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pgf545 08-06-2014 04:08 PM

Re: 52 Project
Thanks Guys, the front fenders are painted they just need to be cut and buffed. Then I have some stuff to do on the bed and it can be painted along with respraying the doors. The biggest thing is going to be finishing the hood. I am not sure how much longer because I am going to be busy for the next couple of months. Hopefully I can squeeze some time in there to get some work done. Thanks again for the encouragement.


pgf545 08-07-2014 03:34 PM

Re: 52 Project
Test Video, I am trying to test posting a video direct lets see how this works

pgf545 08-07-2014 03:37 PM

Re: 52 Project
Well that seems much better! Now that I have it figured out from now on I will know how to post them. This concludes the test.

Thanks for your patience, Bernie

51Chevy3100 08-08-2014 10:06 PM

Re: 52 Project
Between last night and tonight I read your entire thread, very impressive! I'm starting on my 1st truck build and may want to check out the truck in person sometime instead of bombarding your thread with questions when I have them. We're both in League City. Hope to see this truck on the local streets soon!

pgf545 08-11-2014 02:53 PM

Re: 52 Project
Thanks, If you have any questions let me know. League City isn't that


1948GMC 08-30-2014 10:05 PM

Re: 52 Project
Sorry I am new to this but how did you get or make the links for the steering from the column to the rack? I am installing my ifs this weekend with the stock column and I am 15 and don't have much experiance thanks.

pgf545 09-02-2014 08:47 AM

Re: 52 Project

Originally Posted by 1948GMC (Post 6823840)
Sorry I am new to this but how did you get or make the links for the steering from the column to the rack? I am installing my ifs this weekend with the stock column and I am 15 and don't have much experiance thanks.

Hi bud, I am impressed that you are tackling this project at 15!!! That's awesome. Sorry I missed your post this weekend, we used u-joints that we got from Borgeson We probably bought them through Summit or Jegs. We also used used an Ididit steering column so I am not sure about using a stock column. I think you are probably going to have to do some fab work because the way the stock column attaches to the factory steering box. Hope this helps and keep asking questions, there are some very knowledgeable people on this site.


1948GMC 09-02-2014 08:49 AM

Re: 52 Project

fisherman420 09-02-2014 03:27 PM

Re: 52 Project
Great build so far!! If I wasn't working so much I could get some hours in on my 50 instead of looking at everyone else's progress. Hoping to have mine in the roller stage by Christmas:canada:

pgf545 09-02-2014 07:45 PM

Re: 52 Project

Originally Posted by fisherman420 (Post 6827448)
Great build so far!! If I wasn't working so much I could get some hours in on my 50 instead of looking at everyone else's progress. Hoping to have mine in the roller stage by Christmas:canada:

Thanks, This has become the forever build. I also work a ton and only can work on it on Sundays. Plus I am the crew chief on my nieces dragster and that eats up quite a few weekends also. It seems like the truck gets put back due to other stuff. At least it moves now which will give us a little inspiration to get it finished. With the cooler weather coming maybe we can get some more stuff done on it. The beauty of living in Texas is we can work on our stuff in the winter most of the time :metal:.


1948GMC 09-11-2014 07:42 AM

Re: 52 Project
Hi I don't mean to take over your thread but I really need help finding some sbc motor mounts that will work with ifs I am looking and found a fiew but they aren't what I need thanks.

pgf545 09-12-2014 08:52 AM

Re: 52 Project
Hey Dan, my guess is you are going to have to fab up something. Look at page 7 post 163, that is what I used. I can't remember where we got them though. Probably LMC truck or Brothers Truck. If not about 2 posts before that someone posted a link to Speedway motors, that looks like a pretty nice unit.


1948GMC 09-12-2014 11:48 AM

Re: 52 Project

Originally Posted by pgf545 (Post 6840013)
Hey Dan, my guess is you are going to have to fab up something. Look at page 7 post 163, that is what I used. I can't remember where we got them though. Probably LMC truck or Brothers Truck. If not about 2 posts before that someone posted a link to Speedway motors, that looks like a pretty nice unit.


Thanks I ended up going on ebay anf ordering some from cpp.

Mattthecat 04-21-2015 12:19 AM

Re: 52 Project
Bernie, Did I miss something? Was the thread moved? Havent seen all your finished work. Great job so far. No new updates in like 7 months.


pgf545 04-23-2015 04:26 PM

Re: 52 Project
Hey Mattthecat, Sorry but there hasn't been to much work going on. Seems like the truck has been put on the bad burner for a while but for no apparent reason. We have fired it up a couple of times and dad moved it to the other garage where it is cleaner but that's about it. He has been trying to figure out what he wants to do with the paint, he has been talking about taking it to someone to finish the paint and then we can put it back together. Just have had lots of other stuff going on and haven't given the truck the time lately. Maybe this summer we can get some motivation to get back on it.

Thanks for asking, Bernie

kameltoes2015 08-20-2015 06:55 AM

Re: 52 Project
Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

ptc 08-20-2015 03:33 PM

Re: 52 Project
Very nice build Bernie, good to see another boat racer (assuming by your name pgf = pro gas flat?) doing a truck build.... Are you the boat racer or your Dad?

I still have my old flatty (a 75 Sanger) that I hope to pull with my '57 (opposite numbers see?) one day down to the ramp together.

Love the color, great workmanship and just a great story!

Thank You

pgf545 08-22-2015 05:36 PM

Re: 52 Project
Thanks kameltoes2015, I can't wait either, right now it seems like everything else is getting priority.

ptc, Yeah I drove a Pro Gas Flat for several years. I drove in several different class through the years but that was the final class I drove. We mostly ran here in Texas and the surrounding states. We won the SDBA and NDBA high points championships back in 2001. I then crewed on several different boats and the last boat I worked on was Madness TFH. That was quite a different experience but lots of work and fun. I am now helping my niece on a super comp dragster. I really enjoy the crewing and seem to get as much or more fulfillment from doing that.


ETraugott 09-15-2015 10:09 AM

Re: 52 Project
Hey Bernie just stopping buy to subscribe to you build. Been trying to make it to the other side of the fence but seems any free time I get yall are not there. hope to see some more progress on this sweet truck. If you need any help with anything, let me know. Thomas has my number.


pgf545 09-16-2015 07:51 PM

Re: 52 Project
Hi Eric, We haven't gotten much done on the truck because we have been working on Thomas's new dragster. I think dad was going to start sanding on the fenders and doors this week so we could repaint them. I am usually there on Sundays so stop by and say hi. Usually Thomas and Bobby both are there also. At least come over and drink a beer with us on Sunday!!!


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