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Father&son56project 03-29-2022 01:25 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
Well, the brake situation is no better (and possibly a bit worse!). I replaced the master cylinder with a new one, and I followed the bench bleeding instructions very carefully. I also installed 2 new rear wheel cylinders as the old ones required way too much force on the bleeder screws to get them to properly seal. I bled the system again, and with the engine off the brake pedal is rock hard. Once I start the engine however, the pedal is mushy and sinks pretty much all the way down. With the old master cylinder I initially had a fairly firm pedal that sank slowly. With the new master I now have a mushy pedal that sinks fairly quickly. I was very careful with the bleeding process, following the correct order and opening the bleeders just enough to allow fluid escape, but not so far as to allow air past the threads.

There is however one weird thing going on. At the end of the combination valve there is a small rod that comes out and moves towards the firewall when firm pressure is applied to the brakes with the engine running. Here are 2 pics. The first shows where that rod is, and the 2nd shows the direction it goes under firm brake pressure (the direction I am pointing with my finger).

If anyone has a good diagnosis of my issue, I’d welcome it! No offence to all the well meaning members, but no wild guesses please. I’m at my wit’s end chasing down this mushy pedal.


dsraven 03-29-2022 01:46 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
The combi valve has an automatic cut off in the case that one circuit of the brakes blows out and you have a major leak. You will likely need to center that internal valve located where the electrical part is. There is a tool used to keep the valve centered when you bleed the brakes otherwise the valve moves and closes one circuit. Google how the combination valve works and how to reset it, then try your brakes again

dsraven 03-29-2022 01:52 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
It may be called a proportioning valve, combination valve or something else but either way there are a few good YouTube's on the subject. A few explain how they work. It is important to have the master cyl outlets plumbed correctly as well. Joedoh would be a good source for that or you could check an S10 at the wrecker or similar idea.

dsraven 03-29-2022 03:44 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
One other thing to check, maybe you have already, is to ensure the pushrod from the booster to master has a little Freeplay so the master piston is allowed to fully retract. It would mean pulling the master away from the booster enough to do the pushrod length from the master mounting surface on the booster and likewise checking the depth of the depression in the master piston where the pushrod "pushes". Then compare the two. Should be a little play there.

dsraven 03-29-2022 04:01 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
have you checked the booster for a vacuum leak or possibly a bad vacuum check valve at the booster?
pull the check valve out of the booster, disconnect the vacuum line and do a test to ensure it allows vacuum to flow one way and absolutely nothing goes back the other way
assemble the valve back to the booster like it was. now do a vacuum test on the booster to see if it holds a vacuum. simply apply a vacuum to the check valve and monitor to see if it drops in vacuum and listen for any air leaks at the inside of the truck around the booster pushrod, also around the grommet for the check valve.
question, engine idling, apply the brakes. does the engine rpm change at all? like it had a sudden vacuum leak to make up for?
is the pushrod from the pedal set up with some freeplay so as not to apply a slight pressure to the booster pushrod which would unseat the internal valve and "leak" vacuum?
maybe google how a vacuum brake booster operates for a little more theory on what could go wrong

Father&son56project 03-29-2022 08:07 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to

Thanks for the suggestions! I ordered one of those tools to lock the rod in place during bleeding (but it’s a 10 day delivery). My combination valve appears to be the self centering type. As soon as you let off the brake, the rod returns to its normal position by itself. I tested the sending unit without any force on the brake pedal and there was no continuity (in other words the valve had self-centered and didn't activate the brake warning light).

As for the lines, my system is correct, and the lines follow the same paths as a stock ‘96 S10 does (It’s simply an S10 surrounded by an old body. It even has the S10 brake pedal assembly in it). The only difference is the ABS delete.

I have not yet checked the gap in the rod that sits between the booster and the master cylinder, but the booster/master combo was working when I bought the S10 and I had kept the pair bolted together when I disassembled the S10 so there shouldn’t be an issue there (but it’s not a difficult thing to check).

My engine idle does not change at all when the brakes are applied, and there are no obvious vacuum leaks (but I ran out of time and didn’t get to properly checking the booster and valve for a leak). I did however do some googling this eve, but what I found suggests that a vacuum leak in the booster would result in a hard pedal (my problem is the opposite). I will check it as you suggested anyhow, just to be safe.

The feeling I get when I press on the pedal is what you would expect if there was some air in the system. Given the lengths I have gone through to bleed this system, that pedal should be rock hard.

