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70 shorty 09-25-2005 04:10 PM

Josh, I think I may agree with Jerry, (Bamm24) that maybe the the site itself should be a required $25 subscription a year. I'd gladly pay that for all the great info I have gotten here. BTW, I think you and the mods do a great job of managing the site.

MandarinSixSeven 09-25-2005 04:33 PM

I think paying for a site is definately an option. I just don't get why there have to be so many posts about how many people are posting dumb threads, saying dumb things, violating this, violating that. Instead of spending half an hour complaining (although I understand, it does help vent) Why not just do it. Ban people, put up a notice saying the site will soon be $10, $20, $25, etc...and then whoever doesn't pay, doesn't get to read/post. That will filter out the morons.

I've joined many sites where it is a one-time fee to join and it really does keep out the stupid people, also, then when they do get banned it hurts more, because they are not able to get something they "paid" for.

In, short, charge money, ban people, profit!! (not so much in money terms, but more in the fact that you won't have to work as hard filtering people)

This way you won't have to keep posting things like this.

VetteVet 09-25-2005 05:21 PM

Here's a novel Idea, Do like all the other advertisers do and charge a small fee or a commission on the sale. Heck look at all the money e-bay makes and here you get free advertising for selling stuff. I know the venders pay more and they are glad to get the extra business.
Just a thought.

ChevLoRay 09-25-2005 06:51 PM

Josh, it's been a while since I contributed, and I apologize for that.

As for your mom's fight with cancer, you have my best wishes. It was two years ago on Saturday (the 24th) that my mom lost her battle with Leukemia. I know what you're both going through and you have my thoughts and prayers.

I have done newsletters for three different car clubs, two of which are defunct. The comparison between the newletters and the web site are minimal, but the effort that goes into maintaining a web site, or that which goes into a 4-page monthly newsletter is something that few really understand. Yet, criticism is always abundant.....being unable to please everyone all the time. I know how you feel, and then again, I don't. I do well to maintain my home computer and have not one clue as to how to maintain a web site.

I used to visit another message board that was oriented toward foreign cars. The age group that was the primary focus group was much younger than me, and there was very little control, or very little that was done to control, the language and the inuendos that were rampant. When trying to maintain a family atmosphere, it is just very difficult to monitor everything. Having numerous moderators seems to be one way to spread out the duties, ala the Tundra board that some on here also belong to.

But, basically, your needs to assist your mom, to go to school and to study to avoid wasting your college funds....all adds up to a big plate of responsibility.

I'll ante up the membership.

marcuspboldt 09-25-2005 07:10 PM


Thanks for keeping this place alive and I hope that you never get so frustrated that you shut the site down. It's passion like yours that make sites like this worth while.

Keep up the good work!

mocwon 09-25-2005 07:29 PM


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mother; I lost mine five years ago.

I don't know how you do it with everything you have going on in your real life. I hope you know there are many, many more folks out here, like me, who greatly appreciate your time, energy and effort put forth to make this site the stunning success it is. We're here to support you anyway we can, just let us know what's needed.

Experience shows that anytime a large group of faceless and mostly anonymous individuals gets together there's going to be deception, moaning, whining, griping, etc. It's like work in the real world, without enforced rules, expectations and consequences for bad behavior, things run amuck. Set and enforce the rules and make no apology for what's right!!! I've never seen anything but fairness in the way this board is run and that's a tribute to you and the moderators that give freely of their time as well.

$25 is peanuts to sell on this board. One ad in a local newspaper that gets squat for responses costs that much or more. Heck, I pay $35/yr to buy at Sam’s and $45/yr to buy at Costco.

Keep your chin up. There's wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more good than bad here.


clay68c10 09-25-2005 07:59 PM

I am all for floating a membership fee. I pay for magazine scrips and don't get 10% the good info available here. This site has definitely helped me with good info, parts, and general gearhead enjoyment.
A guy I work with is on an LS1 message board and all he talks about is all the smack talking and idiocy that goes on there. Sounds like frickin junior high. It is really great that this board is not like that. The idea of a subscription would probably help to keep that sort of thing at bay. I definitely like the idea of no pay=no sell and dumbass comment=ban.
Is there any way to put a link to when your payment is due in the user cp? I know I would forget to renew otherwise.
Also, thanks to ALL the mods. This site is super smooth and easy to use. I appreciate all the work that goes into it.

