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tylordurben 06-08-2008 02:03 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
more progress made this weekend. on the motor side, i got the water pump on the motor and the oil pan as well as changed the sparkplugs. still waiting on the torque converter to mate the motor and now black painted trans back together.

today i epoxy primered the firewall and rust repair area as well as shot it with the green single stage PPG paint. it looks great on pics, but not so great in person. its nice, just not as nice as i hoped. i like the color, once the motor is in with all the nick nacks and some pin-stripes on the firewall it will look a lot better. right now it looks too dark, but i think the motor green will compliment it well (similar to the Hirohata Merc body colors). well, gonna keep chucking. want to install the front suspension and hopefully plumb the air for it as well as begin the brakes.

my ghetto paper tape off job (got the paper from the box the repair panels where shipped in)...

shot of the black epoxy primer...

finally the dark green, turns out the green on the truck is actually lighter, from the sun exposure its darkened up, so i wanted to match the existing dark green, its a bit greener in person, i think...

this might be a better shot to compare the new green with the old green...


tylordurben 06-11-2008 01:09 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
well, did a lot of work yesterday... nothing real picture worthy but thought id chime in and let yall know whats going on.

got the complete front and rear suspension on the truck, ran all the air lines and required electrical. also hooked all that up with the valves and fittings and switches. lots of little things i guess. the torque converter got here yesterday also, guess its up to me now to push forward with the progress. other thing i did was sand the firewall! yup i hit it with some 400 on a pad to flatten out the surface a bit more and if it doesnt rain tomorrow morning ill be spraying a couple more coats of the single stage green.

goal is to paint the firewall tomorrow and begin (hopefully finish) the brakes tomorrow too. that will leave the weekend to slip the motor / trans back in for the last time and begin hooking everything up.


tylordurben 06-17-2008 08:45 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
alright, its been a while since i update. school really demanded a lot last week and the rain kept me from progressing as quickly as i hoped. but all in all, i guess im on schedule.

block sanded the firewall, yeah i wasnt satisfied:

bent all the brake hard lines (need to double flare them):

finished plumbing and wiring the suspension air-ride:

motor and trans are also back together and in the truck, also installed the block hugger headers ceramic coated, obviously i am still waiting on the 3 deuce set-up and valve covers, hopefully soon:

im sure i did more, its just been a little here and a little there between the rain the homework.


GRIMSS 06-17-2008 10:50 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
I like the switches.

Daniel U 06-19-2008 02:20 AM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
Are the three 2's for looks or performance? Just curious as either are good reasons.

mylow53 06-19-2008 04:20 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
ok i think those headers will work are their any clearence issues with the motor mounts? what is the part number? thanks for the photos and the help nice work

tylordurben 06-20-2008 10:26 AM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
thanks Grimss, i usually make them from scratch but that takes a long time. i bought these pre made.

its more for the look of things, the truck is meant for just cruising not performance. but they will all be hooked up and set progressively, maybe only the center one will work full duty and the other 2 can kick in after half throttle.

Greg, believe it or not those headers are off e-bay. im sure they are not the best quality header around but for a $150 price tag w/ collectors gaskets and hardware; and the use this truck will get it should be fine. i believe others manufactures make the same style header. they are "shorty block huggers".

there where no chassis or motor mount clearance issues. i will and already see issues with the steering connection. i am keeping the stock column so i think that will help me cause i can cut it back as much as i need to maybe find a straight line to the R/P. ill be tackling that issue soon as i finish flaring the brake-lines and bleeding the brakes.

follow the link to the ones i got:


Daniel U 06-23-2008 12:46 AM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
Looking like quick progress. I'm envious!

