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_Ogre 09-30-2013 08:40 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania

Originally Posted by arturo7 (Post 6292317)
mounted the body on a rotisserie

that has to be one huge rotisserie :D

buggy5872 09-30-2013 09:36 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania
progress looks great. I'm with _Ogre on the rotisserie has to be huge.....we need to see a pic of that.

arturo7 10-01-2013 12:21 AM

Re: 59 Panelmania

Originally Posted by buggy5872 (Post 6293815)
.....we need to see a pic of that.

Pics are all cued up waiting for the mods to get off their arses and fix the gallery.

arturo7 10-04-2013 12:02 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania
Not quite sure how to handle the floor removal and replacement. Can't post any pics here without the gallery, so I started a thread over on the HAMB. Any input is appreciated.

arturo7 10-06-2013 08:33 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania
Perused the assembly manual again and figured out the problem. The pieces on the front and back of the bed are not C-channels. (guess I should wear the readers more often) The bottom rail is an extension of the floor and the top is a retaining strip. Since only the rear top strip needs replacement, it doesn't make much sense to hack up the supports. Instead I hacked up the plywood floor. Problem solved.

Guess the door is wide open on how to replace it now.

_Ogre 10-07-2013 12:16 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania
use photobucket like most of us do. one upload for many forums.
if you right click on most photos and open in new window, you will see most of us use photobucket.

arturo7 10-07-2013 01:14 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania
Photobucket is evil. The security monitor on my browser lights up like the Vegas Strip whenever I visit that site. Plus, I'm not a fan of anything cloud.

ghettoluxury 10-07-2013 02:00 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by arturo7 (Post 6294099)
Pics are all cued up waiting for the mods to get off their arses and fix the gallery.

Here is how to upload pictures now.

Ferrofil 10-07-2013 02:30 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania
What Arturo said!
Totally agree...and think he's funny as f*** too! :-D

_Ogre 10-08-2013 03:28 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania

Originally Posted by arturo7 (Post 6303668)
Photobucket is evil. The security monitor on my browser lights up like the Vegas Strip whenever I visit that site. Plus, I'm not a fan of anything cloud.

yeah, i don't run any security or antivirus on my pc
never had a problem since the kids moved out :D

arturo7 11-19-2013 10:57 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania
The gallery is back, yay!

Here is the body dolly, made with .081 tubing, weld nuts and Harbor Freight casters. It worked just fine, although the HF wheels are a bit weak. This was my first MIG project. The welds ain't pretty, but they didn't fail.

arturo7 11-20-2013 01:58 AM

Re: 59 Panelmania
Here's a pic of the electrolysis tank.

More here

_Ogre 11-20-2013 11:19 AM

Re: 59 Panelmania

Originally Posted by arturo7 (Post 6299161)
Not quite sure how to handle the floor removal and replacement.

what part of the floor are you replacing?

if your plywood floor is decent, don't remove it.
you can't buy plywood that wide to fix it in one piece and a seam will delaminate.
if your tubbing, c-notching the frame and raising the floor over the axle, i'd still only cut out what you need to.

if it's the metal floor up front, everything is the same as the truck

Kim57 11-20-2013 11:38 AM

Re: 59 Panelmania
Nice cab dolly.

arturo7 11-20-2013 12:25 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania

Originally Posted by _Ogre (Post 6377619)
what part of the floor are you replacing?

if your plywood floor is decent, don't remove it.
you can't buy plywood that wide to fix it in one piece and a seam will delaminate.
if your tubbing, c-notching the frame and raising the floor over the axle, i'd still only cut out what you need to.

if it's the metal floor up front, everything is the same as the truck

The plywood had holes in it. No choice but to replace it. Unfortunately, the plywood does not come out easily, it is welded in place. Because of this it needs to be cut up for removal and the new floor must be installed in segments. I'll post some pics of the removal later today.

arturo7 12-03-2013 07:34 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania
Here are the rotisserie pics.

Kim57 12-03-2013 07:44 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania
That is slick.

miltonseven 03-05-2014 03:56 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania

arturo7 08-16-2014 04:31 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania
After giving it a try, I realized bodywork is not something I'm good at. This significantly raised the cost of the project. Couple this with the fact that I quit my job earlier in the year to start a business, the project is on hold for a while. On the bright side, I'm getting some projects done around the house that were back burnered. You know, those minor jobs that pile up while you're obsessing on your truck; house painting, landscaping, firepit...

arturo7 07-25-2019 09:38 PM

Re: 59 Panelmania
Greetings all. Long time no see.

I've decided to move on from this project. Another vehicle came my way that I couldn't pass up. It's not a cool old Chevy truck, but it's not a project either.

The search begins to find someone who might be interested in finishing the build. A lot of the heavy lifting on the chassis has been done. But there is still quite a bit more work to do.

I'm not sure how to value the vehicle in it's present condition. I've got about $10k into it, but I doubt if it's worth that in it's present condition. I post it in the classifieds once I figure out a reasonable asking price.

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