Hook'em 09-25-2005 09:24 PM

Josh, I have been around a little over a year and get a tremendous amount of help from here. I have seen sites turn to hell in a short time without rules, especially large sites. Do what you have to do to keep this the best Chevy truck site on the internet.

BTW, for anyone who is contemplating getting a membership, think of it this way. If there was a book you could order that came complete with the amount of knowledge that you can find here and the ability to ask questions would you think twice about paying $25 for it??

Scrubby 09-25-2005 10:33 PM

I'm curious how the new selling rules will work. What about wanted posts? What if a person posts in the truck discussion forum that they need a certain part? Can someone that is not a paying member reply they have what they need? Or will the wanted post not be allowed in any forums?

I'm just curious because I have seen rules like this ruin boards like ChevyTalk. If you look at that board now, the classifieds are basically worthless and not looked at any more.

Regardless, this is a great board because of its users. A good buch of truck guys and gals that want to chat and share info on something they enjoy.

Old Yeller 1970 09-25-2005 11:29 PM

I'm still fairly new around here but I've enjoyed this forum tremendously. I think you're doing a fabulous job. Just 2 days ago I had two identical threads going and you put them both together for me, which I greatly appreciate.

I really appreciate your efforts to keep the place clean. We live in a day and age where that should not be taken for granted.

I don't know what would be involved in setting it up but you might consider setting up the parts board to opperate like ebay. That way if a person only has one or two small items to sell he doesn't feel like he'd be out $25 bucks to sell it, plus a feedback rating would quickly eliminate the scammers. Whatever you decide I'll support your decision. Having read through the thread I can certainly understand how this forum you've created, which is supposed to be a hobby and fun, can quickly become a burden.

I've really enjoyed being a part of the community and want to see it continue. That said. I've put my money where my mouth and sent in my subscription. It's well worth it.

Longhorn Man 09-25-2005 11:41 PM

Scrubby has a real good point...we can't let this place end up like Chevy talk... they suck over there.
<rant on> is run by Natzis who won't let you have an opinion. Some one asked for honest opinions on a truck they just bought, and a few of us got banned for telling the kid that his truck wasn't a perfect show truck. It's not like we ganged up on the kid...but he did actually say "let me know what you really think". <rant off>

We can't let a great place like this go into the crapper.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help Josh. If I can be a mod again, I would be more than happy to do it, as far as I know, i didn't step on any toes when I was doing that.
If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem...and I don't want to be the problem.

jakeslim 09-25-2005 11:59 PM

No issues here. I've bought some good stuff here and some crap, but thats my problem not Josh's or mods. I used to hang at another site but its way out of control with respect issues. THIS SITE IS GREAT and the people here are great. I'm on at least once a day.
I'm game for whatever the owner of this site wants to do

Castiron9 09-26-2005 12:20 AM

Just wanted to put my .02 worth .I also am interested in having this board stay up and running and I can also understand that we have to keep some sense of order and I also agree that maybe "Everybody" should have some sort of fee to post on here so that we may have a Chevy Board to get info.etc.And I have contributed and I will continue to contribute.But Hell there is alot of of other events going on this world right now that I think we need to keep things in perspective.. ...My philosophy in all my daily life is " LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO WORRY ABOUT THE LITTLE STUFF"..Maybe it just comes with age and lifes experiences .............I'll get off my soap box now..................Let's just enjoy our trucks and not get so ...DA":"+)*&^%$#personal.....................

Downtown 09-26-2005 12:58 AM


I have been here from the beginning and want to thank you for all the years of enjoyment. I don't have as many post as what my years would indicate, but I tend to be selective when I respond. I have always thought you tried to be fair and give people the benefit of the doubt. You can see from the responses that you are appreciated and that this board is important to a lot of people. Keep going and don't let a few get you discouraged.

Thanks again

Musclerodz 09-26-2005 01:14 AM

I have only been here a few months and have learned alot of valuable things from this site. This is a great site for Chevy trucks and although I have not seen alot of the issues that have been happening, I know they are there. Every other site has them too. Since I joined 2 months ago I have sold more stuff here than any other site I frequent so I feel $25 a year is cheap for the return I have gotten already.


