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lolife99 02-08-2009 10:45 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
I agree!
Slam that thing and enjoy the ride of a lowered truck. You know I'll help.

gcburdic 02-08-2009 10:52 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
Congrats on a GREAT find got some really great friends too!!! Not that you need to do anything to it, but do you have any plans for it? any wish list items??

big_al_71 02-08-2009 10:54 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
that looks very good!!!!
Now you have two just three more to go to complete the five best years......:lol:

powell72 02-08-2009 10:54 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
Holy crap Nate, that thing is amazing! Looks like you finally got your survivor, and it was worth the wait. Congrats!

sjarrett71 02-08-2009 11:15 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
You know you should be spanked for making us wait!

killer71 02-08-2009 11:23 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
one lucky man...i know you'll enjoy it!

sswitzke 02-08-2009 11:37 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
Great looking truck, can't wait to see it in person.

67CHIP72 02-09-2009 01:06 AM

Re: Time for a name chage...
Good job man. Those interior pics are amazing!

Bob 68327 02-09-2009 01:36 AM

Re: Time for a name chage...
Your gonna have to lower it or you'll get a nose bleed way up in the air like that :lol: Nice score on a Great Truck !!

dan42 02-09-2009 01:47 AM

Re: Time for a name chage...
Very nice truck, especially for the midwest. Those are very rare, even here in the west - probably more so, because people don't put their vehicles in garages out here. Good score.

67shortie 02-09-2009 04:29 AM

Re: Time for a name chage...
I can't believe how nice that is, just awesome :ito:


72BlckButy 02-09-2009 09:40 AM

Re: Time for a name chage...

Originally Posted by ggtsvnv (Post 3131938)
That's beautiful!



Originally Posted by too much stuff (Post 3131951)
Fairly odd cst truck. 6 cyl, powerglide, lower trim only, manual brakes and steering. I don't think i have seen another cst with that color. Very nice!!!

That's what I thought when we first went to look at it. I had to call in reinforcement to make sure some of the options/color combo/... were correct.

So another thank you goes out to tcb-1, lockdoc, and lolife99 yet again.


Originally Posted by BLAZERMAN (Post 3131976)
Wow!! That truck is beautiful, Congratulations!

Thanks Blazerman!


Originally Posted by Sinister (Post 3131980)
Very nice!!! Great score.



Originally Posted by yote1234 (Post 3131988)



Originally Posted by brad_man_72 (Post 3131989)
purdy truck, very nice.


72BlckButy 02-09-2009 09:46 AM

Re: Time for a name chage...

Originally Posted by sleepertruck72 (Post 3132062)
I am officially jealous !!! :lol: NICE find !



Originally Posted by Shane (Post 3132107)
That is truly a thing of beauty. Very nice indeed, drive it proudly.

Thanks Shane, I still can't believe that it's in my garage. :D


Originally Posted by 70cst (Post 3132121)
WOW :jdp: A six popper with Power-Slide. :metal: That is a sweet looking truck! :cong: X 25. :ennyd:

To be honest, I wasn't very familiar with the powerglide tranny, but I'm beginning to like it. :D Thanks 70cst!


Originally Posted by LockDoc (Post 3132139)
You better take that thing back... It doesn't even have power steering or brakes!!!..:)..j/k

Man Nate, that thing is gorgeous! What a find, and ready to cruise too.

How about you take a couple of pictures of the inside top of the door so I can see where the paint breaks on it. I can see in one of the pics that the white goes in to the rubber seal on the cab but I can't see the top inside of the door on any of them. Thanks.


Thanks for the kind words and for the help Leon. I took some pics for you, but I'm not sure if they are what you were looking for. I will try and post them tonight. If they're the wrong ones, let me know and I will take some more.


Originally Posted by 72 Super (Post 3132163)
Wow, what a clean unmolested original truck. Congratulations on a great buy.

Thanks 72 Super!


Originally Posted by Skirkpat (Post 3132182)
Keith and Mike my number is 816-468-1161....Just kidding!!!

Nice Buy, I likey alot!!!! thats too damn nice for MO steel I think you might be stretching the truth about it's being local !!!!! Joking again....