The saga continues!

dsraven 03-30-2022 01:21 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to
the booster to master pushrod gap could change since you have installed a new master cylinder, correct? not everything is equal and built exact so it is one thing to check possibly. while checking stuff, ensure te
he pedal to booster pushrod has some freeplay as this can mss with the booster operation if the valve inside the booster isn't centered. how do the calipers look. you say you replaced the rear wheel cylinders but have you checked the front calipers and their moving parts to ensure they are not getting hung up or are partially siezed? a good indicator of this is a set of brake pads that are worn more on one pad than the other. if the caliper slide mechanism is not allowing the caliper to slide then that could mess with the pedal feel between boosted or manual. another question for you is whether or not the master cylinder you removed due to an internal leak causing the slow drop to the floor, did it also leak some fluid out the rear of the master where the bore is? if so, some fluid may have made it's way into the booster and could cause problems. is your booster a dual diaphram type or a single diaphragm? singles are usually a larger overall size.
I removed a booster once that drained quite a bit of brake fluid out of the vacuum check valve port. this was caused by a leaky master cylinder at some point.
here is a link to some basic vac booster diagnostics.

dsraven 03-30-2022 11:05 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to
can you explain how you bench bled the new master? did you use a syringe and pressure bleed fluid back into the master cyl from the outlets? step bore masters can be a little tricky to bleed and that is usually the recomended way, reverse bleeding.
if you feel the master cyl was bled correctly with no room for air in the system anywhere, and the combi valve is centered allowing fluid to pass to both the front and rear circuits, and the brakes are all free moving with no sticking caliper slides etc, and the rear drums are adjusted properly with the park brake also adjusted properly, then it would seem to point the finger at the booster. a rock hard pedal with the engine off is a normal thing because the master cylinder for power brakes uses a larger bore size than a manual brake set up would so it normally requires more pedal effort. a spongy pedal only with the engine running suggests a possible issue that only rears it head with the added pressure that comes with the booster in play, like a poor brake hose or some other fault downstream of the master, or a booster issue. I would say check all the brake components like hoses, caliper slides, pads that may be hanging up, calipers for a sticking piston, wheels that don't spin freely (front wheels) brake shoes that are not adjusted properly etc. then check all the linkages from the pedal through to the master cyl pushrod. since we have to assume the booster functioned properly when it was in the S10 and the only difference is that it got moved to the old truck and the pedal system geometry may not be the same exactly or it maybe simply got bumbled around a bit and possibly a seal is not sealing like it should or a pushrod is bent etc etc. this is aside from removing the abs pump and changing the master cyl. arethere any brake line loops that may hold an air pocket? do the rubber lines swell when the brakes are applied with the engine running (when more line pressure can be had). there is a seal behind the master cylinder, do you recall if it was still in good shape? sometimes they can adhere to the master cylinder and become dislodged when the master is changed creating a leakage situation. there is also a seal at the pushrod from the pedals which usually also has a filter over it. maybe check that end as well. ensure the pushrod has a straight shot from the pedals so it isn't being forced out of alignment as the pedal is depressed as this can possibly unseat the booster valve which would cause constant boost and draw the pedal down and may also cause leakage issues. the booster you have is a dual diaphragm style I believe so there is twice the possibility for an internal leak I suppose. the booster is basically a pushrod that goes straight through to allow a link from the pedal to the master. it has the diaphragm in the middle, sealed in the can with vacuum applied to both sides. when the pedal is slightly moved forward there is a valve that unseats and allows atmosheric pressure onto the pedal side of the daiphragm. this makes the vacuum on the other side of the diaphragm want to pull the pushrod towards the master cyl which assists you to push the pedal down. when you hold the pedal at a given spot in the travel the valve seats and holds that differential of pressure on both sides of the pedal. with this in mind it kinda makes sense that possibly something is not quite right inside the booster, maybe there is a misaligned or slightly bent pushrod, a sticky internal valve, possibly brake fluid inside the booster has deteriorated rubber parts, possibly some dirt got inside the booster somehow? anyway, just some thoughts and ideas on things to check. I suppose you could also try reverse bleeding from each wheel but that requires a special tool, although some have made their own using a simple pump garden sprayer. you could google that. I think a reverse bleeder is available on for around a hundred bucks CAD.

dsraven 03-30-2022 01:09 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to

dsraven 03-30-2022 01:15 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
something like the amazon bleeder would be easy to build yourself with princess auto parts. the reverse bleed. not too much worry that you would get crap from the calipers etc flushed back into the master cylinder since you have already flushed a whole bunch of fluid through the system already by the sounds of it.
just a thought, in case there is air in the system someplace. sounds like you have a hard pedal with the engine off though so things are kind of pointing towrds a booster issue
keep us posted onany new findings

Father&son56project 03-31-2022 03:44 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
Some updates…..

