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nds1968 11-21-2011 12:01 AM

Re: Goodmark quality issues

Originally Posted by jlaird (Post 5015868)
I bought a fender patch panel from Goodmark. It was laughable. There is a distinct ridge in the factory wheel arch that they didn't even attempt to duplicate. I've seen other aftermarket parts with this ridge, so you can't use the "its repop" excuse.

I ran into this problem with a tri-plus patch. I had to hammer it in the arch :sumo:

special-K 11-21-2011 07:43 AM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
Goodmark doesn't make parts,they sell parts. There's no such thing as a Goodmark part.

oldno7 11-21-2011 06:58 PM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
So nothing else on the dynacorn just that they should stop making parts, wow I realize that the original will always be better but some of us guys from illinois do not hav the luxury of repairing ours due to excessive rot ive heard guys say thr is 4 dies for fenders well who has the good one other people say sometimes goodmark has good stuff for awhile then it turns to crap then triplus has the good stuff for awhile im pretty sure these dies arnt on mobil trucks and travle from place to place ive pretty much had it with the whole sheetmetal issue!

PHAT TONY 11-21-2011 07:26 PM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
I wonder if anyone has tried AMD panels, I've used them on Mopar restorations and they're super nice panels and I see 67-72 truck stuff listed on the website.

redbaron69 11-21-2011 08:38 PM

Re: Goodmark quality issues

Originally Posted by PHAT TONY (Post 5023112)
I wonder if anyone has tried AMD panels, I've used them on Mopar restorations and they're super nice panels and I see 67-72 truck stuff listed on the website.

i have also wondered this. my dad is a mopar guy, and is restoring a 73 cuda. he has got sheetmetal from AMD, and it has been super good fit and quality.

Tim Christian 11-21-2011 08:52 PM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
Its all Tri-Plus from AMD

flashed 11-21-2011 09:46 PM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
Tim is correct as AMD is selling Tri-Plus sheetmetal for our trucks ,I bought my cowl hood and grill and grill shell there .Good folks to deal with especially if youre local like I am.

PHAT TONY 11-21-2011 09:54 PM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
Well....I spose that's as good as it gets then.

chopnchaneled 11-22-2011 09:09 AM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
Just bought front fenders and pass door from them, stay tuned.

special-K 11-22-2011 09:14 AM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
I have heard negative reports on Dynacorn. I can't say every part they make is crap. I can't say every part Tri-Plus makes is perfect,either. I can say it's the general consensus that Tri-Plus makes the best sheet metal overall. But,although they make a wide assortment of replacement parts and patch panels,they don't make everything and others do make some they don't. You'll find companies that sell their own parts,or companies that sell other brands,sell Tri-Plus to complete their line. And companies that sell Tri-Plus fill out their lines with parts from other manufacturers. It's just best to ask who the manufacturer is. Then,you have this wonderful thing called to come to and ask for honest real life reviews from a wide spread group so you can make an educated purchase. It doesn't get any better than that.

litew8 11-23-2011 12:35 AM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
Bad results with Woodall fender (who makes for them?)

Just tried installing a passenger fender. The front was stamped wrong.
About 1-2 inches of the front began to bow to the OUTSIDE instead of the inside like OEM and it threw the whole front off to where the grille surround wouldn't fit.
I bought mine locally and returned it. Luckily they had an OEM with little rust and manageable damage. The OEM fit like a glove. NICE :metal:

I'll be posting pictures in my project thread soon if you want to take a look.

mbgmike 11-23-2011 08:58 AM

Re: Goodmark quality issues

Originally Posted by litew8 (Post 5025981)
Bad results with Woodall fender (who makes for them?)

Just tried installing a passenger fender. The front was stamped wrong.
About 1-2 inches of the front began to bow to the OUTSIDE instead of the inside like OEM and it threw the whole front off to where the grille surround wouldn't fit.
I bought mine locally and returned it. Luckily they had an OEM with little rust and manageable damage. The OEM fit like a glove. NICE :metal:

I'll be posting pictures in my project thread soon if you want to take a look.

woodall has theres made for them with there own dies. Not sure what the problem was with yours but that is not the case normally. We have sold them with no problems or at least no one told us of any.We sell just about every companies body panels and we sometimes get defective parts from all of them. They should not have sold you one but they probably did not know.

litew8 11-23-2011 04:40 PM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
If only "I" would have known what to look for beforehand, it would have saved me the trouble and wasted time. At the time of purchase, the body shop didn't have any OEM fenders or I would have gotten it (OEM) then in a heartbeat.