Trust me Skirkpat... I think I'm going to owe these guys big time and if I ever decide to part with it, guess who I'll have to call first. I still can't believe how nice the sheetmetal is for a true midwest survivor.

Someone pinch me! Just kidding guys, I know how you all can get.... :D


Originally Posted by dieselarmy13 (Post 3132170)
Nice score. Your poor black truck looks sad and hurt sitting in the back of that one pic!

Yes, the black '72 is feeling pretty low, but it's still in the garage. How I convinced my wife to do that I'll never know. :lol: Actually she suggested it, what a wife!


Originally Posted by CG (Post 3132166)
Very nice. Love the color. I hope you put some miles on her and dont just keep her sealed up.

CG, don't worry this thing is going to see some miles in the future. Thank's for the kind words!

hot trux 02-09-2009 02:39 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
How bout lucky for the new name?!!! SAAAAAWWEEEETTTT! congrats!:metal:

Mudder 02-09-2009 03:10 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
Man that is sweet. And Chamois is just down the road from me. Wonder where it was bought originally. Hermann, Washington, Owensville, ??? With gas prices down this summer I will be getting out more so will try to make it to more of the meets and shows.

72BlckButy 02-09-2009 03:19 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...

Originally Posted by fine69 (Post 3132192)
Love that color. Very nice truck.



Originally Posted by Puropedo (Post 3132195)
Nate, now I really got to head over to your place and bring some beer!

Congratulations! beautiful truck! ;)

Come on over any time, and feel free to leave the '72 here for a while. I still have my eye on that one too.... as if you didn't know. :lol:


Originally Posted by see ten (Post 3132207)
Looks like you saved it bro! Now drive it and enjoy it!

Thanks see ten! If it came run as many miles as yours I will definitely be happy.


Originally Posted by sjarrett71 (Post 3132210)
B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!! Congrats on that find and purchase! That truck is awesome. Wish I could find something like that AND be able to afford it. I'd love to see it in person and take it for a test drive :D

Scott, if you only knew what I paid.... :D Come on over any time and we'll go for a spin!


Originally Posted by kyull67 (Post 3132233)
NICE! I better be seeing that at the car shows this season!

You'll definitely see it this year, guaranteed!


Originally Posted by chipflyer (Post 3132294)
Wow, nice find Nate! Can't wait to see it in person.


Thanks Jeff!


Originally Posted by PanelDeland (Post 3132314)
To call that sweet truck "MINT" Would be an understaement and restating the fact.Cool old survivor and great truck.Hope you enjoy it as much as it needs to be.

Thanks for the kind words PanelDeland! It will definitely be driven and not put away...


Originally Posted by kingsolver72 (Post 3132317)
Very Gucci, Nate!!!

You know me Scott, I'm going to begin my redoing the interior with tuck and roll loui vit... just kidding! :lol: Thanks man!

72BlckButy 02-09-2009 03:30 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...

Originally Posted by crawdadfox (Post 3132332)
Man what a great deal!! Good to have friends like Y2K and Mike, i think you owe them a couple case's!!:lol:

You have no idea how much I owe them, thanks for the words Y1K! Now how about a set of those Vi...... oh wait I can't spoil any surprises that are instore for the future. :D


Originally Posted by LUV2XCLR8 (Post 3132344)
:jdp: Man You Suck, Congrats :jdp:

Thanks luv you suck to buddy! :lol:

If only I had room for Merlot... :D


Originally Posted by teeitup (Post 3132367)
Looks great Nate!!!!! Nice find!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Randy!


Originally Posted by El Jay (Post 3132381)
Good deal.



Originally Posted by 72ironmike (Post 3132384)
Nate, SMOKIN ! That is a truck you deserve. Congratulations! Mike.

Mike, thanks for the kind words. I've talked with you on several occassions and can't wait to see what other projects you have in store. :D


Originally Posted by tcb-1 (Post 3132430)
I CAN FINALLY say something now. Keith (lolife99) and I knew about this beauty for a few weeks now, but Nate said we were sworn to secrecy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow Nate, it looks better than I thought. All documents, original everything. WHAT A FIND!!!!

