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zippeay 10-15-2012 07:08 PM

Re: My own build thread
As soon as possible but but we have a long way to go. I'm hoping to get it painted by the end of the month but like I said, there's a lot to do.
Posted via Mobile Device

zippeay 10-17-2012 11:11 AM

Re: My own build thread
I got the core support patched up and primed. I also primed the cowl and the piece that's goes in front of the core support "not sure what its called". My old man started the body work on the bed. I'm a little pissed because the sand blaster destroyed my bed... I really hope we can get this thing straight. They dented and warped the crap out of it. I'm going to have to block this thing a lot... I can't believe they did that! O well, I won't get too upset unless we can't get it straight.
Here's the core support and other pieces I primed last night

Here's the truck bed, I primed the inside of the bed and we are working on the sides and rear today.

Captainfab 10-18-2012 01:16 AM

Re: My own build thread
That's too bad the sandblaster ruined the bed. Unfortunately, it is guys like that, that make a bad rep for sandblasting body sheetmetal. Some guys know how to do it, and others don't. I hope you can get it straight enough to your satisfaction.

zippeay 10-18-2012 08:58 AM

Re: My own build thread
Ya, me too... The bad thing is the guy that owns it is a really nice guy. I think I'm going to go talk to them so they don't really mess up someone's car. They usually do big industrial stuff and they are a really new company. I just don't think they have a lot I experience.
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dr69burb 10-18-2012 10:05 AM

Re: My own build thread
Thats a bummer about your bed. Your truck is looking good.
Posted via Mobile Device

zippeay 10-18-2012 10:52 AM

Re: My own build thread
They didn't totally ruin it but it is going to be a lot more work to fix it now... My old man is pretty good at body work so we should be able to fix it "I hope". Thanks for the compliments!
Last night I started patching the inner fenders. I'm probably getting way too anal but I figured it's the first thing you see when you open the hood so I wanted it to look nice. Thank god my dad's metal brake works pretty good because this was a huge PITA, but I think it came out pretty good. lol

Now I just have to drill the holes.

DLOE65 10-18-2012 01:44 PM

Re: My own build thread
Lookin good!
Posted via Mobile Device

McMurphy 10-18-2012 02:09 PM

Re: My own build thread
You know I see photos like these last couple you put up and I think to I can soo do that !!!
Then I am into a repair that takes up more and more of my time on this build!
And usually while I am into it, I am dreaming up other stuff I can do, so one thing always leads to another.

Your fabbing looks good, and never too anal !!

Bomp 10-18-2012 10:15 PM

Re: My own build thread
Better late than never. Almost missed this build. Watching this one.

zippeay 10-31-2012 10:41 AM

Re: My own build thread
Been working a lot and not taking many pictures. I'm trying like hell to squirt some paint on this thing but I keep being too anal... Spent way too long on the inner fenders... one side is done "didn't take pictures yet" and I'm almost done with the other side. The body work is 90% done on the bed and we are getting the hood fixed up. I had to patch the hood a little but of course I didn't take any pictures...
Here's part of what I did to the inner fenders.
I still have a lot to do on these but this this is the general idea

I posted this picture in another thread, these are the colors and paint scheme I'm going for. I made this using the House of Kolor 3d design tool. I made a thread explaining it, you guys should check it out. It's really easy to use and works really well, you can buy one model of car/truck for about 95 bucks or you can purchase the whole program for $500.

dr69burb 10-31-2012 11:36 AM

Re: My own build thread
Wow thats badass! Hey its better to get all the bs done now and wait on paint. You will be happier with the final product. Keep up the good work.
Posted via Mobile Device

zippeay 10-31-2012 03:10 PM

Re: My own build thread
Here's the inner fender cutouts finished, just need a little filler to smooth it out. I left a tab and radioused it to match the fender to keep dirty and crap from coming up. I'm probably going to make a seal to go inbetween them.

KJSR 10-31-2012 04:13 PM

Re: My own build thread
Holy crap...never thought of having to modify the inner fenders to get it down that low. I'm looking forward to seeing it done.

zippeay 10-31-2012 04:15 PM

Re: My own build thread
A lot of people just throw out the inner fenders but I'd much rather not have to clean my engine bay after ever ride. It's the little details that make cars/trucks stand out.
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96twodoor 10-31-2012 07:25 PM

Re: My own build thread
youve do some great work , I'm watching this for sure .

Ta2Don 10-31-2012 08:48 PM

Re: My own build thread
Just found your build, gonna be watching...

MARTYZ 10-31-2012 09:16 PM

Re: My own build thread
Great build, lucky your talents keep up with your imagination, Keep at her I'll be watching for sure!

zippeay 10-31-2012 10:27 PM

Re: My own build thread
Thank you for the nice comments!
Posted via Mobile Device

McMurphy 10-31-2012 10:37 PM

Re: My own build thread
You are looking good here sir.
Seems your speed is about the same as mine, cool work and cool ideas at a steady pace !!
Cannot wait to see what you tackle next. :metal:

KJSR 11-01-2012 09:10 AM

Re: My own build thread

Originally Posted by zippeay (Post 5678302)
A lot of people just throw out the inner fenders but I'd much rather not have to clean my engine bay after ever ride. It's the little details that make cars/trucks stand out.
Posted via Mobile Device

I agree 100%. Your 36' had many killer details. Keep at it man!

zippeay 11-05-2012 11:28 AM

Re: My own build thread

Originally Posted by KJSR (Post 5679288)
I agree 100%. Your 36' had many killer details. Keep at it man!

Thanks! I do miss my 36... I will build another one day but this time I want one with fenders!
Ok, so here's the weekend update. I finished the metal work on the inner fenders. Now I just need to do a little bondo work to smooth it out. They came out pretty good I thought. I modified the hood hinge spring mounting points because they obviously won't work with the radious piece installed. I will still have to use a hood prop but the springs do help with this monsterous hood. We also mocked everything up again to make sure the body lines lined up and everything. My old man is almost finished with the body work on the hood because the PO must have walked all over this damn thing....
I also spend most of the day yesterday cleaning and power washing the power steering to find out that I can't use the original power steering "I should have done more research on that" :banghead:... The Good thing is I have a 78 parts truck that I can take the power steering off of and use that but now I have to clean that up... Grrr!

zippeay 11-05-2012 11:42 AM

Re: My own build thread
Oh, one more. Do you guys like the green pinstriping on the scallops? I really dig it! And yes I know the scallops are a little funky in spots. The way you have to make them in the program distorts them a little on curved edges for some reason. I tried to fix it for about an hour and decided to just leave it because this is the best I could make it.... It's still a super cool program.

Realnoisy 11-24-2012 09:44 AM

Re: My own build thread
Zippeay, how's the build coming along?

zippeay 11-24-2012 01:55 PM

Re: My own build thread
I did make some progress a few weeks ago but the family and I took a vacation down to Disneyland... Holy crap is that place expensive now! It cost me almost 1500 bucks just for park passes and that was using a military discount... Ridiculous!
Basically the body work is done on the hood, I mounted the front shocks and I'm trying to figure out where to mount the rear shocks today and hopefully get the firewall prepped and in primer. Will post pics later. Thanks All!
Posted via Mobile Device

glos55 11-24-2012 02:03 PM

Re: My own build thread
Great Build zippeay!!! Will be awesome when done!!!

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