OhioDan 09-26-2005 07:24 AM

My $.02
Josh, sorry to hear about your mother, as I lost Dad a year ago August, I can relate to what you must be going through. I hope she gets better.
I've sat back and read everyones suggestions and comments. You already have the rules and guidelines posted for everyone to read. As in real life, rules and guidelines for society are posted. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Instead of adopting a setting like in school,(1-2-3=Timeout). Why not adopt the attitude, violation of the law, you'll be prosecuted to the full extent of the law? Your MOD's and yourself would be the ones to uphold the rules as you have put forth. If no one likes it, ah well, ya can't please everyone. The rules were posted for them, and if they choose not to read them, or not abide by them, that's not your fault. Everyone needs to drop this mindset of I and me, and go back to us and we.
I've met some real good people here, and bought a bunch of things from the parts board. Your dealers and vendors pay so much a month right? Not being a dealer or vendor, that's between you and them. As far as sales from individuals, why not just charge a percentage of the sale to upkeep the board?, instead of having a membership, that puts your name in BOLD print and seperating yourselves from within? (Generating annimosity amongst ourselves? "Well, your not in BOLD print, so I'll not talk to you, or I'll bash you")
This is a great place, and I've learned alot, and I hope I've helped some along the way? Thanks for letting me rant. Sorry it's so long.

:flag: :gmc: :burnout:

briarpatch 09-26-2005 08:48 AM

Josh -- Thanks from another new guy. The site is excellent and your efforts are greatly appreciated! Any changes made to the site should be made to suit YOU! Will keep you and your mother in my prayers. Tim

bigjimzlll 09-26-2005 08:57 AM

Josh...sorry about your Mom. This site sure takes a lot of work(more than I would do). I second Longhorn man to be a mod. He's here alot(49,750 post) anyways and is a stand up guy.

Yukon Jack 09-26-2005 09:57 AM

I joined this site sometime in 1999 after I bought my 69. I was looking for an answer to a question on the web and when doing a search this site came up, my question was asked and before I knew it, a board member was helping me with my question. The board has been through a lot of changes since then, and the amount of info I have learned is invaluable. I am certain I would not have my 69 to the point that it is today without this site.

I appreciate what Josh and the other mods do and try to show it by contributions, both monetary and by helping other members. I just hope people can stop and think about the value of this board - without it alot of Chevy/GMC truck people would lose out.

Thanks for the board!!!!!

Purs 09-26-2005 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Yukon Jack
I joined this site sometime in 1999 after I bought my 69. I was looking for an answer to a question on the web and when doing a search this site came up, my question was asked and before I knew it, a board member was helping me with my question. The board has been through a lot of changes since then, and the amount of info I have learned is invaluable. I am certain I would not have my 69 to the point that it is today without this site.

I appreciate what Josh and the other mods do and try to show it by contributions, both monetary and by helping other members. I just hope people can stop and think about the value of this board - without it alot of Chevy/GMC truck people would lose out.

Thanks for the board!!!!!

well said Yukon, I agree.

FormerMember 09-26-2005 10:24 AM

Perhaps we could cut out some of the chaff from the board?

Say any post that's older than a year, has less than 7 replies and NOT in a FAQ? (suggestions) That way you could eliminate the shear quantity of data and go for quality.

I've written scripts to do similiar items. After a solid back up, of course.

I could also donate hardware.

CUSTOM/10 09-26-2005 10:39 AM

Money Order

A money order will be on it's way by the end of the day !!!!!


1969 C/K CST 09-26-2005 01:15 PM

Kind of new here also. Thanks for all your hard work and patience. Just wondering if there are any shirts, or other items that are available with proceeds to help with funding. I've seen this on some other sites. Hey man, this is your gig, and I'm sure all those here will be willing to help keep this wonderful compilation of info and fellowship going. Good things.

FormerMember 09-26-2005 01:19 PM

Another thing to think about:

get more advertisers and charge a subscription. Then do this as work. Worked for the PBB guys.

woodridge 09-26-2005 03:21 PM

To our most gracious host,
I have been an observer for over two years, a member since march this year and a subscriber for a couple of months. This board has been much help to me and many others and have recomended it to many. As said in a post above, any time you have a large number of people ( I think I saw over 19,000 members) there will always be a small number that will not or can not adhere to the rules. As a member of the Air National Guard, I am always astounded as to how some people will behave when away from home (where there is no one to watch them) acting completely different from when the spouse or neighbor sees them. Same thing here on the board, there is no neighbor or church member or anyone else to here what they say or imply.
Josh, at my house, if I have a guest that can not follow the rules, they are ask to leave. I don't have paid guest but I did have children and when they broke the rules there was discipline. You are the house master and what you say goes and those that can not abide by the rules we do not need.

My hat off to all that have positively contributed to this board.

Your most humble guest,

P.S. My membership is only a couple of months old, but my subscription for next year will be on the way.

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