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72c20customcamper 12-25-2024 01:05 PM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
No Christmas gatherings for me . Been sick since Sunday night negative for Covid so either a bad cold or the flu . Just started feeling better today . Really hated missing them too my mom is 90 so no telling how many more there will be.

Steeveedee 12-25-2024 02:00 PM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
Sorry you're not feeling well. Is your mom far away? Maybe you can visit in a few days when you're not contagious?

72c20customcamper 12-25-2024 02:15 PM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...

Originally Posted by Steeveedee (Post 9359995)
Sorry you're not feeling well. Is your mom far away? Maybe you can visit in a few days when you're not contagious?

Just shy of two hours . I see her a lot just different on Christmas . I’ll see her next week regardless

Lost in the 60's 12-26-2024 09:35 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...

Originally Posted by 72c20customcamper (Post 9359984)
No Christmas gatherings for me . Been sick since Sunday night negative for Covid so either a bad cold or the flu . Just started feeling better today . Really hated missing them too my mom is 90 so no telling how many more there will be.

Sorry you had to miss Christmas. In November, I came back from MCACN sick and had to cancel all Thanksgiving plans. Never got tested, but the symptoms were very similar to the current covid. Took 5 days to start feeling better and 7 to really feel decent again. I figured it was all over and I was good to go. 3 days later, I could barely walk 20 ft and had to stop and catch my breath, pulse 103, low grade fever and I was in the local urgent care and diagnosed with pneumonia. Dr. wanted to admit me to the hospital down the street and get checked in immediately !! I declined and she put me on a 5 day anti-biotic regimen with 7,000 mg of 2 medicines a day with strict orders that if I wasn't doing better in 3 days to go to the hospital. She also, had to bring up my age, and said us senior citizens were vulnerable to this and they were seeing a lot of walking pneumonia right now and it can be deadly if not treated aggressively.
Obviously, I'm still here and doing well, but if you, or anyone around you, starts feeling weak and short of breath, get to a DR and get x-rayed for pneumonia.
Take care and pay attention to your symptoms and go for help if you start to go downhill again.

Rich84 12-26-2024 10:08 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
The flu that is going around now is worse then Covid. If left untreated it will turn into pneumonia.

72c20customcamper 12-26-2024 10:29 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
I got my pneumonia shot a month ago same with the flu . I have history of bronchitis so I called my Dr he put me on Zithromax and a Albuterol inhaler. Much better today cough is just about gone

LT7A 01-03-2025 09:23 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
Glad to hear. That sounds rough.

72c20customcamper 01-03-2025 11:11 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...

Originally Posted by LT7A (Post 9361491)
Glad to hear. That sounds rough.

Thanks . It’s been a rough two weeks but I’m much better .

And of course I go out and noticed a nice puddle of antifreeze under my Dodge . Was hoping it was a hose but it’s definitely the radiator. Ordered one but I’m not going to be able to do it . Truck won’t go into my garage the cab roof hits the overhead door header . And half the front needs to come off with all the related diesel items so I’m not doing outside. The mechanic I use said he has no problem using the parts I bought to fix it .

72c20customcamper 01-05-2025 02:20 PM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
1 Attachment(s)
Started getting quotes on my new shop . First one in was from Boss buildings
30x50x12 two roll up 10x10 doors ( may go with overheads) two 24x36 windows one 36x80 man door . Fully insulated with R16 Prodex insulation . 43.5 psf roof which may need to be upped for the town . Basically a big box

Total $26,064.00 before local sales tax includes delivery and installation.

72c20customcamper 01-05-2025 02:24 PM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
Now to get the slab quotes . I’m going to lay radiant heat in the floor myself but the pour I want a contractor to do just to big for me to handle . I’ll have to figure a way to map out the pipe grid in the floor so I can install the two post lift .

tutone 01-05-2025 10:49 PM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
2 Attachment(s)
Not a bad price on the building. I built my 'overflow parking' shop in 2019 and formed the floor myself and did the backfill. They came back and put the metal on after I had it poured. I had my one ton so the farthest bay to the right was going to house it. I poured it extra thick but probably didnt need it.

Lost in the 60's 01-06-2025 09:05 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
Not a bad price for the structure in this economy. Have a course, or 2, of block laid on the slab so the sidewalls are 13' and that will accommodate a 12' tall door. Looks like you are specifying a good amount of insulation but the heat will just go right out thru those cheezy roll up doors. I had a 32X48X13 pole building put up here in the fall of 2019 at only slightly less than your quote. A friend saw it and started getting quotes for the next, covid, year and the cost for one of those nearly doubled over the next 2 years. Even though I don't plan to ever heat that one, I had a 12' X12'X2" insulated sectional door installed. Never say never...
As an alternative to all the work of in floor, I have had radiant heaters in my 2 pole buildings and they are very efficient, quiet and "cheap" to run. I imagine you will be heating the water with an outdoor wood furnace, can't do that with a radiant...:lol:

72c20customcamper 01-06-2025 11:21 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...

Originally Posted by Lost in the 60's (Post 9362252)
Not a bad price for the structure in this economy. Have a course, or 2, of block laid on the slab so the sidewalls are 13' and that will accommodate a 12' tall door. Looks like you are specifying a good amount of insulation but the heat will just go right out thru those cheezy roll up doors. I had a 32X48X13 pole building put up here in the fall of 2019 at only slightly less than your quote. A friend saw it and started getting quotes for the next, covid, year and the cost for one of those nearly doubled over the next 2 years. Even though I don't plan to ever heat that one, I had a 12' X12'X2" insulated sectional door installed. Never say never...
As an alternative to all the work of in floor, I have had radiant heaters in my 2 pole buildings and they are very efficient, quiet and "cheap" to run. I imagine you will be heating the water with an outdoor wood furnace, can't do that with a radiant...:lol:

No the system will use either a gas or fuel oil fired water heater . Friend did his and put a monarch boiler in said it was a waste of money as the water is 120 degrees leaving the manifold returns at about 90 . The system adds just enough to the outgoing to be 120 again so not much water goes back into the boiler .

