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daverod 08-17-2009 09:57 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
Ya jobs kinda suck,but they do give you money to buy cool stuff for your truck.:metal:

hAetWagon 08-18-2009 04:04 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
The truck looks good. That palm sander may get you into trouble for body work

protrash64 08-18-2009 05:19 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by daverod (Post 3470159)
Ya jobs kinda suck,but they do give you money to buy cool stuff for your truck.:metal:

.....Yep, time to stimulate the economy!!!:lol:


Originally Posted by hAetWagon (Post 3471386)
The truck looks good. That palm sander may get you into trouble for body work

A palm sander is not recommended for body work as it leaves little circles everywhere;:agree: I used 180g paper just to knock the high build down and I will be covering it in another layer of high build. I know its not good but its the only power tool I have for sanding, not enough air capacity for a line sander at my house. It did a good job for what I needed done as I kept it moving and there is not any serious stuff to do on the front clip. If I spray on the primer as thick as the last batch, nothing will ever be seen:lol:.

daverod 08-18-2009 05:30 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
1 Attachment(s)
Here's what I use. It's orbital. Don't cost to much.;)

Dinos63 08-18-2009 06:00 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

jchav62 08-18-2009 06:24 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
I was born and raised in Henderson, NV, just outside of Las Vegas, not much cooler than Phoenix. I built my '62 there, mostly in the summer of 2001. Almost died a few times it was sooo hot. I was an impatient SOB. Then I moved here to NM, got an office job...really softened me up. If it's above 90 degrees, I can hardly hang... I have to stay inside by the fan.. :lol:

shrunken66stroker 08-18-2009 08:46 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
One word Joe, SOFT. I'm out there everyday sweatin my a$$ off and wrenchin. I've lost ten pounds since summer started. That 9-5 office job has a hold on you. Maybe I'm a little bit jealous....I do love the AC.

protrash64 08-18-2009 09:07 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
I have kinda been remembering Alan's motto that 'one thing done is progress'.
The heat beats the hell out of ya. I was on a tile roof til 200pm on Monday laying an array and was just completely drained. Keep in mind that to get it to work efficiently it faces south and west.......:devil: My feet feel like they're on fire by the end of the day.
I will try to get some stuff done, and I appreciate the sympathy:lol:

Thanx for the tip on the orbital, daverod. I have done the whole truck by hand so far except for the front clip.

ruffrida2005 08-18-2009 10:06 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
You guys dont know what heat is! Try doing 130 in the shade wearing 75lbs of body armor.

Now get to work on your trucks!

protrash64 08-18-2009 10:45 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by ruffrida2005 (Post 3472191)
You guys dont know what heat is! Try doing 130 in the shade wearing 75lbs of body armor.

Now get to work on your trucks!

Trust me ruff, Ive thought about that more than once....I think I mite take my chances with out the armour:lol:.

jchav62 08-19-2009 08:44 AM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by ruffrida2005 (Post 3472191)
You guys dont know what heat is! Try doing 130 in the shade wearing 75lbs of body armor.

Now get to work on your trucks!

Good point! We're a bunch of sissys... Thanks for what you do man...

Hey Greg... Soft is right! But I didn't used to be. I worked in the field almost 10 years with an NDOT survey crew... When it was a 110 degrees, standing on top of black top with traffic going by you, it seems more like 125... :lol: This job did make me soft.. OH whell... I'm still getting trucks built.:chevy::chevy:

daverod 08-19-2009 08:46 AM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
Ya, but Ruff all you guy's where doing is sitting in the shade. :ito:He's sanding.:lol: Really though, thanks for keeping us safe.

MacAttack 08-19-2009 09:24 AM

Re: Protrash Re-hash may hit 78 here today. ;)

Strodder 08-19-2009 10:00 AM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
It's been in the high 90's here. But with low humidity it doesn't seem that hot. I've been working, and not even sweating. At night it goes down to the high 60's. When I lived in Vegas there was no relief at night. While we were moving back to California, and packing the U Haul Truck it was 125 degree's, and at 10pm it was 108. We couldn't get out of Vegas fast enough. :devil:

daverod 08-19-2009 10:03 AM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
1 Attachment(s)
It was 40 here this morning. Brrrrrrrr.

Strodder 08-19-2009 10:08 AM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by daverod (Post 3472859)
It was 40 here this morning. Brrrrrrrr.

It's supposed to be SUMMER. How cold does is it get in the winter?

daverod 08-19-2009 12:38 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by Strodder (Post 3472870)
It's supposed to be SUMMER. How cold does is it get in the winter?

0 to 15 is common. Couple times -50 at our cabin . Trucks don't start very good then. Have to build a fire under them.:devil:

MacAttack 08-19-2009 01:43 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by jchav62 (Post 3471693)
I was born and raised in Henderson, NV, just outside of Las Vegas, not much cooler than Phoenix.

