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menace121978 06-30-2009 08:35 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
i totally agree w/ trav. i researched this for months and really did the last 2 weeks and i kept coming back to the blackbirds kit... i have comfort knowing the rotors are 1 1/4" thick unlike the seville rotors.

and the research that randy from blackbirds has done on putting all gm disc brakes on the rear of our trucks is amazing. i'm not saying the other way is bad or wrong. i can see it being a headache "for myself"
thank you joe for the heads up though. Dennis

menace121978 06-30-2009 08:47 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
joe your not out of line at all. i apprieciate it... but i already commited also.

btw not to stir the pot but my napa here charges a $30 core for just the front truck caliper.

bigbadjohn84 06-30-2009 11:21 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
do the blackbirds kits have a website? Id really like a kit like that for my 81.. thanks

joe231 06-30-2009 11:25 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by menace121978 (Post 3387937)
joe your not out of line at all. i apprieciate it... but i already commited also.

btw not to stir the pot but my napa here charges a $30 core for just the front truck caliper.

around here I'm sure I could get them for $5 or less each from the junk yards all day...heck I have a few junkers laying around the shop at this very moment :lol:

I believe the Lincoln rotors are 1 inch thick, what rotors are in the Blackbird kits? or is it a trade secret? :ito:

Oh and one more question, Does Blackbird supply part number/application so you can replace them when needed? or do you have to get replacement parts from them? Just a innocent question, for my info;)


Originally Posted by bigbadjohn84 (Post 3388127)
do the blackbirds kits have a website? Id really like a kit like that for my 81.. thanks


joe231 06-30-2009 11:31 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
dang edit time out!!! :lol:

I don't think it is a bad price for a complete kit, I'm just a cheap ass that likes to save money as much as possible, kinda like piecing stuff together long as I write down what the parts numbers :banghead:


bigbadjohn84 06-30-2009 05:05 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
same here man. I don't mind paying for someone elses innovation, but I like doing most everything myself if I can. but still.. 4-500 ain't really that bad considering all the guess work is gone, and you are using all GM parts. I like the fact that they incorp the parking brake feature. its a must on standard trucks

tvblazer78 07-01-2009 10:39 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by joe231 (Post 3387909)
the kit with calipers is $400, so it would be a savings of much more than $20-$30, and no shipping, so even more savings, over $100 in savings.....I didn't say one was better than the other, just that it can be done for much less....just wanted to make people aware that there is another option...If I'm out of line just let me know ;)

Your right it is $400 my bad, but you do get free shipping for online orders. And your not out of line, we need to come up with dif things so we can save money so we can keep working on trucks.;)

Web site,


joe231 07-01-2009 12:05 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

JohnC 07-01-2009 12:47 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Glad to see we all can get along! :lol: I was getting ready to :exit: :lol:

menace121978 07-01-2009 02:33 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
:lol: my internets been down all morning and most of yesterday.

Originally Posted by joe231 (Post 3388131)
around here I'm sure I could get them for $5 or less each from the junk yards all day...heck I have a few junkers laying around the shop at this very moment :lol:

I believe the Lincoln rotors are 1 inch thick, what rotors are in the Blackbird kits? or is it a trade secret? :ito:

Oh and one more question, Does Blackbird supply part number/application so you can replace them when needed? or do you have to get replacement parts from them? Just a innocent question, for my info;)


good point on the pick n pull... and yes after you buy the kit blackbirds tell you what the parts are off of and you dont have to buy replacements from them any napa will work. ;)

joe231 07-01-2009 03:13 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
that is a bonus :cool:

menace121978 07-01-2009 04:11 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
rotors and brackets arrived today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the loaded calipers should be here tomorrow. i'll put up pics later tonigt or in the morning. i'm going to blast the brackets and paint them silver, tape off the rotor and paint the hat and fins black, and sand down the calipers smooth and paint them red. should look pretty good!!

joe231 07-01-2009 04:17 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

sounds like a good color combo:thumbs:

JohnC 07-02-2009 08:11 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Sweet can't wait to see pics, especially after your mad painting skills.

menace121978 07-02-2009 09:12 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
;) hopefully today before it gets too hot.

