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daverod 06-24-2012 10:22 PM

Re: Daverods 52
Starter works. After I grounded my engine to the frame with some jumper cables.:smoke: Still need to weld a bit before I put in some gas. Bottom of the exhaust in places and alittle on the bottom of the notch.

Layedoutsonoma91 06-25-2012 11:17 AM

Re: Daverods 52
I bet you are excited man, all that hard work is close to paying off big time!

Strodder 06-25-2012 09:37 PM

Re: Daverods 52

Originally Posted by daverod (Post 5452300)
Went to Autozone and rented a oil pump primer. Got my new wires put on.:smoke: Just bought a cheap gage and a tube kit so I can read my oil presure. Maybe I'll go get some gas.

You could have come over here for that pump primer. I would't even charge you. :haha:

OrrieG 06-26-2012 12:55 AM

Re: Daverods 52
Ok, I am confused, what is an oil primer? I thought you just used a 1/4" drill until it started smoking!

Strodder 06-26-2012 09:30 AM

Re: Daverods 52
It takes the place of the distributor to drive the oil pump with a drill. That pushes oil through out the engine before you start a fresh rebuild. Of course it has to have oil in it. :haha:

mknittle 06-26-2012 10:08 AM

Re: Daverods 52

Originally Posted by OrrieG (Post 5454954)
Ok, I am confused, what is an oil primer? I thought you just used a 1/4" drill until it started smoking!

Thats the way I do it:lol:

mknittle 06-26-2012 10:10 AM

Re: Daverods 52

Originally Posted by Strodder (Post 5455210)
It takes the place of the distributor to drive the oil pump with a drill. That pushes oil through out the engine before you start a fresh rebuild. Of course it has to have oil in it. :haha:

I made mine out of old distributors.

OrrieG 06-26-2012 01:23 PM

Re: Daverods 52

Originally Posted by mknittle (Post 5455269)
I made mine out of old distributors.

Thats what I use too, I thought it might be some type of pressureized system that used the galley plugs, maybe with a heater and essential oils, oops I'm getting confused with my wifes spa treatments. Old age is not for the weak.

99 to Life 06-26-2012 03:34 PM

Re: Daverods 52
I just bought the tool, but you can use an old dist. also turn the engine over once or twice by hand when you are priming, it will help get oil to all the lifters.
Run your drill on the highest setting and make sure you got a good battery. You should be at 60-80 psi on a cold prime depending on your bearing clearance. Anything below 50 and I'd be worried. Just my advise.

daverod 06-27-2012 11:31 PM

Re: Daverods 52
I just ran it with a 18 volt drill. Did it till I saw oil coming out of all of the pushrods. Turned the engine over a couple times. Still need to hook up my gas.:devil:Summers here and it sucks.:ito:

99 to Life 06-29-2012 12:10 AM

Re: Daverods 52
well hopefully your oil pressure will be good, I'm sure it will be. keep us posted. also nice to have someone there to help you with break in, 4 eyes are better than two. I like to hook up a vacum gauge to help see what engine is really doing.

daverod 06-29-2012 01:49 PM

Re: Daverods 52
Still need to hook up the vac. lines to my carb. not sure about that yet. holley550 street avenger. Fire started up were I was working they wont let me back up there so I have the day off.:devil::smoke:

daverod 06-30-2012 11:26 AM

Re: Daverods 52
1 Attachment(s)
Found a good pic of how the heater stuff use to work. Had some leakage were the fuel rail hooked up to the carb. The guys at auto## were a big help. Said I needed more tape and some gas resistant o rings.:lol::lol: Funny thing is I knew they were full of it and I still bought and tried the o rings.:smoke:The carb was missing the fuel inlet fitting. Ordered what I needed. Could just mcgiver it for now.:uhmk:

daverod 07-01-2012 04:52 PM

Re: Daverods 52
classic.. Tried to start my engine thought I saw some fire. Stopped looked around abit. Tried again heard a bang and smelt like electrial burning. I ran to the engine to see where the noise was coming from I could'nt see anything but I could hear and smell it.Ran around looking for more light the noise was getting louder and louder I was in a panic I could believe how loud it was.:devil::lol::smoke: Turned out I never grounded the engine I was using jumper cables to ground it before and I took them off. It grounded to my air hose.:lol::lol:

Strodder 07-01-2012 09:11 PM

Re: Daverods 52
DOH!!!!! :haha:

daverod 07-01-2012 09:57 PM

Re: Daverods 52
:lol:ya i thought i had a big fire and my harness was burning up. Did turn it over a few got some smoke out the carb.:smoke:

99 to Life 07-02-2012 09:11 PM

Re: Daverods 52

wow yeah good you didn't blow your fuse box, do you run a fusible link between your starter and your pwr wire to your box, would be wise to.

also if you are getting smoke out of your carb and or flames, you could be 180 out, meaning it is firing on no.6. just take out plug no. 1 turn engine over with finger over spark plug hole till you feel air push your finger off. then make sure your line on your balancer is right around zero on your timing tab, before would be ideal. then check your distributor and make sure your rotor is pointing to number one plug. Your vac advance should be pointing towards no two cylinder at that point.

You should either unplug your dist power wire and or all power and do it by hand, or if you crank it over, def just unplug your dist power wire. def helps to have someone help you. more eyes the better. can't wait to see this thing on the road. i luv it

daverod 07-19-2012 02:03 PM

Re: Daverods 52
pulled my plugs had some water in a couple holes,cant be good:waah:

99 to Life 07-19-2012 02:07 PM

Re: Daverods 52
def not good, who put the heads on? I'd retorque them and see if that doesn't help. Odds are you will have to put new gaskets in and make sure you put sealant on your head bolts. Assuming this never got water down the intake by any chance.

daverod 07-19-2012 02:12 PM

Re: Daverods 52
I'll try the retorque thang. Yes I put the heads on. I think ill pull the bolt the put some sealer on it too.:waah: My other engine does have better heads.;)

daverod 07-19-2012 02:14 PM

Re: Daverods 52
I did install a nice grounding strap. Turns over nice

99 to Life 07-20-2012 12:16 PM

Re: Daverods 52
dave, yeah def gotta have sealer on them bolts, also now that that gasket has been wet and not seated properly, it might be warped, but I'd def try that, let the engine set for a day if you put sealer on it and torque, then come in and retorqe, cause the bolts will relax. Then I'd try rolling it over without spark and then check every cylinder.

daverod 07-25-2012 02:25 PM

Re: Daverods 52
stripped a head bolt wtf.

daverod 07-25-2012 02:28 PM

Re: Daverods 52
Took the antifreeze out dont know if I should take the engine out or not..hmm

daverod 07-25-2012 02:31 PM

Re: Daverods 52
I looked at the threads on the bolt you could hardly see any of the rtv sealer on it at all i used the red stuff. I think I only put it around about ten threads or so.about a 1/4" Ill bet my other engine is the same way.

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