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mr.mud1 02-21-2022 10:45 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by Happy_dan (Post 9040735)
Wow, looking great!

yes sir,coming right along.thanks for your help.

LT7A 02-21-2022 12:20 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
That's a lot of good progress. Really looks nice. All that cleaning and touch up will more than pay off. Don't feel bad about spending the time getting your fenders clean. At least from my perspective, cleaning is one of the best things you can do. It's relatively free. You had me laughing about using the oven. That's the difference between men and women right there, isn't it? Why would you put car parts in something we use for our food? Because we only bought one oven and we put it in the house.

LT7A 02-21-2022 12:25 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Sure looks like it's all coming together nicely. Don't feel bad about spending all that time cleaning your fenders. I think cleaning is one of the most productive and underrated parts of having an old vehicle. And it's sort of free. You had me laughing about the oven. That's the difference between men and women right there, isn't it? Why would you put truck parts in something that we use for our food? Because we only bought one oven and you wanted to put it in the house :lol: Please don't tell Mrs. mud that I said that.

mr.mud1 02-21-2022 02:14 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by LT7A (Post 9040805)
Sure looks like it's all coming together nicely. Don't feel bad about spending all that time cleaning your fenders. I think cleaning is one of the most productive and underrated parts of having an old vehicle. And it's sort of free. You had me laughing about the oven. That's the difference between men and women right there, isn't it? Why would you put truck parts in something that we use for our food? Because we only bought one oven and you wanted to put it in the house :lol: Please don't tell Mrs. mud that I said that.

yes sir,my lips are sealed,not a did though, make perfect sense to me,we have 2 stoves but they're both in the house,1 upstairs and 1 downstairs in the B&B unit??what's up with that?it's all good now,the house no longer smells like big block exhaust,i finally got to move back in,it's all good.take care.Greg

MikeandCheryl 02-21-2022 05:22 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
not sure where you are at with the inner fender install, but any chance of a pic of those two raised areas on the top side? mine are going to need the front lips and these raised areas with holes. thanks. good looking truck love the green.

mr.mud1 02-21-2022 06:26 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by MikeandCheryl (Post 9040946)
not sure where you are at with the inner fender install, but any chance of a pic of those two raised areas on the top side? mine are going to need the front lips and these raised areas with holes. thanks. good looking truck love the green.

hi Mike,no problem.i can make you some pictures tomorrow,the front lips you're talking about,is that where the inner fenders bolt to the rad support?is that what you need pictures of and the top where the inner fender bolts go straight up into the fenders?i'll handle that tomorrow.i expect the inner fenders will one of the last parts to go back in,we're doing some paint work once everything mechanical is back together.take care.Greg

mr.mud1 02-21-2022 07:06 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
3 Attachment(s)
todays progress,transmission is now hooked to the shifter,speedometer cable attached and vacuum line to the modulator,torque convertor is bolted to the flexplate,exhaust pipes connected to the exhaust manifolds.power steering pump and alternator are mounted along with all of their bracketry.the carb is installed,as well as the new fan clutch and fan.i'm not sure what i'll do about the A/C components.the air worked before i took it apart but had R-12 refridgerant in it.i'm not going to be able to get R-12 again and i don't know enough about it to know so i'll have to do some some studying on the matter?
tomorrow i plan to install the driveshaft,cut off the old mufflers and tailpipes as i have new ones here for it,installing the trans cooler lines and so on.i guess then we'll be close to building a new rad for it.we'll hear this run before long.

