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THE BOSS 03-19-2013 05:30 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
yesterday i picked up the 72 at the shop, filled it up $60 to confirm my gas gauge worked.

swung by the house, got the wife and dog then went for a ride!

only got 2 waves, 1 thumbs up this ride.

CSGAS 03-19-2013 09:08 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
This was actually Saturday, but I plugged a vacuum leak tightened some screws down above the float bowl grabbed an exhaust manifold bolt and screwed it in while the manifold was hot and the holes still lined up, then re-tuned the carb for Spring on an actually warm, dry day in NC.

Then I heard there's a chance of snow this coming Sunday :D

CSGAS 03-19-2013 10:09 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Whups, forgot to mention reconditioning and relubing my speedo cable, and reattaching my hand choke cable, and other "tinkerings and knick-knacks"

heathbirkendahl 03-19-2013 11:56 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Ordered my ZZ4 crate engine and all the parts to install it. Cant wait! 210 to 355 HP!
Posted via Mobile Device

red71c10 03-20-2013 01:21 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Replaced the charcoal and filter in my vapor canister, put in a new PCV valve and got the thermostatic air cleaner working again. My truck runs best on warm or hot air so I leave the stock system alone and today I figured I'd get it working as well as possible.

b.eddy's72 03-20-2013 07:11 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Day before I got all the bed floor rails out by cutting all the rusted bolts off and got the TEMP gooseneck plate put in until I can build my hidden plate.

Yesterday I got my electric fan brackets built and the fan mounted and working and got my 6 way light connector mounted in the back bumper.

Today...............................nothing cause I have to go help a friend do a PA install at a church and the wife gets off early.

VDOG 03-20-2013 03:55 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
3 Attachment(s)
Pulled my grille, now have to purchase some support brackets to install the new grille. Also change out the passenger side fender.

magwakeenercew2jh 03-20-2013 04:47 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
2 Attachment(s)
Yesterday, after i finished wiring the electric fuel pump to the fuse block, installing a secret, anti-theft switch,
and blew out the fuel lines, I got my gas tank back from the "hot tank" man.

Today, I attached some "anti-squeek" material around the edges of the gas tank. And I also put the stuff
(looks and feels like tar-paper) any place I thought it might contact the cab.

Tomorrow, I'll re-install the fuel gauge sending unit and get the tank back in the cab.

SCHRUMGMC 03-20-2013 05:01 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
How exactly do you put it in the back of the bed

Expat_dude 03-20-2013 08:37 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Cab back on the frame!

truckindude 03-20-2013 08:40 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by Expat_dude (Post 5960225)

looks great!!

ItsRandy 03-20-2013 08:53 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by Expat_dude (Post 5960225)

That's a big step. Feels good doesn't it!

Expat_dude 03-20-2013 09:40 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Feels great,,, been a long road to this point!!

HotRod C/10 03-20-2013 10:24 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by magwakeenercew2jh (Post 5959781)
Yesterday, after i finished wiring the electric fuel pump to the fuse block, installing a secret, anti-theft switch,
and blew out the fuel lines, I got my gas tank back from the "hot tank" man.

Today, I attached some "anti-squeek" material around the edges of the gas tank. And I also put the stuff
(looks and feels like tar-paper) any place I thought it might contact the cab.

Tomorrow, I'll re-install the fuel gauge sending unit and get the tank back in the cab.

What specialty doe a Hot Tank guy do?......I need to do this to my tank, no telling whats in it.

magwakeenercew2jh 03-20-2013 10:40 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by HotRod C/10 (Post 5960476)
What specialty doe a Hot Tank guy do?......I need to do this to my tank, no telling whats in it.

Well, I don't how *specifically* what he does. I'd like to know out of curiosity, though.

I can just tell you that when he's done, I get a pristine tank back. If you look inside, it looks like it's brand new. In this case, he also found a pin hole way
up top where you'd never have a leak other than maybe a fume. I never smelled anything. But he welded it up without even calling...Which is perfect, as
far as I'm concerned.

He added ten bucks to the original $115 price tag.

Then, they put a little metal clip with a number on it (I guess to identify the job), and sent it back to my local Napa Auto Parts. They must have a "quiet"
deal working where part of my $125 goes to the Napa guys.

ksucatz 03-21-2013 02:55 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by nlped (Post 5936875)
Okay, tell me more please :D
Posted via Mobile Device

Sorry, been busy and missed this.
Basically I just did the first set up based on research from a Google search.
This is one source.

