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Breader 05-07-2012 02:35 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
great tips thanks for sharing your knowledge.

candyx 05-07-2012 07:29 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5356241)
Here you go I had to do lot of it on the other rear

Over this years this truck was really used. Man this fender has dents and digs all alone the top area. I used a big red marker to color in the top which I will block sand to see the highs and lows.
Weapons of choice
I also made this slapper and find it does a great job.
On the back side you must choose a dolly that is very close to the contour of the sheet metal.

After sanding here is what I had
After the first use of my slapper and dolly I sanded again and here what I have. As you can see the low area is getting smaller. Sanding between hammer and dolly work shows me were I need to concentrate.
Worked some more and sanded and had this.
Here what I accomplished the first day, still a lot of work to do but a fender that most would have trashed or covered with way too much filler will be used with very little filler when done. After I remove all the major of the dents I will red marker again and try to fix all the imperfections. All the red markets that are left need to be worked but as you can see there is already a world of difference.
It just takes patience and work.


Photos are great but a video would be much more instructional where one can watch and learn.Maybe even set up a web cam so we can see the progress real time.

Kabwe 05-07-2012 08:26 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by candyx (Post 5358939)

Photos are great but a video would be much more instructional where one can watch and learn.Maybe even set up a web cam so we can see the progress real time.

Look here you dang trouble maker I did what I could. As my grandfather use to say people that don't do anything never get criticized. I guess I should not have done anything then you would have nothing to say.

Anyway are you enjoying that truck of your? I hope so nice job on it. See how easy it is to say something

hotrod1 05-07-2012 09:33 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
yeah, video would sure do the trick or maybe you could come over and do the work for us instead.

candyx 05-07-2012 10:34 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5359048)
Look here you dang trouble maker I did what I could. As my grandfather use to say people that don't do anything never get criticized. I guess I should not have done anything then you would have nothing to say.

Anyway are you enjoying that truck of your? I hope so nice job on it. See how easy it is to say something

Yes i'm enjoying the truck but i also enjoy watching someone will skills like yourself working on metal.Now i'm not looking for a 3 hour movie production just a simple 179 minute youtube video,lol.How loud does it get when your banging out the fenders?

Kabwe 05-07-2012 10:59 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by hotrod1 (Post 5359248)
yeah, video would sure do the trick or maybe you could come over and do the work for us instead.

I'm trying to be nice and I get put down. Man I barely have time for my own projects and the wife is giving me the evil eye when I head to the


Originally Posted by candyx (Post 5359428)
Yes i'm enjoying the truck but i also enjoy watching someone will skills like yourself working on metal.Now i'm not looking for a 3 hour movie production just a simple 179 minute youtube video,lol.How loud does it get when your banging out the fenders?

I did post a video of someone showing you the procedure and he is a really good metal man.

As far as how loud it gets you have to ask my You should not be hitting the metal really hard anyway. Just glancing blows you are not trying to drive nails It takes patience and light hammer hits. I always start on the perimeter of a dent and work my way inside as I watch it get smaller and smaller. So I would put my dolly on the deepest part of the dent and lightly tap the perimeter. It may seem like the metal is not moving but it is and guide coat and sanding will show you that.

If you look at sevt_chevelle video you will see he is not banging away with all his might.

55Cameo 05-07-2012 11:03 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Coming along good man, keep it up!!

Dan in Pasadena 05-07-2012 11:09 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
You could be STANDING OVER ME; hell you could be holding my hand while I tried to do that and I couldn' I'm not gonna tease you about any video. The red marker trick is cool. Any reason for that as opposed to the usual rattle can paint?

I don't know jack about the whole on dolly/off dolly hammering, etc. I suppose I'll do what everyone else does that doesn't have unlimited funds - LEARN! Usually by doing it wrong and redoing it! Ha ha.

Curious: Realisitically, when do you think your truck will likely go for final paint? This summer by any chance? Can't WAIT to see that. You don't want me color sanding but when you get to that point, if you need a "Hey Kid, bring me the.... guy" I'd love to be that kid. Best, Dan

Kabwe 05-07-2012 11:25 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena (Post 5359537)
You could be STANDING OVER ME; hell you could be holding my hand while I tried to do that and I couldn' I'm not gonna tease you about any video. The red marker trick is cool. Any reason for that as opposed to the usual rattle can paint?

I don't know jack about the whole on dolly/off dolly hammering, etc. I suppose I'll do what everyone else does that doesn't have unlimited funds - LEARN! Usually by doing it wrong and redoing it! Ha ha.

Curious: Realisitically, when do you think your truck will likely go for final paint? This summer by any chance? Can't WAIT to see that. You don't want me color sanding but when you get to that point, if you need a "Hey Kid, bring me the.... guy" I'd love to be that kid. Best, Dan

The reason for the marker is I don't have to wait for it to dry like I would with spray paint. They do sale spray on guide coat that drys pretty fast but that could get expensive. I just buy the big wide tip markers and I don't care about the color red was the only color I had.

As far as paint I don't know man I hope by this summer but I'm not going to rush it. If it happens I would be happy because I

Dan in Pasadena 05-07-2012 11:25 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5359507)
....You should not be hitting the metal really hard anyway. Just glancing blows you are not trying to drive nails man.

Oh, good tip! (...and unfortunately that's not all that much a joke with me!)


Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5359507)
....It takes patience....

Ugh.....what I have LEAST of in the world:lol::lol:


Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5359507)
....I always start on the perimeter of a dent and work my way inside as I watch it get smaller and smaller. So I would put my dolly on the deepest part of the dent and lightly tap the perimeter. It may seem like the metal is not moving but it is and guide coat and sanding will show you that.