Henderson, isn't that where the Pacific Engineering Production Company used to be?:lol:

Mac. ;)

jchav62 08-19-2009 03:38 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by MacAttack (Post 3473189)
Henderson, isn't that where the Pacific Engineering Production Company used to be?:lol:

Mac. ;)

Yeah...don't bring that blast up. I was 13 years old and it ruined me... I haven't slept right since... j/k

May 4, 1988... I was in the pizza line at lunch at Brown Junior High School... I remember it well. My Dad actually worked about a mile away at a lime plant when the blast happened. Scary stuff for a youngan...

FRENCHBLUE72 08-19-2009 07:43 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
Truck is moving along nicely

ruffrida2005 08-19-2009 08:35 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
I'm just messing with you guys, I'm not even in Iraq right now. Hottest I've seen was 160+ in Kuwait in August. Hot and Humid. So get back to work

shrunken66stroker 08-19-2009 08:58 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by jchav62 (Post 3473363)
Yeah...don't bring that blast up. I was 13 years old and it ruined me... I haven't slept right since... j/k

May 4, 1988... I was in the pizza line at lunch at Brown Junior High School... I remember it well. My Dad actually worked about a mile away at a lime plant when the blast happened. Scary stuff for a youngan...

I was just across town Joe. We evacuated and when we got outside we saw that mushroom cloud. I was sure the Russians had just bombed Vegas and we were done for. Too much cold war, Russian, Commie talk from my Grandpa during my childhood I guess.

ruffrida2005 08-19-2009 09:02 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by shrunken66stroker (Post 3473967)
I was just across town Joe. We evacuated and when we got outside we saw that mushroom cloud. I was sure the Russians had just bombed Vegas and we were done for. Too much cold war, Russian, Commie talk from my Grandpa during my childhood I guess.

I think someone watched Red Dawn too many times!!:metal:

shrunken66stroker 08-19-2009 11:24 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by ruffrida2005 (Post 3473978)
I think someone watched Red Dawn too many times!!:metal:

I wasn't even 10 when that movie came out and I don't think I've even seen the whole thing. Maybe my Grandpa was a closet Red Dawn lover. All I know is I was 13 and ran outside my classroom to see a mushroom cloud in the sky after all of the ceiling tiles just fell on my head from a shock wave. I was feeling lucky that there wasn't $hit in my pants. My school was about 5 or 6 miles away from the epicenter.

jchav62 08-20-2009 09:41 AM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by shrunken66stroker (Post 3474278)
I wasn't even 10 when that movie came out and I don't think I've even seen the whole thing. Maybe my Grandpa was a closet Red Dawn lover. All I know is I was 13 and ran outside my classroom to see a mushroom cloud in the sky after all of the ceiling tiles just fell on my head from a shock wave. I was feeling lucky that there wasn't $hit in my pants. My school was about 5 or 6 miles away from the epicenter.

My school was on the other side of town, but when the blast hit you could swear it was right outside. Henderson's pretty much (well it used to be) an industrial town founded on plants and factories. My Dad worked at a lime plant in the BMI complex (where all the plants were). When we got evacuated, we all ran outside, and from where my school was it looked like the whole BMI complex was up in flames. I thought my Dad was a goner. The tears were flowing! PEPCON was about a mile or two outside of the BMI complex, but the flames :devil:and smoke clouds were so huge it looked like all the plants were on fire...

Anyhow, enough Henderson history...back to the Re-hash.. :chevy:

protrash64 12-25-2009 11:12 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
3 Attachment(s)
Still been working on this for awhile...just no updates as sanding dust isnt that interesting. I'm done with the bed and doors and had to improve my headlites. I used aftermarket lites as headlamps and they werent bright enough. I have been scratching my head over this for years, but I finally went ahead and tried to put 5x7 S10 headlites in my grill support and destroyed it. I picked up one for cheap that somebody else had destroyed with a front roll pan and now I have to section them together. I finally have it figured out and need to wait to get some bolts at the hardware store.

Anyway, here are some was a good X-mas working on the truck.

joe231 12-25-2009 11:56 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

TimE 12-26-2009 12:27 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
Keep on "truckin"...:metal:

shrunken66stroker 12-26-2009 05:19 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
I can't sit idle if you're doing an update, Jeff. Now I'm going to have to take some pics and get the shrunken rig back up to the top with you. I agree, sanding dust isn't too exciting but it's necessary if your rig is going to be straight. I've got a lot of blocking to do in the near future. I'm actually looking forward to it.

protrash64 12-26-2009 05:26 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
Thanx man!!! Sanding can be a good way to wear yourself out:lol:... I've got this head lite thing figured out and just need to assemble it and do some welding.

I'm looking forward to seeing it all in black primer...then once more around the truck and it will be ready for some paint. It'll still take awhile.....:smoke:

shortbed70 12-26-2009 06:06 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
Well the weather must be nicer where you are. Nice to see your still working on it. Wish I could say the same its just TOO cold

lakeroadster 12-26-2009 06:11 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by protrash64 (Post 3694261)
I've got this head lite thing figured out and just need to assemble it and do some welding.

