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Jebb1978 02-07-2006 12:49 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Your rig is going to look like the one I posted:metal:

CAL 58 GMC 02-07-2006 12:55 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
I was on Air Ride's web site and they say I should be able to get it 2 inchs from the ground with the bag completly deflated. So I hope I can get as low as the pic you posted jebb1979.

Jebb1978 02-08-2006 11:34 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
I will cross my fingers for you:)

TEAM THC 02-08-2006 07:30 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Very Cool Project. I Will Build One Someday.....

CAL 58 GMC 02-09-2006 01:45 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Thanks Team THC! Someday I'm sure you will. I like your Silverado, looks clean!

CAL 58 GMC 02-12-2006 09:20 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
3 Attachment(s)
I spent most of the weekend working on the project. I got the rear end all rebulit with a posi unit and all new seals & bearings. I put new drilled rotors and new calipers on, You can also see in the pics I got the gas tank in now.

dwcsr 02-12-2006 09:51 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Nice job, whats the rear out of?

CAL 58 GMC 02-13-2006 02:19 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Thanks! The rear end is out of a 2003 S-10 Blazer. The 1998 to 2004 S-Blazers all had rear disc. I wanted the S-10 Blazer rear because of the disc and they are narrow. I replaced the ring & pinon and a new posi unit that was for a Camaro so it's a bit beefier then the stock S-10.

55ChevyPU 02-13-2006 02:59 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
looks great and 4 wheel disc is gonna be awesome! How is the cab coming, pics? :)

CAL 58 GMC 02-13-2006 11:16 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Thanks 55ChevyPU! Your paint job had turned out really nice! My cab is still at the body shop. I was there a few days back and he was doing the body work. I should have it back in a few more weeks, I hope.

Jebb1978 02-14-2006 12:58 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Looks really nice man! Where did you get that tank, I actually bought a fuel cell and mounted it in the bed of mine. Then I looked at it and said "uh nope, that's just not going to do". I sold it for like a third of what I paid for it. I like the look of yours. What are the specs on that sucker?

CAL 58 GMC 02-14-2006 10:46 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Thanks again Jebb1978! I got that tank from Kustom Tanks. Here's the spec on it: 27 X 14 1/2 X 8 16 GALLON ALUMINUM.

Jebb1978 02-15-2006 11:03 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Thanks Cal I am going to look into that, looks really sharp!

1BAD64 02-15-2006 11:35 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
looks good! are those directional tires? if so id turn them around!

Igotachevyor2 02-15-2006 01:40 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
lookin good

CAL 58 GMC 02-15-2006 11:57 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
1Bad64,Thanks! And yes they directional tires & yes they are on wrong. I was not paying attention when I put them on.

Igotachevyor2, Thanks to you too!

CAL 58 GMC 02-20-2006 09:12 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
2 Attachment(s)
Okay, I spent the holiday weekend working on the prodject. My son and I finished mounting the cross member, rear shocks and the brake line. I spent most of the time on those brake lines, cutting, bending and adding the double flares to the ends. Wow, that took a lot longer than I thoght it would!!

dwcsr 02-20-2006 09:54 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
very nice work. where did you get the brackets near the aframe? They would come in handy on other projects.

55ChevyPU 02-20-2006 09:59 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
question, on the top of the brake booster is a black outlet, I believe its a vacuum but want to make sure. Is that vacuum supposed to hook up to the manifold. My brake booster didnt come with instructions "cough cough" friend who got it from a friend who got it from a friends friend.

CAL 58 GMC 02-21-2006 02:15 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Thanks dwcsr! The brackets are factory that came on the Camaro clip I had them powder coated and re-used them.

Hey 55ChevyPu, Yes, that is the vacum port on the booster and yes the vacum can come from the manifold or the back base of the carb. Your booster should have the port some place, if not it should have a place to put one.

dwcsr 02-21-2006 02:16 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Yes that hooks to engine vacuum. I would run a steel line most of the way and only use the rubber for 2 - 3" on each end.

CAL 58 GMC 02-25-2006 08:02 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
3 Attachment(s)
I dropped the rear lower today and installed the rear spring air bag. I thank I am going to get a larger air tank also.

Jebb1978 02-27-2006 04:11 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Looks really good Cal, I am almost ready to start my thread. I am heading to Texas this weekend to pick up some parts I bought. When I get back I am going to get to hacking at my frame:metal:. I wouldn't be doing any of this if it weren't for this thread::).Thanks man!

