C/10 King |
04-24-2014 03:20 PM |
Re: The Cyclops!!! 65' SWB BBW
Originally Posted by leftybass209
(Post 6644169)
You have an eye for vehicles like no one I've ever seen. Do you ever second guess yourself and fix things before you post pics, or do you post pics to everyone's enjoyment and settle? Lovin' this truck :metal:
Thanks Lefy, (the checks in the mail BTW :lol:) Most of the time when I find or consider a new truck project, I don't second guess myself, I usually have a idea running thru my mind right then and there of what it would take to beautify it a little/or a lot more....and sometimes it's as easy as a set of chrome bumpers, a minor stance change, a little 2 toning, or just different wheels. :lol: But, (believe it or not) more than once I've been laughed at when purchasing trucks, when I bought my blazer one of my friends overheard some one saying "why did he buy that thing "it's ugly", the Grey Goose was another one that I got snicker at, even a few people had doubts when I bought the Pumpkin, and each time after I purchased them I said to myself "Self, they won't recognize them in 2 weeks" :lol: When I met the owner of "Gumby" my 68' 3 years before I bought it, I tried to tell him that he finished it wrong, when he finally sold it to me he said that he wanted me to finish it my way and that he would be back to check it out in 6 months, I laughed and told him to return at the end of the month, that I couldn't drive it the way he had it, :mm: I already had a plan in my head and my truck connections/friends on standby. ........Oh sh#t, here I go rambling on.
Thanks again Lefty~ :chevy: