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oldblue1968chevy 09-19-2010 06:28 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
^^This guy is smart!!!!!!!!!! LOL Never occured to me, I googled for pics but everyone likes taking pic from front or right side why didnt I think of that

rustaddict 09-20-2010 05:46 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
if you flip back thru the pastbuilds up here theres one called "killer 71" that shows you how to put the gas fill behind the tail light. It looks like it turned out nice. If I remember right, a member by the name of 68short step did the work and when he did a thread on his stepside, he put his fill behind the rear parking light. That looked good too.

oldblue1968chevy 09-21-2010 08:11 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
1 Attachment(s)
I have been hunting all over for this spring for my eddy carb. I was getting to where I was about to make a post, well after some looking I found it in the carb. cleaner container :)

Always look where the most obvious place for em to be at :sumo:

got timinng at

14* initial
38* adv.

and rode the backroads..cant wait to be done!

oh and discovered I have a leaking rear wheel cyclinder, I have NO clue how to replace these, I already have new shoes my bud gave me now need wheel cylinders and some time UGH

school comes first john, school comes first lol gotta pass spainish with at least a low B...:smoke:

bigguy69 09-21-2010 08:15 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
at least you are gettin there !!!!!:metal:

oldblue1968chevy 09-21-2010 08:20 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
i was gonna take some cruisin pics of backroads but was on a hill with no ebrake..LOL

Hubscrub 09-21-2010 09:32 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
school:hh: nice work i thought all of warren county was backroads?:lol: i got to get my butt busy on the wife's to get it running soon hopefully to atleast one cruise this year

oldblue1968chevy 09-21-2010 10:49 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
my truck hasnt even made it to a cruise this year!!! ima try to make the one in lynchburg!!

lol @ warren co. backroads, AND GRUNDY!!

oldblue1968chevy 09-23-2010 08:34 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
2 Attachment(s)
ok finished my lines for behind the seat tank today and drove around was messing with timing etc richened the carb a lil too much and it died, i thought i was outta gas so i switched lines (almost dark out abuot 1/4 mile from my house) well I guess i ran batt down, timing was off etc etc etc

so dad had to jump me off and i had to tinker with carb. timing

Anyone know anybody good with tuning a sbc (carb/dizzy weights etc) middle tn area, i need someone that knows what theyre doing to watch over me and guide me..cause im wingin it..

oh and on my first outing the lower pin for my brake linkage came out (no cotter pin i guess i forgot lol)

anyhow my lil sis came to get me and got lost (like 1 mile from home) and i ened up driving with no brakes back (mind you these are on small gravel/paved roads) with little to no cars BACKROADS!

New bushing i made from a bolt cut threads off and drilled a hole in the end ;)

pic of truck filthy dirty and gofyy

Charles Hettich 09-23-2010 10:05 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
im glad shes finally somewhat drivable again!!!

Hubscrub 09-23-2010 10:24 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
at least it moves:metal:

oldblue1968chevy 09-23-2010 10:32 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
haha im try to get the timing done and carberator finished installed and set with vac. guage..

67chevy1series 09-23-2010 11:31 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
SHE LIVES nice work old blue

rustaddict 09-23-2010 11:49 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
One of the cardinal rules of tuning is to take your time and only change one thing at the time. If your carb is working halfway decent concentrate on getting your timing dialed in as close as you can get it and then move on to your carb. you wont have a standard timing spec because you have a custom combination in your engine ( cam, heads, etc) so the right timing spec for your motors gonna be a custom setting. about the best way to find it is to keep moving it about 2 degrees at the time till you see what the motor likes best. then adjust your carb screws with the vacuum guage and the last, adjust the idle

oldblue1968chevy 09-24-2010 05:51 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
thats rust addict, good info!

Ima run a 1405 edelbrock (man choke 600cfm) I need the bracket that holds choke cable to carb...maybe I can find someone that went from man. choke to electric.

Im doing the exterior adj. now then hopefully morrow i'll get it vac. guaged and timed and put gas in it!!!

Then drop blazer tank for some mods (stupid waste of money, if i were to do it over id pull stock tank clean it with new sock gaskets/cap and RUN IT

Right now i regret blazer tank its a pita lol

swamp rat 09-24-2010 06:43 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'

Originally Posted by oldblue1968chevy (Post 4207763)
thats rust addict, good info!

I need the bracket that holds choke cable to carb...maybe I can find someone that went from man. choke to electric.

Then drop blazer tank for some mods (stupid waste of money, if i were to do it over id pull stock tank clean it with new sock gaskets/cap and RUN IT

I'll look in my junk box to see if i can find my old bracked but i cant make any promises, i converted mine to electric choke about 6 years ago

I still have the stock tank for now, but ordered a Boyds tank for under ther bed, my truck smelled like gas all the time, then i replaced the filler neck hose and the grommet about 96' and i never smelled anymore gas.

oldblue1968chevy 09-24-2010 07:10 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
yeah, boyds is the SS right? I wish i kept saving for that instead, OH WELL!

yeah cool thing if theres anything in your junk box, do you know what im talking about?..

swamp rat 09-24-2010 08:43 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
The clamp in the upper left of the pic i assume. Open link then click on the 1404* or 1405* black underlined link below.

Boyds is the alumimum cell he has a thread going here.. I really wanted a stainless steel 25-27 gal suburban tank but the place listed it at around $900 (choke) :op

oldblue1968chevy 09-24-2010 09:53 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
yeah the blazer tank was $ for me, and im still not really done or using it!!

Ok Im looking at the installation not seeing the clamp that holds choke cable to carb, but im still lookin'...

swamp rat 09-24-2010 10:50 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Just open the link i posted and scroll down to the 1405 carb and look to the right and you'll see a black 1405 that is underlined. open that and it shows a pic of the carb with the choke cable attachment clamp

oldblue1968chevy 09-25-2010 04:16 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
2 Attachment(s)
I just need the clamper thingy..I see the clamp but its not 'sold separately'

Ok, I made a piston stop today, get sparkplug (OLD ONE LOL) Take anger out on white porcelin (was kinda in a bad mood) smash with hammer till its gone lol

Get nut/bolt tack nut to top of old plug thread nut presto!

make sure everythings clean b4 u jam it in the sparkplug hole lol

swamp rat 09-25-2010 05:35 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
3 Attachment(s)
Is this what you need?

oldblue1968chevy 09-25-2010 05:50 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
1 Attachment(s)
just the small bracket circled in red...

swamp rat 09-25-2010 07:21 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'

Originally Posted by oldblue1968chevy (Post 4209334)
just the small bracket circled in red...

Send me a PM with your name and mailing addy and i'll send it to you!

oldblue1968chevy 09-26-2010 12:08 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
wow, thanks alot man! Preciate it

oldblue1968chevy 09-28-2010 10:22 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
1 Attachment(s)
Thank you to rustaddict!

Ok, got 600 on, running ok.

It (dizy) wants more adv. when I give it more adv. and kill the motor, when i go to start it back it wont start, barely turns over. Im going to try a ground wire from body/motor/frame, see if that helps?

Is this vac. adv. hose on the right port, 1 is for smog vehicles and the other without, if I understand correctly. I dont have a carcoal canister or smog anything :)

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