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Low Elco 05-01-2012 10:17 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
4 Attachment(s)
Well it's kind of a big but not big day. Boppa came out and cleaned out the 'ol yeller truck- for the last time. He'll be goin' fishin' with the Little Black GMC for a while. We had some time, so we moved the new cab and doors over to the neighbor's garage, and built a new cart literally out of stuff I had lying around for the bed to move on. We took some pics, here they are.

What we got done today-
Attachment 917921

The Kid wanted to get in a shot-
Attachment 917922

Note my great paint match on the Dump Truck door I bought cheap and tossed on so Boppa could have it back- (2 years ago!)
Attachment 917923

Advanced Rot-
Attachment 917924

Shed your tears and say your prayers, kids, here's (hopefully) where the ball starts rollin'!

67cheby 05-01-2012 10:20 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Can't wait !!
Posted via Mobile Device

J kippin 05-01-2012 10:42 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
nice work truck looks good finish work is also vey nicely done.

litew8 05-04-2012 08:01 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
:hi: :wop:

Tinkermc 05-04-2012 08:15 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
was hoping to see lots of progress, I guess your camera is broke?

VA72C10 05-04-2012 09:44 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Nice work! Door gaps look great and paint is looking great!

BruthaMan 05-04-2012 10:34 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Hey lowE,

Stopped by to see how you were doing. I've had to break away the past week or so and get some "real" work done, haven't had much time to see how things are going.

How's the weather up there? We're already getting into the 100's here this week.

Low Elco 05-06-2012 10:34 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
3 Attachment(s)
Hi y'all! How prescient of b-man to ask about the weather. It's been in the 90's here the end of this week, and that's got momma in pool mode. So Friday and Saturday I opened 2 pools and fixed the ladder on ours. Pics-

Neighbor's pool- the deck was last year's project.
Attachment 920306

Our pool-pool in '07, Boppa and I built deck in '08.
Attachment 920307

My ladder repair- stainless, baby!
Attachment 920308

Low Elco 05-06-2012 10:47 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
3 Attachment(s)
Ok, so we're working on Sat and get to talking about this big full moon. So we decided to have a pit fire in the driveway and have all the neighbors over. I decided to use the occasion to give ol yella one last hurrah, because beer tastes better when consumed on a tailgate! Most of the neighbors and my BIL/SIL came over and a good time was had by all. Till late. Very late. You'd think by now I'd know better! :devil::ito:

Big Daddy needs a big chair!
Attachment 920360

Yella in the house!
Attachment 920361

Some of the aftermath-
Attachment 920362

Tinkermc 05-06-2012 10:54 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
everyone needs a break from time to time

67cheby 05-06-2012 11:07 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Lol, great chair !
Posted via Mobile Device

Low Elco 05-06-2012 11:12 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
5 Attachment(s)
Ok, so today I slowly and carefully dragged my sodden carcass out to the shop, and Boppa came out and we got to work. Slowly. (He thought my condition was hilarious. I reminded him that I'll be choosing his retirement home.) We stripped the back of the truck including the bed, and tested the fit of the new gas tank. We also did damage assessment. To the bat-cam!

Bent bed supports. How the hell did they manage this?
Attachment 920385

Rot at the rear bed sill and ripped out mount bolt holes-
Attachment 920386

One of the many reasons we replaced the cab-
Attachment 920387

Pulling the bed off onto the cart, not a bad idea.
Attachment 920388

Where we left off- waiting for attention.
Attachment 920384

Now to start welding again! At least It's not show welding, hopefully it'll go quick. Thanks for rollin' with me, gang!

Low Elco 05-06-2012 11:18 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Yes, it was a needed break. Some neighbors got to vent a little steam as well, did everyone good. The Chair is awesome. Everyone's gotta try it out. For comparison, I'm 6'0", 207. It's a big damn chair. You can get one at Menards. Thanks, guys.

BruthaMan 05-06-2012 11:35 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Nice! You know how to enjoy life!

That's the biggest portable chair I've ever seen. Looks like someone made it for "Big Show" on WWE!

Hope those temps keep low up there. I've yet to adjust to the overwhelming heat down here in south/central Texas. In Amarillo (where we moved from), it got hot, but the "extreme" heat was maybe three months there. Here, there's six to seven months of continuous 90-100 degree days.

