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WIDESIDE72 03-12-2011 12:24 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
As for the LT1 A/C compressor interference with the frame, it looks like for the time being, I will be using an A/C delete pulley on the LT1. After I get it up and running I will explore the alternatives further.

WIDESIDE72 03-12-2011 12:32 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
1 Attachment(s)
The pair of slot mags I purchased to match the ones I already have arrived yesterday. Ironically, they are not in as good of shape as the pair I have basically gotten for free, (after selling the wheels I didn't want). There is curb rash on both, not too bad, and 6 of the 10 center cap mounting screws are broken off in the wheels. It looks like I will be attacking them with a center punch and some left hand drill bits. I plan to take special caution when removing the center cap retaining screws from the wheels I already have, and hopefully avoid this issue.

WIDESIDE72 03-13-2011 02:41 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
I came across two sets of new bolt on plastic center caps like the originals for $40. They are on their way here as we speak!

WIDESIDE72 03-14-2011 10:47 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
5 Attachment(s)
I power washed the underside of the cab, then went over it with a wire wheel. I didn't take it to bare metal yet. it looks like someone undercoated the bottom of the cab at some time or another. Unforunatey, it was AFTER there was a lot of dirt stuck to the bottom of the cab, so it wasn't stuck. Then I set the cab on the S10 frame to see what ride height is going to look like. I think I will leave it on the frame while I do rust repair. I also set the bed on to see what it would look like. I was really wanting it to be lower, but the mounts I went with put the bed as low as possible without interfering with the S10 gas tank. I have a set of 2" dropped spindles on my 79 Malibu that I am going to be taking off to return it to stock ride height. I plan to install those along with some 2" blocks in the rear. If I do this, I may put the 15 x 7 and 15 x 8 (if possible if not, 15 x 7) Rallys on the truck and the 15 x 8 slot mags on the 'bu. I think the 'bu would look pretty tough w/ slots.

WIDESIDE72 03-25-2011 05:46 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
No progress for the last few weeks. The baby on the way has shifted priorities.

WIDESIDE72 04-02-2011 06:06 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
Still no progress. Oak allergies have been kicking my *** all week, and it is all I can do to make it to work. No baby yet, but she is due any time. Then I will REALLY not have any time to work on this!

WIDESIDE72 04-29-2011 03:10 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
1 Attachment(s)
Baby girl Sophia Grace was born April 18th, weighing 8 lbs 10 oz, 21 1/4". She spent a week in the Seton Neonatal ICU due to her labored breathing after birth, and a cloudy left lung on Xray. Doctors were not sure of the cause, buj thought it might be pneumonia, so they put her on a 7 day treatment of antibiotics. My wife had to deliver via a C-section, and the hospital where she delivered didn't have a NICU, so they had to transfer Sophia to another hospital, but my wife stayed behind. Luckily,that was only three days that they were separated. Momma and Baby are now at home, all is well, and dad (me) is trying his best to help out. This is the first baby for us, so pray, wish, offer advice, ANYTHING! HAHA

GRIMSS 04-29-2011 06:02 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
Congrats. Our first just turned 11 months and I'm having a blast with her.

xpickup 04-29-2011 06:06 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
WIDESIDE72,Congratulations on the baby girl. Hope every thing is all right with mom and baby. I know how stressful that it can be to have a child in the NICU, my middle child was in a different hospital for 7 days too.


Russell Ashley 04-29-2011 06:09 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
Congratulations on that pretty new girl. Lot's of your priorities will change, but it's all worth it.
Looks like you have learned the first lesson already: Get sleep while you can, LOL.

CHIZZLER 04-29-2011 11:45 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
congrats on your new baby girl.

txrdnek 04-29-2011 11:59 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
Congratulations, I used to think that these years are the toughest, but with two teenage daughters and one in her twenties, I can assure you that these are the easy times. Deffinetly get as much sleep as you can, but I will say Do Not tip toe around the house when she is napping. The baby will quickly get used to the noises you make and will sleep right through it. I refused to tip toe for any of my daughters and it saved a lot of arguments between my wife and me.

RCbowtie69 05-02-2011 09:45 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
congrats on the baby girl,just want to ask were did you get or make the cab mounts for your truck,is there someone making these mounts in a kit,friend of mine is going to to use a S-10 frame on his 50 chevy truck,your build is looking good :metal:

WIDESIDE72 05-03-2011 12:05 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap

Originally Posted by txrdnek (Post 4654001)
Deffinetly get as much sleep as you can, but I will say Do Not tip toe around the house when she is napping. The baby will quickly get used to the noises you make and will sleep right through it. I refused to tip toe for any of my daughters and it saved a lot of arguments between my wife and me.

I am with you there. My sister in law trys to keep the house like a morgue when her kids are napping and if you drop a pencil, all hell breaks loose. The 7 y.o. has already gotten in trouble several times at school for telling the other kids to shut up during nap time. With our Sophia, Sat. I was working on the front porch using a skill saw and nail gun while she was napping in the living room. The wife said she never flinched.

