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toolboxchev 08-04-2017 03:41 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Did the power steering gearbox over a month ago. Well going down the freeway I hear this growl sound in the turns.

Luckily it was just a piss leak on the high pressure line. I will tell you this Napa Brand products are not what you would like them to be.

Never the less, a little fabrication on my part and bending and groaning I got it done.

I was very lucky in getting to know a man years ago whom worked on rigs all the time. I ended up giving him the nickname "Master o' de Eights". Learned a lot from that guy and he was impressed with my skills. Here's to ya Tex! Not forgotten my man.

72_swb 08-04-2017 06:02 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
No the napa and Oriellys has gone down to Autozone level. I've been going to the dealer. Cost more but last longer. The last water pump I got from napa was a joke. Thin crap.

NoStopN 08-04-2017 07:20 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I posted no evidence of my seat cover swap. Amazingly, it might be money spent for nothing. I went by the local Fastenal the other day & there was an upholstery shop next door. I didn't get the chance to stop in since I was trying to fix my Z71. Now for the proof:

And the new cheap seat cover.

I'm satisfied for now. Plus, I was thinking about having it recovered in black. I plan to have the windows tinted, so it shouldn't be too bad.

AussieinNC 08-04-2017 09:33 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Hey firedemon...

Suggestion: grab yourself a metal inline filter and install it after the close as you can to the carb...and

Install a thermal spacer between the carb base and the manifold...

Holleys are renowned for cloggy needles and seats...some have filters within the fuel line barb fitting on the carb itself...these often break down over time as no-one ever cleans or replaces em...

have fun :chevy::chevy::chevy::chevy:

In The Ten Ring 08-04-2017 10:56 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I bummed an 18 gauge needle and bought a bottle of blue nail polish. I want to fill up my "Custom/10" emblems with blue rather like the front bowtie emblem color.

BugzC10 08-04-2017 11:34 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by firedemon (Post 8008059)
got to experience the joys of carburation today with a little vapor lock . made it to the bank cashed the check come back out started up a little hard but started . made it to the end of the driveway sputterd right out . checked the choke it was open all the way nothing squirting at all . no tools with me so I sit and wait for it to cool off with the hood open every nitwit with a car smaller than my hood gets behind and starts honking like I'm just sitting there with the hood wide open watching traffic roll on by while I sweat like a pig for fun . I get the idea to check the tank and make sure the gauge is working opens to the pssssssst sound . well its working I got half a tank . thinking its the cap I turn it over to no start . grey beard stops with a can of either fires right up keep it running long enough to get fuel to the carb great . get the cleaner back on shut the hood 1/2 mile down the road and two red lights again sputter and done. same dam thing only this time I left the cap loose nothing squirting wth . I get towed this time down to my brothers shop thinking its gotta be a filter I pull the line off the carb sprayed right in the eye serious fuel pressure . stinking holley carb . pulled the needle and seat put fuel line back on crank her over and we get a flood . getting fuel so blow out and carb cleaner the needle and seat put it back in a little adjustment running good . I pulled the line from the carb and fill a gaterade bottle nothing clean as a whistle the filters are brand new not even 3000 miles yet one under cab one infront of carb . I don't know must have been something in the seat it ran home fine

I feel ya brother...arn't these trucks a blast? :metal:

VWNate1 08-05-2017 01:41 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I'll never understand why anyone would use metal fuel filters ~ clear plastic ones DO NOT leak/catch fire unless you leave them on for years instead of periodically changing like you're supposed to do .

A clear filter will always give you plenty of warning before it stops fuel flow and it also instantly tell you if there's any fuel flow to the carby .

I've used and enjoyed 'Grose Jet' carby inlet valves for decades and never yet had one problem ~ they use two little self cleaning steel balls to measure the fuel flow accurately .\

NoStopN 08-05-2017 12:14 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I went to breakfast & then had to suck up some go-go juice.

And then, it decided it didn't want to leave the gas station. I could smell a little gas smell (around gas pumps, who'da thunk it?). Popped the hood, off with the air cleaner, & I opened up the carb throttle plate & could see gas vapors around it. After about 5 minutes of opening the plate, I buttoned it back up & tried to fire it again. After a half dozen cranks, it came alive. It got home with no further issues.

rustytruck50 08-05-2017 04:06 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
A much needed rear shock replacement....'ol blue was perfecting the Texas Two-Step on anything but smooth quote Barney Fife, "I nipped it in the bud!"

VWNate1 08-05-2017 10:27 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Can't blame the filter because you failed to keep an eye on it so it yellowed, aged out and failed .

VWNate1 08-06-2017 12:16 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Yep ;

1967 Triumph t100C, it did shake quite a bit .

Never lost a clear plastic filter yet and I drive / ride a lot .

MY BELOVED C/10 has one too .

hussler 08-06-2017 02:45 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
I took on the challenge today and installed a after market tach, in my stock non-tach dash, and i love the way it turned out, if anyone wants the part number for the Bosch Tach let me know...the dam thing looks good in our trucks..

