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JointTech 07-22-2013 05:36 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
got the new pump in today. I dont love how the pressure hose runs but I didnt want to bend it all up like the one I took off. Im guessing there is a better fitting hose but since the engine and pump arent original i got what fit. The engine will probably get swapped soon enough anyway.

JointTech 07-27-2013 09:25 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
good thing I have new tires coming.
was pulling the truck around to work on the valve covers and heard something weird. Assumed the suspension was falling out since I just put it back together.
turns out I may need a new tire.

JointTech 07-27-2013 06:51 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
pulled off my valve covers to replace the gaskets and while I had them off decide to paint them.
ended up blasting and painting the valve covers, breather cap, plug wire separators and the air cleaner.
Unfortunately it doesnt look much better under the hood :( more work to do. I taped up the melted wire cover for the temp sending unit. I need to shorten some hoses and the batery cable to the engine block.

Superdrag67 07-29-2013 12:57 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
You're making good progress! I'm in the middle of a steering rebuild and drum to disc brake swap so i feel your pain with those ball joints. The pickle fork was too small, the press from o'reilly was too short, broke a press from harbor freight. After several hours and only one ball joint free i gave up and broke out the grinder. Cut some relief slots and those balljoints popped right out. :lol: luckily i was trashing it all anyways.
Posted via Mobile Device

JointTech 08-08-2013 09:26 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
went and picked up the truck from the tire shop today. Tried to drive it off and was out of gas :metal: always something.

anyway they look bad-ass
went with AE Series 018 matte black and Milled. With Hankook 275/55r20

JointTech 08-11-2013 06:19 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
I got my new body mounts put in today. just the cab mounts. I havent done the radiator core support yet.

getting them out wasnt too bad. Had to put breaker bars on the top and bottom of the front bolts, it was pretty tight. the back ones came right out with the impact gun.

I also hit the hood with the DA and some 80grit. Smoothed it down a bunch. the flaking paint was driving me crazy.

I also for the first time ever cleaned all the windows inside and out. took alot of simple green and windex but it makes a 1000% difference when sitting in it. lol who'd have thought huh.

still going back and forth on paint. I really want to start shooting it with some cheap rustoleum. I have a quart of Aluminum color staring at me at the shop and a new paint gun...

I figure at least it will be one color. I have to take every panel to metal anyway and am going to go a panel at a time so one more layer of paint isnt going to make a difference.

Pro Performance 09-03-2013 09:32 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
Just came across your build thread... nice work. I think the wheels and tires look great!

JointTech 11-28-2013 07:32 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
Thanks! Finally getting back to work on the truck after getting into the new shop.
I took the cowl off and started sanding it. all those little grooves and angles are a nightmare.

so then I had this idea...

Gotta go to chinafreight and get a new gun for my blast cabinet before I try it.

JointTech 12-08-2013 12:25 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
I got all my new stuff. respirator/tyvex,body hammers and dollys (made in usa), paint, dynablocks and paper. Cheap TCP paint gun set. Extra 2.0 and 2.5 tips. A finex paintgun with 1.4 tip. Body mud, glaze, spreader, paint mixing stuff and filters.
Then I actually got to some real work on the cowl. Its really hard getting into all those crevices. Stuck it in my sandblaster and used a bunch of different wheels to get in the cracks. Got half completely done. Now on to the next half.

My hand was freezing from the cold air coming from the angle grinder.

ThreeQtr 12-09-2013 07:43 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
Uh, Would like to see this work and stuff but....:metal: something's missing.:uhmk:
Anybody else notice something is missing?

zellway 12-09-2013 08:16 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
It's cool to see a 3/4 ton get some love. Looks great! :metal:

JointTech 12-09-2013 08:31 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
doh. dumb photobucket. I fixed the pictures.

Steve-W 12-09-2013 07:23 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
those rims look awesome! keep up the good work :metal:

JointTech 12-12-2013 07:53 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
done with the cowl :metal:

Got the hood off and ready for stripping. It seems to be pretty straight. Looks like somebody had a hood ornament on it at some point so those holes need to be welded. There are also 3 or 4 holes on the underside front lip of the hood. I was thinking they are for drainage?

Shiny new suspension stuff all covered in crap. Im going to goodwill to get 5 sheets. One for each tire and one for the engine compartment.

getting my new "paint booth" tomorrow and hopefully I can get some epoxy at least on the hood and cowl this weekend. If im feeling frisky Imay try to paint them completely.

JointTech 12-13-2013 04:48 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
got half of the top of the hood done. Love those paint eater things. I used a 4" on the angle grinder. I tried 80grit on a DA but it was close to worthless. I dont see how you would do this with just sandpaper.

Steve-W 12-13-2013 07:54 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20

Originally Posted by JointTech (Post 6416050)
got half of the top of the hood done. Love those paint eater things. I used a 4" on the angle grinder. I tried 80grit on a DA but it was close to worthless. I dont see how you would do this with just sandpaper.

Why not sandblast it?