WIDESIDE72 05-03-2011 12:06 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap

Originally Posted by RCbowtie69 (Post 4658902)
congrats on the baby girl,just want to ask were did you get or make the cab mounts for your truck,is there someone making these mounts in a kit,friend of mine is going to to use a S-10 frame on his 50 chevy truck,your build is looking good :metal: Not cheap , though

RCbowtie69 05-04-2011 06:21 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
Thanks WIDESIDE72,keep pictures coming & progress updates,your build is looking good.Keep on Truckin'' :cool: :metal:

BKK-CAL 06-22-2011 04:29 AM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
2 Attachment(s)
Congratulation on a cute girl! I am a big fan from Bangkok.
I also got 1941 Chevy but still got no luck to get S10 around here..

BKK-CAL 06-22-2011 05:26 AM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
Is ext/cab has same size with long box?

WIDESIDE72 07-25-2011 01:43 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap

Originally Posted by BKK-CAL (Post 4748993)
Is ext/cab has same size with long box?

no, you will ned to find a reg cab lwb

WIDESIDE72 07-25-2011 01:47 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
I know none of you on here know me or my family personally, but please pray for us. My mother passed away a week ago yesterday. It occurred to me to post this on this thread, as my momma was with my dad and I on the trip to pick this project up last year, as she often was... They were married 52 years. He will have a hard time adjusting. I wish I was not 4 hrs from him. It makes it harder. I do have family and alot of friends locally for him to call on, and they will be keeping an eye out for him as well. They have lived there for 35 yrs., it is where I grew up.

WIDESIDE72 07-25-2011 01:50 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
2 Attachment(s)
I have many fond memories of my momma helping me bleed brakes, making trips to the parts store for my dad, my brothers and me, and just being there any time we needed her. You only get one "momma"...

WIDESIDE72 07-25-2011 01:57 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
1 Attachment(s)
She always wanted a daughter, but never got one, just my two brothers and I. She was blessed with FIVE grand daughters, though. She loved to sew for them, and we still have dresses she made for my nieces that my daughter Sophia willl wear one day. I am glad that she was able to spend some time with Sophia, even though it wasn't much. My folks came to the hospital in Austin to see her as soon as they would let them, then they came up twice to Leander to see her. I did not get time to take Sophia to Lolita to see them befre she passed away. I pray that Sophia will have the same sweet disposition that my mother did. She already does, as much as a 3 month old can. I know that I am biased, but my mother was one of the sweetest people I ever met. I cannot ever remember her saying anything mean to me or anyone, no matter how much I deserved it. She was always building us up, not tearing down.

WIDESIDE72 07-25-2011 02:02 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
My momma was always proud of her boys, in the fact that we took after our dad and grandpas and uncles on both sides of the family and were "handy". She was always bragging to her friends about our adventures and projects. SHE WAS NEVER TOO "PROUD" TO RIDE IN OUR MULTI COLORED "FIX UPS", KNOWING THEY WOULD BE ALL ONE COLOR ONE DAY.

I feel fortunate that I was able to see her one last time, hug her, tell her I loved her, hold her hand and give her a kiss on the cheek. Although it was in the hospital and not at home where she wanted to be so many people are not lucky enough to have said that.

WIDESIDE72 07-25-2011 02:11 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
I don't mean to turn this into a wandering tribute to my momma, but one last thing occurred to me. When I last saw her in the hospital, she didn't want to talk about what was wrong wih her, she kept asking about me and how my back was (herniated disc) and about my wife, and her newest grand daughter Sophia. That is how my momma was, everyone else first.

WIDESIDE72 07-25-2011 02:25 PM

Re: New Project 1955 1st series 5 window 3100 S10 frame swap
On a positive note, I ran into an old family friend at the funeral, and he and his family were cleaning up at his mother in laws place in the same town my folks lived in. His MIL had passed away last month, and he asked me if I still fooled around with old cars. I sad, "more than ever". He offered me the old advance design truck that I used to ride in in the early 70's with his MIL an FIL to check on there cows at another pasture about 15 mi from town. I think it is a 51 or 52. I have seen recently, it has been sitting in that same pasture since the late 70's and is too far rusted to restore, but I plan to make it into "yard art" by planting honey suckle in the bed. It is a five window and I robbed the corner glass out for spares for my 55 1st series. It still has "Edna Lumber Co." painted on the doors". Pic to follow...soon? He also has a 63 Impala SS he bought new parked next to it, rusty from sitting out, but near perfect stainless, and good interior minus the covers. His kids pulled the 327 out years ago, but it is probably somehwhere around there too. The car was parked because it was burning oil and I guess they just thought it was an "old car". I don't know if he will part with the SS or not. I have had several instances in the past to buy project cars and use his for parts, but he wouldn't sell. The one I remember most was a $2k (!) 63 SS from a body shop that did an excellent black paint job on the car with no interior or trim (The owner brought it to him stripped of trim and interior and died before it was done.) The heirs had no interest in the car, and the shop owner tried to buy the parts from his heirs, but they had let someone clean out the garage and sold the parts for scrap. The car would have been too expensive (for me, at least) to put back togehter without a parts car.

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