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glock35ipsc 02-26-2010 01:15 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
AIRTEX Part #1T1008, or Standard Motor Products #TS76T. 1979 - 1995. Which is OK since you will be running a 90-91 cluster anyhow.

glock35ipsc 02-26-2010 01:16 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Oh wait, I just re-read and saw that you will be using Autometer gauges? Then use whatever sender comes with the gauges.

menace121978 02-26-2010 01:24 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
:metal: thanks Bob!!

menace121978 02-26-2010 09:16 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
5 Attachment(s)
little progress today!! 1 big step was that i finally ordered the s&p headers!!! whoo hooo!! and i also talked to hannah at wait4me. Jesse should be calling me back soon on the final price since they have to add in a couple connectors for the 4l80 since the esky had the 65e. so i'll get that sent off monday!! 2 steps closer to hearing her run:metal:

the other thing i did today was start on my firewall. cleaned the black stuff off and welded a couple holes (my 1st ones:lol:) and started on the seam that runs through the middle all the way across. its not the purdyest thing but it will work and i can only get better. and i figure what ever i screw up the painter can fix... thats why he makes the big bucks!;)

menace121978 02-26-2010 09:18 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
3 Attachment(s)
and thank you Gerald, Billy, and Bob for all your help over the phone today. nothing like autobody/welding classes over the phone!:lol:

glock35ipsc 02-26-2010 09:29 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Looking sweet! You gonna try and fire this beast up so soon as you have everything needed to make it run? :D

menace121978 02-26-2010 09:32 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
after the harness all i need(i think:lol:) is the radiator!! also a few odds and ends like new intake gaskets and knock sensor harness, just to ease my mind.

oh yea, i need to order my gauges so i can install the coolant sensor.

54Caddy 02-26-2010 10:11 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
if you need help doing the welding im down man.. Ill do it whenever just let me know.. Ill help you shave the firewall if you want..

mcbassin 02-26-2010 10:45 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Welds are looking good!

Driveway Dreams 02-26-2010 11:48 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Looks good Dennis. Like I said on the phone, and still think after looking at these pics, you could get away with a little longer welds. That should help you get better penetration and thus help you out. But again, looking good! Keep at it.

draggin86 02-27-2010 12:55 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by Driveway Dreams (Post 3827797)
Looks good Dennis. Like I said on the phone, and still think after looking at these pics, you could get away with a little longer welds. That should help you get better penetration and thus help you out. But again, looking good! Keep at it.

I agree the firewall is pretty stout not something that is going to warp like a door or bed side it has a lot of shape to it and doubled up seams

Driveway Dreams 02-27-2010 01:24 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Dennis, I sent you an email to try to show you what I was trying to say with the welds. I hope it helps you out a little more.

JohnC 02-27-2010 09:10 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Looks good Dennis. :metal:

fpjr0 02-27-2010 10:25 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
good progress!!!!

menace121978 02-27-2010 10:40 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
thanks guys! been slowly working on the fire wall and patiently waiting for parts. not much to show in pics. maybe 6 inches more of the seam welded and 4 more holes filled:lol:

Driveway Dreams 02-28-2010 01:32 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
It's still progress.

JohnC 02-28-2010 04:04 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by Driveway Dreams (Post 3830256)
It's still progress.

That's right. Progress is progress! :metal:

fpjr0 02-28-2010 05:48 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
I 2nd the progress is progress.... how ever right now I want to ask for a minute of silence due to the sudden death of my newly swapped 5.3/4l60e combo the transmission is fried :waah: after nearly 300 miles since the swap,, I went for a drive today and I nocited a hesitation when on the freeway... only to pull over and nocited a heavy smell of burnt transmission tried to take off again and all I have is 1 and 2nd gears and then slips into 3rd and comes in and out of 3rd..:whine: a sad day.

Driveway Dreams 02-28-2010 08:00 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Ouch. Sorry for your trouble. Hopefully it is just a repair for you. Not a loss of a dearly needed member of your family.

menace121978 02-28-2010 08:44 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by fpjr0 (Post 3831264)
I 2nd the progress is progress.... how ever right now I want to ask for a minute of silence due to the sudden death of my newly swapped 5.3/4l60e combo the transmission is fried :waah: after nearly 300 miles since the swap,, I went for a drive today and I nocited a hesitation when on the freeway... only to pull over and nocited a heavy smell of burnt transmission tried to take off again and all I have is 1 and 2nd gears and then slips into 3rd and comes in and out of 3rd..:whine: a sad day.

damn! thats a bummer man. i wish you the best on getting her fixed. but 1 positive thing though... you made me feel better about going with the 80e.

fpjr0 02-28-2010 08:52 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
its cool... might have to adopt a 4l80e or a 6 speed lol to replace my lost family memeber

79gmc5.3 02-28-2010 09:25 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Looking good Dennis. Keep up the good work.