Speaking just for myself, this is the most helpful tidbit of information you've posted, thanks! Do you just hold the dolly in position or are you supposed to actively press it hard against the metal from the backside?

Kabwe 05-07-2012 11:37 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena (Post 5359537)
Do you just hold the dolly in position or are you supposed to actively press it hard against the metal from the backside?

To understand the concept do this. Get a piece of metal wire like a clothes hanger. Take a straight piece and bend it. Now unbend it by the to ends. You find the kink in the bottom did not move you only now are making a mcdonalds sign. Now lay the kink on a flat surface and take your two fingers and put them very close to the kink and push down. You will find that your kink is getting straighter and the wire is getting straight. That is what is happening when you are using a slapping spoon. You put the dolly on the kink and use the slapper to lower the high and raise the lows. Does that make sense?

Dan in Pasadena 05-07-2012 11:40 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Yes, I think so. Does the same apply if its a hammer you're using OR the slapper? And what's really the purpose of the slapper over the hammer? Just a larger tool striking a larger area?

Kabwe 05-07-2012 11:51 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena (Post 5359627)
Yes, I think so. Does the same apply if its a hammer you're using OR the slapper? And what's really the purpose of the slapper over the hammer? Just a larger tool striking a larger area?

Yes sir. I use both depending on the situation.

Dan in Pasadena 05-08-2012 12:01 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Ok Bam, thanks for the mini tutorial. Cant wait to see this beast in person.

Only problem with that is you'll be thinking of a new project right afterward. A Deuce roadster would make a nice companion piece to your pair of Tri-Fives. Oh, gotta be Chev?y How about a nice wagon?

Kabwe 05-08-2012 12:03 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Nope I'm done. I have the two rides I want plus no room buddy.

Rods57 05-08-2012 12:41 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
So you said you made your slapping spoon? was it easy to build?

Kabwe 05-08-2012 12:53 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Yeah I made one of them. If you have some old leaf springs they make good slappers. Just cut out the shape and heat and bend the handle part. Polish the part that will be slapped against the metal.

focusedontheprize 05-08-2012 09:21 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
Kabwe -

The truck is looking excellent. It always amazes some of my friends when my old man (one of the best body men I know) is working a piece of metal and are dumbfounded when people spend hours on a fender or a hood. I always tell them "the great body men can get by with almost no filler".

I one day hope to be able to say the same on my work.

Good luck on the rest of the truck.

Rods57 05-08-2012 10:27 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5359775)
Yeah I made one of them. If you have some old leaf springs they make good slappers. Just cut out the shape and heat and bend the handle part. Polish the part that will be slapped against the metal.

Cool idea, thanks. I have some springs here just taken up space. I wont even say anything mean after that tip, thanks.

Dan in Pasadena 05-08-2012 10:48 AM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5359683)
Nope I'm done. I have the two rides I want plus no room buddy.

I know you THINK you're "done" but I truly feel you're not. I think you secretly know you'll sell one of your vehicles and build another....eventually. You're a young man and too talented to only sell your abilities to others. What're you gonna do? Take up gardening? Stamp collecting?

It's an addiction, it's Meth, crack, horse, blow to us all.
Posted via Mobile Device

Kabwe 05-08-2012 12:55 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by focusedontheprize (Post 5360061)
Kabwe -

The truck is looking excellent. It always amazes some of my friends when my old man (one of the best body men I know) is working a piece of metal and are dumbfounded when people spend hours on a fender or a hood. I always tell them "the great body men can get by with almost no filler".

I one day hope to be able to say the same on my work.

Good luck on the rest of the truck.

Thank you so much for the compliments. Yes great body man can, but me I still have to use filler I just use very little. If I can get away with a skim coat of filler or use a polyester primer I call it a day. I seen guys who can metal finish to the point of using only primer as filler (not polyester regular 2k primer). I'm not at the point but I would someday like to be. I think sevt_chevelle is. Those are true metal man I only mess


Originally Posted by Rods57 (Post 5368754)
Cool idea, thanks. I have some springs here just taken up space. I wont even say anything mean after that tip, thanks.

Yeah keep your mouth shut after you say thank


Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena (Post 5368784)
I know you THINK you're "done" but I truly feel you're not. I think you secretly know you'll sell one of your vehicles and build another....eventually. You're a young man and too talented to only sell your abilities to others. What're you gonna do? Take up gardening? Stamp collecting?

It's an addiction, it's Meth, crack, horse, blow to us all.
Posted via Mobile Device

Nope hopefully I will be dead and gone before the my car is sold (I would have to be in a extreme financial bind to sell it) and I decided not to sale the truck.

As far as what I will do. Man they are never finish so I will rebuild There is only one other ride I would like to have but it cost too much and I don't have the room. So thats out. I will just be happy to have two of the rides I have always wanted.

Yes it is addicting that's why we can redo them in a couple of years.

Jesse49chevy 05-09-2012 03:27 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
i am having a hard time picking my jaw up from the ground.....
MAN!!! youve done some work.... hats off!!! looks great!

VDOG 05-09-2012 07:28 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
When I worked for an aircraft company, we would get 3 crates of slappers every two weeks. Who knew they were that important in bodywork.

duallyjams 05-09-2012 08:00 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build
You got skills.

mknittle 05-09-2012 08:01 PM

Re: Kabwe's aka Bam's build

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 5359775)
Yeah I made one of them. If you have some old leaf springs they make good slappers. Just cut out the shape and heat and bend the handle part. Polish the part that will be slapped against the metal.

Thanks Kabwe, great idea making the slapper. Guess what I will be making soon! that will be a good addition to my home made T dollys.I am a huge fan of home made tools!

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