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67chevy1series 12-22-2010 10:47 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
looks good now throw the engine and tranny in

spike38 12-22-2010 11:57 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by 67chevy1series (Post 4365490)
looks good now throw the engine and tranny in

Not so fast grasshopper,
I wish I was at that point.
Still have to finish the engine,
And I'm rebuilding the tranny.
Just got done billet shopping online.
Here's what I bought.

Merry Christmas to me!!!!!


67chevy1series 12-23-2010 12:03 AM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
wwwwoooooooooowwwwwwwww that is shiny:phat::ww::bling2::bling:

spike38 12-24-2010 06:23 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
1 Attachment(s)
I got to play a little bit today!!! :D
Some of my billet goodies came in.
Still have to trim up the permatex,
But that can wait.
Got to do some last minute Christmas shopping :(

But this is motivating to me!!!


67chevy1series 12-24-2010 06:33 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
i did that to i built mine for fun and then the day came when i lifted it off that engine stand and then i put it on the floor and the transmision behind it theni lifted them and dropeed em in real n ice like and that was a goooooood moment:smoke:

srea76 12-24-2010 09:26 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
It is motivating me for a ride to leesburg to drop my truck off at your Merry Christmas Spike!!!

spike38 12-24-2010 09:36 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"

Originally Posted by srea76 (Post 4368689)
It is motivating me for a ride to leesburg to drop my truck off at your Merry Christmas Spike!!!

Now! Now! We will have none of that. :lol:
You can not turn my hobby into a job.
It would take all the fun out of it!!! :D


67chevy1series 12-24-2010 09:41 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
but you would be doing what you love best:lol:

spike38 12-24-2010 09:51 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"

Originally Posted by 67chevy1series (Post 4368707)
but you would be doing what you love best:lol:

Between 46hrs/wk on my job(2,2,3 rotating day to night)
20-30hrs/wk working on my truck
If I started working on another one also,
I would be a miserable S.O.B LOL!!!!


67chevy1series 12-24-2010 09:54 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
:lol: ahh look at the site glad that they can be festive i wonder what do they do for new year

spike38 12-25-2010 12:35 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
1 Attachment(s)
Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays to everyone


yukon ratrod 12-25-2010 03:31 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"

Originally Posted by spike38 (Post 4369328)
Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays to everyone


very nice build! looking great! love the first pict you have for a paint sceme. keep up the good work!

srea76 12-25-2010 10:47 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
What did you use for your paint stripping and was it much trouble to take off? Also Merry Christmas from S.E. Georgia:)

spike38 12-25-2010 11:12 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by srea76 (Post 4369961)
What did you use for your paint stripping and was it much trouble to take off? Also Merry Christmas from S.E. Georgia:)

I used airplane stripper, From the paint store
A cheap paint brush, 1 square foot at a time.
If it sucked it up, I'll coat it with a little more. Let set for about 10 min.
Then I use a 1" putty knife, (That I rounded the corners) to get the bulk off.
Apply a thin coat of stripper as needed in between wire brushing lower layers
When I get close to the metal, I use a medium wire brush (welding supply)
Wipe all remaining stripper clean with Acetone.
Then treat all exposed metal with phoscote, To neutralize any rust. And it leaves
a zinc coating, To keep it from rusting in this South Georgia humidity.

Keep in mind, Mine had 9 layers on it. You may not need a putty knife.

Then later on, Crob35 reminded of another stripping technique,
Using Saran wrap. I had heard of it before, But never
used it. So I tried it. It worked great!

First You apply a generous amount of stripper. Then you cover it with saran
wrap. The quicker and smoother you can get the saran wrap on, The better.
You are trying to keep the air out.

After 8hrs or more, Pull the saran wrap off, And remove all the loose paint.
Most will come off easily with a putty knife.

One more light coat of stripper, And a coarse scotch bright, Or wire brush.
Will remove anything that's left.

Then I coat it with phoscote to neutralize any rust, And prevent it from
rusting, Until I prime it.

The picture below, Shows 1st cleaning at the top, Final cleaning in the middle,
And phoscote at the bottom.

This is the easiest way I know of.


spike38 12-25-2010 11:19 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"

Originally Posted by yukon ratrod (Post 4369520)
very nice build! looking great! love the first pict you have for a paint sceme. keep up the good work!

Thanks! I like that paint layout as well, But I've decided to go old school
with a kandy baby blue and white pearl, Riding on a set of Corvette
ralley rims, And baby moon centers. :D


spike38 12-25-2010 11:28 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
1 Attachment(s)
Got to play for an hour or so today.
Installed the water pump And alternator.
But I'm thinking about some new billet
mounts for the alternator,
And power steering pump.


waynep 12-25-2010 11:46 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
Awsome build.Im in the same shape that you are..... No Shop to work in. My shop build starts Tuesday!!!!!! I cant wait to start my 72!!

srea76 12-25-2010 11:59 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
Love the old caddy air cleaner too spike.

spike38 12-26-2010 12:01 AM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"

Originally Posted by srea76 (Post 4370078)
Love the old caddy air cleaner too spike.