HO455 08-06-2017 09:55 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by VWNate1 (Post 8009064)
I'll never understand why anyone would use metal fuel filters ~ clear plastic ones DO NOT leak/catch fire unless you leave them on for years instead of periodically changing like you're supposed to do .\

The NHRA won't pass you through the Tech Inspection with one. Ever see one on a new car? Can you tell me what the micro rating of your clear filter is? These reasons are why I do not use clear filters.

berch 69GMC 08-06-2017 10:00 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by hussler (Post 8009748)
I took on the challenge today and installed a after market tach, and i love the way it turned out, if anyone wants the part number for the Bosch Tach let me know...the dam thing looks good in our trucks..

Looks great. Did you modify a non tach dash or remove old tach?

VWNate1 08-06-2017 12:14 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Obfuscation or lack of understanding how fuel systems work :

No modern Automobile has a 3 ~ 4 PSI fuel system so obviously you cannot use a clear plastic filter .

If properly mounted, the rubber hose at each end would have isolated any vibration, even if it was a thumper .

Sorry you lost a BSA but "It's a poor Mechanic who blames his tools " .

That Tachometer looks good ! .

CraigT 08-06-2017 12:49 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
2 Attachment(s)
Cheap and easy fun on a Sunday morning.

VWNate1 08-06-2017 01:26 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
No one said lazy idiot ~ you must be feeling guilty there .

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see .

I get so much good help here, sorry you don't .

HO455 08-06-2017 01:28 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by VWNate1 (Post 8009927)
Obfuscation or lack of understanding how fuel systems work :

No modern Automobile has a 3 ~ 4 PSI fuel system so obviously you cannot use a clear plastic filter .

If properly mounted, the rubber hose at each end would have isolated any vibration, even if it was a thumper .

Sorry you lost a BSA but "It's a poor Mechanic who blames his tools " .

That Tachometer looks good ! .

I am not trying to make things difficult to understand. I have never seen a car come from the factory with a clear plastic filter regardless of pressure. (Now I will admit I have never worked on a Zil or a Lada so it is possible that it has happened but still i haven't seen those cars). Regardless, I believe they are a substandard part that I will not install on any vehicle I own.
My logic is based on the fact that you have no way of verifying how much regrind was used in the plastic when the filter was injected into the mold. Regrind is the term used in plastic injection molding that refers to plastic material that has been heated to the melting point and not used. This could be from the sprue in the mold or just overflow from worn mold. This plastic waste is collected and ground up and added to virgin plastic in order to save money Every plastic material specification has a limit on how much regrind is allowed to be mixed in. Exceeding the regrind amount degrades the ability to meet its engineered specifications. If your making Happy Meal toys your more worried about color and inclusions. If your making pressure vessels there are obviously other concerns. My point is that there are no checks and balances other than you suing the company if the filter splits due to bad plastic. If General Motors is unwilling to go down that road that's good enough for me.

VWNate1 08-06-2017 01:47 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Fair enough and you have explained this in better terms than the guy @ Firestone tires explained it to me, they do the very same thing for the very same reason ~ co$t reduction and damn the quality .

Nevertheless, millions upon millions of these filters have been and continue to be used world wide daily .

A good mechanic or DIY'er should be able to learn from experience, not go off in a huff like a 5 year old child .

I'm old and retired yet I still enjoy learning daily .



Originally Posted by HO455 (Post 8009986)

I am not trying to make things difficult to understand. I have never seen a car come from the factory with a clear plastic filter regardless of pressure. (Now I will admit I have never worked on a Zil or a Lada so it is possible that it has happened but still i haven't seen those cars). Regardless, I believe they are a substandard part that I will not install on any vehicle I own.
My logic is based on the fact that you have no way of verifying how much regrind was used in the plastic when the filter was injected into the mold. Regrind is the term used in plastic injection molding that refers to plastic material that has been heated to the melting point and not used. This could be from the sprue in the mold or just overflow from worn mold. This plastic waste is collected and ground up and added to virgin plastic in order to save money Every plastic material specification has a limit on how much regrind is allowed to be mixed in. Exceeding the regrind amount degrades the ability to meet its engineered specifications. If your making Happy Meal toys your more worried about color and inclusions. If your making pressure vessels there are obviously other concerns. My point is that there are no checks and balances other than you suing the company if the filter splits due to bad plastic. If General Motors is unwilling to go down that road that's good enough for me.

67swb72klb 08-06-2017 01:55 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Wix sells plastic fuel filters so they can't be all that bad...

VWNate1 08-06-2017 02:03 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by 67swb72klb (Post 8010002)
Wix sells plastic fuel filters so they can't be all that bad...

My point exactly .

NAPA uses Wix filters, reboxed .

hussler 08-06-2017 03:24 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by berch 69GMC (Post 8009827)
Looks great. Did you modify a non tach dash or remove old tach?

Oh Yeah...I took my non factory tach dash and did some Modifying.

70 shorty 08-06-2017 09:25 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Took my wheels off and freshened up the rally wheel silver paint on them and polished the center caps and trim rings.

68bowtie 08-06-2017 10:13 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
added speed warning to my choke delete cluster. next will be a tach setup.

Attachment 1678065

drewbert41 08-06-2017 10:59 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

With some help I adjusted the timing a little and things are moving again now. Sorry for audio quality, open headers atm.

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