The solution is nothing more than water and washing soda.
The anodes are just iron bars.
Hook a 12V positive from a decent battery charger to the anode, then hook the negative to the part to be cleaned.

The first setup was a small trial run and didn't require as much current, but the bigger setup draws a little more.

I let the brackets run for about 24 hours or so. A little cleaning with a brush and a quick shot in the cabinet and they were ready for powder.

magwakeenercew2jh 03-21-2013 06:55 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
5 Attachment(s)
Got the gas tank in...Definitely easier with more than one person. But, alas, it was a solo install.

Got half of the tank cover on (driver's side) , speaker, gas gauge sending unit, and fuel pump wiring
done and cleaned up a little, driver's side speaker installed.

There's more room for the speaker on the passenger's side, as we all know. So, I won't have to poke
holes in the carpet on that side. On the driver's side, there's only clearance for this box the way
I set it up in the pics...But the door *does* close with plenty of room. :tms:

All-in-all, a good day.

Tomorrow, some gas and test for fuel pump and and line leaks

TexasSteve 03-21-2013 07:31 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
I installed the tailgate handle bezel today that I got off Amazon (it was missing one when I bought the truck) & gave her a good bath. And later somehow my rears tires started to smoke, melt & leave gooey rubber all down the back road today! :burnout:

ole dollor 03-21-2013 07:38 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by magwakeenercew2jh (Post 5962196)
Got the gas tank in...Definitely easier with more than one person. But, alas, it was a solo install.

Got half of the tank cover on (driver's side) , speaker, gas gauge sending unit, and fuel pump wiring
done and cleaned up a little, driver's side speaker installed.

There's more room for the speaker on the passenger's side, as we all know. So, I won't have to poke
holes in the carpet on that side. On the driver's side, there's only clearance for this box the way
I set it up in the pics...But the door *does* close with plenty of room. :tms:

All-in-all, a good day.

Tomorrow, some gas and test for fuel pump and and line leaks

nice job you did there, what did your seats come out of..they look great, and how did you mount your shoulder belts, never seen that before.

HotRod C/10 03-21-2013 08:43 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by TexasSteve (Post 5962269)
I installed the tailgate handle bezel today that I got off Amazon (it was missing one when I bought the truck) & gave her a good bath. And later somehow my rears tires started to smoke, melt & leave gooey rubber all down the back road today! :burnout:


Expat_dude 03-21-2013 09:58 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
More progress! On the bed top/bottom, we tinted the bed liner. I will be doing a wood bed (Show deck) but wanted the protection (plus it looks good lol)

TexasSteve 03-21-2013 10:03 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by HotRod C/10 (Post 5962419)

Traffic snuck up behind me. I had to leave & couldn't even see it myself except in the rear view mirror.

As for the bezel? Here is the only before pic I have & I'll add an After pic tomorrow.

Gor77 03-21-2013 10:12 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
cleaned with a wire brush Rear Axle. painted.
removed parts back from sandblasting. painted

Bennett68C10 03-21-2013 10:16 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by Expat_dude (Post 5962582)
More progress! On the bed top/bottom, we tinted the bed liner. I will be doing a wood bed (Show deck) but wanted the protection (plus it looks good lol)

Paint looks great, I really like the color.
Posted via Mobile Device

magwakeenercew2jh 03-21-2013 10:19 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ole dollor (Post 5962291)
nice job you did there, what did your seats come out of..they look great, and how did you mount your shoulder belts, never seen that before.


The're supposed to be from a 2004 Blazer. At least that's the way they were advertised. I took the 60/40's for another truck and sold these to a friend for a hundred bucks.
But he didn't finish the build they were going into (a '68). When I got RAT, I asked him what he was going to do with the seats. Two days after I asked, he brought them over....
...wouldn't take the $100. But, he and I are waaaay past keeping score. Since we don't, we're always "even".

I only asked him for the c-note, originally, because we were all there when the guy that was delivering the seats had his hand out waiting for the green My pal asked,
"What's my share?"....He got these for about 1/5 of the total cost 'cause that's the way we roll. Sweet "turn around" that he gave them back to me four years later, huh?

The mechanicals for the belts are about seat-back high bolted securely to the posts. I used radio knobs on the manual winders, although they are properly set up and retract just right.
I just didn't have room on the belts (length) or on the floor. Looks okay. Pretty low profile. But understandably, it would absolutely make the "correct" guys cringe.

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