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Jacfourteen 03-28-2011 04:34 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....
Great build, hope you get the problems figured out!

Cid636 03-29-2011 11:30 PM

Re: The Project Havoc....
Thought I'd let you know if you haven't already talked to One Piece Products about the side windows SGI wants you to replace that they have a letter from the manufacturer stating that it is certified safety glass. Maybe SGI would accept that?

I was thinking about buying them as well for my truck so I contacted One Piece Products about this, they said they would e-mail me this letter but didn't. I know you already found some other glass but if SGI accepts this letter maybe it would be one less thing to change.

BadaSs_Cal 04-02-2011 02:34 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....
man I was getting excited skimming through the thread... Hope all ends well.. Good luck buddy!!!

chapster 04-10-2011 01:58 PM

Re: The Project Havoc....
I thought I would pass on the info that one piece window provided me once I requested it. I hope this helps as you might have to get them to send you info on your specific glass kit.

It was stated to meet or exceed the following for the tint glass system:

1) ASTM C 1036-85 standard specification for flat glass

2) ASTM C 1048 -85 standard specification for heated treated flat glass

3) ANSI Z97 1-84 for safety glazing materials

4) 16 GFR 1201 C II CPSC safety standard for architectural glazing materials

Nova_Cobra64 04-13-2011 10:43 PM

Re: The Project Havoc....
Looks like your issues have created a bit of a storm.

nuke1 04-14-2011 02:27 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....

Originally Posted by propanemudtruck (Post 4558857)
Go get em nuke! That truck is well built through and through!

I am trying!


Originally Posted by 68 Quad C10 (Post 4558997)
I agree!!



Originally Posted by Kerry P (Post 4562495)
I can't believe it. Just went through this entire thread. I did not expect it to go the way of "DIRTY MARY CRAZY LARRY". Just when it looks like you've won, a train wreck. I hope you can work out the inspection issues. Havoc is too special to get sidelines by a bunch of Barney Fifes.

Kerry P



Originally Posted by chevyndn (Post 4562564)
i think they are just mad that you actually thought ahead on your build and was trying to make it safer. but i hate the whole double standards crud. just keep your head up, and keep us updated...

My thoughts also


Originally Posted by RCbowtie69 (Post 4565028)
Thanks for the updates nuke1,keep on truckin'':metal:

Soon I hope!


Originally Posted by Jacfourteen (Post 4583235)
Great build, hope you get the problems figured out!

Makes Two of us!


Originally Posted by Cid636 (Post 4587663)
Thought I'd let you know if you haven't already talked to One Piece Products about the side windows SGI wants you to replace that they have a letter from the manufacturer stating that it is certified safety glass. Maybe SGI would accept that?

I was thinking about buying them as well for my truck so I contacted One Piece Products about this, they said they would e-mail me this letter but didn't. I know you already found some other glass but if SGI accepts this letter maybe it would be one less thing to change.

LOL< that letter from them is the one I made them get, as far as SGI is concerned it means nothing!!!!! a joke!


Originally Posted by BadaSs_Cal (Post 4594774)
man I was getting excited skimming through the thread... Hope all ends well.. Good luck buddy!!!



Originally Posted by chapster (Post 4611925)
I thought I would pass on the info that one piece window provided me once I requested it. I hope this helps as you might have to get them to send you info on your specific glass kit.

It was stated to meet or exceed the following for the tint glass system:

1) ASTM C 1036-85 standard specification for flat glass

2) ASTM C 1048 -85 standard specification for heated treated flat glass

3) ANSI Z97 1-84 for safety glazing materials

4) 16 GFR 1201 C II CPSC safety standard for architectural glazing materials

I know!!! I showed them that and no rteply, but change them!!!


Originally Posted by Nova_Cobra64 (Post 4623648)
Looks like your issues have created a bit of a storm.

WOW!!!!!!!!!!! I agree, something does have to happen, we as a community of car nuts can help, any input helps. meetings held and so on and so forth. It does have to be done in a reasonable fashion, toes can not be stepped on, it all has to be done in a political manner, but I am definelty on board for some change!

nuke1 04-14-2011 03:06 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....

FRENCHBLUE72 04-14-2011 07:56 PM

Re: The Project Havoc....
Nice job nuke I asked to join ... I dont know what I can do to help being from the states and all but Ill do what I can..

Jacfourteen 04-15-2011 12:49 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....

Originally Posted by FRENCHBLUE72 (Post 4625208)
Nice job nuke I asked to join ... I dont know what I can do to help being from the states and all but Ill do what I can..

Same here.

yukon ratrod 04-15-2011 01:09 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....