JohnC 07-02-2009 09:35 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
If the weather is like here you better hurry! :devil:

menace121978 07-02-2009 11:00 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
yea, i wonder how the neighbors liked the compressor at 6:45 this morning. :)

JohnC 07-02-2009 04:51 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
:haha: If they come over to complain hand them a wrench and tell them to get busy. :lol:

menace121978 07-02-2009 11:54 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
alright... check this out!!
this is how the blackbirds kit comes.
sandblasted the brackets and sprayed w/ etch primer.
rotors all painted up.
brackets all painted and bolted down.
test fitting the calipers.
good snug clearance for the slots.

menace121978 07-03-2009 12:03 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
here is the best part... i grinded and sanded down the casting on the caliper.
etch primer, 4 coats of red caliper paint, and 2 coats of clear. i sure hope they hold up.
and installed.
thats all that i can upload on photobucket right now (really slow tonight) hopefully this weekend i can get the other side done. its been rough with 100+ weather.
i am very happy with the blackbird kit. i just hope and pray that i can tell a difference with braking. whatcha think?? ;)

LEEVON 07-03-2009 12:12 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Loving this build thread man! That disk brake kit looks like the bees knees, those caliper have huge pistons. I'd think you'll see a big improvement. Keep up the good work.

rome704 07-03-2009 12:51 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
How hard was it to do the conversion i'm looking to do the same thing to mine

menace121978 07-03-2009 03:35 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by LEEVON (Post 3393136)
Loving this build thread man! That disk brake kit looks like the bees knees, those caliper have huge pistons. I'd think you'll see a big improvement. Keep up the good work.

thanks leevon! much apprieciated...

rome704, its a piece of cake. just have to pop the cover off the rearend and take out the axles to get the drum backing plate off is probably the hardest thing. easy peasy!

LiveAnimals 07-03-2009 07:34 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Its looking better everytime I log in

JohnC 07-04-2009 07:40 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by menace121978 (Post 3393105)
alright... check this out!!
this is how the blackbirds kit comes.

I don't know about you, but I would be a little upset if the kit doesn't even come in a box. I do have to say it looks pretty easy to install since it arrives, and a rotor automatically jumps on your truck. :haha:

Man that looks awesome man. That red caliper looks sweet sitting on there too. It really pops with it being the only bright color there. I think you could look into a new career in the painting/detail area. You do great work.!!

menace121978 07-04-2009 08:49 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
:lol: thank you liveanimals and john.
what ive done so far is easy. the sandblaster does most of the work and prep.;) and its all been done w/ the best paint in a can i can buy:lol: so i hope it lasts. i am enrolled in another autobody class this fall. the body and paint is what i'm most nervous about. alot of projects get abandoned, sold, or never get completely finished when it comes to the body and paint.

i really apprieciate everyone comments. its great healthy motivation!!!

JohnC 07-04-2009 10:26 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Seeing your progress is good motivation as well! Keep it up man! We're cheering you on!!

SCOTI 07-04-2009 11:07 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
I started reading this build thread when you first got going but didn't catch-up until yesterday/today (took a bit to get through all the progress). You're moving along @ a great, consistent pace which is the best thing for a frame-off build. The attention to detail is fantastic. The thoroughness while keeping the budget somewhat 'low' makes a build like this much more appealing to the masses (regular guys like me). Nice job!!

Did you physically measure the rear rotors from the BB kit? Are they actually 1.25" x12" like the fronts?

Suggestion: If you're opting to rebuild anything on the motor, swap in a stroker crank. It's undetectable by the smog PoPo & w/the right heads, intake, & cam (all smog legal of course), you'll easily surpass the 300hp goal (more like 300+ @ the rear wheels).

tvblazer78 07-04-2009 11:23 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Looks super man, the brakes look better then mine.:lol:

LiveAnimals 07-04-2009 11:57 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by SCOTI (Post 3395020)
Suggestion: If you're opting to rebuild anything on the motor, swap in a stroker crank. It's undetectable by the smog PoPo & w/the right heads, intake, & cam (all smog legal of course), you'll easily surpass the 300hp goal (more like 300+ @ the rear wheels).

I agree, a buddy of mine had a 76 with a roller 383, he ran the smog pump and passed just fine.

