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Re: Stolen....
Re: Stolen....
I will keep an eye out in the normal places they often turn up here in the Central Valley California. Sorry it sucks so bad to have a car stolen. I hope you get her back asap and unharmed. I hope whoever took it gets aids in their assholes when they get to jail.
Re: Stolen....
Any update?
Re: Stolen....
I could handle someone stealing my new truck more over than I could finding my classic gone. To much blood, sweat and tears involved in our old classics. I hope it comes up soon bro, just keep watching classifieds :chevy:
Re: Stolen....
So sorry to hear about your truck being gone, what a sad and helpless feeling. I was selling a classic Mustang a few years back and me wanting to believe in people just let this guy and his "son" test drive it and they never came back, just like that. ID was fake and well made, cops found the frame and wheels in a field and charged ME 1600$ bucks for the tow and impound. As for your situation...
We need more pics and details man, help us help you. There are ALOT of guys from all over on this website and me personally, I NEVER miss a 67-72 pickup driving by or parked while I'm out and about and I doubt these other guys do either. Davepl is really on to something with the lisence plate thing, as are a few other members. The bad news is that this kind of thing was more than likely planned and carried out by experienced thieves who make a living this way, are very coordinated and meticulous about how and when they nab people's stuff. In this kind of case they are quick to dismantle and sell parts, even painting the recognizable ones, however you and everyone else on this site can keep a sharp eye out on CL and swap meets. The good news is every once in a while the vehicle will just pop up somewhere either untouched and joy riden or lightly stripped of the easy take aways. And on a rare occasion these guys get caught and things just seem to work in your favor. Don't give up hope on gettin your truck back, and be proactive man! Give us some pics and info so we can help out, because you can bet there are more than a few guys here that are emotionally charged by this and ready to do what it takes. The classic truck crowd is typically some good old boys and some young guys such as myself, and we don't like thieves. Glad to see some prayers out there, I hope this thread stays alive and we all get to enjoy a good ending to you getting your truck back. Matt |
Re: Stolen....
Ironic, but there was a news story here last night detailing how 9 classic cars were recently stolen from local hotels after a large car show we had in the area. Obviously when that many cars were stolen, it's a large and organized ring of thieves. Unfortunately those cars will probably never be seen again.
It would be interesting to talk to the guys who are doing this kind of theft to see how they're doing it and what we can do as truck owners to make it more difficult for them. I gotta think they are set up with some sort of tow-truck or enclosed trailer if they are taking that many cars, and there would be footage on the hotel security cameras. If they are just scooping these cars up with tow truck or trailer, then things like hood locks and kill switches mean nothing. Kind of odd that the original poster hasn't replied to this thread.....? |
Re: Stolen....
I work in Puyallup and will keep an eye out. As others have mentioned there are some sketchy parts of Federal Way. Tweakers are out of control in the Graham/Roy are so, maybe try looking around there. My money is on a tweaker taking this one. Ran into one the other day that had his bed full of winches, batteries, and tool boxes!
Re: Stolen....
Re: Stolen....
I had the idea to try this search in google:
car thefts park and ride And got lots and lots of links to news stories going back years for repeated such thefts of both cars and contents of cars or parts. Even one where they were taking the catalytic converters.. Looks like there were many thefts in the Salt Lake City area from park and ride lots. Most of the stories say the thieves prefer this type of parking lot because the vehicle owners are usually gone for at least 8 hours and the lack of security and no cameras.. (unlike an airport for example). Some of the thieves have been caught and their photos are in the news stories but I didn't see one going after classic cars.. (I only read a few). Maybe if you could talk your reporting police officer to do a computer search for thefts of 1967-72 chevy trucks from park and ride lots and see if anyone has that mode of operating... and if that someone happens to be out of prison. Sometimes thieves will keep doing what works and they get better at it. |
Re: Stolen....
Most criminals are repeat offenders.....prison rehabilitates rather few prisoners.
*I had a personal run in with what I believe were three men intending to break into my house just last night! Hopefully my actions let them know I am "on to them" and I am not afraid of them. I'm loading up on caffeine for a late night tonight just in case they didn't get the message and want to drop in again. So 68Iron, you are not alone brother. Thieves are pretty common....my neighborhood used to be so quiet and safe, it really is a tragedy. |
Re: Stolen....
What's up with the guy not posting in his own thread?
Re: Stolen....
Re: Stolen....
Re: Stolen....
Re: Stolen....
Sorry to hear about this theft, but not surprised. King county treats auto thieves, like j-walkers. It's the same few guys committing these thefts over and over. The cops know who did this, but they're not going to go after them, only to have the courts put them back on the street. We all know these old trucks have zero security measures from the factory, and pretty much any old key will work a 50 year old lock. The reality is, if you have a ride you want to keep, don't leave it at a park-n-ride, and if you do, insure the sh*t out of it.
Re: Stolen....
