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Arad68 12-21-2008 01:45 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
It's a wonder that most of you haven't been more seriously injured or killed. I've done some bonehead things, but nothing like some written here.

sswitzke 02-11-2009 02:53 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
I'd have to say me, who says blood and oil don't mix.:metal:

Select 02-11-2009 11:10 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
For me it would be a toss up between my grinder and the razor knife. The grinder I have set myself on fire.....more than once and cut fingers with cut off wheels.....more than once. The razor knife, been nicked and cut several times. The worse so far has been to my wrist. I was shaving the edge of some drywall above my head when it slipped. Ended up jabbing me in the wrist at full depth. Luckily it missed all important parts and only cost me 5 stitches.

dammitmitchell 02-12-2009 02:08 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
my self.. im the most dangerous tool in the shop..
because NO tool is accident prone.. just me =-)

meansting04 02-12-2009 03:30 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
76 ton shop press, salvage yardlower control arm and rusted lower ball joint. When it went it realy went. Off the press floor and wall. Happened quick

muddobber 02-12-2009 11:42 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
how bout a weeble wobble on a impact one slip and your socket becomes a high speed projectile

Nolowrider 02-14-2009 01:18 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
I have this monster of an electric drill. I think it is a Craftman heavy duty (or something). It's the one I bring out for the big drill jobs. If that thing snags up on you it will break your wrist in a heartbeat. I hate that thing, but it never fails me.

dammitmitchell 02-14-2009 02:56 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nolowrider (Post 3143522)
I have this monster of an electric drill. I think it is a Craftman heavy duty (or something). It's the one I bring out for the big drill jobs. It that thing snags up on you it will break your wrist in a heartbeat. I hate that thing, but it never fails me.

got one of those too.. no telling how old it is.. but it snaps out of your hand so fats and will spin around and slap you on the backhand realllly fast.. painfully fast

welsh kev 02-15-2009 07:52 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
Most dangerous tool in my box is the one I first use to start stripping a project which has no timescale for re-assembly! :cuss:

heavy71chevy 02-16-2009 10:20 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
saw zaw is up there and second is the grinder...both have injured me at one time or another

pig rig 02-20-2009 02:23 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Arad68 (Post 3039106)
It's a wonder that most of you haven't been more seriously injured or killed. I've done some bonehead things, but nothing like some written here.

I cant agree more don't get me wrong I'm not with out injurys. my face is healing from a fight with a 4" cut off wheel and just before I shoved it in the grove to cut the weld I thought to myself I hope this SOB dosn't kick back on me


Garage door goes up - instant circus. Why is that an invitation to come over and sponge your time? And they never want to help, or pay for their ideas on "how to make your truck better."
no dout mine even just stop over and grab a beer and then walk home

Vixvega 02-20-2009 06:18 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
7 inch black and decker wildcat grinder secured(yeah right) in the vise to "level some sheetmetal. Need both hands so use the lock on switch. That sucker can really move when it falls on the floor especially after you tape the switch because the lock on won't work. Cool sparks when it cut it's own cord.

fast75 03-12-2009 04:12 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by wibilly (Post 2555780)
angle grinder with wire wheel and a switch other than a paddle switch. mine cought in the shackel bracket jumped out of my hands, waked me in the nads then pealed out on my belly winding up my shirt comming to a stop just before tearing into my beard. thank god for short cords on cheap tools

LMAO......... i'm not laughing AT you, i'm laughing WITH you. been there before. and for that eternal ten thousandths of a second, you're thinking DAMN, this is gonna hurt...........:smoke:

rockc 03-13-2009 08:06 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
Guess mine would have to be my hammer. At least once or twice a year I miss the target and hit a finger.

d10s69c10 03-13-2009 01:17 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
i think it is safe to say Grinders seem to be the weapons of mass destruction on this forum.

nyncompute 03-13-2009 01:58 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by neto (Post 3029064)
4 inch angle grinder in less then a second. When I would close my hand you could see the ligaments moving, ouch. Surgical glue works great as long as you don't close your hand.

Ha ..lucky... Reminds me, I responded years ago to a guy who said he looked away from the chop saw he was using to cut wall trim pieces. As he was looking toward the place he was going to install the wood, he saw several things being flung towards the wall. As they bounced off and came to rest on the floor. he realized (as you probably guessed by now) the items were three of his fingers.:Own:
He was actually pretty good humored about the whole scenario.

