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texanidiot25 05-06-2009 11:27 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Varies by state, but on the whole, it's legal on classics.

oldblue1968chevy 05-07-2009 06:40 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
haha i gotta add more stuff

on the way to school, the day of the big state exams, my driveshaft fell off, thank god it was the back that broke...anyhow, the driveshaft shattered, yea i need to get a picture up of it...but anywho, i skipped my big test, hope i can retake it monday or tomorow lol....but i bought a u joint 15 bucks, and took 6 bolts off and it was off, installed u joint, put back on and sounds better, it was making a...well funny noise, (note to self, if truck makes funny noise smell, feel, PULL OVER inspect it all, then do it again lol)

but after that i fixed my passenger side door and fender, (was stuck shut and i realigned it, its easy just takes patience lol....bent my fender back where the door bent it lol) now i have a working passenger door, gf dont gotta schootch all the way over lol! need to get pics try to later

oldblue1968chevy 05-22-2009 10:26 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
im putting disc 5 lugs on the front..been workin on in the last few finaly outta school...proly gona have a total of 300 for a whole new frontend, thats new everything just about....still stock suspension though...idk what is next for the truck after i go to discs lol....i wanna start DRIVING IT havent drove it in like a week lol still lookin at buyin a swb project..

oldblue1968chevy 12-28-2009 01:39 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Just 'found' my build thread...

Regret pulling my trim off, somebody should hit me lol
Have read my own build (so far lol) and realized I knew a fraction of what I know now. My ultimate goal for the truck has changed some too.

Heres a few pictures since the disc brake swap this summer.

Oh, and I also regret painting my front end blue!

Ive done some stupid stuff to this poor truck. Im gettin better though.

Got some sport factory mirrors back in the fall.

Gotta sport bumper back during thanksgiving. (no pics)

Got 4 braided brake lines and prebent hard lines (I half a$$'ed em the 1st time around lol) COMMING SOON:
-MAYBE NEW MOTOR (gettin 20psi oil pressure :))
-lower...maybe lol
-bodywork (correctly) I have all the 'powertools' for the job but outside of spray bombing, I have 0% knowledge on body skills..

And the trucks name is 'bluegoose'

oldblue1968chevy 12-28-2009 01:41 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
2 Attachment(s)
Oh and I also did a power brake conversion before I did the disc brake conversion...

and on my gas filler should I get a round fuel door or a square fuel door (imma graft it into my bedside, I need to know what flows with the truck round or square)

bigguy69 12-28-2009 09:39 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
looking good!! i know what you mean by screwing stuff up though, done my fair share!

67chevy2wd 12-28-2009 09:58 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
I like the painted front end. Looks just like the father in laws 67 chevy. Same exact color.

oldblue1968chevy 12-29-2009 08:08 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
4 Attachment(s)
Started tearing down my donor motor today. Dad said I oughta put my stand together, well soon as I finished that, I had to get a motor on it. So i'll have pictures of it torn down on the stand tomorow. What should I look for?

Prolly going with vortec heads (heard they were good budget heads, have em redone)

lil cam

roller rockers $$$ gota save up for those

flat top pistons


aluminum intake

how much should I have it bored? its a virgin block

oh and its gotta steel crank in it (ive heard will know tomorow.

oldblue1968chevy 01-03-2010 11:05 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Got my braided hoses in yesterday, Im not sure but I think I may've gotten the wrong ones (should've gotten pics for you guys to verify). I will be callling ECE in the AM really hope Im wrong.

Crawled under the truck (greasy oily eww). I need to replace my tank to hard line rubber hose (LEAKING YIKES!!!) So im making a trip to oriellys tomorow AM for hard line from front to back (runs down framerail). New gas line. Brake fluid and a call to ECE to verify part numbers...

Cant wait for warm weather, lookin at TCB's truck and want my frame to look like his.....and I want some FJ or dodge steelies...

oldblue1968chevy 01-09-2010 10:51 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
got the hoses on today had to get some hardline (any tricks to prevent hardlines from stripping).

well soon as i got my brakes bled, I got going down the road and my igntion switch took a dump :(

Well tore into it and found out the PO had cut the wires and installed a new ignition (too stupid to find how to undo ignition, he had alsimers and was a gm mech.). It melted the wiring side of the ignition plug. Ima get a ignition switch too just in case.

Well I had a parts truck lined up couldnt find a key to fit finally got a gm key in it but wouldnt turn. guess I had the wrong key lol. jobbed a screwdriver in it a lil. IT WAS COLD AND I WAS PISSED OFF LOL.

So im hunting a ignition switch wiring harness (female end of switch). and new ignition switch. wish me luck!

lolife99 01-09-2010 11:36 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
So,... did you get your brake job completely done?
Everything work out ok?

oldblue1968chevy 01-09-2010 11:38 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
worked out great!! thanks for the help lolife. braided hoses look great on the greasy frame cant wait to paint it when it warms up!

now its the next problem lol. the ignition switch. it ought to be done soon as i find a donor :). hard to keep this thing a DD!

nds1968 01-10-2010 01:00 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
We should start a BLUEGOOSE club. :lol: Nice truck keep up with progress. Try to leave it a DD as long as possible. I only got to drive my truck for one summer. :waah:

threeonthetree 01-11-2010 02:50 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
hey just found your thread.
Looks good! so far.
I'm excited to see what you do with that motor.

oldblue1968chevy 01-11-2010 08:43 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Me too! I should start a donation page lol. right now its to the shortblock..waiting on funds.

yeah, when i first started this truck it was the anti rice rocket. but my friend came up with a better name, hence 'bluegoose'.