Dieselwrencher 02-24-2022 06:44 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Great progress on it! It does look so much nicer already. I might have a can or 2 of R12. I'm nit sure how it could be shipped though?

mr.mud1 02-24-2022 10:49 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher (Post 9042440)
Great progress on it! It does look so much nicer already. I might have a can or 2 of R12. I'm nit sure how it could be shipped though?

thanks for the offer but there's no way to mail it,post office won't take aerosol cans,but i was at the parts store this morning,i saw some little 1/2 pound cans of R12A,whatever that is?i don't know anythingabout A/C systems and emailed a guy yesterday to pick his brain,he can tell me what i need or how to go about making this work's coming together,hopefully more progress today.take care.thanks again.Greg

mr.mud1 02-25-2022 09:36 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
5 Attachment(s)
progress today was installing new rear shocks and working on exhaust.i had new mufflers and Waldron tailpipes,then discovered my exhaust pipes were not as good as i thought they were,so on the horn back to Waldron since none of the auto parts guys could help,Napa,Carquest and on and on.i emailed Walker/Tenneco,they no longer make the front pipes.Waldron says 8-12 weeks and they said freight to me was $441.00???i'll order them another time and ship them to somewhere in the States that i plan to be and bring them home but for now i need something to start the engine and eventually drive the truck once the weather improves.i made up a pattern since i can't take the truck to the local muffler shop,and had them bend me up a few pieces of pipe and today i fit,fooled,welded and filed til i had something that resembled an exhaust's all on,on the original hangers and straps around the mufflers,a pain to work on but super strong.i didn't realize til i was back there working but the 50 year old spiral delco shocks have the bottoms caved in,must have seen alot of gravel roads in Idaho on the fishing and camping trips it took the original owners on?all good battle is trying to find short starter bolts.i bought a new starter but it must have a universal type nose cone on it,the original bolts from my original starter are too long?it requires bolts 3 5/8's long,i found 1 in my junk,went everywhere again looking for a bolt,even the Chevy dealer and nothing.tomorrow i have to come up with a bolt somewhere.

mr.mud1 02-27-2022 12:50 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
1 Attachment(s)
not alot to report today.i walked out into the shop this morning and decided i had to stop and clean up.i had a mess going on,so a few hours of putting tools away and sweeping the floor,folding up my engine crane,filling a couple of trash bags,the place looked presentable and i went back to work.i made a few adjustments to my exhaust work from yesterday,got the starter bolted on with the brace on the front,ran the transmission cooler lines on the transmission end and into the clip mounted on the oil pan bolts,installed the torque convertor shield and the new modulator valve that just came,my rebuilt kit for the transmission had a Ford modulator valve in it??somebody not paying attention.tomorrow i thing think i'll run the wiring through the new wiring gutter for the firewall,possibly install the rad support and it's wiring.i think early next week i'll solder my new rad together,figure out what do with the A/C and start this fresh engine up.

mr.mud1 02-27-2022 09:33 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
3 Attachment(s)
well today i spent hours,as usual,on a few things that should've taken minutes.i installed the new repro firewall wiring gutter,straightened out the firewall wiring and connected everything ,only to find the gutter so stiff,i had to fight with it to get the wire harness fed through it.3 screw holes in the gutter and 2 of them line up with the holes already in the firewall?so i either drill a hole in the firewall where the hole is in the plastic chinese crap or use the hole in the truck and have a hole in the gutter without a screw?small stuff maybe but it drives me bonkers.i installed the rad support and the old "Power Beam' headlights and then went to work on the rad support new repro piece of crap wiring gutter,it's too long,has about 6 screw holes,i don't think any of them were in the right place?i trimmed the ends so it looked like the worn out original gutter,cleaned up and retaped where it needed it,the front light harness and when i tryed to feed wires through it,impossibe,as hard as a bullet and when i pulled back the gutter to make a place for the wires,there's a lip on the inside that prvents the wires from going in at all?absolute garbage.i don't why anybody would make something wrong,or what anybody would sell it??i know i'm too fussy but it should be this difficult for something so simple?anyway tomorrow i'll take the rad support gutter back off,trim the lip on the inside that prevents the harness from fitting.once i get the lights wired,it'll be time to build a rad and start up this new motor.

mr.mud1 02-28-2022 07:17 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
5 Attachment(s)
today i finally got my rad rebuilt,didn't drop it like the last one and cost myself a bunch of money.i love it when a plan comes together?i ran out of day today but tomorrow i'll finish cleaning it up,a coat of black paint then it'll be in the truck where it belongs.won't be long now,we'll hear this thing run again.