79gmc5.3 02-28-2010 09:35 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by menace121978 (Post 3814638)
well i got the oil block off plate yesterday and the adaptor for the oil sending unit:metal: also sold my edelbrock shorties late last night from cl... $200:metal: now it would be nice if the guy would come get the motor and trans. Just an FYI....anyone running the block off plate from nook and tranny in place of the oil cooler lines you have to take about a 1/4" off the bolts for them to seat.

Hey Dennis do you know anybody else that sells that block off plate or the one with the 1/8' npt in it Nook and Tranny must be out and I need one.

menace121978 03-01-2010 08:44 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
sorry buddy... ive been searching all morning for ya. Josh may have another place. i'd just give them a call(nook&tranny) and ask them.

STOCKISH 03-01-2010 09:37 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Dennis, was S&P able to give you a part number for the headers that was supposed to fit with the 4l80e? I think I am going to go ahead and buy the headers from them instead of using the stock manifolds. That extra power would be nice. Cant wait to see pics of yours installed. As soon as I can see that they fit well I think I will go ahead and order them. If you can give me the part # whenever you can I would really appreciate it. Ooh, the awkard question, how much did they set you back? (sorry)

menace121978 03-01-2010 11:38 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
its okay man! They were $590.... i think:haha: i just called and talked to phil and told him i had a 4l80e in a square body c10 and he said he was pretty sure he had a set in stock. should be here in a week if they are... 2 weeks if they have to make them. i'll give you a part # when they get here.

in other news... got the trans xmember today and its not right. the pinion angle is like 10-11 degrees. way off... i sent them pics of my stock one and a pic of theirs bolted up and there was like a 3" difference. they are supposed to get back to me tomorrow. really disappointed! until..........

today Draggin86 brought over the painter today!! party!!!! we went over everything on silver. He's the main painter at a huge shop out here. The work ive seen is just SIK!!!! so i have alot of confidence in whats going to happen here. She's going to be Red Jewel Tintcoat. He's going to take the fenders(inner) and core support this weekend and do them up for a sample so i can see his work. all quality stuff(ppg) i'm really excited here... as soon as i finish the firewall he'll take the cab and smooth and paint the firewall. then it will go to lineX and be set on the frame. then he'll take the whole truck and do her up!!:metal:

Driveway Dreams 03-02-2010 12:22 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
NICE!!!!! :metal: That is exciting to hear man! Make sure you share your pics...because I know you will have some. :D

54Caddy 03-02-2010 12:31 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
damn lucky. cant wait to paint mine. what was the exhaust shop you told me to go to really need to get this damn exhaust leak done its annoying.

menace121978 03-02-2010 08:14 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Marco muffler is the best exhaust place in town. i text that to you a few days ago?

thanks Gerald!

Cherub 03-02-2010 10:02 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
looking good chief. deffinatly post up some more progress pics once the spraying gets underway.

JohnC 03-02-2010 10:23 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Awesome to hear about getting the painting rolling man! :metal:

79gmc5.3 03-02-2010 10:28 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by menace121978 (Post 3832619)
sorry buddy... ive been searching all morning for ya. Josh may have another place. i'd just give them a call(nook&tranny) and ask them.

Hey Dennis no problem. I had seen them on eBay I didn't know they had there own website. They had them. got one on order. Thanks for your help

STOCKISH 03-02-2010 10:44 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Glad to see the progress. Cant wait to see oics of the cab on the chassis. Is the color you are painting it the original color?

JohnC 03-02-2010 10:45 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
1 Attachment(s)
No he's going with the Red Jewel Tintcoat that is on the Trailblazer SS's
Attachment 554379

54Caddy 03-02-2010 09:40 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
haha you probably did phone has a mind of its own the past few weeks damn technology ahahah thanks man.

menace121978 03-02-2010 10:05 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
:metal: thanks for posting that up John. what do you guys think of that color? has anyone seen the nissan titan burgandy color. i seen one the other day in the sun and it was amazing.... thinking....

menace121978 03-02-2010 10:24 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
1 Attachment(s)
this is the red jewel tintcoat on the new camaros

STOCKISH 03-02-2010 10:50 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Looks freakin awesome. That'll look really good man.

79gmc5.3 03-02-2010 11:22 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
I like!!!!!!!!!!! :wave:

Driveway Dreams 03-03-2010 01:35 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by JohnC (Post 3835111)
Awesome to hear about getting the painting rolling man! :metal:

Ah Hem.......Uh John, the rest of the country does things a little different than you guys down there in OK. We SPRAY our paint on. :D


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