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jmorri34 08-28-2013 11:10 AM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
Well made it back safely with the truck and shes home in the garage. Nothing like 1100 mile trio and ending back up in the same place you left all in the same day... LOL... Phew I didnt think we'd ever get home. The old truck is definately solid and the suspension and brakes are great. Interior is going to have to be gutted and I'm going to rewire the whole truck which is all stuff I knew from before so no worries. Truck is definately a 30-30 truck 30 feet at 30 miles per hour, gonna have a whole ton of sanding to do, paint is aweful!!So anyway I am happy overall but have a whole slew of work ahead of me. trans pan is leaking and the engine has a dead hole (hope all 8 have compression) and its only a tune up and timing issue. Now to start this process and remember it is a project and to break it down into pieces and not get overwhelmed with all the work that needs to be done and remember that it is a fun thing and not a burdensome thing. Wish me luck everyone and yes I will be taking lots of pics along the way so anyone whos watching if you have any tips or see me doing something wrong please dont hesitate to let me know. Its been a LONG time since I have worked on classic vehicle so bear with me it could be turbulent!!!:haha:

jmorri34 08-28-2013 11:15 AM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
1 Attachment(s)
Thought I'd throw in a pic of right after I got it on the trailer before the 8 hour drive back home. Not to shabby from this far LOL :lol:

knomadd 08-28-2013 12:25 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
Glad you and Ole 69er made it back safely. Have fun with the rest of your build. I know it can be hard to do at times, but it will be worth it in the end. Good Luck!

jmorri34 08-28-2013 01:40 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"

Originally Posted by knomadd (Post 6242493)
Glad you and Ole 69er made it back safely. Have fun with the rest of your build. I know it can be hard to do at times, but it will be worth it in the end. Good Luck!

Thanks man, I just have to remember theres no hurry and its a fun project lol no pressure to get it on the road fast

jmorri34 09-01-2013 07:11 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
4 Attachment(s)
Got the Ole 69er home and did some work on it, changed out the sidemarkers and tailights, reverse lenses, front grill blinker lense and worked on the inside a little. Heres a few more pics of the truck in her own driveway now, I think it looks pretty darn good!! Im happy with it. I still have a looooong way to go with this truck but dude did one heck of a job on her and now its my turn to take it the next lap and start to do more, I hope yall like the pics!!:chevy:

knomadd 09-02-2013 08:26 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
Lookin' good! Did you do some polish work on the paint? It looks shinier.

jmorri34 09-03-2013 09:05 AM

Re: The "Ole 69er"

Originally Posted by knomadd (Post 6250504)
Lookin' good! Did you do some polish work on the paint? It looks shinier.

Nope, just washed it...:lol:... Reverse lights wont work. got any suggestions?

Flu-by-U 09-03-2013 04:12 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
I'm on board...

Looks really kewl...

PM me & we'll swap info & pick each others brain for build info tid-bits...

How is your Pops doing?

Family trumps trucks...
Posted via Mobile Device

jmorri34 09-03-2013 09:55 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"

Originally Posted by Flu-by-U (Post 6251717)
I'm on board...

Looks really kewl...

PM me & we'll swap info & pick each others brain for build info tid-bits...

How is your Pops doing?

Family trumps trucks...
Posted via Mobile Device

You got it man that'd be great, pops is sadly not getting any better and wont ever be but he is holding his own and thank you for asking. I'll PM you soon and go from there, Im lookin forward to seein your truck coming together as well!!

jmorri34 09-03-2013 10:00 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
3 Attachment(s)
Heres a couple of pics after I sanded, primed ,and shot the tubs with some black paint just to keep them from rusting untill I get a chance to work them with some filler, not to bad I think!!

mcbassin 09-03-2013 11:50 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"

Originally Posted by jmorri34 (Post 6252300)
Heres a couple of pics after I sanded, primed ,and shot the tubs with some black paint just to keep them from rusting untill I get a chance to work them with some filler, not to bad I think!!

Very nice! Don't think it will take too much filler.:metal:

jmorri34 09-04-2013 09:13 AM

Re: The "Ole 69er"

Originally Posted by mcbassin (Post 6252563)
Very nice! Don't think it will take too much filler.:metal:

Nah, I dont think so, I'm thinkin just some skim coats will do it, they turned out really sweet. Its been years since I messed with body stuff, hope I can still do it lol!! thanks for the compliment!!

