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rnrdthefox 08-16-2021 02:15 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
5 Attachment(s)
Cleaned up a number of welding areas from replacing the door skin and adjusting gaps with cloths hanger rod. Here are a few pics.

rnrdthefox 08-16-2021 02:21 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
3 Attachment(s)
I knew I had some rust below the glove box, but didn't know that I had some issues under the trim. I found it once I removed the trim for the windshield. I need to deal with this.

The real disappointing part is that I didn't realize that the dash wasn't bolted in. I always assumed it was bolted in. Now I'm trying to decide if I want to fix it in place or pull it out. I REALLY don't want to pull it and deal with the spot welds on the windshield molding surface. Here are a few pics of what I'm dealing with.

rnrdthefox 08-16-2021 02:21 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"

Originally Posted by 8man (Post 8958596)

Thank you Sir!

8man 08-16-2021 02:26 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
I replaced a dash in the 48. While it's no fun, but it isn't that traumatic. The worst part isn't at at the, it is on the sides. If you can get a dash, when it comes out make sure they get all of it! I used a spot weld cutter on the windshield line and it left holes for me to plug weld the new one into place there.

rnrdthefox 08-16-2021 02:33 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"

Originally Posted by 8man (Post 8958609)
I replaced a dash in the 48. While it's no fun, but it isn't that traumatic. The worst part isn't at at the, it is on the sides. If you can get a dash, when it comes out make sure they get all of it! I used a spot weld cutter on the windshield line and it left holes for me to plug weld the new one into place there.

I'll keep that in mind. Do you have an opinion on the aftermarket dashes? I can pick one up for ~$350 plus shipping. If I have to pull the dash, and a new one fits well, I'd rather just replace with a new one. Although they seem to be backordered right now. :(

8man 08-16-2021 02:48 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
I had a used one. It fit well. It was removed very carefully and so I did the same to the truck. It worked well.

I don't know how a new one fits, someone else will have to address that.

gigamanx 08-17-2021 08:39 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
Nice work on the patch panels. Slow and steady! Following along to see how the build goes.

rnrdthefox 09-28-2021 12:54 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
5 Attachment(s)
Time for an update. I haven't tackled the dash yet and will get a game plan for that in a bit. In the meantime, I wanted to make some progress in some other areas.

I took the doors to the media blaster along with some of the trim. Here are a few pics and what I found. Overall I was happy with the job. I had some rust holes show up on the inside of the drivers door. I also learned that I need to clean the weather stripping adhesive better as the blasting won't take it all off. Overall the doors came back with a clean foundation to work from.

rnrdthefox 09-28-2021 12:57 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
4 Attachment(s)
I decided to replace a complete section of the drivers door where the rust holes were. I have to say the internal bracing is a poor design IMO. It collected dirt and water over the years and rusted from within. Here is what I found.

rnrdthefox 09-28-2021 01:01 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
4 Attachment(s)
I ended up using one of the pieces that came off the power window track to graft into the existing structure. I figured it wouldn't be seen and just need to be solid. Then I welded a solid patch back over it with several spot welds. On the left side, I just filled in the holes. One thing I don't like about doing welding on a clean bare metal door is the welding splatter that has to be cleaned after the fact. Because of this, I'm going to do some more finish welding on the cab before I send it out to be blasted.

rnrdthefox 09-28-2021 01:53 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
3 Attachment(s)
I did get the doors into epoxy primer which was the goal after blasting. Now they can sit for a while until I'm ready to start body work on them. With the white epoxy, I can see all the little dings and dents that need to be fixed along with the weld seams with the patch panels. The body work will most likely start this winter.

rnrdthefox 09-28-2021 02:08 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
5 Attachment(s)
Last weekend I decided to work on the bed inner tubs. I went to the local trailer supply store and bought two fenders. After some measuring, I decided that making the inner tubs about 3.25" wide would work for my needs. Cutting up good fenders was a little painful, but I don't have the tooling to get the rounded corners that I wanted.

Measured a few times, marked with tape, and went to cutting with the cutoff wheel. Also cut out a semi-circle of 16 ga and bent a 3/4" lip on it for the face and tacked it all together.

rnrdthefox 09-28-2021 02:10 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
5 Attachment(s)
A couple last pics of the inner tubs mocked up before final welding work.

Tempest67 09-28-2021 02:32 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
nice metal work on those inner fenders.

keep it going............

8man 09-28-2021 06:01 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
Very nice work. Like the repurposed door patch as well.

mobileortho 10-06-2021 10:54 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"

Originally Posted by rnrdthefox (Post 8910335)
I would suggest that anyone doing this, should make templates along the way as it speeds things up on the second door, and provides a uniform look. I know you can only see one door at a time, but my OCD wants pairs to look the same. :sumo:

Here are a few pictures of the templates I made and used on the second door. Also, I highly recommend you take the time to make a metal template for the Miata handles if you aren't trying to weld in a sheet metal patch for the handles from the door vehicle.

Love the Miata door handles, great job! I had bought a set earlier but realized that the install was going to be waaaaayyy above my skill set!!

rnrdthefox 10-06-2021 12:16 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"

Originally Posted by mobileortho (Post 8980750)
Love the Miata door handles, great job! I had bought a set earlier but realized that the install was going to be waaaaayyy above my skill set!!