Low Elco 05-07-2012 08:12 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Bman, I hear ya! We built the neighbors deck through July of last year, which was one of the hottest in recent years. Oy, was it hot. My happy place is 85-90, so I've been great so far, I hope it holds. Hope y'all get the rain you need. We looked up a new floor last night, I think we be welding up the POS! 999.95! Yipe! My course has been set, just gotta not overthink things. Hopefully we be sandblasting next weekend.
Posted via Mobile Device

litew8 05-07-2012 09:08 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
That's what I'm talkin bout! pics :metal: Wish I had a pool like that.

Low Elco 05-13-2012 10:52 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
5 Attachment(s)
Well, had kind of a slow week, busy with other stuff. Fixed motorcycles :metal: yesterday, and had kid parties and grad parties and Mom's day stuff to do. TODAY, however, we got it on! To the pictures!

Hi quality rear harness. Yes, it's in the trash.
Attachment 926305

Some "experimental" taps on the bodywork got us these results-
Attachment 926306

This is what happens when you patch with fiberglass!
Attachment 926307

This is why you don't lap seam when you do patch panels!
Attachment 926308

Attachment 926309

Ah, but what happened next?

Low Elco 05-13-2012 11:12 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
5 Attachment(s)
So, we had it apart, now what to do? (Option Paralysis is my middle name.) As usual, we reverted to "do something even if it's wrong mode". Well, here we go!

Broke out the spotweld cutter (side note: if I ever meet the guy that invented the spotweld cutter, I'll kiss his ass at Hollywood and Vine!) and took out the rear sill-
Attachment 926310

The sill was bad enough, here's what was on top of it-
Attachment 926311

Of course, both sides were rusted through, silly!
Attachment 926312

Now that the sill was off, the edges were bent to stew, even when the sides were on. And the bed bolt holes were blown out, one in a BIG way, and the bed floor was bent and had some real good dents. So we got out the hi-tech fab equipment, and straightened all that out.
Attachment 926313

Where we are now, sorta.
Attachment 926314

I say sorta because me and the neighbor (the guy from the painting pics who has been massively helpful) decided that the second sill (the one that was bent to hell) needed to come out, too. So, we got him out too, then straightened the front part out. Now, we gotta weld up the big and small holes and sandblast a buncha parts. Should be a laugh riot, but hey, I'm encouraged by the progress. Also, the Owner's Wife (my mom) came out this week and looked at the cab progress and she's stoked, so we must be doin' somethin' right. Anyway, have a good week, fellas!

litew8 05-14-2012 02:04 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Got your work cut out for you.

Low Elco 05-15-2012 12:36 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Ha, "cut out" you say? Remember those holes? Well, they got "cut out" tonight and now they're gone. Gotta grind tomorrow, but it's all welded up. I have pics, but I gotta go to bed. Later!

Low Elco 05-16-2012 08:15 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Got on it again last night, all the welds are ground down and pinholes filled. Bed floor done and new drivers inner welded and ground. Got a wood front crossmember for my steel bed, Boppa is getting that exchanged Friday. Sandblasting next! No pics, Internet is down at home.
Posted via Mobile Device

Tinkermc 05-16-2012 01:17 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
well since I was here last it looks like you found some rust, work looks good

Low Elco 05-22-2012 01:05 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
No, I haven't quit! Been workin and takin pics but went 4 wheeler ridin this weekend. Now have head to toe poison ivy. Wheeee! Hoping to get some done this week and get the bed fitted this weekend. We'll see.
Posted via Mobile Device

litew8 05-23-2012 01:02 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
poison ivy sucks!!

Low Elco 05-23-2012 01:06 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Dude, you literally have no idea. I did get the shop cleaned tonight, though.
Posted via Mobile Device

litew8 05-23-2012 01:36 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Growing up, playing military in the wooded area in our neighborhood, being allergic to poison ivy - I know, trust me I know. When your eyelids swell shut covered with poison ivy, you know it sucks. Head to toe, been there when I was younger... seriously sucks BAD. I've learned to steer clear of any weeds, even the ones growing in my yard.