My neighbour came over to give me a hand, which is good as he has been a licenced mechanic for 60 years. Yup, 60! Prior to him coming over I had done a bunch of things myself as well. Here is where I stand:

-Good vacuum from engine to power brake booster
-Good hose from engine to booster
-One way valve that connects hose to booster working properly
-Booster functioning properly (used the Axle Addict link, awesome guide!)
-All lines checked (despite them all being new-just in case). No problems, no ballooning of rubber lines, no weird loops where bubbles could get trapped (it’s the stock S10 routing)
-Entire system and every fitting checked-no leaks whatsoever
-Rear brakes checked, they are good (look to have been done fairly recently), properly adjusted and they function properly
-Parking brake checked-properly adjusted, functions properly
-Front brakes checked-functioning properly, movements are smooth, nothing sticks, pads are thick and wear is even everywhere
-Pedal assembly checked-nothing bent, no binding. A section of the S10 firewall had been transplanted, so the alignment of booster to pedal assembly was never changed (it’s again a complete, stock S10 assembly)
-The newly installed master cylinder was measured and checked against the old master cylinder-identical measurements obtained
-The seal where the master cylinder meets the booster was checked-looks good and it’s bone dry
-The seal/filter where the brake pedal rod enters the booster was checked-looks good and is dry
-Gap checked where brake pedal meets rod-all good, at rest there is a small gap so the pedal is not applying force to booster
-Gap checked where booster rod meets master cylinder-all good, there is a small gap there as well so the booster is not applying force to the master cylinder

Now it gets interesting. My mechanic neighbour told me to drive it around for a while, so I did. My laneway is long, and there is one very steep section, so I was able to apply brakes while steeply inclined both up and downhill, and on level ground. Once that was done there appeared to be some improvement however this test is really subjective. I hopped into my Honda and did the same and realized that under normal driving they both feel quite similar. There is of course still one problem to address……

That rod in the combination valve still moves backwards (towards the firewall) everytime the brakes are applied. Can air get stuck in that valve? It doesn’t matter if the engine is on or off, it moves every time you press the brake pedal. So my plan is this:

I have ordered the little device that locks the combination valve in place during bleeding and will have it next week. At that point I will use it and bleed the brakes again. If I’m lucky it will do the trick. If not, I will try a reverse bleed. If that is unsuccessful I will get some plugs for the various ports and I will isolate the front and rear brake systems for further testing. By this I mean I’ll seal off the front system and see how the brake pedal responds, then seal off the rear and do the same. I believe I’m closing in on a solution, and I will post the results.

Thanks again for all the help!

joedoh 03-31-2022 11:14 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to

Originally Posted by Father&son56project (Post 9059553)

That rod in the combination valve still moves backwards (towards the firewall) everytime the brakes are applied. Can air get stuck in that valve?

UGGH yes, I am just now reminded because of your question of the time I spent a week diagnosing soft pedal on a mazda truck, had the same combination valve. I bled it and no more problems.

and FWIW I call that valve a safety valve that keeps pressure on the fronts ig the line to the back rusts, and have not seen a benefit to even keeping it in the system. maybe it was for modulating the input to the ABS system but I run my lines straight to the brakes, no valve, take it out. I have probably 10 you can have for free if yours is broken somehow. (kidding)

Tempest67 04-01-2022 09:40 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to
and FWIW I call that valve a safety valve that keeps pressure on the fronts ig the line to the back rusts, and have not seen a benefit to even keeping it in the system. maybe it was for modulating the input to the ABS system but I run my lines straight to the brakes, no valve, take it out.