Im keeping it a DD cause its all i got. that and 53' chevrolet belair. (not fun if batt. dies 6volt lol)

got my ignition back in today..a few probs but nothign major. drove it down the road with all 4 brakes working it stops better with back brakes will post other pictures when i get home later tonite!

Oh, and the man that works at the local dump is trading me a edelbrock alum. intake manifold for my spare steel intake from my project motor! heck yeah but I wont get it until it warms up. his is leaking a gasket and has to pull it anyway.

I couldnt find any #'s on it except it said edlelbrock. would it have 'too much' or 'not enough'?

i'll get pictures of it sometime

threeonthetree 01-11-2010 10:00 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
I hear that.. waiting on funds. ahah

Whatever it is sounds like your getting a deal on that manifold haha.
why does he want a original for his aluminum?
that 53 is cool got any better pics of the old girl?

oldblue1968chevy 01-11-2010 10:16 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
1 Attachment(s)
hes just a ol man and would rather have stock (just bought the truck). My gfs' dads brother bought a 2004 chevy truck and had 22's and lowered. he trade 22s straight up for stockers!!!!!!!! its still lowered lol just some people want stuff the way they want. I bought his old 71 gmc (orche in page 1 or 2 also where my donor motor came from.) and know him good. and hes happy to see his truck for good parts LOL

pictures of 53 in pg 1 will try to get other pix its my great grandmaws car. and 1st car my dad ever drove. theres a 55 in IA siting in a field (not mine family members car)

heres a pic of us working on it! if i get some spare time (from school working on my truck and ATVs and other junk laying around) i'll try to get it out and running wanna drive it to school sometime just dont want anybody to mess with it (i park in VERY back row of lot and some kids 'hate my stupid old junky truck) and they drive a beat up POS primered early 90's chevy...or a bright yellow ford escape lol mostly likely their moms/grandmas' cause it gets drove rarely) LOL, there jealous.

oldblue1968chevy 01-25-2010 04:36 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Found some funds, sold another fourwheeler (i buy fix em up etc) this time I made some serious change :)

Have or HAD :smoke: $600

I bought:

Blazer tank kit
arm rests blue
trailing arm bushings (poly)

$330.00 from ECE yikes

Still need:

5lug rearend (gotta lead on a 3.08 for $75)
grade 8 bolts for traling arms
back tires :chevy:
build a motor
drop components
gas filler idea must be simple, ie bed floor or bedside filler no taillight stuff that requires brains lol.

Will have pictures up soon! Well, in week.
And for those who wondered, my brake problem is solved. It was a rubber seal that was for MANUAL DRUM brakes and i had POWER DISC!

So im truckin on down the road.... When I pull bed for trailing arm bushings and gas tank, how can I paint my frame, its Jan. in TN...

Maybe start talkin to some folks at school (we have a shop class but i dont have it. we even have a paint booth!!!!!!)

I wanna work on this asap but cant paint my frame while its off (really wanna) we have a garage but dad wont leme let paint fly in there lol

ideas anyone?

Wideopenracing15 01-25-2010 06:05 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Yeah I have an idea! Just trade me trucks. There is plenty to do on my truck that I can't do right now :lol:

oldblue1968chevy 01-25-2010 06:24 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
lol will do for a couple

i discovered its lots of fun getting presents from the brown santa truck so its easier to spend more money :) ive spent more in the past few months than i have all year lol

Wideopenracing15 01-27-2010 11:44 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Man I envy you right now. I haven't been able to get anything new for my truck in a long time. Good to know yours is coming along nicely though!

oldblue1968chevy 01-28-2010 06:06 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Maybe to you guys its comming along nicely....

To me its same ol same ol but im waitin on the big brown truck yehaww

stockin up on paint primer oven cleaner

2can DG oven cleaner
3 can primer
(doesnt say metal is this ok for frame/rearend?)
4 or 5 cans black gloss for frame

total-7.56 paint primer walmart
like 2.35$ for oven cleaner DG

now im going to adj. my brake light switch cause dude at walmart said i didnt have any (adj. rod while back n forgot to do switch..)

and wana build a motor my bud from school was telling me he bout had a 3.5L? altima lol heard they're pretty fast lol he said if he didnt spin thru 1-2 he woulda beat him lol

70scrapper 01-28-2010 08:09 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
nice start man now slam that thing lol

oldblue1968chevy 01-28-2010 08:15 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
gime $$$ for it all and i will paint it pink and baby blue racing stiripes and bag it with 22's lol

edit: If you guys ever have to adj. your brakelight switch convince your bud to do it for you, its a 20$ job lol a real pain in the A$$ i feel sick from hangin upside down in my seat for an hour lol

70scrapper 01-28-2010 08:19 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
great idea if u like pink lol

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