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hotrod1 10-17-2012 02:31 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
THAT is BEAUTIFUL! Did u make a booth in the garage? Love the color!

Kabwe 10-17-2012 02:32 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by hotrod1 (Post 5652386)
THAT is BEAUTIFUL! Did u make a booth in the garage? Love the color!

No booth yet but I will be doing that when I paint the truck. Thanks man, color is the hardest choice and I'm glad that I really like this color or it would have been back to the paint supply for That gold tint that you can see in the close up pic really makes it pop in the sun.

youngrodder 10-17-2012 02:48 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
I like it but some might say that I'm partial to green.
Looks good. Is it a custom mix?


Kabwe 10-17-2012 02:51 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by youngrodder (Post 5652419)
I like it but some might say that I'm partial to green.
Looks good. Is it a custom mix?


Nope its a factory color. Your truck looks great so its okay to be partial to green.

Thanks buddy for sharing your opinion.

seanery 10-17-2012 02:53 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
that's a great color Bam! That gold peeking through really warms it up and makes it rich!

youngrodder 10-17-2012 03:02 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5652425)
Nope its a factory color. Your truck looks great so okay to be partial to green.

Thanks buddy for sharing your opinion.

Factory is good, especially when it comes to matching for a repair. I still need to have more "emergency paint" mixed.

Looking forward to seeing some color on that truck.


xpickup 10-17-2012 03:35 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Kabwe, love the color. I can not wait to see it all painted. I bet you can not wait too.


VDOG 10-17-2012 03:40 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5652381)
Well guys as promised, I finally sprayed a test panel (glove box door) and showed it to the wifey to get her opinion. She like it a lot and so do I, but what do you guys think?

This is why your the man. Whoelse could bring out that gold in the green.
Only the master himself. :metal:
Cant wait to see the complete truck.

lowdownstar 10-17-2012 03:48 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
I am not into green at all but i have to say that some trucks look killer in green! so that just goes to show i don't know stuff but i like it! lol nice paint work as well


Red Foreman 10-17-2012 04:27 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Looks awesome!

Low Elco 10-17-2012 04:28 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Nice green!
Posted via Mobile Device

Kim57 10-17-2012 04:29 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Looks great Bam.

63split 10-17-2012 04:33 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
realy sweet color and looks :c2:

OKGMC4 10-17-2012 04:38 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Awesome color! It's about time we saw some pics of progress. Now get back to work.....

Kabwe 10-17-2012 05:34 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Thanks for the feedback guys.


You just had to put salt on the wound didn't

Dan in Pasadena 10-17-2012 05:54 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Looks killer.

In the 3rd photo looks like it has some gold undertone to it. Looks great regardless.

Daze57 10-17-2012 05:58 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
very very nice rich color green - your truck will be very sharp - great job !

Kabwe 10-17-2012 07:38 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Thanks guys,

That is lower line paint, we no longer can get the good solvent base stuff here in Cali. Its a waterbase state now and all I'm able to get from my jobber is limco, Nason, and Omni. This paint is Nason basecoat and Nason clear. With the cheaper lines of paint you may have to use more for coverage depending on the color. That was 3 coats of base coat and 3 coats of clear. I must say that the base coat laid down nice and even and the clear coat laid down like glass. It looks so wet my wife was afraid to touch

youngsta 10-17-2012 08:05 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
That green is really nice. Can hardly wait to see finished product.

Indian113 10-17-2012 08:21 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Man that really POPS! I can't wait to see the whole truck done. Bam I jealous of your ability's you make it look easy-wish it was!

Dan in Pasadena 10-17-2012 08:35 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5652944)
Thanks guys,

That is lower line paint, we no longer can get the good solvent base stuff here in Cali. Its a waterbase state now and all I'm able to get from my jobber is limco, Nason, and Omni. This paint is Nason basecoat and Nason clear. With the cheaper lines of paint you may have to use more for coverage depending on the color. That was 3 coats of base coat and 3 coats of clear. I must say that the base coat laid down nice and even and the clear coat laid down like glass. It looks so wet my wife was afraid to touch

You start off saying, "lower line paint" and "we no longer can get the good...stuff" like you're unhappy with what you bought, but then you tell us,
"I must say that the base coat laid down nice and even and the clear coat laid down like glass."

So its that good AND it's cheaper? What's to complain about? You KNOW this truck will be parked inside under a cover a lot and probably will never feel rain and not all that much sun exposure so its not like you're gonna expose it to damage. It's gonna look GREAT man! Celebrate it.

candyx 10-17-2012 08:58 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Kabwe looking good did you put one of those panels by your cool wheels to see how the color will pop on the chrome?
How much longer do you have before you shoot the body?

Chevette 10-17-2012 09:37 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Guess I'll have to choose a new color now. Thanks Buddy.:lol:

oldman3 10-17-2012 11:35 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Kabwe, I think the color is great, I'm starting to see a lot more greens now. It's one of those colors that's hot for awhile and then you don't see it for a long time. I guess that's why I chose my color, it's a teal, not green, but in the family. Nice chose.....Jim

Kabwe 10-17-2012 11:58 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Indian113 (Post 5653062)
Man that really POPS! I can't wait to see the whole truck done. Bam I jealous of your ability's you make it look easy-wish it was!

Don't be jealous of me my friend. I have no abilities and if it was easy I would be


Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena (Post 5653097)
You start off saying, "lower line paint" and "we no longer can get the good...stuff" like you're unhappy with what you bought, but then you tell us,
"I must say that the base coat laid down nice and even and the clear coat laid down like glass."