Really ??? I did not know that. I thought it was some kind of proportioning valve that was needed.......... I am now thinking of removing mine.

joedoh 04-01-2022 03:56 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
it isnt a proportioning valve and even if it was, the configuration of my truck is completely different than a stock s10, motor moved back, cab moved back, it wouldnt be appropriate without adjusting anyway.

but the ones i have seen are safety valve so if you lose pressure on one end it locks to the other so you dont keep pumping fluid out the broken line/cylinder/hose. thats why it needs the spring in the middle. from a manufacturers liability standpoint, some people keep driving even with an obvious problem. that electrical connection sets the "brake" light on the dash

dsraven 04-01-2022 06:26 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
maybe you could lose that valve and install an appropriate comination valve. it is a good idea to have something that will seperate the front to the rear in case of a blown line or some other brake emergency.

joedoh 04-01-2022 11:43 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to

Originally Posted by dsraven (Post 9060049)
maybe you could lose that valve and install an appropriate comination valve. it is a good idea to have something that will seperate the front to the rear in case of a blown line or some other brake emergency.

the s10 has this already, there is a 5 degree rearward tilt on the booster so the bulk of the fluid is biased to the front brakes (the rear chamber of the reservoir), and a slotted divider in the middle so if you lose either one of the dual circuits there is enough to get stopped on just the remaining circuit.

that valve is EXTRA security on top because (some) people are dumb and ignore problems, some will dump fluid in when they see the BRAKE light come on and the safety valve keeps them from just pumping it back out instead of investigating. I have seen rotorless brake discs because some people just metal-to-metal grind it completely away.

JayB22 04-14-2022 09:59 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
4 Attachment(s)
I’m hoping someone can help me out with this. I’m trying to exhaust all efforts on keeping my 4wd drivetrain before ditching it to a 2WD setup. Sounds like when doing a sbc swap you need to move the engine back approx 7”. I’m doing so the transfer case hits a cross member. I’m looking at my frame and noticing that the cross member that it hits isn’t the one that is structural for the torsion bar suspension. It’s just a crossmember that seems to hold the skid plate on. I’m wondering if I can take this out and re mount it behind the cross member that holds the torsion bars in place? I here’s a fuel filter in the area that can be worked around. But also I have a cross member for the torsion bar suspension and a cross member for the 2 pc drive shaft about 16” behind it. Having both of these in place makes me wonder why I couldn’t just completely remove the skid plate cross member unless it’s for support for side to side movement on the top of the frame. But if that’s the case I could brace between my cab mounts and a brace across for the box mounts to make up for a his. I’m just hoping I can find a way to make this all work before ditching everything I have and starting over.

joedoh 04-14-2022 10:54 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
1 Attachment(s)
it doesnt tie to the torsion crossmember on the bottom?

i found a picture of what i think is an EZ Chassis for a 4x4 s10, he notched it.

JayB22 04-14-2022 11:19 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
2 Attachment(s)
Theres zero contact between that brace and the cross member that holds the torsion bar on. It also doesn’t touch the torsion bars in anyway. It has holes in it for the ebrake cable and for the torsion bars to go through. But it has no effect on them.

joedoh 04-15-2022 02:17 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to
neat. keep in mind though, as you cut, that the entire weight of the front half of the truck is carried right there in that couple inches of frame.

dsraven 04-15-2022 09:43 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to
Iwould say you should keep that cross member if you can. it is likely there for frame strength and to keep the frame from twisting from the stress of the torsion bars. the torsion bar cross member is only connected to the bortom frame flange and it carries the weight of whatever the front suspension is carrying. that cross member is connected to the bottom and top frame flange. I would notch it like joedoh's pic shows rather than remove it. manufacturers don't spend money on stuff they could do without. if it really needs to go then build another one that does the same function and install it behind the torsion bar cross member maybe, then remove that one. that way that cross member will keep the frame from "springing" until the new one is in place.

JayB22 04-16-2022 02:44 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to
1 Attachment(s)
I think I’m going to give it a try to just notch the cross member and see how that works. I’ve got a few ideas on ways to fabricate some additional bracing if required.

I also wanted to give a huge thank you to everyone that’s contributed in this thread and the one that I started asking some questions about a 4x4 swap. Using the body mount ideas and input everyone’s given I was able to get my body mounts built and tacked into place. I set the body on and loosely bolted the fenders on and the fitment looks great. This thread has really helped me get a more clear direction on how to get started with this swap.

dsraven 04-16-2022 09:35 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to
looks great. you got lots done in a short time. next I would fit the hood just to make sure the rad support is at the correct height and everything it square. the hood is hard enough to fit on a stock truck let alone a frame swap.
post up a few more pics as you go

Father&son56project 05-16-2022 02:49 PM

Re: S10 Mystery Beep!
I am currently working out little bugs in my S10 swap, and I believe I am down to one last thing. I'm running a stock '96 S10 wiring harness (thinned out to remove warning lights, seatbelt sensors, radio system, ABS, etc) and whenever I go past 50 mph I get a steady, low volume, high pitched "beep beep beep beep.....". As soon as I drop below 50 it goes away. I can't drive it and crawl under the dash to find the source at the same time, and I can't find any obvious source of the noise when I look under the dash. Does anyone know what the source of the phantom beep might be?

joedoh 05-16-2022 10:11 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
its your aftermarket speedometer, most have a speed alarm option and it seems like yours is turned on. check the manual for how to turn it off!

