufflers. To protect the bed wood.

jugernot 04-14-2018 08:53 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
3 Attachment(s)
I finally had some time, nice weather, and a day off to work on the heat shields. I took a couple of pictures of them mocked up. Once they were in the location I wanted I drilled holes through the cross members and heat shields. I attached U-Nuts to the cross members, so I could attach the heat shields from the underside of the bed. I made two separate heat shields so they could be removed from the underside if needed.

Now the fun begin. I get to install the bed wood. I bet that's going to be lot of fun??????

Maybe I will try to start that tomorrow.

gringoloco 04-17-2018 09:47 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Keep chipping away. The bed wood is actually fun. It’s a great sense of accomplishment

jugernot 05-10-2018 07:46 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
5 Attachment(s)
For the last few weeks the weather has been cooperating and I have been able to do some work on Lemon Drop. The first picture shows the heat shield installed above the mufflers.

The rest of the pictures show the bed wood installed. Which was a very time consuming process. It actually took me about 3 weekends. I had to trim off about 1/4 inch of the outer boards. The ones that are right next to the bed sides, under the L bracket. I even had to swap and turn boards so that all the brackets could fit into the slots on the boards. There was a lot of tightening, loosening, shifting, moving, etc., before they were able to fit properly. But the bed if finally done. YEAH.

Whats on the list next, trying to figure out why my transmission temp gauge in not working, modify the passenger side wiper arm, and install the center console seat (which I have to decide if I want to replace the fabric with leather).

jugernot 05-10-2018 07:48 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
2 Attachment(s)
Some more pics.

1971_c10 05-10-2018 10:08 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Looking good!!! :metal:

Jason7121 05-11-2018 01:26 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Very nice looks great

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