69face 06-24-2008 07:24 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
looking really good! keep it up!

tylordurben 06-24-2008 10:01 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
thanks guys... guess most of you knew it was coming, i have issues with the steering connection. i decided to start a thread to hopefully answer questions most everyone is having...

thanks, i look forward to all your responds.

tylordurben 06-29-2008 10:07 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
ok, so the GMC has been coming along, but pics of brake lines and double end flares are just not so cool. other little things have been going on with it to, not to mention that i got the wrong radiator (not my fault) so im waiting on that correction and waiting on another link for the steering.

in the mean time i did some work on my bicycle, figured if i cant take the truck July 3rd i gotta take something new. so i welded in the crank case, got the bike down to bare metal (i will paint it in the future), grinded 90% of the welds smooth and transfered most off my Schwinn to make this one ridable. still waiting on the white glitter banana seat and matching grips i ordered. gonna make some "Z" bar style handles later on cause i really like these on my Schwinn and i also have to make some pedals for it. well, enjoy the pics i just put the chain on it a couple minutes ago, had to link 2 chains from wal-mart.

btw its just over 7 feet long.


GRIMSS 06-29-2008 10:11 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
sweet bike.

youngrodder 06-30-2008 10:16 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
I want one...... that bike is sick. It would look cool all flat black.
You ever feel like building one to sell, let me know.

You sure are talented.



Originally Posted by tylordurben (Post 2786479)
ok, so the GMC has been coming along, but pics of brake lines and double end flares are just not so cool. other little things have been going on with it to, not to mention that i got the wrong radiator (not my fault) so im waiting on that correction and waiting on another link for the steering.

in the mean time i did some work on my bicycle, figured if i cant take the truck July 3rd i gotta take something new. so i welded in the crank case, got the bike down to bare metal (i will paint it in the future), grinded 90% of the welds smooth and transfered most off my Schwinn to make this one ridable. still waiting on the white glitter banana seat and matching grips i ordered. gonna make some "Z" bar style handles later on cause i really like these on my Schwinn and i also have to make some pedals for it. well, enjoy the pics i just put the chain on it a couple minutes ago, had to link 2 chains from wal-mart.

btw its just over 7 feet long.


slimneverdies 07-02-2008 12:47 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
Off topic but what did your client do with the old navy truck? Im looking for some parts

tylordurben 07-02-2008 01:26 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
did you get my PM slim?

as for the old navy truck he is doing that one as a bone stock truck, using all the goods from this one to build the other one. im not involved with that project though.

thank you youngrodder, maybe we can work something out if your really interested.

slimneverdies 07-02-2008 01:28 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
No. never got your pm:waah:

tylordurben 07-02-2008 10:57 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
i was wondering why you never called...

ill try and send you another pm right now...

tylordurben 07-03-2008 02:54 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
well, i hope you got the last pm i sent you, if not just pm me your number and ill call you.

nothing much on the truck. but i did get the bike up to ridable...

ok, today i made my pedals...

basically took black plastic ones and used the internals. got a piece of pipe and welded it to the cups for the bearings. for the pedals them selfs i used a chain i had laying around. cut the links i needed and welded them... similar to what Indian Larry (RIP) did on his chain bike or old lowrider steering wheels...

the banana seat has not gotten here yet, and i could not wait any longer to try and ride this thing. so i rigged the seat off my Schwinn just to be able to sit and pedal, the seating position is not to desirable right now, the banana seat should take care of that. it will be a little higher seating and further back almost over the rear tire. it rides smoother than i expected, you just gotta watch out for reflectors and dips in the road. i scrapped the bottom of the frame a bunch of times already.


BOHICA 07-03-2008 07:10 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
I dislike lowrider bikes, but you did a good job on that and the pedals are awesome.

tylordurben 07-05-2008 04:51 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
well thank you Bohica. im glad you like it. i on the other hand like lowrider bikes but never liked the size. they always seem to small, so i built something out of 2 26" bikes.

ill be updating the truck soon, just waiting for parts. in the mean time 1 more bike pic...

i took it to a 4th July show (in the bed of my buds 59 El Camino). everyone was checking out the bike more than the cars! i think it may have to do with my girl riding it.

well, this is the only decent pic i got shes not pedaling but you get the picture... btw she is wearing the "Praise the Lowered" wife beater i got her. last thing, i also let her drive the Buick to the show! while i took the Squareback.

i brightened up the pic in photoshop but its still a bit blurry...


