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Woogeroo 01-17-2010 03:43 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
** bump **

I know we have some new folks on here... and some old folks with new projects.

So, what kinds of things did you find in your old truck when you bought it?


LILRED66 01-17-2010 11:21 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
Lots of good stories...I wish I had some to share. Thanks for the laughs and "are you serious" moments!

sixfour4x4 01-17-2010 11:23 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
i'm maybe going to go buy a 72 wagoneer in dana point today...maybe i'll have another new story. i did find a 4x6 wood body lift kit on the last one i looked at.

cayoterun 01-17-2010 01:19 PM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
Neat thread,
When I pulled the seat and gas tank from the '62 GMC cab I'm working on now, I found the title to a '63 Ford Galaxy bought by the fellow who bought this pu new. I gave it back to him. He took it home and framed it. Said it was the first new CAR he and his wife he lost to cancer ever bought. He's now 81 yrs. old.

Gary66 01-17-2010 02:22 PM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
After owning a 72 chevelle for a little over a year, i was cleaning out the trunk and tucked way high on the drivers rear quarter was a brown paper bag- upon opening it there were at least 20 or so latin porn dvds- guess the "old lady's" nephew that i bought it from had a couple things going on there..... weird---

LEEVON 01-17-2010 03:44 PM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
found a phonebook from 1976 that was open to the "S" page and listed Lynyrd Skynyrd. My mom called the number, it rang and nobody answered. :five:

Turkey 01-20-2010 09:34 PM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
I found a bolt that was JB Welded :devil:

highschoolbuilder 02-09-2010 12:10 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
when i bought my 64...... it had a few windshield wipers on the floor, a few bud light shifters, behind the seat about 15 empty packs of camels. bout 3 or 4 dollars in dimes, just dimes. and a seat cover, when i pulled up the carpet it had a hustler from the nintys..... hmmmmmh.... i made sure i put that in the same pile as the dimes when i gave his licenses plates back to him :):haha:

Xanth 02-09-2010 01:13 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
I pulled the seat out of my 1960 chevy truck over the weekend as the wife is going to be redoing it. I set it down in the garage and flipped it over and saw a wallet stuck up under the edge of the seat cover, it had 2 crisp hundreds and the original pink slip which the PO could never find LOL.

I am happy as a clam :)

BR3W CITY 02-09-2010 10:10 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
Havn't torn mine fully apart yet, but so far i found; a dash plaque from the hunnert car pileup, a couple of biz cards, and an NOS reverse lense. Upon popping some crap bondo off of my fender, I found about a pint of sand that spilled out.

akubovic 02-09-2010 10:58 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
In the glovebox of my 66, I found a set of 8 Champion spark plugs, pen, flashlight, 5 cassette tapes one was lynryd skyryd, a fel-pro exhaust manifold gasket set, a bunch of sunflower seeds, some chinese symbol air fresheners, a set of chrome half-moon pieces that go on the headlights:metal:, and roughly 10 new fuses and 1 original one.

Pretty general things I guess. It could sure use those plugs and gaskets. :lol:

markeb01 02-09-2010 12:57 PM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
Makes you wonder - why don't people go through and clean out personal items before they sell a car or truck? Maybe not behind the gas tank, but at least the floor and glove box.

jason65 02-09-2010 01:31 PM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
1 Attachment(s)
I just found these. I still have to teardown both trucks. So we shall see.....

Keith Seymore 02-09-2010 02:03 PM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..

Originally Posted by Woogeroo (Post 3738200)
** bump **

I know we have some new folks on here... and some old folks with new projects.

So, what kinds of things did you find in your old truck when you bought it?


From when my Father-in-law had it:

This is how much dirt was under the floor mat/sill plate in the driver's kick pad area (passenger side was similar):

I also continue to find live ammo as I clean the interior, which further speaks of the truck's transformation from "city slicker" (when I had it) to "ranch truck":

These were under the seat:

MikeN 02-09-2010 03:07 PM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..

Originally Posted by speedking (Post 1296473)
$6.75 in quarters from the defroster hose on my '62.

My kid likes to put loose change, Sweet-N-Low packets, and hand-wipes down the defroster vents in my 64. I'm sure 50 years from now when I'm dead and gone, some future owner will be restoring my truck, find all this crap in the defroster hoses, and go "what the heck?"

Franks Fab Shop 02-10-2010 02:52 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
not a 60-66 story BUT...and this is years ago (1989),
when cutting a roof off a 1981 toyota corolla, you know, for fun, .....
my brother and i found a 1980 japanese xxx magazine UP in the C-pillar!! we then washed the steering wheel and shifter with alcohol, you know... just because!
real deal...

harry 02-11-2010 02:26 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
4 Attachment(s)
found this GM courtesy cup under the gas tank when i removed it

Woogeroo 02-14-2010 07:03 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..

Originally Posted by MikeN (Post 3790265)
My kid likes to put loose change, Sweet-N-Low packets, and hand-wipes down the defroster vents in my 64. I'm sure 50 years from now when I'm dead and gone, some future owner will be restoring my truck, find all this crap in the defroster hoses, and go "what the heck?"

one of the hoses for my defrost came loose or I knocked it loose... something.

When I was in the process of reattaching it I got beaned in the head by some coins.

So, yes, you are absolutely correct.



jbgroby 02-14-2010 01:19 PM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
Found an old advertizing posting for the PO Plumbing Business with the phone
"BM9-3535" BM stands for "Broadmore" which is a old section of New Orleans.

jason65 02-14-2010 08:40 PM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
1 Attachment(s)

Woogeroo 11-01-2010 12:06 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
** bump **


Shaky 11-01-2010 06:21 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
Darn. I found a hide-a-key on my truck too. It had.........a key in it. :(

Real_McCoy 11-01-2010 08:49 AM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
1 Attachment(s)
Found these yesterday, under the seat of my 64 parts truck.

McC_65_91 11-01-2010 04:40 PM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
under the seat i found rubber door seals, cbs whips (didnt have a cb or even a radio at the time so ???), LOTS of dirt, sand and grime, few mystery nuts floating around and some change.

Center console found an adjustable wrench, some reciepts, other papers more change, his old registration, some loose nuts, and a half tube of locktite (SCORE haha best i got)

in the ashtray i found 5 valve stem caps, there wasnt one on any of the tires though??

under dash i found a nasty birds nest of wires...underneath i found a leaky rear main seal that had been goobered with some sort of gasket goo as well as the oilpan as a temporary fix, I saw it before buying on the pan, but it wasnt leaking at the time and didnt see it around the rear main :waah: :m6: :banghead:

still worth every dam dime tho. and the real "reward of owning an old truck" IMO is turning heads:metal:

62 Longbed 11-01-2010 04:48 PM

Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..
I found another set of keys , for ??? a screw driver and a wrench .. Nothing as good as some of you have found ..:waah:

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