CG 02-28-2022 08:01 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
I didnt think anyone would rebuild them anymore. Did you solder it back up, or did the shop?

mr.mud1 02-28-2022 08:17 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by CG (Post 9044529)
I didnt think anyone would rebuild them anymore. Did you solder it back up, or did the shop?

Hi,I did it today.i have built my own rads for quite a while.i buy rad cores from a rad shop that is now several hours from me since we big deal.i'd rather recore an original rad than have a new one,but it is a dying art.i had a guy at a rad shop that was closer,tell me I couldn't build a rad.i certainly can as long as I can buy cores.Spectra-Premium has a place in Quebec that still builds the old brass and copper cores.all good.

Dieselwrencher 03-01-2022 07:55 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Nice work! My little 4yo accidentally kicked over my nicest 4 core rad the other day for my K20 I'm building. I'm hoping it can be fixed but it may need re cored. I'm scared to think how much it's going to cost.

mr.mud1 03-01-2022 08:42 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher (Post 9044699)
Nice work! My little 4yo accidentally kicked over my nicest 4 core rad the other day for my K20 I'm building. I'm hoping it can be fixed but it may need re cored. I'm scared to think how much it's going to cost.

hi Ryan,well that sucks.i know how that feels.hopefully you can fix it or have it fixed?let me know how you make out.Greg

mr.mud1 03-01-2022 07:24 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
4 Attachment(s)
worked all day but it doesn't appear that i made much progress,i went over the solder job on my rad from yesterday and touched up a few places i wasn't happy with,then spent some time cleaning all the flux from it,then a coat of paint.i'll let it dry for a few days so i can handle the mean time i have some A/C parts to order in order to complete the A/C system.i worked or i should say wasted time,on that junk repro wiring gutter for the rad support that i's now where it belongs,in a trash bag cut into a dozen pieces.junk.i hope to make to the Charlotte Autofair in April,i'll bring one home along with some other parts i want.

mr.mud1 03-02-2022 07:09 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
4 Attachment(s)
nothing to exciting to report today.i took the clutch assembly off my A/C compressor today,ordered a new bearing that will be here tomorrow so i can put it back together,spent several hours cleaning the original A/C lines and hoses,installed my newly painted fender emblems,and did some wiring around the rad support,headlights,horns and wired the alternator,waiting on the wellnuts and screws to install the voltage regulator and wiring.the rad will be going in the weekend,i'm giving lots of time for the paint to dry,i'll hook up some hoses and hopefully it'll be time to hear this thing run.

a.c.ward 03-03-2022 12:10 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Amazing job sir. Your work is inspiring. You'll be driving this thing in no time.

mr.mud1 03-03-2022 12:38 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by a.c.ward (Post 9045380)
Amazing job sir. Your work is inspiring. You'll be driving this thing in no time.

thank you sir,i appreciate the kind words,i'm glad you're following's hard to believe,a bunch of oil leaks lead to all this but that's ok,it'll be a better truck when i'm done and we'll be driving by the time the weather gets better in a few weeks or a month but a little paint work first is on the take care,Greg

Happy_dan 03-03-2022 08:17 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Amazing work Greg. Looks as great as I figured it would!

mr.mud1 03-03-2022 10:50 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by Happy_dan (Post 9045477)
Amazing work Greg. Looks as great as I figured it would!

thanks a million Dan.i was just going to email,the harness you sent for the turbo 400 kickdown arrived this morning,another piece of the puzzle.thanks again.

