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sdwolff98 11-25-2018 09:59 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
Well today ordered a few more pieces of rubber extrusions from a couple of suppliers to test on the vent window sealing issues should be seeing those later in the week and see what happens. those first pieces I tried are a bit stiff even with using a heat gun to soften them up. back to experimenting. I also last night started worked on the front park lamp led designs again the first type worked ok but not horribly bright so trying something a lil different. Currently waiting on thermal adezive to come in and can further play with them and see what I get.


sdwolff98 11-30-2018 12:15 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Well finally having a bit of success on the front park lamp LED setup here is a video of what I have so far :D totally tickled have to redo the heat sinks a bit but nearly finished


350TacoZilla 11-30-2018 01:11 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
looks good in video man. I really like having bright and easy to see lights so an LED upgrade is going to be happening with mine for sure. I had been debating what to do for the parking\turns and was on fence if a standard LED amber 3157 style bulb would do a good enough job or if I should do something like your doing (I plan to run clear lenses).

sdwolff98 11-30-2018 01:18 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Yeah these are working great still have to finish the wire up bulb adapter etc but totally tickled with it. I am going to however build a set with copper heat sinks instead to make they stay cool enough.


The Rocknrod 11-30-2018 05:06 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Great place for those yellow spot lights. :lol:

sdwolff98 11-30-2018 05:15 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D

sdwolff98 12-07-2018 12:13 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
got a few more pieces to work on leds l am building and testing thinking to try just 2 led discs instead of 3 like before and see if it puts out enough. found some nice lil heatsinks with built in fans lol from computers *chuckles* will be putting another set together tonight lol. Also got on to reassembling the front end so we can get the truck moved to the paint booth after the rainy season. Still having driver side door latching issues right now and took abreak from it because at this time have not found "the right" adjustment to get it closed right.


sdwolff98 12-07-2018 12:17 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
started reassembling the front end and gotta love it things were interfering all over the place lol. have to move trans cooler hoses electrical wiring bolts nuts all kindsa stuff :haha::haha::haha::haha: then went on and started putting the grill together and found out a section of it is warped. Also had to do a lil clearancing for the headlight bucket screws I used in the rebuild. Also got driveshaft done and in hand.


sdwolff98 12-07-2018 12:18 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
3 Attachment(s)
Lastly giving this a try. realigning the passenger side head light opening on the grill. Gently heating it and using a wood spreader started last night will see what happens in a few days gently heating it every night .


350TacoZilla 12-07-2018 06:54 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Keep up the progress man it looks great. I looked at those exact same headlights I think but I was worried that there wasnt much reflector left for headlight due to the LED's around edge so I went with the classic style H4 conversions.

sdwolff98 12-07-2018 07:00 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
I watched quite a few videos on the differences between projectors and reflector style lights so should be fine. I ordered led designed for projector lights will be testing them out tonight after I find out if the spreader/heat idea worked for the warping.
Will be posting pics of the light output also any clearance issues and how to handle them on the GMC grills.

sdwolff98 01-14-2019 02:40 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
3 Attachment(s)
trials n tribulations lol got brake system assembled and dumped fluid in to find out multiple leaks!!!!!! working through this issue now so I can drive him around the block!!!! rear lines good still have to sort out the front brake line leaks more to come.... So ready to drive him illegally or otherwise past time lol!!!!! thanks for putting up with me guys!!!!


sdwolff98 02-14-2019 02:40 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
1 Attachment(s)
Well could not get the old grill straightened out so started assembling the NOS grill shell I found and started plying with another part i found a junkyard lol. I also think I finally have the brake lines leak free will be checking master cylinder tonight and see where I at on that.


sdwolff98 02-16-2019 02:34 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
Ok steering column woes lol first guy I paid to have rebuild a column vanished with my money and my column. He is now back in town and says he's going to fix it and get my column back to me. Finding the 74-77 tilt manual transmission columns are not easy. Luckily one of the forums members had one and I am currently in the process of modifying it for the 64 dash. few lil pieces still waiting on eg lock plate lock pin etc but its coming along nicely.... Spent last night going at it with the grinder and cup brush.... alas poor brush is worn out time to get a new one. Shot the first coat of paint last night and is looking good.