Thanks. It wasn't that hard, just a lot of thinking and figuring. All of the metal work was done with basic tools. It took a while to do however as I couldn't find any details on what needed to be done. That's why I spent the time to document my work.

mobileortho 10-06-2021 03:06 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
You did an awesome job and your skills exceed mine by far! BTW, this is the link I saw that made me want to install them in mine.
Miata door handles on a AD pickup

rnrdthefox 10-25-2021 06:41 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
2 Attachment(s)
Quick update. I've been jumping around a bit and doing some smaller stuff. First, I built a filler panel below the bed side and roll pan. This was my first test of 16ga metal on a cheap harbor freight bender. I found one for cheap on Craigslist and decided to give it a try. It worked ok. I got those tacked in.

rnrdthefox 10-25-2021 06:44 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
5 Attachment(s)
Next up was getting the driver's rear fender in Epoxy primer. First I had to replace the inner brace where the running board attaches. Then spray it on the few remaining good days left this fall. Also got the inner tubs in Epoxy. Some pics.

rnrdthefox 10-25-2021 06:49 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
4 Attachment(s)
I also had to go back and add some material where I went a little too wide on the cutouts for the tires on each side of the bed. I hate rework like this, but I wanted to be able to bolt the inner tubs all the way down to the bottom.

rnrdthefox 10-25-2021 06:52 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
2 Attachment(s)
Since the inner tubs changed the location of the middle bed support, I took some time to make a couple mounts for the frame. Nothing fancy, just functional and enough room to get a nut on the bolt end. I may end up welding the nut in place to remove some hassle later.

rnrdthefox 10-25-2021 06:53 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
2 Attachment(s)
Finally, I added some material to the window trim for the door where the vent window once was.

8man 10-26-2021 08:35 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
Nice work.

rnrdthefox 11-15-2021 12:19 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"

Originally Posted by 8man (Post 8988420)
Nice work.


rnrdthefox 11-15-2021 12:23 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
2 Attachment(s)
Ok. Time for a quick update. I haven't done a bunch, but I did get some things knocked off the list. I needed to get the gas tank where it was going to end up so I could work on the rear roll pan. I got the frame for the tank tacked in now for final welding. This allowed me to get the filler neck located. Some pics.

rnrdthefox 11-15-2021 12:29 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
2 Attachment(s)
Next up was getting the rear roll pan in. I decided that I wanted to weld it to the rear bed support. I was back and forth on this, but figured that if it's ever rear-ended, I'll just buy another rear support and pan and redo things. I also added a couple bolts to the sides of the roll pan where it mates to the bed sides. For some reason, I didn't take a picture of this, but it's nothing complicated. Just added some additional support. Once this was done, I cut the hole for the filler neck behind the license plate.

rnrdthefox 11-15-2021 12:36 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
5 Attachment(s)
Finally, I decided to tackle the dash that I have been kicking down the road for weeks. I ended up fixing the rust issues with it mounted in the truck. The top wasn't that big of a deal. The bottom was a pain working upside down on my back. :waah: Oh well, it's done. It's not perfect under the glovebox, but it won't be seen and I will end up putting a lower valance below it for the HVAC ducts later.

rnrdthefox 11-15-2021 12:57 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
5 Attachment(s)
Couple more pics. I ended up using the bender to start the bends of the back edge then finished it with a 3/16 round rod to get the radius. Welded in the inner brace then the outer sheet metal.

rnrdthefox 11-15-2021 12:59 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
3 Attachment(s)
Bottom pics.

Father&son56project 11-15-2021 09:00 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
You stated "It's not perfect under the glovebox". Wrong! That's nice work in a normal position. It's awesome work for being upside down and cramped under a dashboard!!!!

8man 11-15-2021 09:15 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
Yes it is nice work.

rnrdthefox 12-06-2021 06:25 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
4 Attachment(s)
Quick update. I've been focused on the cab getting things cleaned up. Not a lot of fancy progress over the last few weeks, just a bunch of little things that needed to be done - filling holes in the dash, cowl, and floor, welding and grinding, and a few misc. other things.

Decided I didn't want to do all the welding and grinding after it was media blasted to save on the splatter cleanup, so I started with the floors. Just a bunch of making filler patches, welding and grinding and then more welding and grinding.

rnrdthefox 12-06-2021 06:34 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
5 Attachment(s)
Went ahead and pulled the cab to get to the cowl and bottom of the floor. I wanted to reinforce the floor where the seat frame came across and add two frame supports. While it was off, I added the additional reinforcement around the trans tunnel. I used 1" square tube. This leaves about 3/4" to the frame for a mount and rubber pad.

rnrdthefox 12-06-2021 06:39 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
5 Attachment(s)
Rebuilt the rear cab mounts, filled in the gas filler hole, and cleaned up the door pockets for body work.

8man 12-06-2021 06:41 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
Making good progress.

rnrdthefox 12-06-2021 06:46 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
4 Attachment(s)
Used the wiper control knob hole for the ambient light sensor. Had to make a bracket that it clips into under the dash. With a little file work and a couple weld beads to clip to, it was done. Finally, I closed in the two knob holes for the radio. I'm leaving the square hole open for now as I want to use that for the location for the HVAC controls. The boss wants to keep the throttle and chock knobs for looks. I may use one to control a fresh air vent door on the passenger kick panel later. Not sure yet.

rnrdthefox 12-06-2021 06:48 PM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"

Originally Posted by 8man (Post 9004014)
Making good progress.

Thanks. You are way ahead on your build. Can't wait until I get there. :)

oldman3 12-07-2021 12:29 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
Nice clean work...Jim

youngrodder 12-07-2021 11:17 AM

Re: 1953 3100 "Honey-do"
Nice metal repair work. Looking good. It takes a ton of time.


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