Originally Posted by nuke1 (Post 4527879)
So, I had a meeting with inpsections the other day about my truck, The basic run down of it, is my truck is not allowed back on the road until it passes their inpsections, So i have a crap load of stuff to change and no money to do it. That means she is sitting for who knows how long. We had a good chat and did work out a few things, they realized that they screwed up, but it is too far in the system now to back out they said. That means i am messed. They did put plates on her again, but i am not allowed to drive her, basically just for insurance purposes. So I have a major decision now ahead of me. What do i do with Havoc. To be truthfull, i knownow what i have to do, take her down to the bare frame, change a few things on her, then just finish and paint her. Drive my crappy car for now, put my money into her. The wifey wants me to finish her and drive her. So that is what I am gonna do> she will come back to the garage in about may/june for a teardown again. I am gonna work with our inpsections crew up here on what we as hotrodders can and can not do, or are allowed to do< as it sits to them, my truck is basically 100% illegal. go figure, but I am gonna get involved and change this.I hope things are gonna work out and that i can once again beat on Havoc!!!!

Later guys, from the low man on the totem pole in Canada

Nuke when did they start stinging you guys so hard down there? I know that B.C. is bad but come on. so far we get away with murder here, but I cant believe your truck wouldnt pass. makes a guy just want to give up.

nuke1 04-26-2011 01:55 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....

Originally Posted by yukon ratrod (Post 4625854)
Nuke when did they start stinging you guys so hard down there? I know that B.C. is bad but come on. so far we get away with murder here, but I cant believe your truck wouldnt pass. makes a guy just want to give up.

It does make you want to give up!

nuke1 04-26-2011 01:57 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....
Hey Guys. Well over the last week I have been told good news but then at the same time it has been un certain news. Everything surrounding this situation with inspections is a cloudy grey area.

last week me and mike ( a friend) sat down in regina and had a chat. it was a good one, he raised a few points that seemed really good. This in turn gave me some hope for the future. After that I sat down with Ciaran ( Inspection Manager) and had a chat with him. This seemed to work things out a bit, but in the end I am still wondering. I know he has to cover his arse, and everything, but I need a strait answer.

Ok, as for the plates on our vehicles, this is what I am being told. If it is a 58 and down, it is a modified vintage vehicle, and at this time you can build your own frame and do basically whateve you want to it because it is excempt from all laws, as long as it is safe.

now the grey area, if your vehicle is 30 years or older it is classified as a vintage vehicle, BUT: this is not entirely true, it is a vintage vehicle if it is left stock and untouched. but if you modify it as I have done to my truck they no longer classifiy it as a vintage vehicle but as a type A vehicle, which is your every day driver. So the laws are now different.

In mike's case with his camaro, he now currently has antique plates on it and runs a package policy on it, this makes him excempt from the normal laws, as he has been told. Well i asked about this today at work and this is not the case as they say. Ciaran told me that it is just a classification and not actually binding, the vehicle should be registered as a normal car and then have to go through the inspection station. In Ciran's eyes this car should not be licensed in such a way.

Here lies the problem, you have two different ppl with the same problem, me with a pro-touring truck and mike with a camaro set up for drag racing. he has been told by a SGI Inspector and has gotten written confirmation from him that his vehicle is deemed a modified vintage vehicle and has now gotten written proof of this, where as me, they say that this is not possible and I am classified as a normal car and have to follow those guidlines.

This is where another problem lies, WHO IS RIGHT AND WHO IS WRONG.

Also, they have a problem with my truck because I have built my own suspension, I ama journeyman bodyman, 3rd year heavy duty mechanic, and have aticket for welding. A person is not allowed to build their own suspension components, however you can BUY them from a manufacturer, and they do come with HEIM joints from an aftemarket supplier, why would those be legal when my heim joints are QA1, with DOM tubing as the sleeves. HMMMM, something is not jiving here. So i can buy aftermarket suspension with heim joints, of unknown quality, but I can not put some of my own on a vehicle. wow. In the aftermarket industry you have Heims, on everything from steering to link bars, to sway bars, to shift linkage. on of the most common pieces out there. There has to be some jsutice here with this. either they are legal to use, or they are not legal, PERIOD!

I have dealt alot with the aftermarket parts in my days now, and half of the stuff is the worst welding I have ever seen!!!! I do not trust it at all, half the time I end up rewelding it all so it is safe. Why could we not have a station that we could get our own parts saftied at, inspect our welds, inpect the quality, but no, SGI does not have the resources to do this, even thou we are owned by the public and work for them!!