So its that good AND it's cheaper? What's to complain about? You KNOW this truck will be parked inside under a cover a lot and probably will never feel rain and not all that much sun exposure so its not like you're gonna expose it to damage. It's gonna look GREAT man! Celebrate it.

My point is for a lower line paint I was pleasantly surprised by how nice it sprayed especially the clear. That's all

JML55 10-18-2012 09:09 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
I guess i'm a little partial to the green also, looks great man. Are you going all one color or two tone. I'm doing mine two tone, the upper half will be .... well you'll see when I post more pics. My cab is still a the paint shop being work on right now.

solidaxel 10-18-2012 10:09 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Nice choice on the green.
I guess I am partial to green also, because it remindes me of the color of all the 100 dollar bills I have spent making it green !!

Go for it all the way, maybe two tone also!!

Roadkill58 10-18-2012 05:15 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Nice color! I like the way the gold shines through in the light.

My Harley looks maroon in the shade but it the sun the red
(lava sunglow red) just pops.

68 Four on the Floor 10-18-2012 07:34 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
That green is awesome. Ive got a powder that is very very similar that i like to use

Rude Dude 10-18-2012 08:42 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Color is real nice can't wait to see the cab painted!:metal:

Rude Dude 10-18-2012 09:19 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Not your color green but this small window will give you an idea what it will look like.

Dan in Pasadena 10-18-2012 11:50 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5653610)
...That's all

:lol: Well, sometimes you've got to go with your strengths!:lol:


Kabwe 10-19-2012 03:07 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Thanks for all the thumps up guys.

Rude dude

Thanks for the pics it does shade some light on things.


You are a fool, and I mean that in a good

CURSED GEARS 10-19-2012 06:59 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
That green reminds me of a apple candy I use to buy as a kid. Thanks for the flashback.

Kabwe 10-19-2012 11:50 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by CURSED GEARS (Post 5655944)
That green reminds me of a apple candy I use to buy as a kid. Thanks for the flashback.

Yeah, thats why I'm going to call it jolly rancher

OrrieG 10-19-2012 12:54 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Looks great, probably even better in person. You might consider using Dupont Chromacolar Clear with the Nason base, that is what my paint guy recommended and I used on what I have painted so far (interior cab). Chemically they are compatible because both are from Dupont.

Kabwe 10-19-2012 01:22 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by OrrieG (Post 5656433)
Looks great, probably even better in person. You might consider using Dupont Chromacolar Clear with the Nason base, that is what my paint guy recommended and I used on what I have painted so far (interior cab). Chemically they are compatible because both are from Dupont.

Yes you are right. Dupont Chromacolar Clear is a nice clear and their Charomabase is really nice. But I was pleasantly surprised by how well the Nason clear turned out so I'm going that route. The truck will never see rain or harsh weather so it will be fine with the Nason clear. Also some of the cheaper clears have a yellow hue to them, this Nason clear does not have that its a decent clear. But but I do agree with you about the Dupont Chromacloar Clear is a better clear if your car will be a daily driver.

Dan in Pasadena 10-19-2012 01:43 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5655877)

You are fool, and I mean that in a good

Ha ha, just another one of the services I have to offer; foolery!:lol:

Bam, Your truck is gonna be kickass. Hell, it's kickass already. The color reminds me of Jolly Rancher Apple candies - one of my favorites.

EDIT: Oops, missed the Jolly Rancher reference above. I'm always a day late and a (few thousand) dollars short!

So, are you going for final painting on the whole thing now? You're doing this yourself, right? YOu know we throw around the term "awesome" casually nowadays but being able to have your fab chops AND do the painting too? THAT is truly awe inspiring .

If you decide you need helping (fool) hands on a weekend or something, let me know and I'd be willing to come down, push a broom, whatever you need. Best, Dan

Kabwe 10-19-2012 03:43 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena (Post 5656494)
Ha ha, just another one of the services I have to offer; foolery!:lol:

Bam, Your truck is gonna be kickass. Hell, it's kickass already. The color reminds me of Jolly Rancher Apple candies - one of my favorites.

EDIT: Oops, missed the Jolly Rancher reference above. I'm always a day late and a (few thousand) dollars short!

So, are you going for final painting on the whole thing now? You're doing this yourself, right? YOu know we throw around the term "awesome" casually nowadays but being able to have your fab chops AND do the painting too? THAT is truly awe inspiring .

If you decide you need helping (fool) hands on a weekend or something, let me know and I'd be willing to come down, push a broom, whatever you need. Best, Dan

Yeah I will be doing everything on this project with the exception of stitching the interior. Paint, body, and everything else in between. Its not inspiring at all its a lack of No really even if I had lots of money I would still do everything myself because I learned that no one cares about your things like you.

Don't say you will help because you my just be called


Originally Posted by candyx (Post 5653161)
Kabwe looking good did you put one of those panels by your cool wheels to see how the color will pop on the chrome?
How much longer do you have before you shoot the body?

Good idea so here you go Candyx. By the way no chrome wheels are allowed at my house, its polished aluminum my friend. As far as how long before the body? Man I can't tell you and be honest at the same

I thinks I likes even more thanks for the suggestion buddy.

Rods57 10-19-2012 06:23 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Low and mean and keep it clean....should say Low and mean and keep it GREEN!

Looks great that will really make a statement.

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