Father&son56project 05-17-2022 01:21 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
Yeah.......that was it.......:dohh:

joedoh 05-17-2022 06:36 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
:lol::lol: been there!

Father&son56project 07-17-2022 09:02 AM

S10 Swap Economics
S10 swap economics

My build has reached the point where I have a safe, running driving truck that has passed a safety check and is licenced & on the road. I thought I'd detail what the S10 swap cost me to do as many people may be weighing their options, especially in cases where money is a major concern. I posted my build (Project Fargolet) on this forum because this is the single most detailed S10 swap site on the web and I received a ton of help from the great members here. This is just an FYI for anyone interested in the actual cost of doing this swap. Note that these are the costs that I incurred, and every case will be different. Also, I am in Canada where parts prices are easily double those in the States.

Here’s the breakdown (let’s assume we are starting with an old truck that we already have. I won’t include this in the price as every case is different and we need to compare apples with apples). I happened to start with a ‘47 Fargo but it really makes no difference what the truck is.

S10 Donour vehicle: $1500 Canadian (that’s $1168 US Dollars)

I paid a little more for a low mileage, rust free 1996 S10 and it was worth every penny.

Parts for donour S10 $605 Canadian ($471 USD)

This includes parts I needed to repair deficiencies or worn parts in the S10 (brakes, steering, suspension, exhaust, hoses, lines, cables, new fluids, gaskets)

Parts required to adapt the S10 to the Fargo body $1507 Canadian ($1173 USD)

This includes all the stuff that either can’t be used from the S10 donour, or has to be modified to make it work (engine mounts, radiator, wheel spacers, body mounts, steering shafts & DD U-joints, electric fan, trans cooler, wood, switches, drive shaft, electrical connectors, checker plate steel bed, etc.).

Consumables for the S10 swap portion of the build $400 Canadian ($311 USD)

This includes steel, welding gas/wire, cutoff wheels, paint, nuts & bolts, etc.

So the total cost of the S10 swap portion of my build was $4012 Canadian ($3124 USD)

For me, the economics worked out rather well. Here in Canada I’d be hard pressed to buy just a Mustang ll ifs for 4000 bucks. My $4012 got me:

-complete braking system including booster, master cylinder and e-brake system
-cooling system
-steering column & connectors
-fuel injected engine with ECU
-overdrive transmission
-drive shaft
-gas tank and lines and filler tube
-wiring harness
-gauges (bit of a pain though!)
-exhaust system
-bench seat
-bed floor

When I started on this project, I estimated a total build cost of about $8000 for absolutely everything (including the initial purchase of the Fargo and all bureaucratic fees). For anyone who is interested, I’ll continue on with what things really cost me.

Parts required to fix up my Fargo $2507 Canadian ($1952 USD)

These costs have nothing to do with the S10 swap, and they include stuff like glass, seals, weatherstrip, seatbelts, lights, door latches, electric wiper conversion, interior, and all the required consumables)

Bureaucratic Red Tape $514 Canadian ($400 USD)

This includes safety inspection, appraisal, ministry of transportation fees.

Original Fargo purchase price incl tax $2280 Canadian ($1775 USD)

This brings me to a grand total of $9313 Canadian ($7252 USD). For this I have a 75 year old truck that’s safe, quiet, reliable, good on gas and handles nicely and can be maintained with cheap parts from any local supplier. I went over budget a bit, but I can’t complain about what I got for the price I paid. There is still some little stuff I could do, but for now I’m just going to cruise nights & shows and having a ton of fun. I hope this helps anyone who is weighing their options, and needs a better idea of how inexpensive an S10 swap can be.