Low Elco 05-23-2012 08:50 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Your description is pretty close to the current condition, which appears to be advancing rapidly. My joy cannot be contained.
Posted via Mobile Device

litew8 05-23-2012 09:14 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Whatever you do, DO NOT POST PICTURES of it! :smoke:
Go to the store and buy some Zanfel. It's a God send product.

Low Elco 05-25-2012 08:23 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Went to the doc and got a shot and some pills, which of course I forgot this morning. Been out in the shop this week, painted a helmet, picked up a side job, cut another crossmember off the floor. Glad I did, it was BAD underneath. I promise, pics this weekend!
Posted via Mobile Device

litew8 05-25-2012 09:37 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
For less than the cost of a doctors visit, Zanfel would have it gone by now.

Low Elco 05-26-2012 11:38 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
5 Attachment(s)
Ok, where to start. I have a ton of pics, but I'll try to whittle it down to last night and today. Last night, cut out the bad chunks of the bed floor, scrubbed the bad rust out of the rest, welded in and finished the patch metal, picked up the third new crossmember, RAN OUT OF FRIGGIN' GAS IN THE MIG. :waah: Also bodyworked and primed a honda civic hood, fender, and front bumper cover. Today- painted the honda stuff, got the new tank mocked up and the bed floor test fit. Cut the hidden hitch down to fit, removed a frame brace and found rust holes. In the frame. Oy. Not to worry, but a bit of work. Boppa and The Kid removed the front Inner Fenders. Here's Pics-

Patch in the middle of the bed.
Attachment 932417

Finished bed floor- 6, count 'em, 6, patch panels here!
Attachment 932418

The frame. Yup, through the frame and the spring mount. Cool, huh?
Attachment 932419

Boppa did the bottom of the bed in Rust Bullet.
Attachment 932420

Shiny Honda!
Attachment 932421

VA72C10 05-27-2012 12:32 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Nice progress! Bed floor turned out nice!

Low Elco 05-27-2012 12:35 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
5 Attachment(s)
Ok, I got a lotta pics, so here's some more.

One side rear bed patch
Attachment 932458

Other rear bed patch
Attachment 932459

The blast rig- over the used pool cover is the deal!
Attachment 932460

Boppa wire wheeling
Attachment 932461

Our beat inner fenders-
Attachment 932462

Low Elco 05-27-2012 12:37 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Thanks! Really hacked at myself for running out of gas. Spent an hour on the phone trying to track some down on a Saturday. Ha, good luck. Oh, well.

litew8 05-27-2012 11:59 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck

c10327 05-27-2012 01:35 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck

Originally Posted by Low Elco (Post 5401873)
Thanks! Really hacked at myself for running out of gas. Spent an hour on the phone trying to track some down on a Saturday. Ha, good luck. Oh, well.

wow just found your tread got say nice work so far !! I bougt a 70 c10 back on valentines day in hampton new Hampshire doing a resto on it as well . it's alot of work when your doing 98% yourself . but will be well worth it when done bought new good mark bedsides an gate an whole new nose core support an fenders $$ not cheap . :metal: taking my time but it dosent seem fast enuf . I will keep an eye on your progress looks Great so far .. Vermont

Low Elco 05-27-2012 04:28 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Thanks! Good luck with yours, a NH truck has to be a rough start!
Posted via Mobile Device

c10327 05-27-2012 04:48 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
the body panels on the bed were the worst .
the truck was origanaly a Virgina truck so not to bad , the frame was incredibly solid an need no repair :) painted it with Black rust shield . had a few amateur repairs before me an I do mean amateur , being a original CST truck it had the upper an lower moldings that were removed an the holes were filled with bondo !! an it was black which showed everything . owell it will be nice when it's done as it has the new bed an a brand new nose l/r fenders core support in both inner fenders an more--- who have you used your replacement pieces ?

Low Elco 05-28-2012 12:13 AM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
Just whatever the supply houses have. Usually try to deal with Ron Manes, but Classic is just up the road from Boppa, and Jim Carter is just up the way from me. We spread it around a bit.

Tinkermc 05-28-2012 08:59 PM

Re: Boppa's old yeller truck
a lot of work, but good lookin results,

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