Seriously though, how hard is it to replicate a fender that was manufactured in the 70's without so much grief. Don't we have the technology today to get it right the FIRST time? It's only been freakin 40 years!

p.s. Thanks for the reply/info Mike. Pictures are now posted in my project thread.

PHAT TONY 11-23-2011 05:57 PM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
'Tiss unfortunate that in the collision repair of newer cars/trucks the panels are way cheaper and generally headache free in fit AND finish; not in our case.

mbgmike 11-23-2011 06:41 PM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
they still have issues on the newer vehicles with crash parts. same thing,it depends on who made it. same fender can cost$56.00 each or $129.00 . some don't fit worth crap. We go through this all the time. it takes the same skills to install on newer vehicles then old ones. Remember one or two times installing body panels do not make a body man. I can't recall many on this board who start doing body work and discuss getting the frame aligned. We say this all the time and sure enough problems arise. many times an alignment can solve these. not many want to do it correct on these old trucks. They just blow and go and oops it don't fit right. I have had new vehicles brought in to re straighten up cause they can't get the things straight.

PHAT TONY 11-23-2011 08:47 PM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
I'm a 24+ year experienced journeyman bodyman, inter-provincial red seal certified with regular tech update education. I've installed panels more than once or twice lol. For the last few years I've been involved in some pretty major restos and have never repaired a new vehicle with the same poor quality junk that makes up the restoration industry.
You can buy a door for a 2009 dodge truck (for example), fit it in no time, sand and paint ready out of the box. Buy a door for a 1966 Chevelle (for example), it doesn't fit and the stamping quality and substrate finish looks like a fat kid jumping on a water bed, oh yeah, and it's 500 bucks!

mbgmike 11-24-2011 12:18 PM

Re: Goodmark quality issues

Originally Posted by PHAT TONY (Post 5027390)
I'm a 24+ year experienced journeyman bodyman, inter-provincial red seal certified with regular tech update education. I've installed panels more than once or twice lol. For the last few years I've been involved in some pretty major restos and have never repaired a new vehicle with the same poor quality junk that makes up the restoration industry.
You can buy a door for a 2009 dodge truck (for example), fit it in no time, sand and paint ready out of the box. Buy a door for a 1966 Chevelle (for example), it doesn't fit and the stamping quality and substrate finish looks like a fat kid jumping on a water bed, oh yeah, and it's 500 bucks!

who makes a aftermarket 2009 dodge truck door? What I posted was not directed at you. I am happy you have such good luck
Its funny when you go buy a part from a dealer here in the states you get an aftermarket (as opposed to a production line) part. it does not come with the corrosion protection like factory just the edpm like most parts. it will have a stamp on it thats correct but it is not the factory assembly line part.
I wish all aftermarket crash parts fit as good as you say. look at the top of a gmc truck fender at the windshield post on a aftermarket fender. Yeah it fits but its not the same. customers don't notice it. Many of them fit great, but I would not say they all do. where do you buy yours from? we buy from a lot of companies. just curious.

i guess all these companies that say they make the dies here in america and send them to taiwan to stamp must be the problem. if i had the money to build the tooling I would have them made here. their are still a lot of companies here that have the equipment to stamp the parts. maybe we should start a 67-72 fund to stamp our own:lol:

PHAT TONY 11-24-2011 06:58 PM

Re: Goodmark quality issues
I fear we're taking this thread off topic, but maybe part of the difference is I now live in a smaller city and suppliers try pretty hard around here to keep a customers business. Alot of the stuff I order comes from cross-canada parts and as I said, the guy I deal with steers me toward "nicer" parts.
It sounds like if I ever find myself in TX, I should oughta bring in a resume; seems you have a shop I'd like to work for.

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