I know a certain show this late summer it better be at!!!!!

I'm happy for you Nate. You did good. period.

Doug... I knew I had to get some pics up before you exploded over there in KS. Thanks for the information your provided early that Saturday morning, and can't wait to make my maiden voyage to KC. :D

It will be nice to not be shunned for being the only '67-72 member showing an '08. :lol:


Originally Posted by krue (Post 3132440)
Congrats on the find!

Thanks krue!

72BlckButy 02-09-2009 03:31 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...

Originally Posted by Tallcountry (Post 3132459)

I wish my truck was in that excellent condition as what you found! :lol:

Just curious though, but did anyone notice that the alternator bracket looks like its upside down?

Or is it just me? :uhmk:

Congrats on a wonderful looking truck.

Did you get a good deal on it or just what they were asking for it?

IMO I got one heck of a deal on the truck. I got it for less than they were asking, and to me their asking price was right in line, if not low.

Now we were cuious about those brackets as well, but here's what we came up with. The truck was built in St Louis, and to the best of our knowledge came from the factory with a smog unit above the alternator. The required brackets are there, and the ports have been filled for the lines that ran out of the smog unit.


Originally Posted by david jobs (Post 3132460)
Very nice truck,looks in showroom condition



Originally Posted by Bob 68327 (Post 3132490)
Very nice !!!!

Thanks Bob! Can't wait to check out your '68 and your new purchase in the future.

rambler 02-09-2009 04:17 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
very nice find... sharp looking truck.. congratulations!

see ten 02-09-2009 04:54 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...

.....How much you gonna drop it???:lol:

lolife99 02-09-2009 06:47 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
If it was mine,... I'd do a 4.5"/6" ECE drop. Then 20's,... then,...

gcburdic 02-09-2009 06:54 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
Nate...the least you could do is build it to loloife's specs...that way if/ when you sell it he'll get exactly what he wants!!!!LOL....
So...what are the plans???

eightbanger 02-09-2009 07:19 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
She is absolutely beatifull...a superb find, I even like those rubber floor mats.

ksjh1316 02-09-2009 07:34 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...
Man I don't know how I missed this thread nice score!!! What size tires are on it right now I quess I am one of the few that like the stock stance. Let me know what shows you are going to this spring i have to check it out.

72BlckButy 02-10-2009 10:04 PM

Re: Time for a name chage...

Originally Posted by IvelDesigns (Post 3132526)
wow man, great find! not sure what you gave for it, but it's a really nice lookin ride. I assume she'll be making an appearance at the Midwest All Trucks Nats this year??

btw, thanks for doing your part in increasing our number for the show this year. Now we all need to go out and buy an extra truck or four. :)

Ivel, it will definitely be at the show, and I hope to have it at the Midwest Meet if we can attend. Thanks for the kind words!


Originally Posted by lolife99 (Post 3132615)
Hey I did my part to keep it a secret!
Boy,... I get a stupid computer virus for a few days, and the "Cats out of the Bag!"
Nate,... you know I couldn't afford this truck, (even though it was the DEAL of the Century!),... but if I had seen it first,... it might be at my house right now. Ha.

My buddy Mike is kicking himself right now also. You only hear about finding these kind of deals. Kinda like winning the lottery. I've never been this close to seeing a truck, of this caliber for sale,... let alone, 25 miles from my house.
I'm glad you ended up getting it. I was afraid it would get away. The economy might have helped you on this one.
I don't know of a more deserving classic trucker than you. It has a good home.

Now,... if you ever decide to sell it,... call me first!

Keith, I owe you and Mike a lot, especially for not buying it first! :D

Be looking for a call for help within the next year... I think you know why.


Originally Posted by Puropedo (Post 3132727)
I hope u dont leave it stock, lower that thing and throw on some TT's or Coys
remember,,,u only live once ( dont let others have all the fun ) U are lucky
enough to be the latest owner of that original beauty! Make that thing look
even sweeter! :metal:

Puropedo.... don't worry, as soon as I can part with a few things.... things are about to change. :D

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