CAL 58 GMC 02-27-2006 10:04 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Cool Jebb! I am really looking foward to seeing you get started. I hope to see your thread started soon.:metal:

CAL 58 GMC 03-05-2006 10:25 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
4 Attachment(s)
After a long weekend in my garage, I got the Air Ride Shockwave bags in. I had to do some cutting were the spring pockets are for clearance. I really didn’t like the idea of hacking at the frame, but the end results were worth it. In the photo below with the bags completely deflated the engine crossmember is about 1 1/4 inches off the ground. When they were completely inflated the crossmember was about 5 inches.

55ChevyPU 03-06-2006 03:03 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
lookin good, tell me how you like it after you drive it around! Any word on the body from the bodyman?

CAL 58 GMC 03-06-2006 09:45 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Thanks 55ChevyPU. When the day comes I get her on the road I let you know how it rides. It should ride nice. I went by the body shop today to check on the progress. He's got the body work done on the back and top of the cab and has filled in holes inside on the floors and dash. I plan on take some pic's the next time I am there.

Jebb1978 03-07-2006 12:52 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Looks crazy low man! That is some crazy surgery you performed there, looking very nice!:cool:

BobTheTrucker 03-08-2006 03:44 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Do it your way.
After reading this post I see what I've been doing wrong all these years with my projects. I've been letting friends tell me how to do it.
I'm all stock because I let friends talk me into it.
I didn't do a frame off because of friends they said it would take too much time, but it took longer to clean and paint the frame with everything on it and the job is no way as good as a frame off. I even did an in frame overhaul. Now I have what they want but not what I want. But it was my time and money and I still don't have what I want. So from now on I'm doing it my way no matter what.
I told friend of my plans and got a lot of hell, but when I told them I was doing it my way not theirs they backed off.

CAL 58 GMC 03-08-2006 09:27 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
3 Attachment(s)
Thanks Bob,

I know what you are saying. Everyone has an opinion, you can listen, take it into consideration, but then do it your way!:metal: This is the first frame off I have ever done and it's been alot of work so far, but man it's really been worth it! Thanks again, "Keep on Truckin" Bob!

I took a few picture at the body shop today of the cab.

Jebb1978 03-08-2006 10:29 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Gettin there! What color are you going to do her in, or is that a surprise?

55ChevyPU 03-08-2006 10:56 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
The cab is looking much better than those original pictures, suggestion for color- Candy Orange with pearl *evil grin*

CAL 58 GMC 03-08-2006 11:33 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Jebb, I will be painting it Corvette Torch Red.

55ChevyPU, I love Candy Orange with pearl, but when our trucks are setting next to each other at a Good Guys show or Brothers show they would look to much a like. ;)

CAL 58 GMC 03-19-2006 03:59 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
2 Attachment(s)
The rolling chassis is ready to go, other then the drive line. I am now ready for the cab. I went to the body shop and talked with the guy. He said a few more weeks and the cab will be done. He has the roof and fire wall done since the last time I talked to him. He's started working inside the cab welding up holes from were the stock gas tank was to holes were a gun rack was mounted. Here's a pic of the rolling chassis.

55ChevyPU 03-19-2006 09:08 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
looks like your picture is not working but congrats on getting the chassis completed. I wish you and your body man good luck with your cab.

CAL 58 GMC 03-20-2006 12:44 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
I got the picture up. I don't know why it was gone, but it was there earlier. Anyway thanks 55ChevyPU, I hope to have pic's soon of the cab. Then I'll will feel like I’m were you are on your project. :)

dwcsr 03-23-2006 10:34 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
This is really looking good. If this was mine I might just put a seat on the frame and drive it so people can see it. Its to bad most of it will be covered up.

CAL 58 GMC 03-24-2006 11:22 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Thanks dwcsr. I kind of thought the same thing. Put a set on and drive it.:metal: Anyway, I just got my drive shaft yesterday. Now all I'm wanting on is getting the cab back.

CAL 58 GMC 03-27-2006 06:37 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
3 Attachment(s)
Another trip to the body shop today. The guy is doing some really nice work. Such as you can see in the first photo, just under the front roof line above the windshield there was a seam and spot weld marks that he’s filled in on his on, knowing it would clean it up. He did the same thing on the fire wall just below the cowl. He's filled in the old hole for the factory speaker and is just starting to fill in all of the factory seams inside. Then he will be ready for primer and block sanding.

Kabwe 03-29-2006 04:31 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Looking good man. I hope to see it at The Brothers show this summer.

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