I will be going with overhead insulated doors but I don’t have a need for a 12ft door

Lost in the 60's 01-09-2025 11:44 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
Can't imagine still using fuel oil to heat. That has to be crazy expensive, even compared to propane.

72c20customcamper 01-09-2025 12:09 PM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...

Originally Posted by Lost in the 60's (Post 9362828)
Can't imagine still using fuel oil to heat. That has to be crazy expensive, even compared to propane.

Fuel oil right now is 2.78 a gallon propane is 3.49 . Diesel at gas stations is cheaper than propane here

You might get a 10-5 cent discount if you use a large amount of propane my house the propane is for hot water and my range top don’t use much ,natural gas isn’t available here

Electric is crazy stupid here not so much the electricity itself but all the delivery fees and taxes . My electric bill for usage was $35 last month delivery fees and taxes was $127 and the delivery fees go up as the electricity usage goes up

Steeveedee 01-09-2025 01:01 PM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
Delivery fees sounds like one of those made-up things for more revenue. It's not like the power company has to deliver buckets of electrons in multiple trips.

72c20customcamper 01-09-2025 01:37 PM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...

Originally Posted by Steeveedee (Post 9362846)
Delivery fees sounds like one of those made-up things for more revenue. It's not like the power company has to deliver buckets of electrons in multiple trips.

It’s for the manpower and maintenance. Living here the manpower is the most expensive . My buddy was a splicer for Con Edison he was making six figures 12 years ago when he retired .

Thing that gets me is that the fee goes up the more electricity you use . Like it wears the power lines down or weakens the poles

Steeveedee 01-09-2025 03:35 PM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
That's what I mean. It would make more sense to just charge you the money without such a nonsense name for the fee. If there are only 2 line items on your bill, consider yourself lucky. We now have a base fee that ostensibly helps "poor people" pay their bills. It only appeared after the disastrous fires last time around. I claim it's paying for the switch to burying the power lines, which is being done in some high fire danger areas.

LockDoc 01-10-2025 12:35 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...

Originally Posted by 72c20customcamper (Post 9362834)
Fuel oil right now is 2.78 a gallon propane is 3.49 . Diesel at gas stations is cheaper than propane here

You might get a 10-5 cent discount if you use a large amount of propane my house the propane is for hot water and my range top don’t use much ,natural gas isn’t available here

Electric is crazy stupid here not so much the electricity itself but all the delivery fees and taxes . My electric bill for usage was $35 last month delivery fees and taxes was $127 and the delivery fees go up as the electricity usage goes up

I had my Propane tanks filled 12/18/24 (1-500 gal & 1-250 gal) and it was $1.73 a gallon. I guess I am getting by pretty easy.....

Boog 01-10-2025 08:08 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...

Originally Posted by Steeveedee (Post 9362876)
That's what I mean. It would make more sense to just charge you the money without such a nonsense name for the fee. If there are only 2 line items on your bill, consider yourself lucky. We now have a base fee that ostensibly helps "poor people" pay their bills. It only appeared after the disastrous fires last time around. I claim it's paying for the switch to burying the power lines, which is being done in some high fire danger areas.

For as long as I can remember here in Arkansas we see a "Customer Charge" on our electric bill break down as if it is a membership due but we are not in a co-op. It just looks odd to see it on the bill.

72c20customcamper 01-10-2025 10:14 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...

Originally Posted by LockDoc (Post 9362938)
I had my Propane tanks filled 12/18/24 (1-500 gal & 1-250 gal) and it was $1.73 a gallon. I guess I am getting by pretty easy.....

They charge more here because they can . I use very little propane just water heater and stove top cooking . My neighbor heats his home with it and he complains every time I see him in the winter .

Sheepdip 01-10-2025 10:16 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
Don't forget the "Meter Fee" on my electric bill every month.

72c20customcamper 01-10-2025 10:22 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...

Originally Posted by Sheepdip (Post 9362954)
Don't forget the "Meter Fee" on my electric bill every month.

They said years ago that charge would be eliminated with the new meters that transmit the reading to the guy driving around . No more stopping at each house . Still on my bill

Rich84 01-10-2025 10:42 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
Don't get me started on electric bills. In Ct. we have a "public benefit charge" on our electric bills. It is a whopping 30% added to the supplier and delivery charge. It is to pay off the electric bills of people who decided not to pay their bills during covid. Some of which never missed a day of work.
I just looked at the price of oil here. It is $3.18 a gallon. Last month I filled up for $2.78. I burn about 1300 gallons a year.

Boog 01-10-2025 11:10 AM

Re: What did you do today not on your truck...
I guess it's a common practice for businesses to charge more for their services to make folks who pay their bills pay for those who don't.
A woman in the office at the hospital confirmed that idea saying that's what they do. Also I learned they can reduce your bill if you pay in full. It saved me a couple thousand dollars when I had my heart attack.
A woman coworker of mine sarcastically asked if she got a discount if she paid in full when paying her hospital bill. The office clerk said, actually yes and that they do charge more on all bills to offset those who don't pay.

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