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junkyardpartseeker 06-17-2003 06:51 PM

That new crossmember will bolt to the top and bottom rails for my heavy duty towing I do? If so, I hope I am still on your list. 2 bolt trans mount. I have a 700R4

Bobs76 06-18-2003 09:15 PM

OK guys, The shop has delayed my order for the braces a day so it will be monday before I get them. I am making them a bolt on bracket for easy instalation and shipping purposes. I will be shipping as soon as I get them. That is the only thing I need to finish them up. I would like for everyone who wants one to PM me with the # of bolts the rubber mount needs and Shipping info. I will return your PM with the shipping cost to your zip and the total price, When I recieve the braces I will then PM you and we can arrange for payment. I do have paypal, it is my wifes Yahoo acct. so please don't RIP me too bad.....:) I need an exact account of everyone who wants one and the bolt patern to insure you recieve the correct x-member.
Thanks Bobby

Bobs76 06-20-2003 01:12 PM


gchemist 06-20-2003 02:33 PM

Sounds like the wife gets to go EBAY shopping!!! :p

I'll PM you. I want the dual bolt pattern. The new engine is gonna have a lot of torque. :eek:

kevhill85 06-22-2003 05:21 PM

do have any more . i go through grandburry all the time

Bobs76 06-22-2003 07:14 PM

Yes. I will have all of them ready to ship Wed. Just let me know when you will be coming through and I will have one ready for you.

kevhill85 06-22-2003 08:07 PM

canu email me the way to your shop at what would be shipping on them

Bobs76 06-25-2003 11:01 AM

OK I have the x-members ready to ship. Shipping cost will be $15 anywhere in the lower 48. I do have PayPal if you want to pay that way, If it is an e-check I will have to wait for it to clear before shipping, I will take money orders and personal checks but I will have to wait until the check clears before shipping. Anyone who wants one after this thread, the price will be a little higher since I am having some nice brackets made to mount the x-member to the frame. it costs a little more to do that. but it makes it nicer and helps with lining it up on the frame and tranny. Anyone in the Waco/ Temple/ Austin area that wants one, I will be in Waco on Friday 6/26, if you want to save shipping cost then I will meet you.
Thanks Bobby

x-member $45.00
shipping $15.00
Total $60.00

gchemist 06-26-2003 01:15 PM

What is the paypal e-mail address?

1FaastC10 06-26-2003 09:05 PM

bob, any pics of the newly modified crossmembers?

Bobs76 06-27-2003 09:09 AM

Payment info
OK guys the paypal acct. is my wifes so here is the email addy for it. I can ship as soon as I get payment. Our UPS branch has strange hours so if I get it by 4:00 PM I can ship that day, if not I can ship the next day.

I put some pics of the new design on this thread, I think page 3, I will get some more pics with the brackets I had made later today.

Thanks Bobby

CT-Truckster 07-01-2003 06:25 PM

hey bob, i think i would like one of these crossmembers too with all that fancy extra bracing and two hole tranny mount if you have one available for me, just let me know with price and all and i'll paypal ya, thanks.

ahh i just saw the price up there $60 dollars total?

gchemist 07-01-2003 10:48 PM

Mine should be in the mail. :D

boataddict26 07-03-2003 09:51 PM

So should mine!!:metal:

clynt11 10-16-2003 12:11 AM

just wondering if these crossmembers are still available?

85gmcguy 10-16-2003 12:02 PM

I'm interested, too...

1FaastC10 10-16-2003 12:21 PM

Bob hasnt made a post since 10-03, you might want to email him.

clynt11 10-16-2003 01:20 PM

I tried emailing and sending a pm but never got any response.

boataddict26 10-16-2003 06:13 PM

I bought one from him, sent him the money, he sent out the x-member promptly. I got it and it was not predrilled like it was susposed to be. I contacted him and he was going to refund what I paid for shipping to make up for the mistake(his idea). I havent heard a word from him since. The mounting brackets I got dont even match up with the mounting holes in my frame. Did any one else who bought one have a problem with this?

CT-Truckster 10-16-2003 09:07 PM

well i paid for one, but never got it. aint heard a peep out of him either.

1FaastC10 10-17-2003 12:30 AM

anybody know this guy's address or phone number? maybe somebody could give him a call. plenty of TX members too, might be able to arrange a little "meeting". :D

boataddict26 10-17-2003 04:28 PM

I wouldnt mind having a "meeting" with him. I spent 60.00 for a useless x-member that doesent even fit. The bracket system is crap. I could modify it which I will be doing soon, but I shouldnt have to. I paid good money for something that was suposed to be ready to bolt on. I feel really bad for CT-Truckster!! What a smuck. Did anyone get a x-member that fits?

boataddict26 10-17-2003 04:29 PM

1FastC10, I have his address!!:devil:

gunyhwy 07-27-2005 02:11 AM

:hi2: I would love to get a crossmember from ya for my 85' chevy C-10(silverado) 2 wheel drive. I can pay Paypal or money order which ever you want. :new:

gchemist 07-27-2005 04:54 PM

I still have mine sitting in the garage. I asked for the bolt brackets not to be welded to the main crossmember. This way I can weld the brackets and make adjusments as necessary. Mine is predrilled for a tranny mount too. I received mine promptly. He made the crossmembers after loosing his job. He shortly thereafter found a job that took up all his time. He could not make any more.

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