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jaros44sr 08-18-2019 08:38 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )

Originally Posted by CUSTOM/10 (Post 8576689)
Baby steps. Nothing big.
Life just keeps getting in the way. Blew a disc out in my lower back last year and had surgery. Then it's been constant house projects, and my daughter just graduated from LPN nursing program, and I started a new job. So time, money and health have all taken thier turns at putting my truck project on the back burner. I'm still buying parts needed for it, so when the time is right I'll have plenty to do.


gary, sorry to hear about the back, I know from experience how that sucks, pain always stopped me in my tracks

wish you well in the coming months, hope you don't get a lot of snow

truck is still one of my favorites!!!!

CUSTOM/10 08-18-2019 11:52 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )

Originally Posted by jaros44sr (Post 8577952)
gary, sorry to hear about the back, I know from experience how that sucks, pain always stopped me in my tracks

wish you well in the coming months, hope you don't get a lot of snow

truck is still one of my favorites!!!!

Thanks Jim !

My back is doing much better now, but it sure did set me back for a bit, everything fell behind.

I did a few little things on the truck, installed seat belts, rebuilt my vent windows and installed a vapor canister & vent lines. But that's about it.

jaros44sr 08-21-2019 09:12 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )

Originally Posted by CUSTOM/10 (Post 8578061)
Thanks Jim !

My back is doing much better now, but it sure did set me back for a bit, everything fell behind.

I did a few little things on the truck, installed seat belts, rebuilt my vent windows and installed a vapor canister & vent lines. But that's about it.

glad to hear, progress is progress, mine is stuck in electrical harness prison for 4-8 weeks

coopdog 09-03-2019 04:10 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )

Originally Posted by CUSTOM/10 (Post 6723762)
Well brought her home today, she looked great out in the sun !!!

Just found this thread, fantastic work, quality job indeed!:chevy:

CUSTOM/10 09-03-2019 07:54 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Thanks Coopdog,
I remember your truck, very nice !!!



Originally Posted by coopdog (Post 8587006)
Just found this thread, fantastic work, quality job indeed!:chevy:

CUSTOM/10 09-15-2019 06:15 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
1 Attachment(s)
So it's been a while since any up-dates, it's small but it's progress !
Totally rebuilt my wing windows over this past winter and finally got one installed & the window regulator, rubber/ felt sweeps & glass. Also tried 3 different door gaskets trying to get something that would allow me to shut the doors without slamming them. ( Dodge Dakota push-on, new Precisions mitered push-ons, and soft seal glue-on ) New precision mitered push-on I can't use, I had to slam the door double handed to get them to close ! Dodge Dakota not bad ( and are on it now ). Soft Seal glue on worked great ( Taped on for trial ) If the Dakota ones break in a bit more I'll leave them on.

Last_Paladin 09-29-2019 07:42 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Looking good.

CUSTOM/10 09-30-2019 10:26 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Thanks !

You get any projects going on ?


Originally Posted by Last_Paladin (Post 8601052)
Looking good.

Last_Paladin 10-02-2019 03:56 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )

Originally Posted by CUSTOM/10 (Post 8601733)
Thanks !

You get any projects going on ?

You should call me sometime.

17 projects :D

CUSTOM/10 11-21-2019 08:48 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
2 Attachment(s)
So here I am once again, home recuperating from surgery ( distal bicep tendon repair ) tore it off the bone. I'm about 4 weeks post surgery and getting board as heck !!! So I'm feeling a bit better, and have all these NOS parts I've been collecting, so what better way to spend some time than putting them on the truck !

72 tigger 11-21-2019 10:02 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Nice looking tail! Sorry you’re hurt again, hopefully heal quickly and get a few things done on your truck

DWilbur 11-22-2019 06:04 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
was your truck setup for the aluminum trim around the tail lights or did you add it. I'm nervous about drilling holes in my truck after paint to install the trim.

CUSTOM/10 11-22-2019 06:11 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )

Originally Posted by DWilbur (Post 8631410)
was your truck setup for the aluminum trim around the tail lights or did you add it. I'm nervous about drilling holes in my truck after paint to install the trim.