That beast is huge isn't it. LOL
Fits a 14x4 K&N filter as well,
No breathing problem here :D


spike38 12-26-2010 12:03 AM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"

Originally Posted by waynep (Post 4370056)
Awsome build.Im in the same shape that you are..... No Shop to work in. My shop build starts Tuesday!!!!!! I cant wait to start my 72!!

Thanks Wayne, And I know you can't wait.


spike38 12-26-2010 10:01 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
3 Attachment(s)
Installed my new rear track bar today.:D
I only have a 4" drop, So I went with the 24"
double adjustable from CPP.
Ended up with 9 3/8" from frame
to tread line on both sides.
It adjusts similar to a tie rod connector.


67chevy1series 12-26-2010 10:05 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
looks good

oldblue1968chevy 12-26-2010 11:32 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
Looks good! Did ya go thru CCP or there ebay store (cheaper)

spike38 12-27-2010 12:18 AM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"

Originally Posted by oldblue1968chevy (Post 4371515)
Looks good! Did ya go thru CCP or there ebay store (cheaper)

I would have gone threw Ebay, But didn't see it.
I bought it from CPP site online


67chevy1series 12-27-2010 03:22 AM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
so are you going to use that air cleaner

spike38 12-27-2010 03:45 AM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"

Originally Posted by 67chevy1series (Post 4371826)
so are you going to use that air cleaner

But of course!
Help it do some heavy breathing.
With a little help from my Holley


67chevy1series 12-27-2010 03:52 AM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
nice i want a 67 factory air cleaner but i hear that they dont breath here

srea76 12-27-2010 09:22 AM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
Is the air cleaner factory caddy or after market? Looks good I am thinking of getting one myself. Where did you score it?

oldblue1968chevy 12-27-2010 11:42 AM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
Ive seen em in speedway catalogs

spike, what'd they charge ya thru CCP, or do you mind..(Ive gotta buy one soon)

spike38 12-27-2010 12:25 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
srea76, I picked up the air cleaner on Ebay, For just under $100 w/shipping.

oldblue1968chevy, I think the track bar was about $65 total.


spike38 12-27-2010 05:08 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
1 Attachment(s)
New shiny thing for the day. :D
New aluminum oil pan!
Isn't she sweet:)


oldblue1968chevy 12-27-2010 05:57 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
thats a pretty motor dude! makes me wanna pull my 3 month old, oil leaking sob and replace with felpro rubber seals (heard there better) and repaint with some of that por 15 engine paint (heard theres such thing)

oh and degree my cam lol your gettin it done!

67chevy1series 12-27-2010 06:20 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
hey spike there is a cup thay the horn cap pushes onto , could you take a picture of what it looks like . if you have any extra i would be wiling to buy one i hear that the one i need is 60 to 68

spike38 12-27-2010 09:58 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"

Originally Posted by oldblue1968chevy (Post 4372654)
thats a pretty motor dude! makes me wanna pull my 3 month old, oil leaking sob and replace with felpro rubber seals (heard there better) and repaint with some of that por 15 engine paint (heard theres such thing)

oh and degree my cam lol your gettin it done!

Fel-Pro's do cost a little more,
But past experience has taught me,
There worth it!!

Besides, My motor is an "84".
Mr Gaskets oil pan gasket is a 4 piece,
The Fel-Pro was a 1 piece,
Less chance of leaking.


spike38 12-27-2010 10:01 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"

Originally Posted by 67chevy1series (Post 4372688)
hey spike there is a cup thay the horn cap pushes onto , could you take a picture of what it looks like . if you have any extra i would be wiling to buy one i hear that the one i need is 60 to 68

It will be a couple days, Before I go to the shop.
I could take a picture, But I may still use mine.


spike38 12-27-2010 11:18 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
1 Attachment(s)
BTW, I just picked me up a new Holley carb.
Last thing to finish out the year.
Of coarse, It won't get here till next year,:lol:
But at least it will start the new year out right!!!


RCbowtie69 12-27-2010 11:59 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
nice!!! :metal: holley

spike38 12-28-2010 01:54 AM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"

Originally Posted by RCbowtie69 (Post 4373322)
nice!!! :metal: holley

It's just a 600 cfm box carb, W/electric choke
But for my little motor, It should do fine.:D


spike38 12-31-2010 04:00 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
5 Attachment(s)
My 2006 Sebring convertable, Is a jealous b!tch!

Here I am, Buying goodies for my truck.
And my Sebring has had more issues in the past month,
Than it has had since I bought it.
I think it's a jealousy thing :lol:
This time, It was a cross over housing.
A 4"x4"x4" piece of plastic. That connects the
front head, To the back head, To the fill resivore, And
finally to the heater core.

It was $87 at wholesale. I don't know how much regularly?
Might be the same, For all I know. Plus $13 for extended life

And of coarse, One of the bolts was under the intake housing.
Had to bend a wrench, To get to it.


67chevy1series 12-31-2010 04:58 PM

Re: 68 C 10 stepside "My American Bulldog"
wow thats chrysler for ya being jealous that it cant hang with the older uncle!:lol:

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