It's not that police don't want to, it's that the courts, mayors, governors, and on up won't allow it. I have a friend on another local department and I asked him directly (privately) if the recent anti-cop political environment has affected his department as I was again considering becoming a cop. He said "not officially but yes, we've all discussed it." So that told me they are simply not going to police as they should for fear of losing their careers. *That reply, last summer's news, and offhand comments by that department's police commissioner convinced me a career in police was a bad idea. It's too bad too, as I would have made a very good one I think. I know crime in large cities is on the rise due to that and this theft here may be an product of that. jjzepplin: Thanks man, I might could use ya. My neighbor scared off a prowler casing my house about a month ago and I spotted an ATV doing the same thing at 3:30 AM about a week ago. This latest event was three guys on ATV's acting insanely suspicious near my house. Either they were on LSD or they meant to break in just as I was literally pulling into my driveway. Had I come in say 60 seconds later, you might have heard about it on the news. In fact, I'm pulling an all nighter just in case they are dumber than I thought and want to drop by again. I'll come out and say it I WISH I HAD BEEN IN THAT PARKING LOT WHEN 68 IRON'S TRUCK WAS BEING LOADED UP. In fact, after this thread, if I ever see a vehicle being taken, even if it does seem like a repo, I'm making contact, calling police, and following the vehicle until they show up. I've tailed drunk and even aggressive drivers until police have showed up, nothing new for me. And I'd say that probably was their cover story "just another repo." City folk are used to it and even more used to not getting involved. |
Re: Stolen....
Re: Stolen....
Re: Stolen....
No updates as of yet.....still hoping that's about it. I miss just tinkering on it to pass time and relieve stress. I hope to give everyone some good news soon. And, believe me, I do appreciate every last one of you for your support!!!
Re: Stolen....
Re: Stolen....
i hope someone sees it and can follow it if they see it on a flatbed. Id pay money to see someone arrested on the side of the road and you get your truck back
Re: Stolen....
Re: Stolen....
It's not illegal to follow someone and reporting a "suspicious vehicle" gives police "probable cause" to effect a stop. I used to do ride-alongs with police and I know that first-hand. *I like to close in until I can memorize the license number and then back off 60 to 100 yards and maintain contact, reporting all changes of location and direction of travel to 911 or highway patrol, depending on what road I am on. *Give it to police in this order: license plate state, number (use phonic alphabet like you learned/would have learned in the military), color, make, and model of vehicle, and anything particular about it (roof rack, etc.). Getting too close spooks the quarry and you don't want to be "chasing" them unless you know it's a kidnapping, then (as far as I am concerned) all bets are off and I'll gladly do jail time if it means stopping that. Of course if I'm sure it's a kidnapping I may be doing a lot more than just following..... ;-) My mother was chased by 5 men on foot once.....I take that kidnapping stuff personal. I'll keep praying for you brother. |
Re: Stolen....
I found this list of Oregon traffic cameras - I think these are just snapshots though
http://www.tripcheck.com/TextPages/C...sp?curRegion=0 It would be nice to know if your truck was still in the country. I found this news article about a company that has sixteen cameras covering the border near San Diego - I went to the site and it looks as if it is live data only; but it might be worth contacting them to see if they keep archives. Probably would only need to review traffic starting from whatever the driving time was from your location to the border - Maybe the thieves would have made a beeline trying to get over the border before the truck was reported stolen? I wonder if Mexico requires annual registration? I know the Mexico cars have license plates but I don't recall seeing year and month stickers on their plates. I noticed another site that covers a bridge that crosses the border from Texas to Mexico - though I think it was live feed only. Here is a link to the sixteen border cameras: http://bordertraffic.com Here is the article: ******************************* Border cams give view of traffic By Robert J. Hawkins (/staff/robert-hawkins/) | 7:28 p.m. May 30, 2011 SAN YSIDRO — When it comes to crossing the border, especially at San Ysidro, every driver is looking for an edge. Chula Vista entrepreneurs Greg and Margaret Yova might have it with their website bordertraffic.com (http://bordertraffic.com). Their company has 16 webcams strategically placed on the Mexico side of the border, all pointed at vehicle and pedestrian traffic working its way north. Bordertraffic.com (http://Bordertraffic.com) is providing drivers with what are essentially real-time views of all lanes of traffic, as well as pedestrian and SENTRI lines. The Yovas have about 30 years of experience crossing the border, Margaret Yova said. “It used to be that the border was fairly predictable,” she said, “long lines on the left, shorter ones to the right. But the longer ones could move faster.” Much has changed, though, with enhanced security measures and priority lines, such as SENTRI. Bordertraffic.com launched some time ago without fanfare, but establishing the array of cameras and providing reliable images has taken awhile. Greg Yova, an engineer by training, has developed his own video technology that periodically grabs loops of traffic conditions and feeds them to the website and mobile devices. While not technically “live,” the loops are fed frequently enough to portray an accurate snapshot of traffic conditions, said Margaret Yova. The website has been optimized for mobile phones and is mostly free. Only the five cams focused on the SENTRI lanes are behind a subscription window. The fee for those is $6.99 a month. A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokeswoman said the federal agency takes “no position” on the video-based traffic service. The agency offers its own text-based service, which provides wait times for all border crossings, at apps.cbp.gov/bwt (http://apps.cbp.gov/bwt). © Copyright 2016 The San Diego Union-Tribune. All rights reserved. |
Re: Stolen....
Now that is some cool stuff there!
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