JointTech 12-13-2013 04:38 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20

Originally Posted by Steve-W (Post 6416095)
Why not sandblast it?

It wont fit in my blast cabinet :lol:
tbh I've thought about it, but I've spent so much on all the tools to do this stuff myself I want to just see it through.

Steve-W 12-14-2013 08:02 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20

Originally Posted by JointTech (Post 6416826)
It wont fit in my blast cabinet :lol:
tbh I've thought about it, but I've spent so much on all the tools to do this stuff myself I want to just see it through.

some good old elbow grease :) althought sanblasting in a living room size cabin wearing a full suit with airsupply isn't exaclty a walk in the park either.

Low Elco 12-14-2013 08:26 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
The trick is to not use a sander. Get a good corded drill and a 6" DA pad at the local paint store, and a roll of 6" 80 grit stickyback discs. Put the pad in the drill, paper on the pad. Note: keep pad flat with the surface, never up on edge. You will lay waste to any paint/bondo in your way. This will work for the vast majority of your flat surfaces. Then go to HF and get a 4 1/2" angle grinder. Then go to the weld supply and get a flat knotted wire brush for your new grinder (or several, I bought a box). This will get into 90% of the places the pad won't. Use the little air tools for everything else. Enjoy your domination of the old paint and don't forget your respirator.

JointTech 12-14-2013 10:02 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
I got the top of the hood finished last night.
Today I played with filling trim holes. Testing on the bed.

Im getting comfortable before tackling the holes in the hood. there was a hood ornament at some point.

And it looks like they had a rock deflector or wind deflector on it as well.

making some progress at least. Thought I was going to get some painting in this weekend but its not looking like it.

JointTech 12-14-2013 10:09 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
ive been using one of these for most of the work. Not sure it could come off any faster but Ill try your drill trick.

I also like the brown and green roloc pads in a angle die grinder.
I have a bunch of different wire wheels that help in the corners and lips.

JointTech 01-07-2014 09:38 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
well I've actually been doing stuff on it.
Finished removing all the paint on the hood. Had a bunch of failures with harbor fright soda and pressure blasters. finally just went back to a wire wheel on the angle grinder.

I welded up the holes on the hood. Had a few blowouts but for a beginner I think it came out pretty good.

Then I flipped it over and did the holes on the top of the hood.
crappy weld had to poke it out and redo.

Then I noticed this: It looks like the hood was beaten on where the orniment was. Im pretty sure it was wavy before I welded and grinded but now I really see it.

not sure if Ill just leave it or what.

hopefully some epoxy this week.

Steve-W 01-08-2014 07:57 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20

Originally Posted by JointTech (Post 6458763)
...then I noticed this: It looks like the hood was beaten on where the orniment was. Im pretty sure it was wavy before I welded and grinded but now I really see it.
not sure if Ill just leave it or what.

Bondo4life! :)

JointTech 01-08-2014 11:36 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20

Originally Posted by Steve-W (Post 6460320)
Bondo4life! :)

ugh I was hoping not to.

Got out my new hammers and dollys to try to tap it up a little. When I flipped the hood over all the latch and bracing is right over the waves... No access with hammer.

So now I need a new tool right? Stud puller with a slide hammer right. yea i think I definitely need one. :waah:

I went ahead and wiped down the the whole hood with mineral oil until I could wipe a paper towel on it and come up white. Went home and was doing some more paint prep research and came across 9000 threads saying to not use anything except W & G remover.

So today I redid the whole thing with W&G remover..

Sure is shiny. now im thinking I should just clearcoat it ;)

JointTech 01-12-2014 06:07 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
Finally got some paint on the cowl and hood. Just the undersides. Im glad. I have some changes to make.
1. a sagging 10x10 tent barely gives enough room to move around the hood.
2. need more light
3. regulator and mini water separator attached to the gun makes it really long and hard to get into crevices.
4. Wash the pot first. Im pretty sure I ruined this one. Its got crud that no amount of scrubbing and thinner will take off the inside ;(.
I did make sure to clean the gun really well.

So it went ok.
heres the hood. ill explain the mess in a minute.

Not horrible for the first time painting.

But just as I thought I was doing pretty good the crappy unstable lamp tipped over on the hood. Knocked sand blasting crap and dirt from the lamp (which I blew off and wiped for hours). My genious idea was to just wipe it off and paint over it.

bad idea. Now I have to sand it down and repaint.

heres where the body of the lamp stand hit and I resprayed. ALso will need sanding and repainting.

I got something strange on my cowl. I'm positive I cleaned and recleaned it well so I'm not sure what this is. Some kind of spots show through the DTM epoxy. Hopefully primer covers it.

Going to make some changes to my setup and do the top sides soon.

JointTech 01-25-2014 10:47 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
finally got epoxy on the tops of hood and cowl. First big surface Ive done and I got some striping.

Kind of excited about starting the sanding/filler/primer.