tylordurben 07-08-2008 10:03 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
well, hope im not boring you guys with yet another off topic update. that Thing came back for some more work so i figured i would squeeze it in.

here is what went down... installed the front bumper, i lowered it about 1" (50's tricks why not) makes the front look very low! put some large Hella fogs on top of the bumper, upgraded some of the airlines that were not fitting the bill along with notching the spring plates. also ran 2 gauges to monitor psi (it didnt have them) put them in a pod i made to replace the stock radio. also added some on/off toggles for the fogs and compressor.

this thing is looking good now:

im enjoying making these "pods" simply yet effective:

here i got creative and did some pen pin stripping just to see what it would look like:

final product, clean and simple:


tylordurben 07-10-2008 05:59 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
so, how about 1 more totally off topic post, eh why not.

did some rust repair to the chassis of this 67 Bonneville. it belongs to my barber, yup. its on bags and on 20's (what waht?) its actually a really nice car, minus the wheels. power just about everything!

well, enjoy some pics...

the repairs to the rear of the chassis, welded solid and ground smooth:

undercoated and ready to go, he said it looked "pretty":

well, plans are to get back on the GMC Saturday. wrap up the nick nacks while i wait for the parts.


Daniel U 07-11-2008 01:13 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
Digging the Bonni! What impressive body lines. Looks sleek.

tylordurben 07-19-2008 11:20 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
not to worry...

progress is being made once again:


FRENCHBLUE72 07-19-2008 11:58 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
That is a sick 3 carb set-up!!!!

tylordurben 07-21-2008 02:39 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
thank you!

progress of the weekend, no where near as much as i hoped, but its progress. the brakes work, steering works (still need some final tweaks) and a bunch of other nonsense stuff is on its way or done. wont be long now. ordering a new dizzy cause the one he had didnt clear the 3rd carb (plus it is UGLY).


tylordurben 08-06-2008 10:07 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...

well i "finished" my 5th year architectural degree this past Friday! hence the lack of attention to the truck. mama always said school comes first. so now i can get back to the grind.

few things done not really picture worthy...

the steering is all tight now.
the stock 3 speed selector is now an automatic selector.
the engine bay inner fenders are painted semi-gloss black.
the new distributor is on.
a bunch of other small nick nacks as well as a run to the parts store.

so tomorrow ill snap some pics of what i can and post up.

school really put a stall on this project. as well as the super slow work from Vintage Speed on the carbs and not to mention Cool Crafts mess up on the radiator. but all is good and im back on it to see it through.


FRENCHBLUE72 08-06-2008 10:38 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
Sweet congrats on the schooling..

cajundragger 08-06-2008 10:39 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
I really dont think you'll fit a 29" tire under the rear fender. Unless its super skinny. My 255/35/20(27") took a nice fender raise/reverse section to lay the running board.

Then again all my running board supports are cut so I can go lower...I can lay my truck truck on top a piece of looseleaf and tear a straight line with the running board, lol.

slimneverdies 08-07-2008 12:27 AM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
Congrats on that degree Yaril:metal:. I havent forgot about you on the 53GMC but I need to talk to you about another project that Im tied up in. I know you're the man to bring it to. I hope to test your architectural skills out with this one.:cong:

tylordurben 08-08-2008 07:56 AM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
thanks yo! well Slim as you can tell the truck is still here i hope to hammer it out when i get back from my week off in NC. we'll be talking for sure.

slimneverdies 08-08-2008 12:24 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
I really didnt know what you were trying to tell me about that steering link and the cost of it. After see that last pic I see what you mean man. Damn

tylordurben 08-21-2008 07:03 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
yeah the steering is sorta complex but i got the hang of it now. :metal:

i havent forgotten about this build... it was just one thing after another. school, then a week off in NC and lastly a tropical storm / hurricane. well now only the "feeder bands" are left so that gives me a chance to make headway on the truck. here is whats new...

got the alternator, other one was shot. this one is 90+ amps. painted it black and the bracket along with some chrome brackets to tie in with a few other things.