mr.mud1 03-04-2022 07:01 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
4 Attachment(s)
well today went well,a fairly productive day.i installed the new A/C compressor clutch bearing and then all the bracketry for the A/C pump and then the pump,then all the lines,just temporarliy through,i'm waiting on "O" rings for all the connections,a new dryer and a few other odds and ends.i got my new rad in,the shroud and the upper and lower rad hoses,the transmission cooler lines in the rad.all the belts are on,the voltage regulator and horns are on and some wiring done.we're getting closer to hearing this run,i expect in the next day or two.take care.Greg

LT7A 03-05-2022 06:41 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
That's a lot of progress! Radiator looks really good. Sorry to hear about the repro gutters. I marvel at the mindset that allows something so simple to be manufactured so incorrectly. There is no way I would want to drill a hole in a truck like yours to make a piece.......... like that fit.

mr.mud1 03-06-2022 04:00 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by LT7A (Post 9046769)
That's a lot of progress! Radiator looks really good. Sorry to hear about the repro gutters. I marvel at the mindset that allows something so simple to be manufactured so incorrectly. There is no way I would want to drill a hole in a truck like yours to make a piece.......... like that fit.

yes sir,coming together.i'm just waiting on some GM heater hose and some more tower clamps,it's just about to fire up.that'll be a good day.take care.Greg

mr.mud1 03-06-2022 04:18 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
5 Attachment(s)
well,a little more progress today.i managed to get my hands on a 20 year old,new in the package,repro wire harness gutter for the firewall,took that hard piece of plastic crap off the firewall that i just bought,and fired it in the trash along with it's brother for the rad support.i installed the new/old one in minutes,nice and soft,pliable,the way it's supposed to be,and what do you know?where there was a screw hole in the molding,there was a hole to match in the truck??now i have to come up with something for the rad support,as i think my trip to the Charlotte Autofair might be in thin ice??might not ever be able to afford the gas??i have to now come up with something for the rad support wire gutter.the fenders are on along with my repainted fender emblems,the new harness for the kickdown is on the turbo 400(thanks Dan)the battery is in and some other odds and ends hooked up and installed,waiting on some GM heater hose and clamps,that's about it,it'll be ready to start.

Happy_dan 03-07-2022 07:54 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Looking amazing of course. You didn't get enough tower clamps? You had them shipped direct to you?

mr.mud1 03-07-2022 08:29 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
hi Dan,of all the things i've lost,i miss my mind the most,that GM hose is here,thanks again.i forgot and thought it was still on it's way.i did use several tower clamps and they all broke,more chinese junk??i'm going to have to use some regular gear clamps til i can get some more tower clamps.sorry for the confusion,all good.take care my friend.

Dieselwrencher 03-10-2022 08:30 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
I had the same luck with the tower clamps I got too. I hated removing them and now I hate the ones I just threw in the trash. :lol:

mr.mud1 03-10-2022 08:41 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher (Post 9049608)
I had the same luck with the tower clamps I got too. I hated removing them and now I hate the ones I just threw in the trash. :lol:

hi Ryan,i feel your pain.i saved most of the original tower clamps from my truck,cleaned them and re-used what i could but needed more.the repro clamps all stripped as i tightened them up.pitiful load of garbage.i guess i'll have to go to work and find some more old original clamps if i want to use them.they are a pain but i like the look.take care.Greg

mr.mud1 03-10-2022 07:01 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
1 Attachment(s)
today was a good day,i got everything done and time to turn the key and watch this new motor come to life,it started right up,i went through the break-in procedure as mapped out by the machine shop,checked and topped up all the ran today for probably 1 1/2 hours total,a little more running in the next couple of days and i'll get the break-in oil out of the engine and then switch gears to get ready for a little paint work.i love when a plan comes together.

mr.mud1 03-12-2022 08:21 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
3 Attachment(s)
today i worked on getting the moldings,windowfelt and the door handles off in preparation for some paint work.the new door lock installed,door panel cleaned and all the broken clips replaced,and the A/C condensor painted and installed along with a new i made a pattern for the patch that's going in where the gas tank neck came out through the bed side,one more to fix on the other side.hopefully tomorrow,that passenger side patch will be in,then move onto the drivers side.