AlienYouth 03-14-2009 03:55 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by muddobber (Post 3139967)
how bout a weeble wobble on a impact one slip and your socket becomes a high speed projectile

leaves holes in garage doors btw :D

Lugnut64052 04-04-2009 09:19 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by muddobber (Post 3139967)
how bout a weeble wobble on a impact one slip and your socket becomes a high speed projectile

One time I was watching someone using a cheapie one-- the kind with no collar around the pin. He was gunning away, holding onto it to keep it from flying off (and becoming the aforementioned high-speed projectile). Suddenly the pin came out. Well, about half-way out. That pin spun around with the socket, sliced a big chunk of meat right out of the palm of his hand, which flew out and hit the floor.

Ugh! I bought the good Snap-On ones with a big fat collar around them.

Throwback 04-06-2009 01:51 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
At my work, theres alot of dangerous things. Our 40 ton Overhead Crane, Lathes, Mills....Our 100 Ton Shop Press. We've had stuff on out overhead crane and the building would CREAK cause of the weight. The 100 ton shop press, I've had it up to 75 Tons tryin to get a shaft out of an impellar, that was scarry when it finally got it out.

At home, would have to say Table Saw or Planer but worst thing I have happen to me besides catching on fire grinding would be a router blowing up in my hand.

marc70chevy 07-12-2009 07:41 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
i don't have much of a "shop" but i wouls have to say its the grinder when i put a cut off wheel on it. one time the wheel broke and when the flat side hit the metal it threw the grinder out of my hand and it started bouncing on the ground right by my head (i was laying down under my truck) and i couldn't turn it off lol because it was moving too fast for me to grab it, but i did anyways when it got closer to my head lol. thats really the only time i have ever came close to getting hurt working on cars though..

Naterman35 07-12-2009 08:44 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by 72lb4x4 (Post 2359013)
What krue said...
I'm not sure if its dangerous, but I'm always afraid that the cutoff wheel in the big electric die grinder is going to grenade and embed parts of itself in my forehead. It sure cuts better than the girlie air powered ones, though.

grinder! i saw one shatter a guys hand.

jgh64pkup 07-12-2009 10:00 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nolowrider (Post 3143522)
I have this monster of an electric drill. I think it is a Craftman heavy duty (or something). It's the one I bring out for the big drill jobs. If that thing snags up on you it will break your wrist in a heartbeat. I hate that thing, but it never fails me.

i have a milwakue industrial and with a whole saw itll just about rip your arm off

nvrsatisfied 07-13-2009 01:17 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Naterman35 (Post 3408697)
grinder! i saw one shatter a guys hand.

haha never really looked into this section. here is what happened to me

i was using my grinder to cut out/grind an area down, i had my forearm resting on my thigh while i was huntched over in the cab of my gutted s-10, it was hot and i sweating my butt off. My forearm slipped and the grinder got binded up and KABOOOM (billy maze style) and pieces went every where i bailed out the truck and thought crap i just got lucky..(yes i safety glass' on)...till i went to go wipe the sweat off my elbow and noticed i was bleeding, and felt something ruff so i had my wife take a look and had a piece about 1/2" maybe a little smaller driven into my arm just above the now everytime i hear a grinder fire up i act all shell shocked :lol:

what did i learn from this: don't work when it is hot out :lol:


onebad65c10 07-13-2009 04:32 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
I had a fun experience with a 8" air grinder. i work in a body shop and one day I was grinding on a door to remove to outer skin like I have done hundreds times before. Well this day was going fine until about the last several inches. The disc and the backing plate shattered and came apart right into my face. Luckily I had a polycarbonate face shield on. When I cleaned my underwear the shield was cut into half right about my eyes.

Another incidaent was a 6 inch grinder grinding on a frame rail that was welded for a boxing plate when the disc broke flying rigth below my...........gentleman parts........................Any higher and i would have been on an interesting trip to the hospital. I had a bruise across both legs for a month. My doctor loved me for that appointment.

Rhoff2009 07-13-2009 05:20 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
Kerosene shop heaters.. Not really a tool but close enough.. Especially the ones with the blower. I bought one from harbor freight, fired it up and heard this noise like putting a pencil in a fan while its spinning.. Took it apart and found that the fuel line from the tank to the spray nozzle was hitting the fan blades. I think there was only about 1/64'' left in the wall of the rubber hose. That would have really sucked :devil:

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