JointTech 01-28-2014 10:20 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
Laid down some high build primer today. 3 obvious dings in it Ill have to skim. But here comes the sanding I guess ;)

JointTech 01-29-2014 05:57 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
Put on some filler. to try to raise that wave from the hood ornament and a couple dings I noticed.

hopefully i used the right amount of hardener.

and yes I way overdid it on the amount of mud I needed. That stuff got hard quick too. :) Note to self. make sure to sand and clean the spots BEFORE mixing the mud.

JointTech 02-10-2014 07:19 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
whoo hoo
finally some color

not bad for my first go. Paint is a little shinier than I thought it would be.

color is just about perfect. I think I would have prefered a couple shaeds darker but this will do.

looks much darker in this pic.

Got a few spots that Im not sure what happened. Looks like splatter.

I didnt get a picture but after all the sanding and priming and filling and blocking after I put down the color I see 3 obvious dents in the hood. Grumble. Cant believe I missed them.

Low Elco 02-13-2014 02:02 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
Looking great! Have you investigated Durablocks? They're Grrreat!

Don't sweat the mistakes,happens to all of us. Even the super cool pro guys. Yellow attracts hella bugs, especially between your second and third coat of clear.

JointTech 02-13-2014 11:36 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
i have a bunch of durablocks. I need to get some longer ones though.

The crap and the dents pissed me off so I glazed them, epoxyed and repainted the hood. I used some more reducer this time and I got less peel. I think I have a keeper.

I took the passenger fender off. Time to bang and sand and paint.

Had time to blast the hood hinge.

Steve-W 02-14-2014 04:50 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
coming along great! isn't it just dust in the paint? perhaps you'll be able to polish it out when the paint is hardened..

JointTech 02-14-2014 06:04 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
nope. flat paint you cant buff or polish ;) it is what it is when it drys. lol. Im still pretty happy with it. Im not going for a show truck.

JointTech 02-16-2014 07:57 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
got the grill and drivers fender off.

Cleaned up the shop a little to get ready for the next storm of dust. Probably should have put down a tarp when painting. Got a blueish floor lol.

JointTech 02-24-2014 06:03 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
Well it looks like this is going to be a most-of-the-frame-off restomod. After seeing the rust in the fenders I just want to take the whole thing apart. degrease and derust... and put it back together clean. Im not in a rush but it would really piss me off to see it rot in 5 years. do it right the first time or something like that...

Got the core support out. more fluids and grime in my shop...

some rust under the battery tray

other side not so bad.

Yanked the engine

and transmission and headers all at once...

running out of room to stack stuff

ah now I can see all the grease on the frame.

A friend of mine was cleaning out the garage on a resto he did years ago. Had a left over box of odds and ends.

tranny condom. haha

maybe the torque convertor wont fall out

Im not good at geometry but do you see a problem here. harbor freight... Had to put the engine on the ground and entend the bar out to the 1/2 ton setting to be able to reach the engine stand.

heater/ac box out. most wires labeled.

on the stand. not sure what Im going to do with it. Im thinking of going 4bt/6bt but that means the stuff Ive already bought like driveshaft, exhaust, carb, etc will all be useless after 50 miles...

JointTech 03-17-2014 04:25 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
Cab came off today.


Built a stand

And a stand for the frame (next weekend??)

The easy part was getting it up.

Due to size of the cherry picker...

Lots of cursing and one dropped cab later:

Now to take my brand new stuff back off to have the frame blasted.

Or maybe I just cut the frame off here, turn it into a trailer and be done with it whew!

JointTech 03-19-2014 11:00 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
Got the bed off today. was kind of a beast for 2 people to get it upright on the cart. Dang that thing is tall.

down to the frame

going to remove a few more things and then take it to the blaster.

Tooks the gas tank out. If you remember a few pages ago I replaced the saddle tank bolts with some zinc ones from fastenal. Stainless were something like $50 a bolt.

well its only been a year or less and the trucks only gone 15 miles and is kept inside.

Mustard72 03-21-2014 11:42 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
Looks like you, just like I did, bought the big engine stand from Harbor Freight. I've been wrestling with mine for years because of the dual front wheel thing. What a PITA. But, it's dang stable with the engine on it, and it's paid for, so whatever. It sure would be nice to be able to just wheel the engine on the hoist up to the stand and bolt it up, wouldn't it?

And, just like my C20 project, yours is getting out of hand, too:lol::metal: Looks like fun, though.

JointTech 04-06-2014 02:57 AM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
got my stuff back from the blaster today.

frame, core support, rear end, inner fenders and the spare tire holder.
Plus Ive blasted a bunch of other chassis parts that would fit in my blast cabinet.

Took the steering column apart for paint and new bearings.
Lots of little parts. danger will robinson.

left the frame on my cherry picker so I can clean and paint it.

JointTech 04-14-2014 08:46 PM

Re: N00b with a 72 c20
sprayed the frame and the back of the core support before running out of paint.
POR-15 satin black. I dont love the way it lays down. has spots that are shiny and spots that arent. but its the frame so ill just remember to stick with the normal por15 from now on.

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