got the breather tube in, that was actually quite a mission but its in. also chrome.

got a bunch of button head allen bolts to plug all the nasty left over holes on the face of the motor. think it looks better than a rusty hole. still got a few other places i want to use these on.

hooked up the accelorator pedal and trans kick down. i think it came out quite nice. trimmed the throttle cable down and carefully drilled it through the firewall. again chrome bracket at the carb to support the cables. inside i used a ford mustang "see-saw", this let me use the stock pedal that was a pusher, now it pulls the cable up top. that worked out quite nice. still gotta paint the see-saw and replace the hardware for button heads.

ran the fuel line and filter from the tank to the pump. just gotta find the 1 fitting to run from the pump to the pressure gauge. think ill run that line along the oil pan bolts to not clutter the top of the motor.

dropped the wood floor back in the bead. had to rotate it 180 cause the lower brace was hitting the air tank. sorry forgot to take pics of that. but this weekend or tomorrow ill be working out the front and rear supports so ill snap some pics.

also got the battery, optima red top, it fit in the battery box amazingly. wired that up to the starter and ground.

wow, seems like a lot, but it looks the same. haha, thats just the way it goes. its all the little things that take the most time i guess.

well some pics...

the button heads:

the throttle cable:

the pedal see-saw (still got lots of "cleaning" to do in here):

the fender wheels:

shot of the alternator:

well, thats my update for today.


slimneverdies 08-21-2008 08:25 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
Im breaking mine down as we speak. Did the entire front clip just come of in one whole piece?

tylordurben 08-21-2008 09:37 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
sorta. you can unhang the leafs from the chassis. dont touch the brakes tie rods ext, just cut the dry old brake hoses and disconnect from the steering box. if you put wheels on it, you can roll it where ever you want.

be sure to keep the front leaf eye. thats the basis for dimensioning the mustang II front end.

OrrieG 08-21-2008 11:03 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...

Originally Posted by tylordurben (Post 2838965)

well i "finished" my 5th year architectural degree this past Friday! hence the lack of attention to the truck. mama always said school comes first. so now i can get back to the grind.

few things done not really picture worthy...

the steering is all tight now.
the stock 3 speed selector is now an automatic selector.
the engine bay inner fenders are painted semi-gloss black.
the new distributor is on.
a bunch of other small nick nacks as well as a run to the parts store.

so tomorrow ill snap some pics of what i can and post up.

school really put a stall on this project. as well as the super slow work from Vintage Speed on the carbs and not to mention Cool Crafts mess up on the radiator. but all is good and im back on it to see it through.


Congrats from a fellow architect (ASU 78). Now comes the fun part, internship. I started college with 4 nice cars and sold one per year the last 4 to pay for tutition, etc. Good luck.

tylordurben 08-22-2008 07:20 AM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
thanks man! well sorta... haha i hope not to lose my cars. luckily i already have 6 years of internship under my belt. just gotta get it signed off. oh and i paid for my classes out of pocket, that sucked! im a simple guy who hates owing anything. im honestly taking some time off from architecture and ill see where i end up in about a year. thanks again.

CAL 58 GMC 08-22-2008 09:27 AM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
Your motor looks good! Lots of progress since the last time I ckecked your thread out.

solidaxel 08-22-2008 10:38 AM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...

Originally Posted by tylordurben (Post 2858866)
thanks man! well sorta... haha i hope not to lose my cars. luckily i already have 6 years of internship under my belt. just gotta get it signed off. oh and i paid for my classes out of pocket, that sucked! im a simple guy who hates owing anything. im honestly taking some time off from architecture and ill see where i end up in about a year. thanks again.

Not to worry, you have what it takes to suceed,


Vision and hard work!!

"From the school of hard knocks"

slimneverdies 08-22-2008 01:45 PM

Re: 1950 GMC Project...
I can vouch for him. Ive personally seen this guys work and I can truly say that he's one bad ass fabricator. You definitely have to have vision to just create some of this stuff as you go. Well Im gonna take advantage of his skills with my projects before he lands some gig with one of these design companies. LOL just kidding

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