3r!c84 07-04-2009 02:01 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
im liking the hole black and sliver thing going on

menace121978 07-04-2009 04:05 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by SCOTI (Post 3395020)
I started reading this build thread when you first got going but didn't catch-up until yesterday/today (took a bit to get through all the progress). You're moving along @ a great, consistent pace which is the best thing for a frame-off build. The attention to detail is fantastic. The thoroughness while keeping the budget somewhat 'low' makes a build like this much more appealing to the masses (regular guys like me). Nice job!!

Did you physically measure the rear rotors from the BB kit? Are they actually 1.25" x12" like the fronts?

Suggestion: If you're opting to rebuild anything on the motor, swap in a stroker crank. It's undetectable by the smog PoPo & w/the right heads, intake, & cam (all smog legal of course), you'll easily surpass the 300hp goal (more like 300+ @ the rear wheels).

scoti, thank you for the kind words. i'm doing my best to keep everything going in the same direction. this is my 1st build and keeping it somewhat low buck but still fixing everything w/ new stuff is my goal to keep my wife happy and not have to bust into savings..... yet!! i know if this breaks the bank i wont be allowed to do another. (2wd K5) doing everything "right" and the details are whats going to make this truck "seem" like a high dollar build! i'm having a lot of fun!! as for the brakes i measured a hair under 11 5/8" diameter and a hair over 1 1/4" thick.
we'll see about the crank. i'll need to bust into the bottom end and get new rods and stuff and i've never dealt w/ that before besides high school auto. so i'll start looking into it. thanks again!!!:chevy:


Originally Posted by tvblazer78 (Post 3395041)
Looks super man, the brakes look better then mine.:lol:

:lol: thanks trav, yours are the one i copied from!:lol:


Originally Posted by LiveAnimals (Post 3395082)
I agree, a buddy of mine had a 76 with a roller 383, he ran the smog pump and passed just fine.

thanks animal, we'll have to talk.:metal:

menace121978 07-04-2009 04:10 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
got the passenger side rear brakes done today and started sandblasting the driver side gas tank brackets. got one done and ran outta sand. need to go buy a double flare tool and pick up more sand. gas tank sending unit sock/filter should have been here by now and still waiting for the anti-squeek kit so i can get the tanks on. :(

SCOTI 07-05-2009 12:54 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
You can use the same rods for the stroker combo (383). It will typically want different pistons though.

JohnC 07-05-2009 11:11 AM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Yeah my gas tank is still sitting in the floor. :lol:

GMC Guy 07-06-2009 10:54 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
really nice build you have going on here. i love the black chassis with silver accents :metal: can't wait to see it all done!

i'm curious about what equipment you're using for sand blasting? the parts really come out nice and i would love to be able to do the same :)

menace121978 07-10-2009 06:23 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Originally Posted by GMC Guy (Post 3398785)
really nice build you have going on here. i love the black chassis with silver accents :metal: can't wait to see it all done!

i'm curious about what equipment you're using for sand blasting? the parts really come out nice and i would love to be able to do the same :)

thanks man! as for the blasting im using a 6.5 hp 80 gallon mac tools air compressor. and a 5 gallon bucket w/ 30 grit sand from lowes. and a cambell hausfeld siphon feed gun. i recommend a sandblast pot rather than the bucket if your compressor isnt putting out at least 18cfm@ 120psi. the key is the compressor($$)... bigger is always better! and dont use play sand pay the extra for the good stuff so the gun doesnt clog and the finish is consistant. good luck man, some/most people hate it but i have learned to love it. beats the heck out of wire wheels and sand paper.

JohnC 07-10-2009 06:38 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
Sand blasting is the easiest and fastest way to go if you have the equipment, and place to do it.

menace121978 07-12-2009 11:00 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
another small but time consuming update;)
1st few are kinda random...
got the gas tanks on
just about finished w/ 1 of the mags and put it on. what a pain getting the nicks and dings out of this sucker. its not perfect yet but its going to have to do until i atleast get the others looking the same.
heres the time consuming part... brake lines reflared, sanded, painted, and bent to my liking along with the fuel lines.
i ran all the fuel lines through the frame for a cleaner look...

menace121978 07-12-2009 11:31 PM

Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)
this is the line from the sending unit that goes to the canister. i ran it inside the driverside frame instead of on the outside. looks a bit cleaner w/ everything on the inside of the frame [
this last one is of the gas tank brackets after sandblasting just to show people how clean the metal looks after.

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