Lmuelly 02-28-2023 11:23 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
Does anyone know if Chris AKA Skymangs ever got his book published about these builds?

jbon64 09-28-2023 02:54 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
if you get the chance , check out "faster with newborn and cotton" (a spin of faster with finnigan) S1 -E2. they did a s-15 chassis under a 50 something GMC. they went thru it quick and glossed over a bunch of stuff (i could tell in a back ground shot that they had to extend the frame) . still a pretty good watch.

stackz 03-07-2025 10:43 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to

Originally Posted by jbon64 (Post 9245503)
if you get the chance , check out "faster with newborn and cotton" (a spin of faster with finnigan) S1 -E2. they did a s-15 chassis under a 50 something GMC. they went thru it quick and glossed over a bunch of stuff (i could tell in a back ground shot that they had to extend the frame) . still a pretty good watch.

is this on youtube? I searched for it and couldnt find it darn.

stackz 03-07-2025 10:44 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to

Originally Posted by skymangs (Post 6723893)

What you'll need:
-47-54 Chevy pickup with bed, fenders, hood, core support
-S10 chassis (117" w.b. long bed short cab) If you can, score the brake pedal, master/booster assembly and power steering box.
-Engine/trans combo of choice

This is enough to start your project, but there is a short laundry list of other parts that will make your swap a LOT easier!

does it matter the year? this popped up like 3 miles from me and I'm thinking of getting it to use as my chassis if its the correct one which I think it is:

my truck is a 59 though so not sure if this swap tutorial is still relevant to my truck or not?

Team51 03-07-2025 10:49 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to

Originally Posted by stackz (Post 9373508)
is this on youtube? I searched for it and couldnt find it darn.

I swapped my 53 onto a 96 s10 chassis. It's best to use a regular cab/long box frame that doesn't require cutting the rails. It was super easy and the frame width matched so that all I had to do was blast the factory rivets on cab mounts and drill for grade 8 bolts on the s10 frame.

stackz 03-07-2025 10:54 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to

Originally Posted by Team51 (Post 9373512)
I swapped my 53 onto a 96 s10 chassis. It's best to use a regular cab/long box frame that doesn't require cutting the rails. It was super easy and the frame width matched so that all I had to do was blast the factory rivets on cab mounts and drill for grade 8 bolts on the s10 frame.

so you didnt have to build the boxes for the cab like on the 1st or 2nd page (cant remember which page shows them) of this thread?

Team51 03-07-2025 11:10 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to

Originally Posted by stackz (Post 9373514)
so you didnt have to build the boxes for the cab like on the 1st or 2nd page (cant remember which page shows them) of this thread?

Nope. Used stock ones off of the 53

stackz 03-07-2025 11:19 AM

Re: S10 Swap how to

Originally Posted by Team51 (Post 9373517)
Nope. Used stock ones off of the 53

oh ok, so I guess the frame changed on the newer body style s10? if thats the case I guess I will wait and look around for one of those.

leegreen 03-07-2025 12:42 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
S10 is on the verge of too narrow a track width for an AD truck and your TF is wider fenders. S10 is too narrow for this without extreme wheel spacers in front and a wider rear axle.

newer 1/2T full size is closer to track width you need, but TF is not that wide between the steps built into the cab and newer frames are wider, but they also drop down under cab. Tape measure is your friend makes a kit for squarebody frame

you will find quite a few swaps on this site if you search

depending on you current frame / cab condition front clipping it from a newer frame may be an option

None of this is as easy as it looks in pictures, you need the fab skills to pull it off or the bucks to farm it out. Market place is full of stalled frame swaps and restorations

stackz 03-07-2025 12:54 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to

Originally Posted by leegreen (Post 9373540)
S10 is on the verge of too narrow a track width for an AD truck and your TF is wider fenders. S10 is too narrow for this without extreme wheel spacers in front and a wider rear axle.

newer 1/2T full size is closer to track width you need, but TF is not that wide between the steps built into the cab and newer frames are wider, but they also drop down under cab. Tape measure is your friend makes a kit for squarebody frame

you will find quite a few swaps on this site if you search

depending on you current frame / cab condition front clipping it from a newer frame may be an option

None of this is as easy as it looks in pictures, you need the fab skills to pull it off or the bucks to farm it out. Market place is full of stalled frame swaps and restorations

thanks for the info. yeah, I've been on the fence whether to frame swap it or not. my original plan is to just cut in a prius electric column to the original column and convert to front discs and then figure out a rear axle for it. I guess I will just stick with that path. already have the prius column and a spare 59 column.

leegreen 03-07-2025 01:15 PM

Re: S10 Swap how to
Running and driving with upgraded rear gears and front brakes is cool, go for it!

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