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ChevLoRay 11-15-2008 05:18 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
Reagonomics, is what some people want to go back to. I gotta tell you that my portfolio made more money when SlickWilly was in office, than it has ever done since. But me? I'm an IndeRepubliCrat. Just can't seem to find anyone running on that ticket.

Geeze, I hope we don't start arguing politics on here.....that wouldn't be good.

Huck 11-15-2008 07:41 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
One thing I think we can agree on---I'd like to do SARAH!!

tinlid 11-15-2008 07:49 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
Sarah huh? Too bad McCain didn't win. I had the job as her intern lined up.

70 net440 11-15-2008 09:39 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
We own a small garbage company and recycling yard. We had two guys quit last summer and only hired one guy to replace them. Also had to lay off one of our recyclers. Last month we were selling our bailed newspaper for $180.00 a ton, got a call a fews days ago, the price is now $10.00 a ton. That won't even pay for the fuel to send it out. Our plastic and cardboard vendors have asked us not to send them any product for a while. I think they are all panicking, but what can you do?

Jcentsr6 11-16-2008 12:36 AM

Re: Laid Off.......

Originally Posted by lowriden58 (Post 2971312)
sorry to hear it man, but October 13th the GM/Mazda/Volkswagon dealership i worked for closed up without any warning! :lol: ive been out of work ever since, just living off of unemployment.. which isnt much :uhmk:

of course that same week, my built motor in the 71 crapped out on me due to a failed rocker arm. wiped the cam and bearings. but its just time to upgrade again :metal:

Marlow Heights right. I run the service dept. for Annapolis Mazda. I am sorry to hear about what has happened. What did you do there?

Times are tough in the auto market.

highwaymiles 11-16-2008 11:45 AM

Re: Laid Off.......
I work in the sheetmetal field(mostly stainless) things have been slow for us too but if any of you have seen the ( site. i personally build those and business is slowly picking up so im hoping not to get laid off,it was lookin kinda grim there for a bit and still kinda shaky,but if you know anyone needing a casket or just want to see some kewl ones, check out that site,and if ya order you will keep me from getting laid off:D.I probably shouldn't advertise here but since it is about being laid off and trying to keep jobs..... plus it does have that hotrod help a fellow bowtie owner out so i can keep restoring my 69 shortstep.
thanks guys

tinlid 11-16-2008 11:58 AM

Re: Laid Off.......
That is different. Might you take a suggestion to do some work on the pictures on your site? They are very dark and hard to see. Are you going to have a display at next years SEMA? I could really tick off the wife by ordering one of those. But I have told her to call the local medical college to come collect me. They will use me to be cut up by students. So I will have a bunch of young people saying "WOW, this guy really screwed himself up with bad habits and whatever else he was doing". You might do something in the area of pets. Many pet owners we have met will spend a small fortune on their dog or cat. Good luck with the business. The out of work carpenter that posted here in the last day or so might also try that direction.

WIDESIDE72 11-16-2008 12:17 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
I feel your pain. I am a licensed journeyman electrician, but have been out of construction for almost five yrs. I took a job in 03 for a harness and control panel mfr in Austin as an estimator and sourcing specialist. All was well until a yr into it we got bought out by a big Co. -Wesco Distribution (commercial electrical wholesaler). They decided to start letting people go when thing slowed down (me and three others at the time, I have not kept up, as I am not too concerned about what is going on there now). It will be 6 months (!) ago on the 22nd. I have tried to get back into construction, but they balk when they see that I have been "off my tools" for so long. Desk jobs like I had are non existent. Luckily, the wife has a good job as a paralegal. One of the members here, Thomas Lund, (I forget his handle) hooked me up with an interview for a position as an inside sales rep for his co., Graybar Electric (wholesale electrical supplier) but they later sent me a letter saying they decided not to fill the position (economy). I have numerous apps out there, including LCRA, City of Austin and University of Texas. I have been offered 2 jobs that I did not apply for,but I can make more money on unemployment! I may wish I took them,but I am only half way through til unemployment runs out. THe wife has an 08 Prius, and I have an 06 Cobalt SS, and between the two, we are paying around $800/ mo. Luckily our mortgage is only $650/ mo. The 4 acres is paid for and I bought a repo 2002 doublewide for $20k before I got married. I have a rental property making us a little money each month. Dad always told me to plan ahead. He is retired, but was a subcontract rig welder in S. Texas oil field for 50 yrs. I remember when I was in high school during the Reagan administration and he was having to work away from home alot, when he could find work at all. He an 5 guys even carpooled about 70 miles one way and he worked on the South Texas Nuclear Project.

68chevy68 11-19-2008 06:31 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
A lot happened today, Got a little side work doing some drafting for a guy and also have an interview set up for early next week with an architectural, mep firm. Keep your fingers crossed.

BADSAM 11-19-2008 08:28 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
Good luck on your interview. Being laid off stinks. I got laid off about 6 years ago from a large engineering contractor in Houston, luckily I found a job within a few weeks (at another engineering contractor firm). As quick as I could (2 yrs) I found a job with an owner, a large chemical company, and relocated my family to TN. I thought this would get me away from all the ups and downs. I was wrong. They have curtailed production and started layoffs. We just pray everyday it will get better.

And 6 yrs ago we started working towards getting out of debt. I takes awhile. I'm a little under two years away still from being debt free (not including a mortgage).

We are in much better shape then we were 6 years ago, but still have a ways to go.

Good luck to us all.

68chevy68 11-19-2008 10:49 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
I hear you on the debt thing. I have wised up to that now. I am going to concentrate on getting it all paid off as soon as I am up and working again.

leddzepp 11-19-2008 10:58 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
Most people are about as rich as their next paycheck...staying out of debt (or getting out of it) is the best thing you can do for yourself.

69trk 11-19-2008 11:08 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
If anybody needs any advise on getting out of debt, try and get dave ramsey's books and cd's. He has his own talk radio and web site. You can buy off his sight but he doesn't take credit cards, he only takes check cards. Best advise i can give anybody!!! He has changed our lives. Some churches offer his classes.

WIDESIDE72 11-20-2008 02:06 AM

Re: Laid Off.......

Originally Posted by 69trk (Post 2982374)
If anybody needs any advise on getting out of debt, try and get dave ramsey's books and cd's. He has his own talk radio and web site. You can buy off his sight but he doesn't take credit cards, he only takes check cards. Best advise i can give anybody!!! He has changed our lives. Some churches offer his classes.

I always wondered about these deals. If someone is broke, how can they afford to buy a tape to tell them how to fix it?

I will offer some free advice: "Don't buy stuff if you don't have the money (CASH IN HAND!)". Don't put it on a credit card thinking it will get paid off eventually. It will, eventually being YEARS AND YEARS LATER. My grand dad went through the depression. He never had a credit card. He died in 1993, never owed anybody anything. He didn't try to keep up with the Joneses. That is what all these car companies and retailers try to make us believe. Cell phones, for instance. 10 yrs from now, after ALL the kids have one, they will try and sell us one for the dog and cat! You dang kids get off my yard!!! OK, I am better now. YOu can all send me $19.95 for this advice if you like.

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