I mentioned to him how the cops and inspectors have waited outside of car shows to pull cars off of the roads or go through them after a car show, He told me I was lying, so I brought up a few instances, he agreed then that this has happened, what ever happened to the integrity system, when did ppl start not to care about others. We bring out cars out for the public to enjoy and raise money of things for children and charities, and what do we get in return!!! BENT OVER and a tow truck ride somewhere!!!

I believe that maybe it would not be a bad idea for SGI to have a inspection station set up at some of the car shows and we can freely bring our vehicles to the station and have them looked at, this would raise awareness on some unsafe items on our cars, and maybe a few things that should be changed, but we are doing this for ourselves and not them, in such a case there would be no tickets issued or warnings, NOTHIN at all. just some raised awareness and answers. I know that it is done at some shows in the states

Being that I do work for the Gov't, change does take a very LONG time, and this could take years. but we all do have to do our part for this to happen!! nite.

watahyahknow 04-26-2011 05:40 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....
the cops here have sumething like a hanger law : it basicly makes everything deemed illegal punishable by law even if its within regulation
its been made to deal with things like a 2 feet man driving without being able to see over the steering , if the car is taxed insured an he has a licence they couldnt touch him now they can
unfortunately cops can use that law as they see fit so if there looking for things they find it and you get a ticket anyway
nice thing about the policeforce here the force is being payed out of the revenue of the written tickets , the actually give cops a quota to reach
it can be a ticket for jaywalking riding youre bike in the park walking on the lawn or speeding (there favorite as it doesnt involve chasing people )
burglars rapist and people beating there wifes are not as importand as meeting there quotas
hows that for lawinforcement ?

nuke1 04-26-2011 08:16 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....

Originally Posted by watahyahknow (Post 4646905)
the cops here have sumething like a hanger law : it basicly makes everything deemed illegal punishable by law even if its within regulation
its been made to deal with things like a 2 feet man driving without being able to see over the steering , if the car is taxed insured an he has a licence they couldnt touch him now they can
unfortunately cops can use that law as they see fit so if there looking for things they find it and you get a ticket anyway
nice thing about the policeforce here the force is being payed out of the revenue of the written tickets , the actually give cops a quota to reach
it can be a ticket for jaywalking riding youre bike in the park walking on the lawn or speeding (there favorite as it doesnt involve chasing people )
burglars rapist and people beating there wifes are not as importand as meeting there quotas
hows that for lawinforcement ?

Holy crap, really??? that is intense. I know out her the police have been getting worse for kicking ppl out of parking lots at nite for no apparent reason, there is no signs stating that we can not park there, but they do what they want, harrassement at on of it's finest moments.

nuke1 04-26-2011 08:21 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....
I guess one of the things that bother's me the most is the fact that they are unable to classify my truck. When I first got pulled over, they told me it was a "MODOFOED VINTAGE VEHICLE" so I went by those guidelines when finding my facts I needed to know. Well that was not apparently right later on so it was then deemed a "VINTAGE VEHICLE", now the classification changes on it and so do the rules in a way. now just yesterday it is deemed a "TYPE A" vehicle and is apparently a everyday vehicle and has to be looked at as a newer vehicle and inspected as suck. All I can say is MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

watahyahknow 04-26-2011 09:13 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....
make them put it in writing

yukon ratrod 04-26-2011 10:22 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....

Originally Posted by nuke1 (Post 4646992)
I guess one of the things that bother's me the most is the fact that they are unable to classify my truck. When I first got pulled over, they told me it was a "MODOFOED VINTAGE VEHICLE" so I went by those guidelines when finding my facts I needed to know. Well that was not apparently right later on so it was then deemed a "VINTAGE VEHICLE", now the classification changes on it and so do the rules in a way. now just yesterday it is deemed a "TYPE A" vehicle and is apparently a everyday vehicle and has to be looked at as a newer vehicle and inspected as suck. All I can say is MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

time to move to the Yukon!!! when I built my 48 chevy on the s-10 chassis I walked into motor vehicles, told them what I had done, showed them the vin tag for the chassis and we made a vin for the truck. nmy vin has like eight zeros in it. there was not any questions at all, but things are changing here too!!! my biggest question is what ^&&*%in difference does the year of the vehicle have to do with anything?? take your pick up for example! does it have disk brakes? yes!!! much better brakes then factory for that year, so why arent they looking at the up grades, and giving you a little pat on the back for the positive take my fathers 65 mustang, this car is so far from stock, but so much safer for the road that you would almost be a fool not to up grade it, just for the simple reason that it makes them that much easier to drive and enjoy, and stop!!!!

watahyahknow 04-26-2011 10:55 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....
over here the age matters in therms of roadtax , cars older than 25 years are exempt
it allso matters in terms of (anti)smog regulations

Nova_Cobra64 04-28-2011 10:15 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....