TX10.5 09-05-2013 10:26 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
Looks good jerry let me know if you need some help:chevy:

jmorri34 09-06-2013 09:48 AM

Re: The "Ole 69er"

Originally Posted by TX10.5 (Post 6255792)
Looks good jerry let me know if you need some help:chevy:

Thanks Mark same with you bud, if you need a hand with anything let me know!

jmorri34 09-06-2013 08:09 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
5 Attachment(s)
Worked on getting the dash bezel and cluster all changed out with new pieces. Put LEDs in the cluster and left the green paint inside and it looks great and all the lights and blinkers and such work as well. Phew I was sweating that!! Anyway heres a few pics in the progress and the throwdown seatcover untill I can afford to get the seat reupholstered. Sprayed the upper dash with satin black and new dashpad later and it starting to look better now and had to get rid of the cadillac seat the PO put in it (reason for throwdown seatcover)!!

jmorri34 09-06-2013 08:11 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
1 Attachment(s)
And the final picture with the dash all done!!:metal:

jmorri34 09-06-2013 08:12 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"

Originally Posted by jmorri34 (Post 6257101)
And the final picture with the dash all done!!:metal:

Oh excuse all the junk in the floorboards, hadnt cleaned up yet lol

jmorri34 09-10-2013 01:01 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
2 Attachment(s)
Heres a before and after picture of the door panels I changed from blue to black. They came out pretty good. The black one is a bad picture, gonna try to upload a better picture of them on the doors!!

knomadd 09-10-2013 01:11 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
What did you use, vinyl dye or did you recover them?

jmorri34 09-10-2013 08:48 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"

Originally Posted by knomadd (Post 6262511)
What did you use, vinyl dye or did you recover them?

I just used a spray type coating for vinyl and plastic such for interior pieces from a can. I have used it before and it seems to work ok, time will tell but it looks good!

jmorri34 09-24-2013 03:46 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
5 Attachment(s)
Been getting some cleaning done on the 69er lately.I got the interior all cleaned up, got the exhaust all done with new ceramic headers, new fuel sending unit in, picture to come in the next post (SMH!!) and got the Tach wired, the new stock dome light replaced the old home made one they had in there.Got a throw down seat cover on the stock bench to replace the cadillac lookin suede pimp seat out of it, much better even with a cheapo on it. Anyway shes coming along pretty well, after the first of the year gonna put an american autowire rewire on the whole truck and try to rebuild the under dash. All in good time, gotta remember its a project and not a race to the end. shes runnin ok, a little fat but took it for a couple of rounds around the block for the first time and ran like a champ!!:chevy:

jmorri34 09-24-2013 03:48 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"

Originally Posted by jmorri34 (Post 6283892)
Been getting some cleaning done on the 69er lately.I got the interior all cleaned up, got the exhaust all done with new ceramic headers, new fuel sending unit in, picture to come in the next post (SMH!!) and got the Tach wired, the new stock dome light replaced the old home made one they had in there.Got a throw down seat cover on the stock bench to replace the cadillac lookin suede pimp seat out of it, much better even with a cheapo on it. Anyway shes coming along pretty well, after the first of the year gonna put an american autowire rewire on the whole truck and try to rebuild the under dash. All in good time, gotta remember its a project and not a race to the end. shes runnin ok, a little fat but took it for a couple of rounds around the block for the first time and ran like a champ!!:chevy:

Oh yea needs an air cleaner too lol!!

jmorri34 09-24-2013 03:52 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
1 Attachment(s)
Now I want yall to take a look at this, this is what I pulled out when I was putting a new fuel sender setup into the tank!!! Anyone see a problem with this?!?!:crazy:

jmorri34 09-26-2013 08:51 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
1 Attachment(s)
Night shot of the ole 69er. Took it down the road tonite and it ran ok, got Carburetor problems its running real fat!! but it was a good trip even if it was

jmorri34 12-30-2013 09:43 PM

Re: The "Ole 69er"
Hav'nt posted in awhile, thought Id catch the thread up a little. I have been driving the ole 69er a bit lately and have been trying to chase down the source of the hard brake pedal as my first suspect "the booster" through all the tests tested like it was good and I didnt want to dump 100 bucks on a new one. Well long story short I bought the booster finally and bypassed the proportioning valve which was also bad and viola put it all back together and it stops beautifully!!! I should have went with my gut instinct to begin with and I wouldnt have been working my right leg out everytime I went for a I bought all the parts to rebuild the A/C-heaterbox and seals along with new duct hosing and new vent balls and defroster vents , rebuild parts for the levers and a new fan speed switch so hopfully in a short time I will at least have heat. I will be gutting the wiring in the whole truck and getting a new wiring harness front to back and then comes the A/C closer to summer. Still have a mysterious clicking sound near the rearend when I turn but not sure how to diagnos it so I will keep on working. I want to thank everyone for all their help the past year I could not have dont it without the members on this site.I encourage everyone here if you have a few bucks to support the board to keep it going and as soon as I figure out how and when to renew mine I will be doing it as well. Everyone have a safe and happy new year... Jerry

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