350TacoZilla 02-17-2019 12:41 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
I held onto one of those columns for years before I let a buddy talk me out of it, only to end up with a manual swapped squarebody like 2 years later that the owner left the auto shifter sticking out of column.....didn't even bother to drive pin out to get rid of lever.

sdwolff98 02-17-2019 07:56 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
*chuckles* more to come on the column rebuild experience lol


sdwolff98 02-17-2019 07:57 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
More to come on the column rebuild. got parts on there way plus doing a lil painting to it


sdwolff98 02-28-2019 01:23 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
2 Attachment(s)
well after a week or so minor leaks in brake system and now all sealed and no leaks :D onto other things steering column is about finished just waiting on a few dress up parts for it and the steering wheel adapter to come home.... very pleased with how its turned out so far lol. Still waiting on original guy to get my other modded column back tome grrrrr!!!!! on another note started back looking for a clutch fan assembly for the water pump that will clear the radiator fans jury is still out found one of a F%%^ exploder that might fit the bill. Its also a heavy duty so nothing bad there but will see...… on that note gave up on getting the aluminum core support functional.... will post more on that soon but say this buy the auto rad one if you want that nice piece of badassery!!


sdwolff98 02-28-2019 01:31 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
on the aluminum core support.... it would be nice if custom builders WOULD LISTEN!!!!! I told him 1 3/4 inch max width he said oh no 2 inch be find.... here to say BFS all the top panels 1/4 inch out of alignment most importantly the hood latch post I mean dam come on.. after months of arguing I gave up trying to get him to fix it.. wasted 2200 dollars..... honestly knowing this now would have waited the 6 weeks for the auto rad one /sigh oh well lesson learned..... sooo…. got a repop support and started modding it to fit the nice lil radiator he built will find out if it works having my doubts but at least the core work will be ready if I need to go another route..... friend of mine is currently smoothing out the cuts on the repop support but I did get the radiator to fit down in it using the brute force grinder method rotflmao.. smooth it out and see where at next :D
Ifn anyone gets a mind to do similar get plenty of references and not just positive ones he had rave reviews from HIS supplied list uuuggghhhh still have heart burn now over this issue. sorry will stop *****ing now onwards upwards and to the frikkin beyond this aint a set back rather a learning curve.. on another note texas bound this September ready tobe home and start work on my other toys once my kiddo is done :D 66 burb next then rewire the 64 1 ton and put him to work for the wifey!!!!

sdwolff98 03-25-2019 01:51 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
1 Attachment(s)
ok for last three weeks been fighting the emergency brake functioning issue. Well finally got them working... so many lil things you don't realize that go into there design lol. I had to have a longer bar made for the trans mount e brake lever and had to stretch the cables a lil tighter. But they are working now!! so happy 1 step closer to driving him around the block. few other things to finish before that but closer and closer.

sdwolff98 03-25-2019 01:53 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
3 Attachment(s)
also got back to working on the led park lamps for the gmc housings they are complete done and working very nicely. Also figured out how to get the cooling fans working when the lights are turned on :D

sdwolff98 03-25-2019 02:16 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
4 Attachment(s)
And latest project reworking the gas tank mount framework. coming along well should have it mounted and on the truck soon for its test drive :D so many lil things I am sure I am forgetting but will get to them soon


sdwolff98 05-12-2019 09:09 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
I have not posted in awhile been working on lots of various projects all over the place lately lol. got the steering column finally installed and my new steering wheel on and everything hooked n working recently lol.
Also got to thinking I see these guy making custom emblems well I recently got a nice GMC hood with the badges on them and thse pictures are what I am thinking of having made by one of these guys :D
Turned out very very nice


sdwolff98 05-12-2019 09:10 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
4 Attachment(s)
I also got the turn signals finalized and assembled.


sdwolff98 05-12-2019 09:13 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
Also gas tank mount frame is coming along well also started buying up some white oak for the cover board assemblies. Also started mounting the front bed panel in place for assembling the bed having some frustration with it as the base of it is warped still scratching my head but I will find a way to get it straightened out!!!!


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