I'd reccomend any of our Saskatchewan members sign this!

nuke1 04-28-2011 04:50 PM

Re: The Project Havoc....
Ok so I got clarification on a few things. I was a little lost. My wife phoned Ciaran. They had a chat and things went very well, he is easy to deal with.
First, the vehicle classification. If it is a pre-58 then it is a modified vintage. If it is a 59 to 86 then it is a vintage only if it is untouched. Once a person modifies it, the label for it becomes a Modified Type A Vehicle.
This means the vehicle still has to have the reflectors / components that it came with but some items may be changed.
If a person can support the changes that they have made to their vehicle, and it betters your vehicle with documentation as to where it came from and its’ use (Automotive) then Ciaran or one Inspector can approve the items in use and exempt the vehicle.
A Vehicle still needs all normal requirements such as the wipers/lights, etc, and so on that it came with.
As for windows, inspection requires that they be made of a certain type of glass and SAE approved. There is only one place in Saskatchewan that I know of that can make such windows and that is Crystal Glass in Swift Current. Mine are the safty glass but not approved for use in Canada. So, beware when you buy windows from the United States.
This whole situation that has taken place was cloudy on both sides. I have found out that Ciaran is good to deal with and that if you have any questions to contact him and he will try to help you out. I am trying to work with him the best I can for our hobby and get some clarification. I hope this information proves useful.

This is my understanding of it so far, I could be wrong, but you never know.

watahyahknow 04-28-2011 05:43 PM

Re: The Project Havoc....
hmmm that sounds like you still need to make the changes , and that they where right in the first place allthough it was a bit hard to understand at first
unless you can find a pre 58 vin and registration for youre type of truck

nuke1 05-08-2011 10:50 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....

Originally Posted by watahyahknow (Post 4651617)
hmmm that sounds like you still need to make the changes , and that they where right in the first place allthough it was a bit hard to understand at first
unless you can find a pre 58 vin and registration for youre type of truck

Yah, there is still changes to be made, Unfortunately I can not get around them with the mandates here, I either do them or don't drive Havoc. I know which I prefer. That is the crappy thing about up here, smaller area means they see us more!!! oh well. The pre vin thing = not gonna happen, not allowed to changed vins here. I wish

nuke1 05-08-2011 11:03 AM

Re: The Project Havoc....
5 Attachment(s)
Thought I would show You guys another truck that I had started, I built 80% of this thing by hand, I did not do the mud work on it, just the metal work. there is a few pics elsewhere, I never got to see it completed and low and behild here it was at the car show!!! FINISHED!!! Looked really good and got a First place in it's class also> Kinda cool I thought!!

Nova_Cobra64 05-08-2011 01:26 PM

Re: The Project Havoc....

Originally Posted by watahyahknow (Post 4651617)
hmmm that sounds like you still need to make the changes , and that they where right in the first place allthough it was a bit hard to understand at first

Honestly from the reading I've done I don't think it is a matter of them so much being right from the beginning as it is them finally figuring out exactly what their stance is going to be. I'm not even convinced they have managed that yet as it seems there are still people getting 3 different answers from 3 different people in roles of authority based on how they read the law. It is a surprise anybody even bothers doing resto mods around here anymore.

The part of this that has become such a piss off is these safety regulations are not enforced with consistency. Or rather they are selectively enforced. You can put new paint and some chrome on a classic and become an immediate target. Yet there are literally tens of thousands of cars in this province that would fail our provincial inspection at a glance without closer inspection. You can drive around with cardboard or plastic taped to a window for years and never get pulled over. Put one piece windows in a classic and it is an issue because the glass has not gone through the CSA process. Quality custom fabricated trailing arms are a no-no but it is perfectly acceptable to drive a car around with suspension permanently bottomed out because the mounts have rusted out, the springs broke or what have you. Never mind the condition of the brakes or seat belts.

Jacfourteen 05-08-2011 02:27 PM

Re: The Project Havoc....
Down here they really don't mess with the older vehicles, I've been driving around the last few weeks bedless with the plate in the back window and they haven't messed with me. Hell, once I went to make a quick u-turn and ended up sideways with the tires spinning right in front of a highway patrol and he just pulled up and yelled at me for it then drove off. The ones that they crack down on are the imports, after the fast and furious craze they would inspect and impound for any illegal mods. It has lightened up a bit now, but they still use minor infractions as probable cause for traffic stops then look for bigger things to do vehicle searches, arrests, etc. I hope that US doesn't get to the point that you are dealing with up there, but if it does I'm sure California will be the first place it happens.

Keep up the good fight, it sounds like you are making progress.

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