Happy_dan 03-14-2022 07:58 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Nice, so glad cam and lifters gave you no trouble. I have been reading a lot about problems with the metal in the newer lifters. I am sure that breakin procedure included priming the oil and then running it at 2500 RPM or so for 10 minutes.

mr.mud1 03-14-2022 08:19 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by Happy_dan (Post 9051052)
Nice, so glad cam and lifters gave you no trouble. I have been reading a lot about problems with the metal in the newer lifters. I am sure that breakin procedure included priming the oil and then running it at 2500 RPM or so for 10 minutes.

hi Dan.the motor seems to be running well and sounds fine.i used a new Mellings cam,lifters and rocker arms and followed what the machine shop had recommended and used the "Driven" brand break-in oil they suggested.the breakin-in procedure was different than what i had done in the past,with using 3 heat/cool cycles and high RPM.i don't know if it helped but it sure didn't sounds great.there are and have been for a number of years now,people having cams and lifters fail on start up by not using high zinc oil and or not following directions.

Happy_dan 03-14-2022 08:27 AM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Great to hear Greg! It looks like a new truck and I am sure will run great.

I have just recently heard of people doing proper breakin and installation and still having problems with lifters. I remember using high Zinc Oil on mine and following directions to the tee and also having an experienced friend here for first startup and all went well. It is a great feeling to get that first startup in!

mr.mud1 03-17-2022 06:12 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
2 Attachment(s)
I've been working for days,not much to show for it.i made,welded in and cut out,2 panels I made for the aux gas door in the passenger side bed side.#3 went in today,just tacked in for now,i'll go back at it tomorrow.both attempts ended up not making me happy,not straight enough,so I made some changes,we'll try window felts and glass channels arrived today.i'm just waiting for a new fuel strainer for the gas tank sender,i have the sender out for a new float,the original brass float wasn't "floating"i managed to tear the strainer so a new on is on the way.hopefully an update tomorrow with a gas door panel welded in and i'll be happy with it and move onto the gas door on the other side,remove all the trim,windowfelts,door handles,new door locks to install and get ready for some paint.

GSFMECH 03-18-2022 03:04 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
Amazing attention to detail, I'm loving this build

mr.mud1 03-18-2022 07:43 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together

Originally Posted by GSFMECH (Post 9053101)
Amazing attention to detail, I'm loving this build

thanks Mike,i appreciate the kind words,glad you're enjoying it.i wasn't enjoying today,spending hours welding in the panel on the pass side to fill in the aux gas door,for the 3rd time,only to cut it out and throw it on the floor.i thought I knew how to do this but evidently not??try again tomorrow.take care.Greg

mr.mud1 03-23-2022 10:02 PM

Re: 1972 Cheyenne Super coming apart to go back together
3 Attachment(s)
well it's been several days since an update,not because I haven't been working on my truck,i am but not much to show for it.this auxillary gas door I wanted to eliminate since I already had removed the 2 tanks,has proven to be pretty stubborn.i welded in 4 patches,cut 3 of them out but this one is staying.i think I can live with this one.i had a horrible time trying to keep the side straight and one more on the other side to do next.a little skim of bodyman in a can,it'll look as good as I new,i hope.of course another step ahead,and 4 back.i started up the truck yesterday to put the it outside,i had a customer's car coming in and needed the lift.the engine started but the most horrible racket came out from somewhere?turns out the new starter had stayed engaged in the flexplate and it wasn't happy.i switched it off but it kept running til I disconnected the battery,it stopped then.i checked the starter clearance today,did some shimming and seems fine again but I think I may take the nose cone from my original starter and install it on the newly rebuilt starter I bought.never a dull moment?

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