No it wasn’t , the bedsides are new aftermarket and they don’t come predrilled. I gave the body shop the assembly manual and they drilled it. That way they had to do the worrying not me.... lol !


Last_Paladin 01-21-2020 01:46 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by CUSTOM/10 (Post 8601733)
Thanks !

You get any projects going on ?

and yes.

CUSTOM/10 01-21-2020 06:57 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Nice ! Is that Todd's old blazer ?

I'm just getting back to work, was out for two and a half months recuperating from surgery on my arm. I tore the bicep tendon off of my forearm and they had to reattach it.

Last_Paladin 01-21-2020 09:42 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )

Originally Posted by CUSTOM/10 (Post 8663655)
Nice ! Is that Todd's old blazer ?

I'm just getting back to work, was out for two and a half months recuperating from surgery on my arm. I tore the bicep tendon off of my forearm and they had to reattach it.


How the heck did you do that?

Happy to come by for a bit, if you have time?

CUSTOM/10 01-22-2020 08:44 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Lifting a peace of pipe at work and it hit something, stopping it abruptly and putting all the force on my bicep muscle & tendon, tearing the tendon from the bone. They drilled a hole through the bone and screwed the tendon back into it.

jaros44sr 01-30-2020 12:36 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
glad your back on your feet, so to speak, there go the alarms at the airport! any more updates yet? Truck looks great, just got mine running, so, I'm onto safety stuff like brakes

CUSTOM/10 01-31-2020 04:26 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
I'll find out abut the alarms on Tuesday... LOL

I installed dome & cargo lights and wiring a couple weeks back. I also ordered the rear disc brake brackets from Captain Fab for the D52 calipers, I'll be installing the eldorado calipers with the e-brake. I have a set of his comaro brackets but don't like the e-brake cable setup. That;s about it for now !



Originally Posted by jaros44sr (Post 8668996)
glad your back on your feet, so to speak, there go the alarms at the airport! any more updates yet? Truck looks great, just got mine running, so, I'm onto safety stuff like brakes

Last_Paladin 03-29-2020 08:41 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )

Originally Posted by CUSTOM/10 (Post 8669681)
I'll find out abut the alarms on Tuesday... LOL

I installed dome & cargo lights and wiring a couple weeks back. I also ordered the rear disc brake brackets from Captain Fab for the D52 calipers, I'll be installing the eldorado calipers with the e-brake. I have a set of his comaro brackets but don't like the e-brake cable setup. That;s about it for now !


Sorry you didn't like the Camaro set up I gave you.

I am not a fan of El Dorado calipers. I have been doing late model disk brakes, with the parking brake in the drum of the rotor. I have those if you like?

CUSTOM/10 03-31-2020 09:26 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
It's not an issue, I'm just very particular about what I want on my truck. What was fine a few yrs back has change know for me just by looking at other people's threads and seeing new products. I can do the elderado calipers and utilize the factory emergency brake cable brackets and it appears more stock.
Just fits my wants better.


Originally Posted by Last_Paladin (Post 8704122)
Sorry you didn't like the Camaro set up I gave you.

I am not a fan of El Dorado calipers. I have been doing late model disk brakes, with the parking brake in the drum of the rotor. I have those if you like?

70STOVEBOLT 03-15-2024 07:40 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
Gary, any progress updates on the build?

CUSTOM/10 03-22-2024 09:16 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
It's been about 2 yrs since I've touched the truck until a few weeks ago. I started with cleaning the garage so I could get to the truck and find my tools. I completed the rear disc brake conversion and I'm currently working on going through the front end completely.
Phone won't let me upload any pictures, on vacation right now. I'll see if I can when I get home.

CUSTOM/10 03-25-2024 12:03 PM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
2 Attachment(s)

CUSTOM/10 04-07-2024 11:34 AM

Re: Project; Divorce Therapy ( 72 SWB 4x4 )
2 Attachment(s)
Pictures for, ohboy123

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