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77ChevySharkBite 12-06-2012 09:13 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
I personally dont need any as of yet because I really haven't messed with my trucks doors just yet, but i'll let you know if I need one. Yeah body work is the hardest of them all I can vouch for it, but truthfully when you sit back and look at the job you did all the time it took to do it, it makes it worth while.

JRANGER 12-06-2012 09:25 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5742965)
I personally dont need any as of yet because I really haven't messed with my trucks doors just yet, but i'll let you know if I need one. Yeah body work is the hardest of them all I can vouch for it, but truthfully when you sit back and look at the job you did all the time it took to do it, it makes it worth while.

You should line up the doors with the fenders off...ITs much easier

77ChevySharkBite 12-06-2012 10:27 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by JRANGER (Post 5742979)
You should line up the doors with the fenders off...ITs much easier

what you mean line up the doors with the fenders?

truckzilla 12-06-2012 11:00 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5742612)
It's all a process it was it is and the forum is a place to meet people from around the country and even share a bit of your life with, like I said it's like we're one big family just spread out over the United States haha
Posted via Mobile Device

Absolutely! And that is what forums like this are for, to help each other, to gain ideas from the more skilled guys and to show off what it is your doing, even if it is slow at coming along or doing one on a shoestring budget! The point is, how do you build a truck, turning one bolt or screw at a time!

Keep after it and it will happen.

77ChevySharkBite 12-06-2012 11:20 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by truckzilla (Post 5743109)
Absolutely! And that is what forums like this are for, to help each other, to gain ideas from the more skilled guys and to show off what it is your doing, even if it is slow at coming along or doing one on a shoestring budget! The point is, how do you build a truck, turning one bolt or screw at a time!

Keep after it and it will happen.

Aint that the truth and for some of us you have to do it multiple times but like truckzilla said when you sit back every time you got frustrated upset pissed whatever emotions you have it'll all be worth it! Don't be afraid to take ideas from people, my way of viewing my truck is that my truck is an expression of myself its something for people to look at and feel like they know me and so that's where the creativity comes in but have fun with!

truckzilla 12-06-2012 12:47 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5743145)
Aint that the truth and for some of us you have to do it multiple times but like truckzilla said when you sit back every time you got frustrated upset pissed whatever emotions you have it'll all be worth it! Don't be afraid to take ideas from people, my way of viewing my truck is that my truck is an expression of myself its something for people to look at and feel like they know me and so that's where the creativity comes in but have fun with!

Better said than me!


JRANGER 12-06-2012 08:03 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5743055)
what you mean line up the doors with the fenders?

I mean if your body lines dont match its much easier to get them straight while the front fenders are off because the hinges are accessible so you can adjust with the door closed basically

chevybuilder18 12-06-2012 11:32 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by JRANGER (Post 5744034)
I mean if your body lines dont match its much easier to get them straight while the front fenders are off because the hinges are accessible so you can adjust with the door closed basically

i wanna take the fenders off, but will in time :) i got the new battery today, and im getting the U bolts for it, need 3 more, lol i had $20 expecting autozone to have the universal sets of U bolt 'kits' for $20 but that was for two. then they pointed me to nappa where i got one hell of a deal i tell ya(not) :lol: my 20 bucks went on one u bolt :smoke: dont let them fool you

JRANGER 12-07-2012 12:33 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
lol that stinks man

chevybuilder18 12-07-2012 05:53 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5743145)
Aint that the truth and for some of us you have to do it multiple times but like truckzilla said when you sit back every time you got frustrated upset pissed whatever emotions you have it'll all be worth it! Don't be afraid to take ideas from people, my way of viewing my truck is that my truck is an expression of myself its something for people to look at and feel like they know me and so that's where the creativity comes in but have fun with!


Originally Posted by truckzilla (Post 5743294)
Better said than me!



Originally Posted by JRANGER (Post 5744694)
lol that stinks man

i think its worth it, its better than getting DJMs u Bolts that arent that great, i think these things are super duty.

You guys are helpful and stress relievers. make me wanna take a dive into the truck. next time you see it, itll be slammed and seemless :devil:. ill have to get some used front fenders though :waah:

77ChevySharkBite 12-10-2012 03:21 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Sorry for the late response on yours man, but dont rush yourself remember take your time, just remember the simple fact its a project not completed in 1 night takes time.

chevybuilder18 12-10-2012 08:18 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5750661)
Sorry for the late response on yours man, but dont rush yourself remember take your time, just remember the simple fact its a project not completed in 1 night takes time.

i know. cant rush it. if i did rush it. it might be in worse shape then when i found it!! :lol:

chevybuilder18 12-11-2012 09:11 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
OK couldnt resist a quick update. :metal: i just got done cleaning the pass side spindle, and painting it with high temp engine enamel, there the DJMs 3 inch drop spindles. i also figured out what went wrong with my alternator. the field exite wire was disconnected due to shortage of wire near the connector for the CS130 alternator im running on the truck. since the battery almost ran dead with out this wire connected, it is putting out 15 volts, and my voltmeter was reading great. gonna start painting my other spindle black same rustoeleum black i just put on this one. tomorrow i get the U bolts so you know what that means ;)

chevybuilder18 12-14-2012 02:44 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
I know its been awhile but i just lowered the truck with my DJM flip kit, and i also know its kinda boring with out the body work that i should be doing. pics of the flip will be coming soon... Also made a huge discovery about my rear end, thought it was a 2.73, but we spun both hubs one turn at the same time to count the pinion rotations. my 12 bolt has 4.11:1 gears, might explain the 5.5 MPG :smoke:

JRANGER 12-14-2012 10:39 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by chevybuilder18 (Post 5757472)
I know its been awhile but i just lowered the truck with my DJM flip kit, and i also know its kinda boring with out the body work that i should be doing. pics of the flip will be coming soon... Also made a huge discovery about my rear end, thought it was a 2.73, but we spun both hubs one turn at the same time to count the pinion rotations. my 12 bolt has 4.11:1 gears, might explain the 5.5 MPG :smoke:

I dont even want to know what gears are in my truck

77ChevySharkBite 12-14-2012 11:09 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Haha well that's a good find haha, yeah I believe I have 3.40's in mine which is fine for now thinking of some 3.73 for the future since I am doing a complete drivetrain swap. Take some pics so we can see what it looks like being dropped man!! Don't worry about it being dropped and no body work done it's a project truck so it's one step at a time man.
Posted via Mobile Device

truckzilla 12-14-2012 01:39 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Yeah, mine has 4.11s in it which helps explain why it ran reasonably well with the 305 it had. Still not sure if I'm keeping it at that or going with a 3.73 change.

chevybuilder18 12-15-2012 03:48 AM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by JRANGER (Post 5757748)
I dont even want to know what gears are in my truck

lol maybe reasonable gears like shark bites ;)

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5757781)
Haha well that's a good find haha, yeah I believe I have 3.40's in mine which is fine for now thinking of some 3.73 for the future since I am doing a complete drivetrain swap. Take some pics so we can see what it looks like being dropped man!! Don't worry about it being dropped and no body work done it's a project truck so it's one step at a time man.
Posted via Mobile Device

those 3 and a halfs are my true desire, get good gas milege, and great take off. id stick a locker on those and keep em :devil:


Originally Posted by truckzilla (Post 5758017)
Yeah, mine has 4.11s in it which helps explain why it ran reasonably well with the 305 it had. Still not sure if I'm keeping it at that or going with a 3.73 change.

im gonna keep em. the truck runs good around town which i do alot, if you think about it, im not really using gas because at 30 mph im in 3rd gear alot, so that might be a plus around town i just idle through :lol: but if i do get serious about working in different towns i might just do an over drive swap, we already know i might get eatons limited slip or the detroit locker setup. wish richmond made the truck 12 bolt loc rite

Also another update. the photos are being delayed due to my neglection to have my phone on me or have someone else send the photos to mine. my phone has constant life support due to a bad battery that wont take a charge, and its getting old! Thank god my brother in law is helping me. we got a spring compressor and ready to trim some springs. but we had a bad night it was raining and the spring compressor we rented wasnt really agreeing with us

77ChevySharkBite 12-16-2012 11:50 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
Well being as mine is going to be more of a show truck not going to be too worried about my mpg but I've heard 3.73 is a pretty good set of gears to get, do that's what I'm most likely going to do.
Posted via Mobile Device

chevybuilder18 12-18-2012 03:41 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
5 Attachment(s)
Update from the last week. Ive been slaving hard and the end result is to do for ;) sorry i havent been on, or anything but i got a few photos that might explain why i havent been :smoke:
used ramps in place of jack stands cause i didnt have jack stands. It did quite well
the U bolts i ordered came in, and they are 87 and up.
They dont wrap around the axle snug, but very hardcore pieces i believe. I didnt torque em to factory specs, i torqued em on till i could turn em no more with a 3 foot cheater bar, thats alot of torque especially for me, thats near 130 psi or so on each nut.
Posted via Mobile Device

chevybuilder18 12-18-2012 04:13 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
3 Attachment(s)
And i present, the newly sought after quicksilver is starting to take shape ;)
Posted via Mobile Device check out the last photo. Notice im crouching to take a photo of the rear wheel.

77ChevySharkBite 12-18-2012 04:24 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
very very nice work my friend, good progress coming along keep it up man!!

JRANGER 12-18-2012 04:27 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
looking good

chevybuilder18 12-18-2012 08:28 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'
next is getting the bed bolted down and this spring ill get some body pieces for it off craigslist, im on a craigslist budget. hey 77sharkbite, i like your step side fenders because the fuel door, mines just a cap its 70s style, yours got the integrated fuel door and i like it. what years did those come on?:smoke:

chevybuilder18 12-18-2012 08:30 PM

Re: 78 silverado stepside her names 'Quicksilver'

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite (Post 5765489)
very very nice work my friend, good progress coming along keep it up man!!


Originally Posted by JRANGER (Post 5765498)
looking good

thank you both, its gonna be some time till i update this, ill probably do some odds and ends that define the whole sha-bang ;) details count

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