Subscribed.... looking forward to the headlight install!

protrash64 12-27-2009 01:11 AM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by shortbed70 (Post 3694301)
Well the weather must be nicer where you are. Nice to see your still working on it. Wish I could say the same its just TOO cold

It's pretty good......chilly, but good. It chased me inside last nite when I was head scratching and not actually doing anything.


Originally Posted by lakeroadster (Post 3694305)
Subscribed.... looking forward to the headlight install!

Me too:lol:.....I've never been able to drive at nite. Also looking forward to your dash install.

OK.......cut and welded and got my grill support together. Fairly self explanatory but it coulda gone a couple different ways. The first pic shows the original grill support lip clamped on the new grill support. A few welds and then hung the thing on the front of the truck just to get it out of the way. Still needs a bunch of grinding and a little body work but I think its good. I will try to get the headlites mounted tomorrow.

lakeroadster 12-27-2009 09:00 AM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
3 Attachment(s)
I have contemplated sinking the headlights back into the grille support panel too. (I never have liked the "profile" look of the headlights sticking out of the front of the truck) Problem with doing this is I would also need to cut the inner fenders and then make some type of bucket.

Will you be cutting the inner fender panels during you modifications?

I am thinking of using bigger than stock headlights and making a custom grille to replicate a 67 plane Jane Camaro. Basically a big flat grille that from the side doesn't protrude out past the grille support panel. Or go a similar route like you have, with a Ralley Sport look.

Thanks, any input is appreciated.

protrash64 12-27-2009 01:16 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
This exactly how I came up with my original idea. I noticed GM styling thruout the years had basically a rough shape and then a pie-cut for the grill. Its noticeable on anything with a phantom grill and the hideaways.

I thought I would be into the inner fenders and decided to hack out whatever I needed to get the cosmetic and function I wanted. Turns out that I will not cut the inners. If you look, they bolt on to the core with a lip folded down which actually gives you about 2'' vertically. Some of the lip may have to go, but I dont believe the engine bay side will be touched(looking down from the front with the hood open). Also the grill mounts very low and to the outside. The only casualty so far has been the core support diaginal. I thought I would rplace this metal with square stock around my future headlite bucket, but it is so solid I may forego the work. There are only about 50 bolts holding this stuff together:lol:!!!

What I have considered so far are the following: any of this may stimulate a better idea than mine. My metal skills are just this side of caveman, so I'm sure there are cleaner possibilities:lol:

88-89 truck headlites (4 little peanut lites)
90's F-body thin, flat lites
70's-80's square lites....on just about everything(4x6'')
5'' round headlites (4 headlite 70's Impala's for eg)
stock 7'' rounds....cut out the original headlite bucket and flip it around backwards and it almost fits.

The problem with the smaller headlites (4 lite set-ups) is a separate high beam lite adding mounting space and complexity. I went with the 5x7's cuz they fit the 'rounded square' look of the truck and had hi/lo beams in one unit.

I also learned that the mount feet of the original grill will give you the offset of the grill support bends to allow you to measure a level behind the grill to aim the lite. If you look at it it will make sense.;)

good luck and enjoy my hacking away...all your parts are getting more valuable by the day!!!!

ravens65 01-03-2010 08:21 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
How about rs/ss camero hideaway headlights , had thoughts of doing that to mine w/rs/ss taillights in a roll pan and a cowl induction hood scoop - noone has done it.....yet! the grill is shorter so you would need to graft 2 together with a plastic welder it would look wicked than add rally strips and rs/ss emblems and the front spoiler

jgh64pkup 01-03-2010 08:25 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
they make a metal rs grill i think

ravens65 01-03-2010 08:34 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by jgh64pkup (Post 3708692)
they make a metal rs grill i think

I had looked @ plastic ones -the doors are metal of couse this isn't the easiest but.... it would be awesome to flip open the headlights grilles are bout 90.00 can't remember the doors and trim think it was all about 300-350.00 for new repo parts (not inc hood scoop and tail lights or emblems)junk yard parts would greatly reduce the cost!!

protrash64 01-10-2010 09:36 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
4 Attachment(s)
I continued my headlite deal that I thought I would finish in one afternoon. Here it is 3 weeks least the pieces are in place and I can continue sanding as I'm trying to get on a new coat of primer. Some drive time would be nice too.

I welded tabs on to the headlite buckets and made a heavy duty version of the factory mounting. Only took 3 trips to the hardware store and about 15 bucks worth of stuff. Imagine that!! I also included a pic of the core support with the clearance cut out............still one inch away from the inner fender panels. It all fits in nicely. I pulled it back apart to rattle can the various pieces on the back.

Dinos63 01-10-2010 11:35 PM

Re: Protrash Re-hash
nice work jeff!!

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