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fredscarryall 04-21-2011 11:52 PM

Re: slamburban
1 Attachment(s)
i ordered a summit fuel pump and it come with a free regulator. the pump flows up to 140 gph and up to 14psi. the regulator can adjust from 4.5 psi to 9 psi. i have to switch to 3/8 hard line and rebend it

fredscarryall 04-22-2011 12:01 AM

Re: slamburban
2 Attachment(s)
i descided to checker board the driveline

fredscarryall 04-22-2011 12:04 AM

Re: slamburban
1 Attachment(s)
been working on getting the firewall level and smooth so i can paint it. i hope to have it primed by tomorrow.

Ratical 04-22-2011 04:33 AM

Re: slamburban
Did you get it primed? Looks good man, keep it up!
Posted via Mobile Device

MrDude_1 04-22-2011 09:15 AM

Re: slamburban
Very nice, I really like your truck.

i am curious about the checker-board pattern though... how did you do that so cleanly? individual pieces of square tape? vinyl pattern?

bjcaldwe 04-22-2011 11:28 AM

Re: slamburban
What rack and pinion did you use?

fredscarryall 04-22-2011 11:56 PM

Re: slamburban
for the pattern on the checker board i just used a good quality 1 3/8 green 3m tape. it harder to explain in words then to do. it also depend on the diameter of the drivelive to what size tape you get. if enough people ask i will post a step by step process

fredscarryall 04-23-2011 12:00 AM

Re: slamburban
the rack and pinion came from the ifs i orderd from j w rod garage. the rack and pinion its self is out of a thunderbird and i painted it silver.

speesh 04-24-2011 05:39 PM

Re: slamburban
I would like to see how you did those checkers. I am sure it is simple, but I would like to see your method. It looks cool!
Posted via Mobile Device

MrDude_1 04-25-2011 08:29 AM

Re: slamburban

Originally Posted by fredscarryall (Post 4640704)
for the pattern on the checker board i just used a good quality 1 3/8 green 3m tape. it harder to explain in words then to do. it also depend on the diameter of the drivelive to what size tape you get. if enough people ask i will post a step by step process

so if i was to take a guess.... you paint it one color, lay the tape down in strips and then cut out what you want painted the other color, then paint over?
is that correct?
It just looks really good... im interested in your method.

MrDude_1 04-25-2011 08:35 AM

Re: slamburban
Double Post.

fredscarryall 04-25-2011 10:53 PM

Re: slamburban
is so easy to over think it. until my friend charley showed me how to put the tape down, i thought i had to cut it too. the nice part is there is no tape cutting involved at all. just some time.i will try my best to explain it. in the next post

fredscarryall 04-26-2011 12:40 AM

Re: slamburban
5 Attachment(s)
how to lay down checker board the easy way. a rough do a complete drivelive it wil take you about two to four hours a day for 3 days.just like my friend told me, make sure you follow every step and it will turn out like a pro did it.make sure you use the same size tape all the way through the project so you squares are even. #1 paint your driveline one solid color. let it cure overnight so the tape doesnt peel up the paint. #2 then you take a long piece of tape and wrap it vertical around the drivelive. wrap it all the way around until it comes around to where you started and mark it.then lay it out on the table and measure it. my example has an outside diamension of 12 inches around.#3 i then divid 12 into 1.5 and came up with an even 8 (5 length of tape and 3 spaces in between 1 1/2 inches apart).the key is to use a expensive quality blue or green 3m tape (no walmart brand because yellow or cheap tape sticks to hard or not hard enough).#4 then run your 1 1/2 tape horizontal from one end to the other spacing them 1 1/2 iches apart.#5 its alot of work but it may be best at this point to mark every run of tape with a pencil 1 1/2 inches apart or whatever size you figured out (See how i ran a small piece of tape in between each line to use as a guide).

fredscarryall 04-26-2011 01:24 AM

Re: slamburban
5 Attachment(s)
checker board part 2.#6 now run your vertical tape lines #7 scuff the areas not covered by tape and wipe with a tack cloth or damp paint the entire driveline in whatever color you want(i used an orange pen as an example). let the paint fully cure over night (remember if you dont let the paint cure overnight the next layer of paint will come off when you remove the tape) #8 peel up the tape.#9 now lay down the tape horizontal over the squares you just painted the day before. from one end of the driveline to the other 1 1/2 inches apart (you can almost see through the tape so use is a guide for running the tape).#10 now lay down the vertical tape using the squares as a guide again.

fredscarryall 04-26-2011 03:33 AM

Re: slamburban
2 Attachment(s)
checker board part 3. #11 scuff again with light sand paper and wipe with a damp cloth or a tack paint the whole driveline (again i cant stress this enough make sure it is fully cures over night) #12 now peel up the tape and there you go. this may not be the best way but it works for me. i didnt have to spend time cutting. there are tons of other ways to do this, but to me this seems like the easiest way. i hope every one understand this my writing suck

MrDude_1 04-26-2011 10:45 AM

Re: slamburban
Thats awesome. Thanks for taking the time to show us how you did that.

Russell Ashley 04-26-2011 03:29 PM

Re: slamburban
Your drive shaft is a beauty. I don't remember ever seeing anyone put a custom pattern on their driveshaft. Thanks for the write-up on how to do it.

m6z 04-27-2011 01:22 PM

Re: slamburban
nice build.

britnjc 04-27-2011 06:04 PM

Re: slamburban
Looks great man

fredscarryall 05-09-2011 10:38 PM

Re: slamburban
1 Attachment(s)
i finally finished the body work on the firewall and shot it with filler primer. now it time to spend a whole day blocking it out. the plan is to have it painted the same blue as the frame and start white checker boarding the inner part of the firewall by friday. but we'll see how that goes.

Ratical 05-10-2011 04:48 AM

Re: slamburban
Sweet! Looks great!
Posted via Mobile Device

Number98 05-10-2011 07:45 AM

Re: slamburban
Cool build!

1lo67 05-15-2011 03:29 PM

Re: slamburban
Thats a cool build... looks like it should ride real nice.

oldman3 05-15-2011 03:44 PM

Re: slamburban
Firewall looks niiiiiiiiiice. Jim

fredscarryall 05-20-2011 11:40 PM

Re: slamburban
5 Attachment(s)
i had to remove the engine on wedseday to replace the oil pan because the rod bolts where hitting my stock oil pan.hard lesson learned 1987 and newer 383 stroker motors with one piece rear main and left side dip stick tube dont use stock oil pans. i got my new oil pan and screen from jegs today.i dry fit the pan and had no clearance issues. crank spun around perfectly.bad part about the oil screen is you have to tig weld it with heavy nickle and i dont have a tig and dont know anybody who does. if i can find a good welding shop, i should have the motor back in monday afternoon. after two weeks i was finally able to finish painting the firewall today. not bad for a $10 harbor freight detail paint gun.after i finish reinstalling the motor. i will tape the firewall for the checkerboard.

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